柱中箍筋直径不应小于( )倍纵向钢筋的最大直径。
A. 1/5
B. 1/4
C. 1/3
D. 1/2
柱中全部纵向受力钢筋的配筋率大于3%时,箍筋未端应做成( )。
A. .135°弯钩,且未端平直段长度不应小于5d
B. .135°弯钩,且未端平直段长度不应小于10d
C. .180°弯钩,且未端平直段长度不应小于5d
D. .180°弯钩,且未端平直段长度不应小于10d
下列结构形式中,不属于砌体结构的是( )。
A. 砖砌体结构
B. 框架结构
C. 砌块砌体结构
D. 石砌体结构
表示热轧光圆钢筋的符号为( )
A. HPB300
B. HRB335
C. HRB400E
D. RRB400
】钢材是以( )为主要元素,并含有其他元素的合金材料。
碳素钢中含碳量( )为中碳钢
A. 0.22%
B. 0.42%
C. 0.62%
D. 0.82%
钢筋混凝土结构用钢最主要品种是( )。
A. 热轧钢筋
B. 热处理钢筋
C. 预应力钢丝
D. 钢纹丝
与混凝土的握裹力大,可作为钢筋混凝土用最主要受力钢筋的是( )。
A. 热轧光圆钢筋
B. 热轧带肋钢筋
C. 热处理钢筋
D. 预应力钢丝
带肋钢筋牌号后加( )的钢筋更适合有较高要求的抗震结构使用。
下列指标中,不属于建筑钢材拉伸性能的是( )。
A. 屈服强度
B. 抗拉强度
C. 强屈比
D. 伸长率
结构设计中,钢材强度的取值依据是( )
A. 抗拉强度
B. 抗压强度
C. 屈服强度
D. 极限强度
终凝时间不得长于6.5h的是( )水泥
A. 普通
B. 硅酸盐
C. 矿渣
D. 火山灰
国家标准规定,六大常用水泥的初凝时间均不得短于( )min
水泥体积安定性不良,会使混凝土构件产生( )裂缝,影响工程质量。
改善混凝土耐久性的外加剂是( )。
A. 缓凝剂
B. 早强剂
C. 引气剂
D. 速凝剂
混凝土试件的标准养护条件为( )。
A. 温度20±2℃,相对度95%以上
B. 温度20±2℃,相对度95%以下
C. 温度20±3℃,相对度95%以上
D. 温度20±3℃,相对度95%以下
影响混凝土强度的因素中,属于原材料方面的是( )。
A. 搅拌
B. 振捣
C. 养护的温度
D. 水胶比
A. F10
B. F15
C. F50
D. F25
砂浆强度等级立方体试件的边长是( )mm
A. 70
B. 70.2
C. 70.5
D. 70.7
由于其耐磨性差,用于室内地面,可以采用表面结晶处理,提高表面耐磨性和耐酸腐蚀能力的石材是( )。
A. 瓷砖
B. 花岗岩
C. 微晶石
D. 大理石
下列玻璃中,不属于节能装饰型玻璃的是( )。
A. 着色玻璃
B. 镀膜玻璃
C. 平板玻璃
D. 中空玻璃
关于对钢化玻璃的说法,错误的是( )。
A. 钢化玻璃机械强度高
B. 钢化玻璃抗冲击性高
C. 钢化玻璃碎后不易伤人
D. 钢化玻璃在受急冷急热作用时易发生炸裂
下列防水卷材中,具有较好自愈性特点的是( )。
A. APP改性沥青防水卷材
B. 聚乙烯丙纶(涤纶)防水卷材
C. .PVC高分子防水卷材
D. 自粘复合防水卷材
A. 防水卷材
B. 防水砂浆
C. 防水混凝土
D. 防水涂料
遇火时发泡膨胀,具有优异的防火、水密、气密性能,尤其适合需经常更换或曾减电缆、管道的场合的是( )
A. 有机防火堵料
B. 无机防火堵料
C. 防火包
D. 防火板材
雨期基坑开挖,坡顶散水的竞度最小限值是( )m。
A. 0.8
B. 1.0
C. 1.5
D. 1.6
砌体结构工程施工质量验收规范》规定,施工时所用的小砌块的产品龄期不应小于( )
A. 12d
B. 24d
C. 28d
D. 32d
A. 顺流水方向
B. 垂直流水方向
C. 顺年最大频率风向
D. 垂直年最大频率风向
水准仪的主要功能是测量两点间的( )。
基槽底采用钎探时,钢钎每贯入( )mm,记录次锤击数。
A. 200
B. 250
C. 300
D. 350
条形基础般应( )连续浇筑,每段间混凝土浇筑长度为2000~3000mm。
A. 分段分层
B. 斜面分层
C. 全面分层
D. 交叉分层
大体积混凝土浇筑时,为保证结构的整体性和施工的连续性,采取分层浇筑时,应保证在下层混凝土( )将上层混凝士浇筑完毕
A. 终凝前
B. 终凝后
C. 初凝前
D. 初凝后
下列振捣设备中,最适宜用于大体积混凝士振捣的是( )
A. 振捣棒
B. 振捣台
C. 平板振动器
D. 外部振动器
】下列因素中,不属于模板工程设计主要原则的是( )
A. 实用性
B. 安全性
C. 经济性
D. 耐久性
现浇钢筋混凝土楼盖施工中,梁的跨度为6m,板的跨度为4m,当设计无特别要求时,楼盖拆模时现场混凝土强度应达到设计强度的( )%。
梁下部纵向受力钢筋接头位置宜设置在( )。
A. 梁跨中1/3处
B. 梁支座处
C. 梁端1/3处
D. 可随意设置
当采用冷拉调直钢筋时,必须控制钢筋的( )。
A. 伸长率
B. 屈服强度
C. 强屈比
D. 延伸率
已知某钢筋混凝土单向板中受力钢筋的直径D=8mm,外包尺寸为3300mm,钢筋两端弯钩的增长值各为6.25D,钢筋因弯折引起的量度差总值为36mm,则此钢筋的下料长度为( )mm。
A. 3236
B. 3314
C. 3364
D. 3386
墙模板内混凝土浇筑(粗骨料最大粒径36.5mm)时岀料口距离工作面达到( )m及以上时,应采用溜槽或串筒的措施。
对于掺用缓凝型外加剂、矿物掺合料或有抗渗性要求的混凝土,覆盖浇水养护的时间不得少于( )
A. 7d
B. 10d
C. 14d
D. 15d
John succeeded ___ what he wanted.
A. to get
B. to getting
C. in getting
D. and getting
The accident was ___ to careless driving.
A. for
B. likely
C. due
D. because
With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read ___as they could the year before.
A. as twice fast
B. as fast as twice
C. as twice as fast
D. twice as fast
Some famous singers live on the ___from their record sales.
A. salary
B. price
C. bill
D. income
_____of them thinks that is a good idea.
A. Anyone
