_____ these honours he received a sum of money.
A. Except
B. But
C. Besides
D. Outside
Would you let ____ to the park with my classmate, Mum?
A. me go
B. me going
C. I go
D. I going
I have been looking forward to_____ from my parents.
A. hear
B. being heard
C. be heard
D. hearing
The manager will not _____ us to use his car.
A. have
B. let
C. agree
D. allow
_____ her and then try to copy what she does.
A. Mind
B. See
C. Stare at
D. Watch
Will you ___ me a favor, please?
A. do
B. make
C. bring
D. give
It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
The computer system ____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
A. broke down
B. broke out
C. broke up
D. broke in
If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ___ in her diet
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.
B. efore B. At
C. In
D. Between
A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
A. avoid
B. reject
C. refuse
D. neglect
While I was in the university, I learned taking photos, ______ is very useful now for me.
A. it
B. which
C. that
D. what
He is not seriously ill, but only a ____ headache.
A. obvious
B. delicate
C. slight
D. temporary
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ____ a day.
A. customers
B. supporters
C. guests
D. clients
What is the train ____ to Birmingham?
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
You shouldn't ______ your time like that, Bob, and was cold yesterdak tonight.
A. cut
B. do
C. kill
D. kick
Both the kids and their parents ____ English, I think. I know it from their accent.
A. is
B. been
C. are
D. was
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
He opened the letter and it contained ___.
A. an important information
B. some important informations
C. many important information
D. some important information
He has been writing for 3 years, but being a writer is not his ___.
A. chance
B. choice
C. change
D. character
They have never heard any ___.
A. a customer complaint
B. the customer's complaints
C. customer's complaint
D. the customers' complaints
He is not a child ___.
A. no more
B. no longer
C. any much
D. any more
The retired man is used to ___ his two dogs early in the morning.
A. exercise
B. exercising
C. exercised
D. exercises
It was not ___ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their bedroom.
A. before
B. at
C. after
D. until
Young ___ he is, he knows how to get along with others.
A. like
B. as
C. although
D. however
Could you show me where the___ shoes are?
A. Women
B. womens
C. woman
D. women's
He succeeded ___ out a lot of things entirely new in the world.
A. in working
B. to work
C. working
D. at working
It took me a long time to ___ the disappointment of failing the exam.
A. get over
B. get up
C. get into
D. get down
She ___ 100 pages of the book today.
A. has already read
B. already reads
C. already read
D. was already read
He has been ___ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.
A. sad
B. satisfied
C. evil
D. joyful
One cannot learn a foreign language well ___he studies hard.
A. unless
B. if
C. as
D. when
A large number of people___ present at the meeting, which was out of our expectation.
A. was
B. were
C. have
D. has
When the girls saw the funny man, they couldn't ___ laughing.
A. keep from
B. keep on
C. keep away
D. keep at
We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact ___ them.
A. at
B. on
C. from
D. with
This kind of plant___a lot of water at all times.
A. assumes
B. limits
C. produces
D. requires
Look! Here ___ the famous player.
A. comes
B. come
C. had come
D. coming
Uncle Sam sent him a___ bicycle as a birthday present.
A. red sports new
B. sports new red
C. new sports red
D. new red sports
I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary___.
A. anywhere
B. everywhere
C. nowhere
D. somewhere
The plane was about to___, and yet I left my ticket behind.
A. take off
B. take on
C. take up
D. take in
John succeeded ___ what he wanted.
A. to get
B. to getting
C. in getting
D. and getting
The accident was ___ to careless driving.
