_____ she survived the accident is miracle.
A. What
B. That
C. As
D. Which
I often see ____ the road on his way home.
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
His mother _______ alone since his father died.
A. lived
B. lives
C. has lived
D. is living
The workers are busy _____ models for the exhibition.
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
It was well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.
A. discovered
B. invented
C. found
D. developed
She wonders ____ will happen to her private life in the future.
A. that
B. it
C. this
D. what
The higher the temperature, _____ the liquid evaporates.
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ______ people drive on the left of the road.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
Sunday is the day ____ people usually don't go to work.
A. when
B. which
C. in which
D. that
____ you know, David has been well lately.
A. Which
B. As
C. What
D. When
The harder you study, _____ you will learn.
A. much
B. many
C. the more
D. much more
They got there an hour _____ than the others.
A. early
B. much early
C. more early
D. earlier
The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts ____ .
A. are producing
B. are produced
C. produced
D. being produced
Once environmental damage ______, it takes many years for the system to recover.
A. is to do
B. does
C. had done
D. is done
We worked hard and completed the task ___.
A. in the time
B. on the time
C. ahead of time
D. before time
I didn't expect you to turn _____ at the meeting yesterday.
A. up
B. to
C. out
D. over
I like the teacher _______ classes are very interesting and creative.
A. which
B. who
C. whose
D. what
When Lily came home at 5 p. m. yesterday, her mother ______ dinner in the kitchen.
A. cooked
B. was cooking
C. cooks
D. has cooked
I don’t know the park, but it's _____ to be quite beautiful.
A. said
B. told
C. spoken
D. talked
Mike is better than Peter ____. swimming.
A. for
B. at
C. on
D. in
The young lady coming over to us ______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A. must be
B. can be
C. would be
D. could be
Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat.
A. a large number
B. the large number
C. a large amount
D. the large amount
Neither John ______his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.
A. nor
B. or
C. but
D. and
Jane's dress is similar in design ______ her sister's.
A. like
B. with
C. to
D. as
His salary as a driver is much higher than ________.
A. a porter
B. is a porter
C. as a porter
D. that of a porter
_____ these honours he received a sum of money.
A. Except
B. But
C. Besides
D. Outside
Would you let ____ to the park with my classmate, Mum?
A. me go
B. me going
C. I go
D. I going
I have been looking forward to_____ from my parents.
A. hear
B. being heard
C. be heard
D. hearing
The manager will not _____ us to use his car.
A. have
B. let
C. agree
D. allow
_____ her and then try to copy what she does.
A. Mind
B. See
C. Stare at
D. Watch
Will you ___ me a favor, please?
A. do
B. make
C. bring
D. give
It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
The computer system ____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
A. broke down
B. broke out
C. broke up
D. broke in
