- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?____
A. You are welcome.
B. How about you?
C. I've never seen a better movie than it.
D. It is very expensive.
- What do you think of your new teacher____
A. He came to teach us last week.
B. He teaches us English.
C. He has two children.
D. He is very nice.
- Are you going to have a holiday?____
A. Not until next week.
B. Three weeks ago.
C. To Beijing.
D. I'm pleased to hear that.
- You seem to be lost. Need help? ____
A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?
B. Help me find my key, please.
C. Yes, with pleasure.
D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.
- Can you help me clear up the mess____
A. Yes, it doesn't matter.
B. No, that's OK.
C. Yes, help yourself.
D. No problem.
- Does No.20 bus stop at our school?____
A. I go to school by bus.
B. I'm afraid not.
C. You are welcome.
D. I'll not take No.20 bus.
- Can I help you? ____
A. Sorry, I don't need your help.
B. What help can you give us?
C. I'd like to try on these shoes, please.
D. Thanks. You are welcome.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting. ____
A. That's OK.
B. What are you doing?
C. What's wrong with you?
D. Where have you been?
- What is she?____
A. She is a typist.
B. She is talking to her friend.
C. She is having a holiday.
D. She is my sister.
- That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to.____
A. It belongs to the
B. rowns. B.The cat is my favourite too.
C. Mind your own business.
D. I can't say anything more.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the time____
A. You'd better buy a watch.
B. It's three thirty by my watch.
C. Can you see the clock?
D. It's late I think.
- What do you think of the movie we saw last night?____
A. The actress is bad.
B. Terrific!
C. The theatre is bad.
D. Nobody was there.
___ No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want anything.
A. Could you help me?
B. What will you buy?
C. Can I help you?
D. Do you like to look around?
- Hello, Peter. What do you do?____
A. I am fine.
B. I am not sick.
C. I am a student from Bonn University.
D. I came from Bonn University.
-Excuse me; can I have a seat here?___
A. Be hurry.
B. Come on.
C. Yes, please.
D. Do you mind?
- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?___
A. I'd rather stay here if you don't mind.
B. Sorry, I don't like neither.
C. Certainly, why not?
D. Yes, we like these two places.
- What do you do on Sunday?___
A. I 'm a teacher.
B. I play football.
C. You are a student.
D. They clean rooms.
- Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.___
A. That's right.
B. Thanks a lot.
C. Congratulations!
D. It's a pleasure.
- Hi, is Mary there, please?___
A. Hold on. I'll get her.
B. No, she isn't here.
C. Yes, she lives here.
D. Yes, what do you want?
- I am afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday. ___
A. Don't be afraid
B. Be careful
C. Not at all
D. Take your time
- I really don't know how to thank you enough. ___.
A. No problem
B. Think nothing of it
C. Not at all
D. It doesn't matter
- Must I be home before seven? ___.
A. No, you needn't
B. No, you mustn't
C. Yes, you will
D. No, you won't
-I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam______.
A. Not at all
B. Oh, thank you.That's very kind of you
C. You are welcome
D. Yes, I'm really sorry
-I will,______.
A. that's all right
B. thank you
C. all right
D. not at all
-Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?_____.
A. My name is Zhao Hua
B. I'm Zhao Hua
C. This is Zhao Hua speaking
D. Zhao Hua is me
___This is Mr Smith speaking now.
A. Who are you
B. Who is that
C. Who are you calling
D. What do you want to say
- I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.___
A. Don't worry about it.
B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course.
C. Mr. Brown is very good.
D. Good luck to you!
-Would you go to the concert with me?___, but I'm very busy now.
A. I'd like to
B. Sure
C. No problem
D. Certainly
-I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat?Not at all. _______.
A. I have no time
B. I'd rather not
C. You can leave
D. I'd be happy to
- Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you.____.
A. Certainly
B. Many thanks
D. Nice to meet you, too
- Hello, may I speak to Mike?_____
A. Who are you?
B. Sorry, he isn't in.
C. Thank you very much.
D. Yes, here you are.
- Will you join us for lunch?____.
A. No, I won't
B. Yes, with pleasure
C. Yes, please
D. Yes, help yourself
- Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it._____you enjoyed it.
A. I'm so glad
B. I'm sorry
C. What a pity
D. Surprisingly
- I heard Susan surprised her teacher by working hard. Yes, ___
A. her teacher worked hard.
B. Susan worked hard.
C. the teacher was surprising.
D. Susan was surprised.
- Peter, don't step on the grass_______.
A. It doesn't matter
B. I can't do it
C. Don't worry
D. Sorry, I won't do it again
- How was your journey to Paris? - ____
A. It went very well.
B. I flew there.
C. I love Paris.
D. Thank you for asking.
- I'm sorry for being late, Mr Lt______.
A. All right
B. That's right
C. Not at all
D. Never mind
- Happy birthday to you! ___!