A. for
B. likely
C. due
D. because
A. 国家标准
B. 行业标准
C. 地方标准
D. 公安部标准
A. 专用校车
B. 救护车
C. 工程救险车
D. 消防车
60、专用校车应当自注册登记之日起每 进行一次安全技术检验,非专用校车应当自取得校车标牌后每半年进行一次安全技术检验。___
A. 3个月
B. 6个月
C. 9个月
D. 12个月
61. ______、 大型客车、中型以上货车及其他运营车辆在机动车回收企业解体时,车辆管理所应当派民警在场监督。___
62、公安机关交通管理部门对申请校车标牌核发的机动车查验时,对非专用校车,应当按照标准核定,用于接送幼儿初中生、 中小学生使用时的学生和成人乘坐人数,制作机动车标准照片。___
63、 是指设计和制造上主要用于载运人员的汽车,包括装置有专用设备或器具但以载运人员为主要目的的汽车。___
A. 载客汽车
B. 载货汽车
C. 专项作业车
D. 特型机动车
A. 挂车
B. 半挂车
C. 牵引杆挂车
D. 中置轴挂车
65、低速汽车定义为______ ___
A. 专项作业车和低速货车的总称
B. 农用车和低速货车的总称
C. 三轮汽车和低速货车的总称
D. 农用车和专项作业车的总称
66、专门用于运输相关标准规定的危险货物的货车称为___ _ _。___
A. 专用燃料运输车
B. 专用气体运输车
C. 危险化学品运输车
D. 危险货物运输车
67、教练车是指专门从事 培训的汽车。残疾人专用汽车是指在采用_ 的乘用车上加装符合标准和规定的驾驶辅助装置,专门供特定类型的_ .残疾人驾驶的汽车。___
A. 教练 自动变速器 色盲
B. 驾驶技能 自动变速器 肢体
C. 驾驶员 手动变速器 身体
D. 教学 手动变速器 耳聋
68、中置轴挂车是指均匀受载时挂车______紧 靠车轴位置,牵引装置相对于挂车不能垂直移动、与牵引车连接时只有较小的垂直载荷作用于牵引车的挂车。半挂车是指均匀受载时挂车质心位于车轴_ ,装有可将垂直力和/或水平力传递到牵引车的联结装置的挂车。___
A. 重心前面
B. 重心后面
C. 质心前面
D. 质心后面
69、摩托车分类为普通摩托车和轻便摩托车,普通摩托车包括轻便摩托车包括_______ ___
A. 两轮普通摩托车、边三轮摩托车、正三轮摩托车、两轮轻便摩托车、正三轮轻便摩托车
B. 两轮普通摩托车、边三轮摩托车、两轮轻便摩托车、正三轮轻便摩托车
C. 边三轮摩托车、正三轮摩托车 正三轮轻便摩托车
D. 两轮普通摩托车、正三轮摩托车 两轮轻便摩托车
70、轮式专用机械车不包括 __。___
A. 平地机
B. 挖掘机
C. 推土机
D. 叉车
71、汽车、摩托车、半挂车和中置轴挂车应具有唯一 的车辆识别代号,其内容和构成应符合GB 16735的规定;应至少有一个车辆识别代号打刻在车架,能防止锈蚀、磨损的部位上。无车架的机动车打刻在_______ ___
A. 车身任意明显部位
B. 车身底部
C. 发动机舱内
D. 车身主要承载且不能拆卸的部件
74、车长大于等于_ 的乘用车设置的侧向座椅不核定乘坐人数。___
75、所有货车和专项作业车均应在驾驶室(区)两侧喷涂总质量(半挂牵引车为最大允许牵引质量);其中,栏板货车和自卸车还应在驾驶室两侧喷涂栏板高度,罐式汽车和罐式挂车还应在罐体上喷涂罐体容积及允许装运货物的种类。栏板挂车应在车厢两侧喷涂栏板高度。喷涂的中文及阿拉伯数字应清晰,高度应大于等于 _.___
A. 80mm
B. 100 mm
C. 120 m
D. 140mm
76、教练车应在车身两侧及后部喷涂高度_ 的“教练车”等字样___
A. 大于等于100 mm
B. 大于等于110 mm
C. 小于等于100 mm
D. 小于等于110 mm
77台式检验制动力要求对铰接客车、铰接式无轨电车、汽车列车空载时制动力总和与整车重量的百分比_ _, 挂车空载时轴制动力与轴荷的百分比对于后轴为_ _.___
A. ≥50≥50
B. ≥55≥55
C. ≥55≥50
D. ≥60≥50
78、车长大于 的客车和所有校车不得设置车外顶行事架。其他客车霄设置车外顶行李架时,行李架高度应小于等于___长度不得超过车长的三分之一。专用校车如有行李舱体,则行李舱体顶部离地面高度应小于___
A. 7. 5m 300 mm 1000 mm
B. 7.0m 300 mm 1000 mm
C. 7.5m 280 mm 1000 m
