Mike is better than Peter _________ swimming.___
A. for
B. at
C. on
D. in
Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ___________ of fat.___
A. a large number
B. the large number
C. a large amount
D. the large amount
His salary as a driver is much higher than _____________.___
A. a porter
B. is a porter
C. as a porter
D. that of a porter
I have been looking forward to__________ from my parents.___
A. hear
B. being heard
C. be heard
D. hearing
The manager will not __________ us to use his car.___
A. have
B. let
C. agree
D. allow
__________ her and then try to copy what she does.___
A. Mind
B. See
C. Stare at
D. Watch
It's bad __________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.___
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
— I think John and Peter will.___
A. carry out
B. get through
C. take in
D. set aside
If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ________ in her diet.___
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
___________ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.___
B. efore B. At
C. In
D. Between
A police officer claimed he had attempted to _________ paying his fare.___
A. avoid
B. reject
C. refuse
D. neglect
He is not seriously ill, but only a _________ headache.___
A. obvious
B. delicate
C. slight
D. temporary
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _________ a day.___
A. customers
B. supporters
C. guests
D. clients
What is the train _________ to Birmingham?___
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
He put forward a theory, _______ of great importance to the progress of science of technology.___
A. I think which is
B. which I think is
C. which is I think
D. I think it is
If the doctor had been available, the child ____________.___
A. would not die
B. could not have died
C. might not die
D. should not have died
The music sounded _______. I enjoyed every minute of it.___
A. well
B. boring
C. wonderfully
D. beautiful
Put it down, Richard. You mustn't read ______letter. ___
A. anyone's else's
B. anyone's else
C. anyone else's
D. anyone else
I saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my_____.___
A. service
B. money
C. use
D. chance
We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.___
A. leaves
B. would leave
C. left
D. had left
The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall, ______?___
A. can't it
B. isn't it
C. hasn't it
D. doesn't it
In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words ___ which we become acquainted in daily conversation,
which we ___,that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates,
and which we should know and use ___ we could not read or write.
They ___the common things of life,
and are the stock in trade of all who___the language. Such words may be called “popular”,
since they belong to the people___and are not the exclusive share of a limited class. On the other hand,
our language___a multitude of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person,
but there is little___to use them at home or in the market-place.
Our___acquaintance with them comes not from
our mother’s___or from the talk of our school-mates
,___from books that we read,
lectures that we___,or the more formal conversation of highly educated
speakers who are discussing some particular___in a style appropriately elevated above
the habitual___of everyday life. Such words are called “learned”,
and the___between them and the “popular” words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.
团的全称是: ___
A. 中国共青团
B. 中国青年团
C. 共产主义青年团
D. 中国共产主义青年团
中国共青团的性质不包括以下哪项: ___
A. 中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织
B. 广大青年在实践中学习中国特色社会主义和共产主义的学校
C. 中国共产党的助手和后备军
D. 中国少年先锋队的领导组织
以下哪一句话规定了团的性质的核心内容: ___
A. 中国共产主义青年团是中国共产党的先进青年的群众组织
B. 中国共产党是中国共青团的领导者
C. 中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队
D. 共青团是中国共产党的助手和后备军
下面关于团的性质的核心内容表达最准确的是: ___
A. 中国共产党是中国共青团的领导者,共青团是党领导的革命、建设和改革力量的一部分
B. 共青团是由青年中的先进分子组成,是先进性和群众新的有机统一体,不同于党本身,也不同于一般的群众性组织
C. 以上两项均包含在内
D. 中国共青团是中国共产党建立的先进青年的群众组织,是党联系青年群众的桥梁和纽带,起着“传动装置”和“杠杆”作用,担负着团结教育青年,带领青年为党的事业奋斗,培养社会主义事业接班人的历史重任。
下面关于中国共青团的地位表述最准确的是① 党的助手和后备军② 政府的帮手和国家政权的重要支柱③ 党和政府联系青年的桥梁和纽带④ 中国少年先锋队的领导组织___
A. ①②③
B. ②③④
C. ①③④
D. ①②③④
三极管的三种工作状态___、___、___。 饱和,放大,截止意思相近判对
图形组态中常见的动态特性有___、___、___、___,平移,填充,缩放,旋转,曲线,X-Y图等。 变色特性,文字特性,闪烁特性,显示隐藏特性
为防止I/0模块插错,在端子底座上设有___。 防混销
温度测量常用元件有:___、___、___等。 热电阻,热电隅,双金属温度计
涡轮式流量计是一种___式流量计,涡轮流量变送器应___安装。 速度,水平
我厂核辐射料位计由___、___、___、___组成。 放射源,探测器,SC3000微处理器,编程器
我厂用的压力变送器多采用___线制接法。 二
我厂用压力变送器Er07报警代表___。 输出超出上下限
现场控制站的屏蔽地通常有___、___。 信号线屏蔽,DP通讯线屏蔽
写出以下运算符代表的含义:GT___,LT___。 大于,小于
新建工程时,工程名一般要求在___个字符以内。 12
仪表按控制仪表依所用能源的不同,可以将其分为___、___、___和___等。 电动,气动,液动,混合式
仪表测量中的五大参数是___、___、___、___、___。 温度,压力,物位,流量,在线/成分分析
仪表的精度等级是根据引用___来划分的。 误差
应用最广泛的工业核仪表是___、___。 料位计,密度计
用热电偶测量温度时,其连接导线应该使用___。 补偿导线
用于指导安装接线用的图纸是___。 安装接线图
运算过程中对变量的访问包括___、___。 读取变量值,给变量赋值
在DCS网络中,MNET代表___,SNET代表___。 监控网,系统网
在流量测量中,一般都要采用温度补偿和压力补偿,这种补偿修正___误差。 系统
在使用万用表测量电流量,须将万用表___在电路当中,测量电压时,须将万用表___在电路中。 串联,并联
在我厂中,实时信息采集系统中,DCS系统数据采集使用___采集器,煤气站PLC系统数据采集使用的是___采集器。 MACS,OPC
自动调节系统按调节器具有的调节规律来分,通常有___、___、___等调节系统。 比例,比例积分,比例微分
自动调节系统主要由___、___、___和___四大部分组成。 调节器,调节阀,调节对象,变送器
在控制过程中手/自动切换时的最基本要求是___。 无扰动
兆欧表又称摇表,其电源来自___。 手摇发电机
“导纳”的含义为电学中阻抗的倒数,它由___、___、___综合而成。 电阻阻抗,电容阻抗,电感阻抗
1Kg力/㎡=___pA;1mmHg=___pA。 9.8,133或134
1M=___K。 1024
1MHz=___KHz。 1.0*1000
1MPA=___PA。 1000000
1标准大气压=___mmHg=___mmH2O。 1*104,760
1工程大气压即1kgf/Cm2=___PA;1物理工程大气压___=___PA;1巴___=___PA。 98066.5,101325,100000
1英寸=___mm。 25.4
I/O单元和CPU单元是通过___连接的。 现场总线
250PA=___mmH2O。 25
AI、AO、DI、DO的含义分别是___、___、___、___。 模拟量输入信号,模拟量输出信号,开关量输入信号,开关量输出信号
CNET网实现主控制器与___的连接。 过程I/0模块
CO分析仪由___和___、99.99%的纯氮气___和2.93%的CO___组成。 取样探头,s710分析仪,零点气,量程气
CO分析仪在进行零点校正时,应先关紧___打开N2瓶的___和___,然后将旋钮打到___位置,按ESC进入菜单。 出气小阀,蓝阀,总阀,零点