- Do you mind if I switch off the radio? ______. Go ahead.
A. Never mind
B. No way
C. No, not at all
D. No, you'd better not
- Could I use your bike for a moment? ___
A. It's well.
B. It doesn't matter.
C. By all means.
D. I have no idea.
-How do you like the story?_______.
A. I'd like to read it
B. I like it very much
C. fine, thank you
D. It's very interesting
- I'll sorry to trouble you.______.
A. Don't say so
C. It doesn't matter
D. That's fight
- We ordered 20 boxes of your products, but we have only got 19. - ____
A. You do not have to.
B. It does not matter.
C. We will send another tomorrow.
D. Nothing serious.
--Will you please give the note to him? _________.
A. Certainly, I'll give it to him
B. No, please not
C. Sorry, I don't
D. Yes, please do
- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift____
A. Never mind
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.____
A. Oh, no. let's not.
B. I'd rather stay at home.
C. I'm sorry, but I have other plans.
D. Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble.
- Could you please open the window?____
A. I can't.
B. Go ahead.
C. Sure.
D. It's really very kind.
- Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?____
A. I'm afraid you can.
B. I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon.
C. Yes, I don't think so.
D. I'll think about it later.
- Thank you very much for the dictionary you sent me.____
A. No thanks.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, it's not so good.
- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?____
A. You are welcome.
B. How about you?
C. I've never seen a better movie than it.
D. It is very expensive.
- What do you think of your new teacher____
A. He came to teach us last week.
B. He teaches us English.
C. He has two children.
D. He is very nice.
- Are you going to have a holiday?____
A. Not until next week.
B. Three weeks ago.
C. To Beijing.
D. I'm pleased to hear that.
- You seem to be lost. Need help? ____
A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?
B. Help me find my key, please.
C. Yes, with pleasure.
D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.
- Can you help me clear up the mess____
A. Yes, it doesn't matter.
B. No, that's OK.
C. Yes, help yourself.
D. No problem.
- Does No.20 bus stop at our school?____
A. I go to school by bus.
B. I'm afraid not.
C. You are welcome.
D. I'll not take No.20 bus.
- Can I help you? ____
A. Sorry, I don't need your help.
B. What help can you give us?
C. I'd like to try on these shoes, please.
D. Thanks. You are welcome.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting. ____
A. That's OK.
B. What are you doing?
C. What's wrong with you?
D. Where have you been?
- What is she?____
A. She is a typist.
B. She is talking to her friend.
C. She is having a holiday.
D. She is my sister.
- That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to.____
A. It belongs to the
B. rowns. B.The cat is my favourite too.
C. Mind your own business.
D. I can't say anything more.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the time____
A. You'd better buy a watch.
B. It's three thirty by my watch.
C. Can you see the clock?
D. It's late I think.
- What do you think of the movie we saw last night?____
A. The actress is bad.
B. Terrific!
C. The theatre is bad.
D. Nobody was there.
___ No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want anything.
A. Could you help me?
B. What will you buy?
C. Can I help you?
D. Do you like to look around?
- Hello, Peter. What do you do?____
A. I am fine.
B. I am not sick.
C. I am a student from Bonn University.
D. I came from Bonn University.
-Excuse me; can I have a seat here?___
A. Be hurry.
B. Come on.
C. Yes, please.
D. Do you mind?
- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?___
A. I'd rather stay here if you don't mind.
B. Sorry, I don't like neither.
C. Certainly, why not?
D. Yes, we like these two places.
- What do you do on Sunday?___
A. I 'm a teacher.
B. I play football.
C. You are a student.
D. They clean rooms.
- Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.___
A. That's right.
B. Thanks a lot.
C. Congratulations!
D. It's a pleasure.
- Hi, is Mary there, please?___
A. Hold on. I'll get her.
B. No, she isn't here.
C. Yes, she lives here.
D. Yes, what do you want?
- I am afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday. ___
A. Don't be afraid
B. Be careful
C. Not at all
D. Take your time
- I really don't know how to thank you enough. ___.
A. No problem
B. Think nothing of it
C. Not at all
D. It doesn't matter
- Must I be home before seven? ___.
A. No, you needn't
B. No, you mustn't
C. Yes, you will
D. No, you won't
-I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam______.
A. Not at all
B. Oh, thank you.That's very kind of you
C. You are welcome
D. Yes, I'm really sorry
-I will,______.
A. that's all right
B. thank you
C. all right
D. not at all
-Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?_____.
A. My name is Zhao Hua
B. I'm Zhao Hua
C. This is Zhao Hua speaking
D. Zhao Hua is me
___This is Mr Smith speaking now.
A. Who are you
B. Who is that
C. Who are you calling
D. What do you want to say
- I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.___
A. Don't worry about it.
B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course.
C. Mr. Brown is very good.
D. Good luck to you!
-Would you go to the concert with me?___, but I'm very busy now.
A. I'd like to
B. Sure
C. No problem
D. Certainly
-I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat?Not at all. _______.
A. I have no time
B. I'd rather not
C. You can leave
D. I'd be happy to
- Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you.____.
A. Certainly
B. Many thanks
D. Nice to meet you, too
56.更换 主整流二极管应注意什么?*简答题*___
57.康尼塞拉门有电有气时用三角钥匙操作装置不能打开和关闭车门的原因是什么? *简答题*___
61.塞拉门日常应做哪些维修保养? *简答题*___
70.康尼塞拉门未关到位即自动返回原因是什么? *简答题*___
78.电茶炉的控制箱检修须符合什么要求? *简答题*___
79.25T 型客车发生火情时有哪些应急对策?*简答题*___
A. 世界观和方法论的关系问题
B. 物质和运动的关系问题
C. 思维和存在的关系问题
D. 实践和理论的关系问题
A. 形而上学观点
B. 主观唯心主义观点
C. 庸俗唯物主义观点
D. 相对主义诡辩论观点
A. 意识是生物界长期发展的产物
B. 意识是社会的产物
C. 意识是人脑发展的产物
D. 意识是对客观世界的反映
下列选项中,包含着新事物必然战胜旧事物这一哲学道理的是 ___
A. 黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回
B. 高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪
C. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春
D. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村
A. 实践的观点
B. 唯物论的观点
C. 可知论的观点
D. 辩证法的观点
一个完整的认识过程是 ___
A. 认识—实践—认识
B. 实践—认识—实践
C. 感觉—知觉—表象
D. 概念—判断—推理
我们对待马克思主义既要坚持又要发展,这种态度的哲学基础是 ___
A. 认识是主体对客体的能动反映的原理
B. 实践是认识的来源和目的的原理
C. 感性认识有待于上升到理性认识的原理
D. 真理的绝对性和相对性相统一的原理
在人类全部社会关系中,最基础的关系是 ___
A. 血缘亲戚关系
B. 地缘政治关系
C. 物质生产关系
D. 思想文化关系
在构成生产力系统的诸要素中,属于渗透性因素的是 ___
A. 劳动资料
B. 劳动对象
C. 自然科学
D. 经营管理
社会基本矛盾有两对,一对是生产力和生产关系的矛盾,另一对是 ___
A. 个人和社会之间的矛盾
B. 人和自然之间的矛盾
C. 被剥削阶级和剥削阶级之间的矛盾
D. 经济基础和上层建筑之间的矛盾
A. 渔猎社会
B. 农业社会
C. 资本主义社会
D. 工业社会
A. 1911年辛亥革命
B. 1919年五四运动
C. 1921年中国共产党成立
D. 1927年八一南昌起义