- I am afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday. ___
A. Don't be afraid
B. Be careful
C. Not at all
D. Take your time
- I really don't know how to thank you enough. ___.
A. No problem
B. Think nothing of it
C. Not at all
D. It doesn't matter
- Must I be home before seven? ___.
A. No, you needn't
B. No, you mustn't
C. Yes, you will
D. No, you won't
-I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam______.
A. Not at all
B. Oh, thank you.That's very kind of you
C. You are welcome
D. Yes, I'm really sorry
-I will,______.
A. that's all right
B. thank you
C. all right
D. not at all
-Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?_____.
A. My name is Zhao Hua
B. I'm Zhao Hua
C. This is Zhao Hua speaking
D. Zhao Hua is me
___This is Mr Smith speaking now.
A. Who are you
B. Who is that
C. Who are you calling
D. What do you want to say
- I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.___
A. Don't worry about it.
B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course.
C. Mr. Brown is very good.
D. Good luck to you!
-Would you go to the concert with me?___, but I'm very busy now.
A. I'd like to
B. Sure
C. No problem
D. Certainly
-I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat?Not at all. _______.
A. I have no time
B. I'd rather not
C. You can leave
D. I'd be happy to
- Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you.____.
A. Certainly
B. Many thanks
D. Nice to meet you, too
- Hello, may I speak to Mike?_____
A. Who are you?
B. Sorry, he isn't in.
C. Thank you very much.
D. Yes, here you are.
- Will you join us for lunch?____.
A. No, I won't
B. Yes, with pleasure
C. Yes, please
D. Yes, help yourself
- Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it._____you enjoyed it.
A. I'm so glad
B. I'm sorry
C. What a pity
D. Surprisingly
- I heard Susan surprised her teacher by working hard. Yes, ___
A. her teacher worked hard.
B. Susan worked hard.
C. the teacher was surprising.
D. Susan was surprised.
- Peter, don't step on the grass_______.
A. It doesn't matter
B. I can't do it
C. Don't worry
D. Sorry, I won't do it again
- How was your journey to Paris? - ____
A. It went very well.
B. I flew there.
C. I love Paris.
D. Thank you for asking.
- I'm sorry for being late, Mr Lt______.
A. All right
B. That's right
C. Not at all
D. Never mind
- Happy birthday to you! ___!
A. Happy birthday to you
B. I'm very glad
C. That's all right
D. Thank you
- Do you like country music?___.
A. Yes, I like basketball a lot
B. It's far too crowded
C. Yes, I'm crazy about it
D. Oh, it's funny
- Have a cup of tea, ____? Thanks a lot.
A. don't you
B. haven't you
C. shall we
D. will you
- Thank God.It's Friday again.A nice weekend!___.
A. Me too
B. Yes,I'll be free then
C. That's all right
D. The same to you
— Write to me when you get home. OK, I ______.
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. can
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ___ him.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
I don't know ____ to deal with such matter.
A. what
B. how
C. which
D. /
___ is your girl friend like? She is very kind and good-looking.
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Who
He ___ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.
A. insisted on
B. insisted at
C. insisted that
D. insisted in
We came finally ___the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I won’t make the___mistake next time.
A. like
B. same
C. near
D. similar
He ___lives in the house where he was born.
A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. ever
I am not used to speaking ___ public.
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ___to me.
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
Measles (麻疹) ___ a long time to get over.
A. spend
B. spends
C. take
D. takes
A pair of spectacles ___ what I need at the moment.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
— Five days ___ too long for me to wait.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ___ friends there.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I fell and hurt myself while I ___ basketball yesterday.
A. was playing
B. am playing
C. play
D. played
Tom ___ more than twenty pounds on the novel.
A. spent
B. paid
C. cost
D. took
Don't forget ____ the window before leaving the room.
A. to have closed
B. to close
C. having closed
D. closing
Twenty people were___ wounded in the air crash.
