- Do you like country music?___.
A. Yes, I like basketball a lot
B. It's far too crowded
C. Yes, I'm crazy about it
D. Oh, it's funny
- Have a cup of tea, ____? Thanks a lot.
A. don't you
B. haven't you
C. shall we
D. will you
- Thank God.It's Friday again.A nice weekend!___.
A. Me too
B. Yes,I'll be free then
C. That's all right
D. The same to you
— Write to me when you get home. OK, I ______.
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. can
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ___ him.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
I don't know ____ to deal with such matter.
A. what
B. how
C. which
D. /
___ is your girl friend like? She is very kind and good-looking.
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Who
He ___ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.
A. insisted on
B. insisted at
C. insisted that
D. insisted in
We came finally ___the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I won’t make the___mistake next time.
A. like
B. same
C. near
D. similar
He ___lives in the house where he was born.
A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. ever
I am not used to speaking ___ public.
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ___to me.
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
Measles (麻疹) ___ a long time to get over.
A. spend
B. spends
C. take
D. takes
A pair of spectacles ___ what I need at the moment.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
— Five days ___ too long for me to wait.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ___ friends there.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I fell and hurt myself while I ___ basketball yesterday.
A. was playing
B. am playing
C. play
D. played
Tom ___ more than twenty pounds on the novel.
A. spent
B. paid
C. cost
D. took
Don't forget ____ the window before leaving the room.
A. to have closed
B. to close
C. having closed
D. closing
Twenty people were___ wounded in the air crash.
A. quickly
B. wrongly
C. bitterly
D. seriously
The top of the Great Wall is ___ for five horses to go side by side.
A. wide
B. so wide
C. wide enough
D. enough wide
We’ve missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ___but to take a taxi.
A. way
B. choice
C. possibility
D. selection
Nancy is considered to be ____ the other students in her class.
A. less intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. intelligent as well
D. as intelligent as
It's _____ that he was wrong.
A. clearly
B. clarity
C. clear
D. clearing
There ____ a book and some magazines on the desk.
A. is
B. be
C. have
D. has
She is not only my classmate _____ also my good friend.
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. too
He asked the waiter ___ the bill.
A. on
B. of
C. for
D. after
_____ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
A. Since
B. While
C. For
D. Before
I would like to do the job ___ you don't force me to study.
A. in case
B. although
C. though
D. as long as
The reason I did not go abroad was ___ a job in my home town.
A. because
B. due to
C. that I got
D. because of getting
_____ she survived the accident is miracle.
A. What
B. That
C. As
D. Which
I often see ____ the road on his way home.
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
His mother _______ alone since his father died.
A. lived
B. lives
C. has lived
D. is living
The workers are busy _____ models for the exhibition.
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
It was well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.
A. discovered
B. invented
C. found
D. developed
She wonders ____ will happen to her private life in the future.
A. that
B. it
C. this
D. what
The higher the temperature, _____ the liquid evaporates.
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ______ people drive on the left of the road.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
Sunday is the day ____ people usually don't go to work.