B. No one
C. None
D. Someone
Don't be too ___about things you're not supposed to know.
A. strange
B. amusing
C. curious
D. conscious
It was in 1969 ___the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.
A. when
B. the moment
C. which
D. that
___people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.
A. Several million
B. Many millions
C. Several millions
D. Many million
He___less time reading stories about film stars than before.
A. takes
B. spends
C. costs
D. pays
Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology___so rapidly.
A. is changing
B. has been changed
C. will have changed
D. will change
The taxi driver always reminds passengers to ___their belongings when they leave the car.
A. keep
B. catch
C. hold
D. take
Little Tom is used to getting up ___eight every morning.
If the doctor had been available, the child _______.
A. would not die
B. could not have died
C. might not die
D. should not have died
If Mary___shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.
A. will go
B. goes
C. went
D. has gone
These desks and chairs ___to the children in the mountain villages next week.
A. are sent
B. will send
C. have sent
D. will be sent
Every society has its own peculiar customs and ___of acting.
A. attitudes
B. behavior
C. ways
D. means
China is ___the Great Wall.
A. on
B. famous
C. famous for
D. famous as
The dog was tearing the cloth___its teeth.
A. with
B. by
C. through
D. in
A man should not be judged always ___what he says.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. to
We will have a ___holiday after the exam.
A. two month
B. two-month
C. two month's
D. two-months
Mr Wang is going to teach you maths ___one year.
A. with
B. on
C. for
D. to
The population of the earth ___increasing fast.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. have been
Mike is ___than Jack.
A. careful
B. carefully
C. less careful
D. more carefuler
There ___a basket ball match this afternoon.
A. is going to be
B. is going to have
C. is going to is
D. is going to has
Nobody ____to smoke in the cinema.
A. allow
B. allows
C. is allowed
D. are allowed
___delicious these moon cake are!
A. How a
B. What a
C. How
D. What
There's no food in the fridge. They ___shopping.
A. go
B. are go
C. are going
D. are going to go
The soup smells___. Would you like some?
A. good
B. well
C. properly
D. finely
Picking apples was hard work, ___ they really enjoyed it.
A. and
B. so
C. but
D. or
They have planted ___trees in SaiBei, It's a "Great Green Wall" of trees.
A. million
B. millions
C. several
D. millions of
___ fine weather it is today!
A. What
B. How
C. What a
D. How a
A. 1993
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 1995
A. 1993
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 1995
A. 省部级
B. 厅局级
C. 县处级
D. 乡科级
A. 权力
B. 程序
C. 权限
D. 权限和程序
A. 全国人大
B. 国务院
C. 全国政协
D. 中共中央
A. 级别层次
B. 职位类别
C. 领导与非领导职务
D. 职能要求