A. Happy birthday to you
B. I'm very glad
C. That's all right
D. Thank you
- Do you like country music?___.
A. Yes, I like basketball a lot
B. It's far too crowded
C. Yes, I'm crazy about it
D. Oh, it's funny
- Have a cup of tea, ____? Thanks a lot.
A. don't you
B. haven't you
C. shall we
D. will you
- Thank God.It's Friday again.A nice weekend!___.
A. Me too
B. Yes,I'll be free then
C. That's all right
D. The same to you
人体安全电压是( )。 ___
A. 36V
B. 45V
C. 50V
D. 60V
电气化区段,除专业人员按规定作业外,任何人员所携带的物件(包括长杆导线等)与接触网设备及带电部分需保持( )以上距离。 ___
接触网最高电压是( )。 ___
A. 25KV
B. 27.5KV
C. 29KV
D. 35KV
用沙土扑灭距接触网带电部份( )的燃着物时,接触网必须停电。 ___
A. 不足2m
B. 不足4m
C. 8m
D. 10m
发生高压正确地故障时, 在切断电源 前,任何人与接地点的距离,小于( )。 ___
A. 4m
B. 8m
C. 10m
D. 15m
电力系统输送给牵引变电所的电压是( )。 ___
A. 110KV或220KV
B. 10KV
C. 27.5KV
D. 25KV
在接触网支柱及接触网带电部份( )范围内的金属结构物上均需装设接地线。 ___
A. 4m
B. 4.2m
C. 4.5m
D. 5m
隔离开关的操作机构应安设在支柱距地面( )高度处。 ___
A. 2m
B. 1.5m
C. 0.8m
D. 1.1m
隔离开关不能带负荷进行分合闸的主要原因是( )。 ___
A. 无法实现分合闸
B. 损坏设备
C. 操作人员有触电的危险
D. 隔离开关无灭弧装置
高速铁路接触网导线距轨面高度一般在( )米左右。 ___
A. 4.5
B. 5.3
C. 6
D. 6.5
接地杆的耐压等级是( )。 ___
A. 35KV
B. 25KV
C. 20KV
D. 17.5KV
隔离开关的开关瓷柱的转动应灵活,转动角度为( )度。 ___
A. 90
B. 120
C. 135
D. 180
每年汛期:南宁局管内汛期为(). ___
A. A、4月1日至4月30日
B. B、4月1日-10月15日
C. C、4月3日至4月15日
D. D、4月4日至4月30日
接班前已经饮酒,尚未大醉的,可以允许其工作。 ___
工作中坚守岗位,遵守纪律,不得做与工作无关的事情。 ___
严禁脱岗,串岗,私自替班,换班。 ___
可以穿高跟鞋,拖鞋及赤膊上班。 ___
各级干部不得玩忽职守,强令工人违章和冒险蛮干。 ___
合同工,学徒工,实习人员,干部劳动在学习期间,可以单独顶岗。 ___
对定职,定级和改职工人,均必须经安全技术考试,鉴定合格后方准顶岗。 ___
养成良好的安全行为是规避风险,保护自己,防止事故发生的前提。 ___
严禁在运行中的机车,车辆前方抢越。 ___
上道作业人员接到来车通知后,必须停止作业,迅速撤离到安全地带待避车。 ___
必须严格执行作业标准,操作规程等有关的安全规章制度,不简化作业过程。 ___
含有腐蚀性化学成分的蓄电池电解液,用于齿轮,压缩机等的油以及润滑剂,胶和密封剂,都可能具有腐蚀性或引起皮肤或肺部刺激。进行相关检修工作时,注意环境通风良好,并保护好皮肤和眼睛。 ___
在蓄电池附近作业时须防止爆炸伤害发生,在非安全距离内禁止明火作业。 ___
两人以上从事同一作业时,必须指定专人指挥,统一行动,相互配合,呼唤应答。 ___
特种设备(包括厂内机动车辆)必须定期检测,严禁带病运行。 ___
机床及各种转动机械设备的操作人员,在开机前,要检查机械转动部位防护装置是否齐全良好,给油状态是否良好。 ___
在操作机械时,衣袖要扎紧,女同志的头发应挽在工作帽内,严禁戴手套操作。 ___
进行金属切削工作时要戴好防护眼镜。 ___
人员下道避车时应面向列车认真瞭望,防止列车上的抛落,坠落物或绳索伤人。 ___
车站内如必须走道心时,应在其前后设置专人防护。 ___
在站场上作业和行走时,要随时注意两邻线来往的机车车辆,防止被车上坠落物品,篷布绳索等击伤。 ___
进路信号辨认不清时,应及时下道避车。 ___
不准不打好脚手架,放稳梯登就开始作业。 ___
登高作业在使用椅子,高脚凳,升降台之前,应检查确认其完整良好。 ___
登高作业时,要思想集中,不得用力过猛和探身过远或高空跨越。 ___