— Write to me when you get home. OK, I ______.
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. can
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ___ him.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
I don't know ____ to deal with such matter.
A. what
B. how
C. which
D. /
___ is your girl friend like? She is very kind and good-looking.
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Who
He ___ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.
A. insisted on
B. insisted at
C. insisted that
D. insisted in
We came finally ___the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I won’t make the___mistake next time.
A. like
B. same
C. near
D. similar
He ___lives in the house where he was born.
A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. ever
I am not used to speaking ___ public.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. to
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ___to me.
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
Measles (麻疹) ___ a long time to get over.
A. spend
B. spends
C. take
D. takes
A pair of spectacles ___ what I need at the moment.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
— Five days ___ too long for me to wait.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ___ friends there.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I fell and hurt myself while I ___ basketball yesterday.
A. was playing
B. am playing
C. play
D. played
Tom ___ more than twenty pounds on the novel.
A. spent
B. paid
C. cost
D. took
Don't forget ____ the window before leaving the room.
A. to have closed
B. to close
C. having closed
D. closing
Twenty people were___ wounded in the air crash.
A. quickly
B. wrongly
C. bitterly
D. seriously
The top of the Great Wall is ___ for five horses to go side by side.
A. wide
B. so wide
C. wide enough
D. enough wide
We’ve missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ___but to take a taxi.
A. way
B. choice
C. possibility
D. selection
Nancy is considered to be ____ the other students in her class.
A. less intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. intelligent as well
D. as intelligent as
It's _____ that he was wrong.
A. clearly
B. clarity
C. clear
D. clearing
There ____ a book and some magazines on the desk.
A. is
B. be
C. have
D. has
She is not only my classmate _____ also my good friend.
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. too
He asked the waiter ___ the bill.
A. on
B. of
C. for
D. after
_____ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
A. Since
B. While
C. For
D. Before
I would like to do the job ___ you don't force me to study.
A. in case
B. although
C. though
D. as long as
The reason I did not go abroad was ___ a job in my home town.
A. because
B. due to
C. that I got
D. because of getting
_____ she survived the accident is miracle.
A. What
B. That
C. As
D. Which
I often see ____ the road on his way home.
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
His mother _______ alone since his father died.
A. lived
B. lives
C. has lived
D. is living
The workers are busy _____ models for the exhibition.
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
It was well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.
A. discovered
B. invented
C. found
D. developed
She wonders ____ will happen to her private life in the future.
A. that
B. it
C. this
D. what
The higher the temperature, _____ the liquid evaporates.
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ______ people drive on the left of the road.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
Sunday is the day ____ people usually don't go to work.