D. 7.5m 300 mm 1100 mm
79、幼儿校车、小学生校车的侧窗下边缘距其下方座椅上表面的高度应大于等于___ _ 。否则应加装防护装置。___
A. 300 mm
B. 280 mm
C. 270 mm
D. 250mm
80、货车驾驶室(区)最后一排座位后平面(前后位置可调座椅应处于滑轨中间位置,靠背角度可调式座椅的靠背角度及座椅其它调整量应处于制造厂规定的正常使用位置)与驾驶室后壁(驾驶区隔板)平面的问距对带卧铺的货车应小于等于_ , 对其他货车应小于等 于 .,___
A. 950 mm 450 mm
B. 900 mm。 450 mm
C. 950mm 400mm
D. 930mm。 450mm
81、幼儿专用校车和小学生专用校车学生座椅的座间距应分别大于等于___和______ ;其他客车同方向座椅的座间距应大于等于______相向座椅的座间距应大于等于____专用校车的学生座椅在车辆横向上最多采用“2+3”布置。___
A. 500mm 550mm 650mm 1100mm
B. 500mm 550mm 650mm 1200m
C. 550mm 550mm 650mm 1200mm
D. 500mm 500mm 650mm 1100mm
82、机动车应设置能满足号牌安装要求的号牌板(架)。前号牌板(架)(摩托车除外)应设于______ (按机动车前进方向), 后号牌板(架)应设于 ___
A. 前面的中部或右侧 后面的中部或左侧
B. 前面的中部或左侧 后面的中部或左侧
C. 前面的中部或右侧 后面的中部或右侧
D. 前面的中部或左侧 后面的中部或右侧
83、车长大于等于_______的客车, 如车身右侧仅有一个乘客门且在车身左侧未设置驾驶人门,应在车身左侧设置应急门。车长大于______的客车应设置撒离舱口。卧铺客车的卧铺布置为上、下双层时,侧窗洞口应为上下两层。___
A. 6m 8m
B. 7m 9m
C. 8m 10m
D. 6m 7m
84、 乘用车、专用校车和车长小于_______ 的其他客车前后部应设置保险杠,货车(三轮汽车除外)和货车底盘改装的专项作业车应设置前保险杠。___
A. 5 m
B. 6 m
C. 7 m
D. 9 m
85、 应配备急救箱,急救箱应放置在便于取用的位置并确保有效适用。___
A. 教练车
B. 汽车起重机
C. 自卸车
D. 校车
86、机动车发动机的排气管口不得指向_____如受结构限制排气管 口必须偏向右侧时,排气管口中心线与机动车纵向中心线的夹角应小于等于15 )和正下方;客车的排气尾管如为直式的,排气管口应伸出车身外蒙皮。___
A. 车身右侧
B. 车身左侧
C. 车身中部
D. 车身上部
87、幼儿专用校车的最大乘员数应不超过______ 人: 小学生专用校车和中小学生专用校车的最大乘员数应不超过_______人。 ___
A. 40 56
B. 45 55
C. 45 56
D. 38 56
88、《机动车强制报废标准规定》自 起施行。___
A. 2013年4月1日
B. 2013年5月1日
C. 2013年6月1日
D. 2013年7月1日
A. 12年
B. 13年
C. 14年
D. 15年
90、机动车强制报废标准规定对公交客运汽车使用年限为____ _.___
A. 12年
B. 13年
C. 14年
D. 15年
91、机动车强制报度标准规定对专用校车使用年限为_______ ___
A. 8年
B. 10年
C. 12年
D. 15年
92、机动车强制报废标准规定对大、中型非营运载客汽车(大型轿车除外)使用年限为_ ___. ___
A. 20年
B. 18年
C. 15年
D. 12年
93、机动车强制报废标准规定对正三轮摩托车使用年限为_ ___
A. 8年
B. 10年
C. 12年
D. 15年
A. 无限制
B. 15年
C. 20年
D. 30年
注册登记检验时,机动车车的外廓尺寸应与机动车产品公告、机动车出厂合格证相符。且误差满足:汽车(三轮车除外)。挂车不超过_______三轮汽车。摩托车不超过土3 %或土50mm. ___
A. 土2 %或土50mm
B. 士1 %或士50mmC.士1 %或土100mm D.土3 %或土50mm[本题答案] B
在用车检验时,重中型货车、挂车的外廓尺寸应与机动车行驶证签注的内容相符,且误差不超过 ___
A. 土2%或土100m
B. 土1 %或土100mm
C. 土3%或土100mm
D. 土2%或土50m[本题答案] A