A. quickly
B. wrongly
C. bitterly
D. seriously
A. 肺不张
B. 气胸
C. 肺炎
D. 肺气肿
E. 胸膜粘连
A. 肺气肿
B. 支气管阻塞
C. 气胸
D. 肺实变
E. 胸腔积液
A. 肺气肿
B. 肺炎
C. 气胸
D. 急性肺水肿
E. 肺结核
A. 左锁骨中线第4肋间内侧0.5~1cm
B. 左锁骨中线第5肋间内侧0.5~1cm
C. 左锁骨中线第4肋间外侧0.5~1cm
D. 左锁骨中线第5肋间外侧0.5~1cm
E. 左锁骨中线第4肋间隙处
A. 二联律
B. 三联律
C. 二音律
D. 奔马律
E. 偶发期前收缩
A. 舒张期奔马律
B. 心室律极不规则
C. 心音强弱不一
D. 心率和脉率不一致
E. 脉搏短绌
A. 窦性心动过缓
B. 心房颤动
C. 心室颤动
D. 房室传导阻滞
E. 阵发性心动过速
A. 左锁骨中线内侧第5肋间隙处
B. 胸骨右缘第2肋间处
C. 胸骨左缘第3.4肋间处
D. 胸骨左缘第2肋间处
E. 胸骨下缘近剑突处
A. 左锁骨中线内侧第5肋间隙处
B. 胸骨右缘第2肋间处
C. 胸骨左缘第3.4肋间处
D. 胸骨左缘第2肋间处
E. 胸骨下缘近剑突处
A. 左锁骨中线内侧第5肋间隙处
B. 胸骨右缘第2肋间处
C. 胸骨左缘第3.4肋间处
D. 胸骨左缘第2肋间处
E. 胸骨下缘近剑突处
A. 舒张期奔马律
B. 心室律极不规则
C. 心音强弱不一
D. 心率和脉率不一致
E. 脉搏短绌
A. 大量胸腔积液
B. 肺内空洞
C. 肺气肿
D. 气胸
A. 肺泡呼吸音增强
B. 肺泡呼吸音减弱
C. 呼吸音延长
D. 异常支气管呼吸音
A. 在吸气时较多而明显
B. 在呼气时较多而明显
C. 啰音的响度及性质易变
D. 发生部位易变
A. 瓣膜关闭不全
B. 瓣膜狭窄
C. 心室颤动
D. 心房颤动
A. 绝对浊音界
B. 相对浊音界
C. 绝对浊音界加相对浊音界
D. 心上浊音界
A. 主动脉瓣狭窄
B. 肺动脉瓣狭窄
C. 主动脉瓣关闭不全
D. 二尖瓣狭窄
A. 第一心音音调低,时间较长
B. 当心脏舒张时,半月瓣关闭而产生
C. 在心底部最响
D. 听诊时出现在心尖搏动之后
A. 贫血
B. 非对称性室间隔肥厚
C. 主动脉瓣关闭不全
D. 心功能不全
A. 心尖部最响
B. 出现在舒张中晚期
C. 呈隆隆样
D. 常向左腋下传导
A. 清音
B. 实音
C. 浊音
D. 鼓音
E. 过清音
A. 肺结核
B. 肺气肿
C. 佝偻病
D. 慢性消耗性疾病
A. 自上而下
B. 自下而上
C. 乳头以下往下流,乳头以上往上流
D. 乳头以下往上流,乳头以上往下流
A. 胸壁局部软组织炎症或骨折
B. 大叶性肺炎
C. 胸膜炎
D. 支气管炎
A. 胸腔积液
B. 气胸
C. 急性白血病
D. 再生障碍性贫
A. 腹膜炎
B. 大量腹水
C. 妊娠晚期
D. 胸膜疾病
A. 胸式呼吸增强
B. 腹式呼吸增强
C. 腹式呼吸减弱
D. 胸式与腹式呼吸均增强
A. 呼气性呼吸困难
B. 吸气性呼吸困难
C. 混合性呼吸困难
D. 呼气时间延长
A. 前胸上部较下部弱
B. 前胸上部较下部强
C. 后胸上部较下部强
D. 左上胸较右上胸强
A. 有胸痛
B. 无胸痛
C. 胸痛可有可无
D. 无胸膜摩擦音
A. 过清音
B. 鼓音
C. 浊音
D. 空翁音
A. 胸腔积液
B. 肺萎缩
C. 腹水
D. 肺气肿
A. 门静脉高压
B. 腹膜炎
C. 幽门梗阻
D. 腹水
E. 腹腔肿瘤
A. 2次
B. 4次
C. 6次
D. 8次
E. 10次
A. 视诊
B. 触诊
C. 叩诊
D. 听诊
E. 嗅诊
A. 右上腹部
B. 左上腹部
C. 上腹部
D. 左腰部
A. 左上腹部
B. 左下腹部
C. 脐部
D. 右上腹部
A. 右上腹膨隆——原发性肝癌
B. 蛙状腹——腹内充气
C. 弥漫性腹部膨隆——巨大腹块
D. 下腹部隆起——早期妊娠