If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ___ in her diet
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.
B. efore B. At
C. In
D. Between
A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
A. avoid
B. reject
C. refuse
D. neglect
While I was in the university, I learned taking photos, ______ is very useful now for me.
A. it
B. which
C. that
D. what
He is not seriously ill, but only a ____ headache.
A. obvious
B. delicate
C. slight
D. temporary
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ____ a day.
A. customers
B. supporters
C. guests
D. clients
What is the train ____ to Birmingham?
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
You shouldn't ______ your time like that, Bob, and was cold yesterdak tonight.
A. cut
B. do
C. kill
D. kick
【单选】 电压互感器二次回路允许有 ___接地点。 A
A. 一个
B. 两个
C. 三个
【单选】 变压器的过负载能力一般用变压器所能输出的最大容量与额定容量之 ___来表示。 A
A. 比
B. 和
C. 差
【单选】 变压器正常运行时发出 ___。 B
A. 间断的嗡嗡声
B. 均匀的嗡嗡声
C. 均匀的沸腾声
【单选】 变压器二次侧额定电压指的是分接开关放在额定电压位置 ,一次侧加 ___时,二次侧开路的电压值。 A
A. 额定电压
B. 额定电流
C. 最大电压
【单选】 连接于线路终端的变压器称为降压变压器 ,其一次侧额定电压与输变电线路的电压等级 ___。 C
A. 相差 10%
B. 相差 20%
C. 相差 30%
【单选】 如果忽略变压器的内损耗 ,可认为变压器二次输出功率 ___变压器一次输入功率。 B
A. 大于
B. 等于
C. 小于
【单选】 变压器的额定电流为通过绕组线端的电流 ,即为 ___的有效值。 A
A. 线电流
B. 相电流
C. 最小电流
【单选】 电力变压器按冷却介质可分为 ___ 和干式两种。 A
A. 油浸式
B. 风冷式
C. 自冷式
【单选】 变压器内部主要绝缘材料有变压器油、 ___ 、电缆纸、皱纹纸等。 C
A. 套管
B. 冷却器
C. 绝缘纸板
【单选】 电压互感器的高压绕组与被测电路 ___,低压绕组与测量仪表电压线圈并联。 A
A. 并联
B. 串联
C. 混联
【单选】 变压器油的作用是 ___。 C
A. 导电和冷却
B. 绝缘和升温
C. 绝缘和冷却
【单选】 转角杆塔一般位于线路的 ___。 C
A. 终端处
B. 跨越处
C. 转角处
【单选】 高压架空电力线路不应跨越 ___。 B
A. 建筑物
B. 屋顶为燃烧材料做成的建筑物
C. 耐火屋顶的建筑物
【单选】 杆塔拉线与杆塔的夹角不应小于 ___。 B
A. 20 °
B. 30 °
C. 45 °
【单选】 电力线路的导线是用来 ___。 B
A. 输送电能、分配电能
B. 传导电流 ,输送电能
C. 输送电能、消耗电能
【单选】 电力网的电力线路按用途一般可分为 ___ 。 A
A. 输电线路和配电线路
B. 输电线路和用电线路
C. 高压线路和配电线路
【单选】 钢筋混凝土杆俗称 ___。 B
A. 直线杆杆
B. 水泥杆
C. 金属杆
【单选】 刚好使导线的稳定温度达到电缆最高允许温度时的载流量 ,称为 ___。 C
A. 额定载流量
B. 最大载流量
C. 允许载流量
【单选】 单位导线截面所通过的电流值称为 ___。 C
A. 额定电流
B. 负荷电流
C. 电流密度
【单选】 正常情况直线杆塔一般不承受 ___ 。 A
A. 导线顺线路方向的张力
B. 导线、绝缘子的重量
C. 导线覆冰的重量
【单选】 分支终端杆的单横担应装在 ___。B
A. 受电侧
B. 拉线侧
C. 供电侧
【单选】 电力电缆中 ,线芯 (导体 )是用来 ___,是电缆的主要部分。 A
A. 输送电能
B. 使导线与外面绝缘
C. 输送电压
【单选】 当架空配电线路中间需设置分支线时 ,一般用 ___。 C
A. 直线杆塔
B. 耐张杆塔
C. 分支杆塔
【单选】 10m 电杆埋设深度宜 ___。 B
A. 1.5m
B. 1.7m
C. 1.9m
【单选】 电力电缆中 ,用来消除导体表面的不光滑所引起导体表面电场强度的增加 ,使绝缘层和电缆导体有较好的接触的为 ___。 C
A. 线芯( 导体)
B. 绝缘层
C. 屏蔽层
【单选】 电力电缆中 ,将线芯与大地以及不同相的线芯间在电气上彼此隔离的为 ___ 。 B
A. 线芯( 导体)
B. 绝缘层
C. 屏蔽层
【单选】 杆塔按使用的材料可分为 ___。 A
A. 钢筋混凝土杆和金属杆塔
B. 铁塔、钢管杆、型钢杆
C. 锥形杆、等径杆
【单选】 发生短路时 ,冲击电流会产生很大的电动力 ,其大小可用来校验电气设备在发生短路时的 ___。 A
A. 动稳定性
B. 动平衡性
C. 热稳定性
【单选】 中断供电时将造成人身伤亡 ,属于 ___负荷。 A
A. 一类
B. 二类
C. 三类
【单选】 在二类负荷的供电要求中 ,二类负荷的供电系统宜采用 ___回路线供电。 A
A. 双
B. 单
C. 三
【单选】 在 110kV 及以上的电力系统 ,一般采用中性点直接接地的运行方式 ,以___ 。 A
A. 降低设备的绝缘水平
B. 保障人身安全
C. 保障人身设备安全
【单选】 发电厂与用电负荷中心相距较远 ,为了减少网络损耗 ,所以必须建设 ___、高压、超高压输电线路 ,将电能从发电厂远距离输送到负荷中心。 A
A. 升压变电所
B. 降压变电所
C. 中压变电所
【单选】 高压配电网一般指 35kV 、 ___及以上电压等级的配电网。 C
A. 10kV
B. 20kV
C. 110kV
【单选】 在某一个时段内 ,电压急剧变化而偏离额定值的现象 ,称为 ___。 A
A. 电压波动
B. 电压闪避
C. 电压偏移
【单选】 电网谐波的产生 ,主要在于电力系统中存在各种 ___元件。 C
A. 电感元件
B. 电容元件
C. 非线性元件
【单选】 变、配电所主要由主变压器、 ___ 、控制系统等部分构成 ,是电网的发电厂重要组成部分和电能传输的重要环节。 C
A. 输电线路
B. 配电线路
C. 配电装置及测量
【单选】 直接将电能送到用户的网络称为 ___。 C
A. 发电网
B. 输电网
C. 配电网
【单选】 电力生产的特点是 ___、集中性、适用性、先行性。 A
A. 同时性
B. 广泛性
C. 统一性
【单选】 在中性点接地的电力系统中 ,以 ___的短路故障最多 ,约占全部故障的 90%。 C
A. 三相短路
B. 两相短路
C. 单相接地
【单选】 变、配电所一次主接线中所用的电气设备 ,称为 ___。 A
A. 一次设备
B. 二次设备
C. 远动设备