A. when
B. which
C. in which
D. that
____ you know, David has been well lately.
A. Which
B. As
C. What
D. When
The harder you study, _____ you will learn.
A. much
B. many
C. the more
D. much more
They got there an hour _____ than the others.
A. early
B. much early
C. more early
D. earlier
电缆施工作业完成后应( )穿越过的孔洞。 答案:B
A. 填埋
B. 封堵
C. 密封
D. 浇筑;
电力电缆试验要拆除接地线时,应征得工作许可人的许可(根据调控人员指令装设的接地线,应征得调控人员的许可),方可进行。工作完毕后应立即( )。 答案:B
A. 汇报
B. 恢复
C. 终结工作
D. 填写记录
电缆耐压试验分相进行时,另两相电缆应( )。 答案:A
A. 可靠接地
B. 用安全围栏与被试相电缆隔开
C. 用绝缘挡板与被试相电缆隔开
D. 短接
电缆试验结束,应对被试电缆进行充分放电,并在被试电缆上加装临时接地线,待( )方可拆除。 答案:C
A. 投入运行后
B. 工作票终结前
C. 电缆终端引出线接通后
D. 带负荷后
现场使用的机具、安全工器具应经( )。 答案:B
A. 厂家认证
B. 检验合格
C. 领导批准
D. 会议讨论
禁止在运行中或未完全停止的情况下清扫、擦拭机具的( )。 答案:A
A. 转动部分
B. 保护外壳
C. 绝缘部分
D. 基础部分
机具和安全工器具应( )。 答案:C
A. 统一编号、统一保管
B. 统一编号、个人保管
C. 统一编号、专人保管
D. 统一编号、分别保管
机具和安全工器具入库、出库、使用前应( ),禁止使用损坏、变形、有故障等不合格的机具和安全工器具。 答案:A
A. 检查
B. 试验
C. 鉴定
D. 擦拭
自制或改装以及主要部件更换或检修后的机具,应按其用途依据国家相关标准进行( ),经鉴定合格后方可使用 答案:B
A. 科技试验
B. 型式试验
C. 外观检验
D. 统一清洗
绞磨在作业前应( ),确认安置稳固、运行正常、制动可靠后方可使用。 答案:D
A. 检查
B. 试车
C. 评估
D. 检查和试车
独立抱杆至少应有( ) 根缆风绳。 答案:C
A. 两
B. 三
C. 四
D. 六
独立抱杆至少应有四根缆风绳,人字抱杆至少应有( )根缆风绳并有限制腿部开度的控制绳。 答案:A
A. 两
B. 三
C. 四
D. 六
抱杆缆风绳与抱杆顶部及地锚的连接应牢固可靠;缆风绳与地面的夹角一般应小于( )。 答案:B
A. 30°
B. 45°
C. 60°
D. 90°
放线架应支撑在坚实的地面上,松软地面应采取加固措施。放线轴与导线伸展方向应( ) 答案:C
A. 成30°夹角
B. 成60°夹角
C. 垂直
D. 平行
链条(手扳)葫芦使用前应检查吊钩、链条、转动装置及制动装置,吊钩、链轮或倒卡变形以及链条磨损达直径的( )时,禁止使用。 答案:B
A. 7%
B. 10%
C. 15 %
D. 20%
吊装带用于不同承重方式时,应严格按照( )使用 答案:B
A. 人员的经验
B. 标签给予的定值
C. 吊装带尺寸
D. 吊装带长度
棘轮紧线器操作时,操作人员不得站在棘轮紧线器( )。 答案:D
A. 前方
B. 后方
C. 侧方
D. 正下方
施工机具应有专用库房存放,库房要保持( )、经常( )。 答案:B
A. 整齐 通风
B. 干燥 通风
C. 干净 整齐
D. 湿润 整洁
施工机具应定期维护、保养。施工机具的( )部分应保持润滑。 答案:A
A. 转动和传动
B. 转动和机电
C. 传动和机电
D. 链接和电气
电动工具应做到( )。 答案:D
A. 一机一闸
B. 一机两闸一保护
C. 一机一闸一线路
D. 一机一闸一保护
长期停用或新领用的电动工具应用绝缘电阻表测量其绝缘电阻,若带电部件与外壳之间的绝缘电阻值达不到( )MΩ,应禁止使用。 答案:B
A. 1.0
B. 2.0
C. 3.0
D. 4.0
在一般作业场所(包括金属构架上),应使用Ⅱ类电动工具,是指( )。 答案:C
A. 功率较小的工具
B. 充电工具
C. 带绝缘外壳的工具
D. 重量较重的工具
安全工器具使用前,应检查确认( )部分无裂纹、无老化、无绝缘层脱落、无严重伤痕等现象以及固定连接部分无松动、无锈蚀、无断裂等现象。 答案:A
A. 绝缘
B. 传动
C. 固定
D. 外壳
接地线的两端夹具应保证接地线与导体和接地装置都能接触良好、拆装方便,有足够的( ),并在大短路电流通过时不致松脱。 答案:A
A. 机械强度
B. 耐压强度
C. 通流能力
D. 拉伸能力
绝缘隔板和绝缘罩只允许在( )kV及以下电压的电气设备上使用,并应有足够的绝缘和机械强度。 答案:C
A. 10
B. 20
C. 35
D. 110
安全工器具宜存放在温度为( )、相对湿度为80%以下、干燥通风的安全工器具室内。答案:C
A. -10~+35℃
B. -10~+30℃
C. -15~+35℃
D. -15~+30℃
绝缘隔板和绝缘罩应存放在室内干燥、离地面( )mm以上的架上或专用的柜内。 答案:C
A. 100.0
B. 150.0
C. 200.0
D. 300.0
电焊机的外壳应可靠接地,接地电阻不得大于( )Ω。 答案:C
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
使用中的氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶应( )固定放置,氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶的距离不得小于5m,气瓶的放置地点不准靠近热源,应距明火lOm以外。 答案:D
A. 水平
B. 倾斜
C. 并排
D. 垂直
使用中的氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶应垂直固定放置,氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶的距离不得小于( )m;气瓶的放置地点不得靠近热源,应距明火( )m以外。 答案:B
A. 4,8
B. 5,10
C. 5,8
D. 4,10
重大物件的起重、搬运工作应由( )负责,作业前应进行技术交底。 答案:B
A. 工作负责人
B. 有经验的专人
C. 持证上岗人员
D. 工程技术人员
对在用起重设备,( )应进行一次常规性检查,并做好记录。 答案:A
A. 每次使用前
B. 每半年
C. 每年
D. 每两年
起重设备、吊索具和其他起重工具的工作负荷,不得超过( )。 答案:B
A. 额定标准
B. 铭牌规定
C. 规程要求
D. 公司标准
当风力达到( )级以上时,受风面积较大的物体不宜起吊。 答案:B
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
起重吊钩应挂在物件的( )上。 答案:A
A. 重心线
B. 中心线
C. 底部构件
D. 顶部构件
在起吊、牵引过程中,受力钢丝绳的周围、上下方、转向滑车( )、吊臂和起吊物的下面,禁止有人逗留和通过。 答案:C
A. 前后方
B. 上下方
C. 内角侧
D. 外角侧
起重机停放或行驶时,其车轮、支腿或履带的前端或外侧与沟、坑边缘的距离不得小于沟、坑深度的( )倍;否则应采取防倾、防坍塌措施。 答案:A
A. 1.2
B. 1.5
C. 1.8
D. 2
起重作业时,起重机臂架、吊具、辅具、钢丝绳及吊物等与110kV架空输电线路及其他带电体的距离不得小于( )m,且应设专人监护。 答案:C
A. 2.0
B. 4.0
C. 5.0
D. 6.0
在带电设备区域内使用起重机等起重设备时,应安装接地线并可靠接地,接地线应用多股软铜线,其截面积不得小于( )mm2。 答案:B
A. 25.0
B. 16.0
C. 10.0
D. 35.0
在带电设备区域内使用起重机等起重设备时,应( ),接地线应用多股软铜线,其截面积不得小于16mm2。 答案:C
A. 安装接地线
B. 可靠接地
C. 安装接地线并可靠接地
D. 对角装设接地