A. 中华民族的伟大复兴
B. 精准扶贫
C. 城乡一体化
D. 全体人民共同迈入小康社会
A. 赋予省级及以下政府更多自主权
B. 深化简政放权,建设人民满意的服务型政府
C. 在省市县对职能相近的党政机关全面实行合署办公
D. 统筹考虑各类机构设置,科学配置党政部门及内设机构权力
A. 坚持人民主体地位
B. 体现人民意志
C. 保障人民权益
D. 维护全心全意为人民服务宗旨
A. 依法治国
B. 党的领导
C. 依法立法
D. 严格执法
A. 已经形成并巩固发展
B. 逐步形成
C. 不断深化
D. 日益稳固
A. 群众领导力、思想组织力、社会凝聚力、政治向心力
B. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力
C. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众发展力、社会号召力
D. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会向心力
A. She is going to have a lot of vanilla icecream.
B. She won the pelling competition at her school.
C. She is going to the state capital for a competition.
D. She spelled“exellence" correctly, but others didn't.
A. His family moved to Sacramento to settle down.
B. His family bought him a new suit and a new tie.
C. He went to Sacramento for a spelling competition.
D. He won the first prize in the state spelling competition.
A. Tomake him feel better after he lost the first prize.
B. To apologize for not buying him some ice cream.
C. To wish him good luck in the next competition.
D. To congratulate him on winning the frst prize.
A. Red.
B. Blue.
C. Green.
D. Yellow.
A. Superstitions and science.
B. Tips on how to have good luck.
C. Superstitions in the United States.
D. Rational and superstitious societies.
A. Walking under a ladder.
B. Dreaming of a black cat.
C. Hanging a mirror in the house.
D. Stepping on one's own shadow.
A. Because black cats look like witches.
B. Because black cats were thought to be witches.
C. Because black cats bring seven years of bad luck.
D. Because black cats are hard to notice in darkness.
A. Breaking a mirror on purpose.
B. Catching a falling leaf on one's birthday.
C. Finding a penny on the ground and picking it up.
D. Dreaming of blowing out the candles in one blow.
A. Read J. K. Rowling's first book.
B. Go to buy a new Harry Potter book.
C. Watch BBC news about J. K. Rowling.
D. Take her cousin to see a new Harry Potter movie.
A. At a café.
B. Ona train.
C. At a cinema.
D. In a bookstore.
A. She won't write any more books.
B. She will write more magic stories.
C. She hasn't said anything about her future plans.
D. She said she would work on more serious subjects.
A. J. K. Rowling's secret.
B. J. K. Rowling's writing plan.
C. A new book by J. K. Rowling.
D. An interview with J. K. Rowling.
A. He broke the milk bottle.
B. He fell down on the floor.
C. He made a mess inside the refrigerator.
D. He spilled the milk over the kichcn floor.
A. Ѕhе gаvе hіm а lоng leсture.
B. She shouted at him in anger.
C. She enjoyed the wonderful mess.
D. She cleaned up the mess with him.
A. How to do an experiment.
B. How to carry amilk bottle.
C. How to clean up spilled milk.
D. How to avoid making mistakes.
A. Mistakes can become learning opportunities.
B. Mistakes are just like scientific experiments.
C. One should sometimes make mistakes.
D. One should try to avoid making mistakes.
A. Because he likes the sunny weather,
B. Because he wants to challenge himself.
C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem.