A. when
B. which
C. in which
D. that
A. 6小时
B. 10小时
C. 24小时
D. 48小时
E. 12小时
A. 新生儿
B. 婴幼儿
C. 儿童
D. 青年
E. 成人
A. 性情的改变
B. 持续性头痛
C. 喷射性呕吐
D. 脑膜刺激征明显
E. 反复惊厥
A. 发热
B. 牙关紧闭
C. 全身痉挛
D. 角弓反张
E. 呼吸衰竭
A. 先天不足
B. 喂养不当
C. 缺乏锻炼
D. 疾病影响
E. 免疫缺陷
A. 新生儿硬肿症
B. 新生儿破伤风
C. 新生儿颅内出血
D. 新生儿败血症
E. 新生儿高胆红素血症
A. 供给营养物质及排泄作用
B. 能替代胎儿呼吸功能
C. IgG可通过胎盘使胎儿获得抗体
D. 能防御细菌、病毒及药物通过
E. 能合成激素和酶
A. 脐下左侧
B. 脐下右侧
C. 脐上右侧
D. 脐上左侧
E. 脐周
A. 胎儿长轴与母体长轴关系
B. 胎儿在子宫内所取的姿势
C. 最先进入骨盆人口平面的胎儿部分
D. 胎儿指示点和骨盆关系
E. 胎儿枕骨和骨盆关系
A. 孕8周末
B. 孕12周末
C. 孕16周末
D. 孕20周末
E. 孕24周末
A. 2013年2月16日
B. 2013年4月15日
C. 2014年2月15日
D. 2014年5月15日
E. 2014年6月18日
A. 一级医疗事故
B. 二级医疗事故
C. 三级医疗事故
D. 四级医疗事故
E. 五级医疗事故
A. 正规化、标准化、程序化
B. 制度化、规范化、标准化
C. 熟练化、标准化、程序化
D. 标准化、程序化、制度化
E. 规范化、制度化、标准化
A. 沟通的背景
B. 信息发出者
C. 信息内容
D. 信息接收者
E. 信息转导
A. 教育与被教育关系
B. 领导与被领导关系
C. 指导与服从关系
D. 治疗关系
E. 朋友关系
A. 提问时应采用开放式问题
B. 交流时不断核实自己获得的信息
C. 询问患者“您以前有过心肌梗死发作吗?
A. 血压122/80mmHg
B. 头晕脑涨
C. 骶尾部皮肤破损1Cm×2Cm
D. 膝关节红肿、压痛
E. 肌张力三级
A. 气管切开病人,室内相对湿度为30%
B. 中暑病人,室温应保持在4℃左右
C. 普通病室,室温以18~24℃为宜
D. 产妇休养室,须保暖不宜开窗
E. 破伤风病人,室内应保持光线充足
A. 换铺清洁被单
B. 按要求将橡胶单和中单铺于床头、床中部
C. 盖被纵向三折于门同侧床边
D. 枕横立于床头,开口背门
E. 床旁椅置于盖被折叠的对侧
A. 利于引流
B. 利于呼吸
C. 利于循环
D. 防止膈下脓肿
E. 利于排尿
A. 公平原则
B. 保护弱者原则
C. 预防为主原则
D. 卫生保护原则
E. 病人自主原则
A. 端坐位
B. 半坐卧位
C. 头低足高位
D. 头高足低位
E. 俯卧位
A. 碘酊
B. 过氧乙酸
C. 戊二醛
D. 甲醛
E. 乙醇
A. 紫外线照射
B. 乳酸熏蒸
C. 电子灭菌灯照射
D. 甲醛熏蒸
E. 消毒液喷雾
A. 皮肤呈紫色
B. 皮下硬结
C. 有大、小水疱
D. 水疱表皮剥脱,露出湿润的创面
E. 创面上有脓性分泌物
A. 0.1%肥皂水
B. 生理盐水
C. 1:2:3溶液
D. 油剂
E. 液状石蜡
A. 鲜红色
B. 乳白色
C. 黄褐色
D. 酱油色
E. 淡黄色
A. 提高灌肠筒
B. 降低灌肠筒
C. 移动肛管
D. 嘱病人深呼吸
E. 嘱病人快速呼吸
A. 发绀、胸闷
B. 心悸、烦躁不安
C. 胸闷、咳嗽
D. 呼吸困难、咳粉红色痰
E. 面色苍白、血压下降
A. 否认期、忧郁期、协议期、愤怒期、接受期
B. 否认期、协议期、愤怒期、接受期、忧郁期
C. 否认期、愤怒期、协议期、忧郁期、接受期
D. 忧郁期、愤怒期、否认期、协议期、接受期
E. 忧郁期、否认期、愤怒期、协议期、接受期
A. 快而规则
B. 慢而规则
C. 快而不规则
D. 慢而不规则
E. 测不到
A. 体温升高
B. 呼吸减慢
C. 心律失常
D. 血压升高
E. 心脏杂音
A. 2小时
B. 4小时
C. 7小时
D. 8小时
E. 10小时
A. 房间隔缺损
B. 动脉导管未闭
C. 室间隔缺损
D. 法洛四联症
E. 右位心
A. 脑脓肿
B. 肺炎
C. 体格发育障碍
D. 脑血栓形成
E. 亚急性细菌性心内膜炎
A. 心律失常
B. 尿毒症
C. 脑血管意外
D. 心力衰竭
E. 高血压危象
A. 脑梗死
B. 心肌梗死
C. 心力衰竭
D. 尿毒症
E. 脑出血
A. 心尖部
B. 心前区
C. 剑突附近
D. 胸骨体中上段之后部
E. 胸骨体中下段之后部
A. 24小时
B. 48小时
C. 1周
D. 2周
E. 3~5周
A. 肺部感染
B. 心脏负荷加重
C. 房室传导阻滞
D. 情绪激动
E. 心肌收缩力减弱和不协调