- Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it._____you enjoyed it.
A. I'm so glad
B. I'm sorry
C. What a pity
D. Surprisingly
- I heard Susan surprised her teacher by working hard. Yes, ___
A. her teacher worked hard.
B. Susan worked hard.
C. the teacher was surprising.
D. Susan was surprised.
- Peter, don't step on the grass_______.
A. It doesn't matter
B. I can't do it
C. Don't worry
D. Sorry, I won't do it again
- How was your journey to Paris? - ____
A. It went very well.
B. I flew there.
C. I love Paris.
D. Thank you for asking.
- I'm sorry for being late, Mr Lt______.
A. All right
B. That's right
C. Not at all
D. Never mind
- Happy birthday to you! ___!
A. Happy birthday to you
B. I'm very glad
C. That's all right
D. Thank you
- Do you like country music?___.
A. Yes, I like basketball a lot
B. It's far too crowded
C. Yes, I'm crazy about it
D. Oh, it's funny
- Have a cup of tea, ____? Thanks a lot.
A. don't you
B. haven't you
C. shall we
D. will you
- Thank God.It's Friday again.A nice weekend!___.
A. Me too
B. Yes,I'll be free then
C. That's all right
D. The same to you
— Write to me when you get home. OK, I ______.
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. can
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ___ him.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
I don't know ____ to deal with such matter.
A. what
B. how
C. which
D. /
___ is your girl friend like? She is very kind and good-looking.
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Who
He ___ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.
A. insisted on
B. insisted at
C. insisted that
D. insisted in
We came finally ___the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I won’t make the___mistake next time.
A. like
B. same
C. near
D. similar
He ___lives in the house where he was born.
A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. ever
I am not used to speaking ___ public.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. to
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ___to me.
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
Measles (麻疹) ___ a long time to get over.
A. spend
B. spends
C. take
D. takes
A pair of spectacles ___ what I need at the moment.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
— Five days ___ too long for me to wait.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ___ friends there.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I fell and hurt myself while I ___ basketball yesterday.
A. was playing
B. am playing
C. play
D. played
Tom ___ more than twenty pounds on the novel.
A. spent
B. paid
C. cost
D. took
Don't forget ____ the window before leaving the room.
A. to have closed
B. to close
C. having closed
D. closing
Twenty people were___ wounded in the air crash.
A. quickly
B. wrongly
C. bitterly
D. seriously
The top of the Great Wall is ___ for five horses to go side by side.
A. wide
B. so wide
C. wide enough
D. enough wide
We’ve missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ___but to take a taxi.
A. way
B. choice
C. possibility
D. selection
Nancy is considered to be ____ the other students in her class.
A. less intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. intelligent as well
D. as intelligent as
It's _____ that he was wrong.
A. clearly
B. clarity
C. clear
D. clearing
There ____ a book and some magazines on the desk.
A. is
B. be
C. have
D. has
She is not only my classmate _____ also my good friend.
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. too
He asked the waiter ___ the bill.
A. on
B. of
C. for
D. after
_____ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
A. Since
B. While
C. For
D. Before
I would like to do the job ___ you don't force me to study.
A. in case
B. although
C. though
D. as long as
The reason I did not go abroad was ___ a job in my home town.
A. because
B. due to
C. that I got
D. because of getting
_____ she survived the accident is miracle.
A. What
B. That
C. As
D. Which
I often see ____ the road on his way home.
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
His mother _______ alone since his father died.
A. lived
B. lives
C. has lived
D. is living
A. 从严治官
B. 从严执纪
C. 从严治吏
D. 从严问责
A. 求真务实
B. 真抓实干
C. 勤政务实
D. 爱岗敬业
A. 做事要实
B. 谋事要实
C. 干事要实
D. 抓事要实
A. 与人民同呼吸共命运
B. 立党为公执政为民
C. 保持党同人民群众的血肉联系
D. 始终做人民公仆
A. 民主集中制
B. 全心全意为人民服务
C. 批评与自我批评
D. 群众路线
A. 批评和自我批评
B. 民主集中制
C. 群众路线
D. 发扬党内民主
A. 工作
B. 廉政
C. 组织
D. 政治
A. 调查研究
B. 学习
C. 实事求是
D. 解放思想
A. 心中有律
B. 心中有法
C. 心中有戒
D. 心中有爱
A. 廉洁用权
B. 廉洁从政
C. 廉洁修身
D. 廉洁奉公
A. 一次性问责
B. 阶段性问责
C. 任期问责
D. 终身问责
A. 基层组织
B. 所有干部
C. 各级组织和全体党员
D. 领导干部
 The shy girl felt _________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.
A. amazed      
B. awkward   
C. curious       
D. amused
This hotel _______ $ 60 for a single room with bath.
A. claims
B. demands
C. prices
D. charges
 Frequently singleparent children ____________  some of the functions that the absent adult in  the house would have served.
A. take off
B. take after   
C. take in        
D. take on
 A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial __________.
A.  mark          
B. feature     
C. trace         
D. appearance
 John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ________ the curiosity and creativity of children.
A. seek          
B. stimulate    
C. shape       
D. secure
 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _______ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
A.  by that        
B. at that      
C. on that        
D. in that
 However, at times this balance in nature is ________, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
A. troubled       
B. disturbed  
C. confused      
D. puzzled
 The patient’s health failed to such an  extent that he was put into _____ care.
A. tense           
B. rigid     
C.  intensive      
D.  tight
 Does everyone on earth have an equal right _________ an equal share of its resources?
A.  by                 
B. at         
C. to                 
D. over
 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe __________ Europe into a great war.
A. inserted        
B. imposed   
C. pitched         
D. plunged
 We had to ___________ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A. go in for        
B. hold on to    
C. put up with     
D. keep pace with
A person's calorie requirements vary ______ his life.___
A. across        
B. throughout  
C. over            
D. within
Generous public funding of basic science would ________considerable benefits for the country's health, wealth and security.___
A. lead to        
B. result from  
C. lie in            
D. settle down
In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ___________ with the rapid changes of society___
A. step              
B. progress    
C. pace            
D. touch
The speech which he made __________ the project has bothered me greatly.___
A. regarded      
B. concerned  
C. regarding      
D. concerning
Harry was _______ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.___
A. stung              
B. stuck    
C. bitten            
D. scratched
The thief tried to open the locked door but _________.___
A. in no way          
B. in vain  
C. without effect    
D. at a loss
Remember that customers don't ________ about prices in that city.___
A. debate            
B. consult  
C. dispute            
D. bargain
I hope that you'll be more careful in typing the letter. Don't _________ anything.___
A. lack                
B. withdraw
C. omit                
D. leak
The tomato juice left brown __________ on the front of my jacket.___
A. spot                
B. point    
C. track                
D. trace
The committee is totally opposed ________ any changes being made in the plans.___
A. of                    
B. on      
C. to                    
D. against
I'm very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.___
A. interfered         
B. offended 
C. impressed         
D. bothered
 The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.___
A. altered             
B. ranged   
C. separated         
D. differed
Their son doesn't know what to ________ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.___
A. take in             
B. take up   
C. take over         
D. take after
Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _________.___
A. blank             
B. hollow   
C. vacant           
D. bare
Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules.
A. with regard to      
B. as to     
C. in relation to       
D. owing to
Tony is very disappointed _______ the results of the exam.
A. with             
B. for     
C. toward         
D. on
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
A. peculiarly        
B. indifferently 
C. vigorously       
D. inevitably