D. Because it can help him forget all his troubles.
A. To go sailing.
B. To go surfing.
C. To go to the beach.
D. To go to her nephew's.
A. Going to visit relatives.
B. Enjoying the warm sun on the beach.
C. Building sand castles with her niece and nephew.
D. Playing in the sand and jumping in the waves.
A. Surfing in the sea.
B. Collecting seashells.
C. Building sand castles.
D. Jumping in thewaves.
A. 89 percent.
B. 84 percent.
A. People aged 16to 24.
B. People aged 25 to 34.
C. People aged 16 and over.
D. People aged 55 and over.
A. People aged16 to 24 preferred listening to music most.
B. more popularB It was geting more andamong the Bish people.
C. Trwas the third most popular ativity among people aged 55 and over.
D. People aged 25 to 34 listened to musicmore often than those aged 16 to 24.
A. Older people go out to pubs more often.
B. Younger people go to the cinema less frequently.
C. Older people spend more time reading and gardening.
D. Younger people spend less time visiting friends and family.
A. 4 hours.
B. 2 hours.
C. 1.5 hours.
D. 45 minutes.
A. At 8.
B. At 7.
C. At 6.
D. At 5.
A. She can either read or rest a little on the train.
B. She can read and respond to emails on the train.
C. She can travel to many different parts of the city.
D. She can go shopping on her way home from work.
A. He can take the train to the old part of the city.
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes the train.
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with the train.
D. Hecan take the train to the airpor insted of driving.
A. About an hour.
B. More than an hour.
C. About half an hour.
D. More than one and a half hours.
A. More and more Americans spend over an hour getting to work.
B. Over 10 percent of Americans spend less than an hour getting to work.
C. Only New York people spend more than 90 minutes getting to work.
D. Over 10 percent of Americans spend more than 90 minutes getting to work.
A. Because gas prices are not high.
B. Because the commute is not tiring.
C. Because he can attend a better school.
D. Because he can have his favorite lifestyle.
A. Traffic jams.
B. Expensive housing.
C. Poorer life quality.
D. A tiring and boring trip.
A. She liked playing an interesting game.
B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends.
C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume.
D. She liked the decorations in Jason's front yard.
A. None of her friends likes Jason.
B. None of Jason's guests is young.
C. She wants to go to Linda's party.
D. She went to Jason's party last year.
A. The party will last four hours.
B. Six people will attend the party.
C. They will have huge bags of candy.
D. They will play a new game called Guess Who"
___0438.依据《有毒作业场所危害程度分级》(AQ/T 4208—2010),将有毒作业场所危害程度划分为( )。
A. 2级
B. 3级
C. 4级
D. 5级
___0439.《实验室危险化学品安全管理规范》(DB11/T 1191—2015)规定,剧毒化学品、爆炸性化学品的领取,应由( )以当日实验的用量领取,如有剩余应在当日退回,并详细记录退回物品的种类和数量。
A. 一人
B. 两人
C. 三人
D. 四人
___0440.依据《气雾剂安全生产规程》(AQ 3041—2011),( )类液体的轻便容器存放在室外时,应设置防晒棚或水喷淋设施。
A. 甲、乙
B. 甲、丙
C. 乙、丙
D. 丙、丁
___0441.依据《气雾剂安全生产规程》(AQ 3041—2011),( )类液体储罐应设固定式冷却水喷淋系统或其他降温设施。
A. 甲
B. 乙
C. 丙
D. 丁
___0442.《石油化工企业安全管理体系实施导则》(AQ/T 3012—2008)规定,企业根据工作场所的性质配备不同的急救药品和医疗器材,定期( ),确保急救物品处于急救备用状态。
A. 检查、维护
B. 试验、更换
C. 新增
D. 评估
___0443.使用液氯气瓶时,充装量为50kg和100kg的气瓶,使用时应( ),并有防倾倒措施;充装量为500kg和1000kg的气瓶,使用时应( ),并牢靠定位。
A. 直立放置;卧式放置
B. 直立放置;倒立放置
C. 卧式放置;直立放置
D. 倒立放置;直立放置
___0444.按照《化学品安全标签编写规定》(GB 15258—2009)的要求,标志符号居标签( )。
A. 上边
B. 下边
C. 左边
D. 右边
___0445.贮存化学危险品建筑采暖的热媒温度不应过高,热水采暖不应超过( )℃。
A. 60
B. 70
C. 80
D. 90
___0446.煤气最终冷却宜采用( )式冷却,煤气经最终冷却后,其温度宜低于( )℃。
A. 间接;27
B. 间接;30
C. 直接;27
D. 直接;30
___0447.石油储罐机械化清洗作业中的罐内气体的监测应是( )小时在线检测。
A. 24
B. 12
C. 10
D. 8
___0448.石油储罐机械化清洗作业中打开人孔时,操作人员应在( )进行操作,操作区域内设置消防器材,并有专人( )。
A. 下风口;监护
B. 下风口;查看
C. 上风口;监护
D. 上风口;查看
___0449.餐饮场所的厨房的烟道应至少( )清洗一次。
A. 每月
B. 每季度
C. 每半年
D. 每年
___0450.一个计算单元内配置的灭火器数量不得少于( )具。
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
___0451.每个设置点的灭火器数量不宜多于( )具。
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
___0452.在一个工作场所内不应只采用( )。
A. 局部照明
B. 混合照明
C. 一般照明
D. 疏散照明
___0453.当旅馆建筑设有200间(套)以上客房时,其基地的出入口不宜少于( )个。
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
___0454.设置在( )的泵和压缩机,( )设置防晒罩棚或泵房。
A. 地面上;应
B. 地面上;不应
C. 地下;应
D. 室内;应
___0455.纺织工业企业仓库电气防火管理规定,电源开关或者电闸箱必须设置在库房( ),并有( )等措施。
A. 内;防尘
B. 内;防潮
C. 外;防雨、防潮
D. 外;防虫
___0456.锅炉的排污阀及其管道不应采用( )连接,锅炉排污管道应减少( ),保证排污通畅。
A. 法兰;弯头
B. 法兰;三通
C. 螺纹;弯头
D. 螺纹;三通
___0457.图示气瓶内充装的气体是( )。
A. 乙炔气
B. 氧气
C. 氩气
D. 二氧化碳
___0458.图示气瓶内充装的气体是( )。
A. 乙炔气
B. 氧气
C. 氩气
D. 二氧化碳
___0459.图示禁止标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 禁止吸烟
B. 禁止带火种
C. 禁止明火
D. 小心烟雾
___0460.图示禁止标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 禁止吸烟
B. 禁止带火种
C. 禁止明火
D. 小心烟雾
___0461.图示禁止标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 禁止停留
B. 禁止蹬踏
C. 禁止跨越
D. 禁止跑步
___0462.图示禁止标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 禁止抛物
B. 禁止洗手
C. 必须戴手套
D. 禁止戴手套
___0463.图示禁止标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 禁止停留
B. 禁止靠近
C. 禁止走动
D. 禁止站立
___0464.图示警示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 前方危险
B. 注意安全
C. 危险勿入
D. 前方有事故
___0465.图示警示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 当心爆炸气体
B. 当心爆炸
C. 当心火灾
D. 当心可燃气体
___0466.图示警示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 当心泥石流
B. 当心滚石
C. 前方塌方
D. 当心塌方
___0467.图示警示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 当心中毒
B. 当心剧毒
C. 剧毒物品
D. 有毒物品
___0468.图示警示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 当心夹手
B. 当心机械伤害
C. 小心齿轮
D. 小心旋转部件
___0469.图示指令标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 近视眼莫入
B. 当心眼镜受伤
C. 必须戴防护眼镜
D. 不得戴眼镜
___0470.图示指令标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 必须戴呼吸器
B. 当心毒气
C. 必须戴防尘口罩
D. 必须戴防毒面具
___0471.图示指令标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 注意通风
B. 当心辐射
C. 当心核物质
D. 当心弧光
___0472.图示指令标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 必须戴安全帽
B. 必须戴防护帽
C. 必须留短发
D. 必须保护头部
___0473.图示指令标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 必须发光马甲
B. 必须扎紧腰带
C. 必须系安全带
D. 必须穿工作服
___0474.图示提示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 快速通过
B. 跑步离开
C. 快速离开
D. 安全出口
___0475.图示提示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 可动火区
B. 维修站
C. 餐饮点
D. 检测站
___0476.图示提示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 前方隧道
B. 避险处
C. 安全出口
D. 安全通道
___0477.图示提示标志表达的意思是( )。
A. 电话亭
B. 公用电话
C. 救援电话
D. 急救站电话