- Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food. ____
A. No, thanks.
B. Never mind.
C. Thank you for coming.D.That's all right.
- Why didn't you tell me? ____
A. Sorry, I forgot.
B. I'm sorry you should wait.
C. I don't know.
D. I'd love to.
- What do you plan to do after the exam? ____ How about you?
A. I hate taking exams.
B. I like making plans.
C. Nothing special.
D. I've changed my mind.
- Tom told me that you collect stamps. ____
A. What do you mean?
B. I don't think so.
C. Why did he tell you?
D. Yes, I do. Do you?
- This is a challenging job. Who wants it?____
A. I'll take it.
B. It's a good idea.
C. You bet!
D. No sweat!
- I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. ___!
A. Cheers
B. Good luck
C. Come on
D. Congratulations
- ABC Company, may I help you? ____
A. I am Jack. May I speak to Miss Jenny?
B. This is Jack speaking. May I speak to Miss Jenny?
C. This is Jack speaking. Can I find Miss Jenny?
D. I am Jack. Can I find Miss Jenny?
- You have won the football game. Congratulations! ____
A. We are really lucky.
B. No one else could do it.
C. Oh, not really.
D. It's nice of you to say so.
- Excuse me, when will the 17:15 train arrive____
A. I don't tell you.
B. It's been delayed one hour.
C. You have to be patient.
D. Don't ask me.
- Is John there?____
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
- Would you like to join us for Sunday dinner____
A. It's nice of you to invite me.
B. How about the food?
C. I like onion soup.
D. I'm sorry I missed the fun last time.
- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?____
A. Don't ask me.
B. Parking is very difficult.
C. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.
D. Sorry, you can't park here.
- Sorry, ___
A. here you are.
B. take it.
C. it's taken.
D. never mind.
-What's this in English? ____
A. It's a map.
B. That is a map.
C. Yes, it's a map.
D. No, it isn't.
- I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations!____
A. No. I didn't do well enough.
B. Who told you that?
C. Thanks.
D. Yes, I got a good mark.
- Don't forget to come to my party this evening!___
A. I can't.
B. I won't.
C. I don't.
D. I will.
- Jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. It's dangerous!___
A. Good idea.
B. Sorry, I won't do it again.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. It's good.
-How about going fishing?___, I have no patience for that.
A. Excuse me
B. Sorry
C. Pardon
D. Apologize
- Thanks for the lovely and delicious food______.
A. No thanks
B. Never mind
C. All right
D. My pleasure
- Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week._____
A. Great idea.
B. Welcome!
C. Yes, of course.
D. No, thanks.
- Do you mind if I switch off the radio? ______. Go ahead.
A. Never mind
B. No way
C. No, not at all
D. No, you'd better not
- Could I use your bike for a moment? ___
A. It's well.
B. It doesn't matter.
C. By all means.
D. I have no idea.
-How do you like the story?_______.
A. I'd like to read it
B. I like it very much
C. fine, thank you
D. It's very interesting
- I'll sorry to trouble you.______.
A. Don't say so
C. It doesn't matter
D. That's fight
- We ordered 20 boxes of your products, but we have only got 19. - ____
A. You do not have to.
B. It does not matter.
C. We will send another tomorrow.
D. Nothing serious.
--Will you please give the note to him? _________.
A. Certainly, I'll give it to him
B. No, please not
C. Sorry, I don't
D. Yes, please do
- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift____
A. Never mind
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.____
A. Oh, no. let's not.
B. I'd rather stay at home.
C. I'm sorry, but I have other plans.
D. Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble.
- Could you please open the window?____
A. I can't.
B. Go ahead.
C. Sure.
D. It's really very kind.
- Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?____
A. I'm afraid you can.
B. I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon.
C. Yes, I don't think so.
D. I'll think about it later.
- Thank you very much for the dictionary you sent me.____
A. No thanks.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, it's not so good.
- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?____
A. You are welcome.
B. How about you?
C. I've never seen a better movie than it.
D. It is very expensive.
- What do you think of your new teacher____
A. He came to teach us last week.
B. He teaches us English.
C. He has two children.
D. He is very nice.
- Are you going to have a holiday?____
A. Not until next week.
B. Three weeks ago.
C. To Beijing.
D. I'm pleased to hear that.
- You seem to be lost. Need help? ____
A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?
B. Help me find my key, please.
C. Yes, with pleasure.
D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.
- Can you help me clear up the mess____
A. Yes, it doesn't matter.
B. No, that's OK.
C. Yes, help yourself.
D. No problem.
- Does No.20 bus stop at our school?____
A. I go to school by bus.
B. I'm afraid not.
C. You are welcome.
D. I'll not take No.20 bus.
- Can I help you? ____
A. Sorry, I don't need your help.
B. What help can you give us?
C. I'd like to try on these shoes, please.
D. Thanks. You are welcome.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting. ____
A. That's OK.
B. What are you doing?
C. What's wrong with you?
D. Where have you been?
- What is she?____
A. She is a typist.
B. She is talking to her friend.
C. She is having a holiday.
D. She is my sister.
- That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to.____
A. It belongs to the
B. rowns. B.The cat is my favourite too.
C. Mind your own business.
D. I can't say anything more.
A. 高热
B. 缺氧和产伤
C. 过期产
D. 低钙血症
E. 新生儿黄疸
A. 母乳喂养
B. 及早添加辅食
C. 及早口服鱼肝油
D. 及早服用钙剂
E. 经常晒太阳
A. 体重
B. 身高
C. 头围
D. 坐高
E. 胸围
A. 第1腰椎下缘
B. 第2腰椎下缘
C. 第3腰椎下缘
D. 第4腰椎下缘
E. 第5腰椎下缘
A. 呼气时外突,吸气时正常
B. 吸气和呼气均外突
C. 吸气时外突,呼气时内陷
D. 吸气时内陷,呼气时外突
E. 吸气和呼气时均内陷
A. 血压
B. 瞳孔散大
C. 桡动脉搏动消失
D. 颈动脉搏动消失
E. 心音消失
A. 冠心病
B. 电解质紊乱
C. 酸碱平衡失调
D. 意外事件
E. 药物中毒或过敏
A. 红细胞寿命缩短
B. 红细胞成熟受干扰
C. 造血原料缺乏
D. 出血
E. 无效性红细胞生成
A. 是孕产妇死亡的主要原因之一
B. 妊娠32~34周时血容量达到最高峰
C. 分娩第二产程比第一产程心脏负担重
D. 分娩第三产程心脏负担很重
E. 产后2~3天心脏负担减轻
A. 实验室检查
B. 腹部B超
C. 腹部X线平片
D. CT检查
E. 磁共振检查
A. 该病房开放床位数
B. 该病房实际在院患者总数
C. 一级患者人数
D. 该病房患者总人数
E. 占用床位数
A. 臭氧消毒
B. 甲醛熏蒸消毒
C. 过氧乙酸熏蒸消毒
D. 循环风紫外线空气消毒器
E. 电离辐射灭菌
A. 传播活动的地点、场所、社会规范、政策法规等
B. 传播活动的地点、环境布置、社会规范、政策法规等
C. 传播活动的地点、场所、光线、温度、环境布置等
D. 传播活动的地点、社会经济状况、文化习俗等
E. 传播活动的环境布置、文化习俗、社会规范、政策法规等
A. 标准化原理
B. 将标准化贯穿于管理全过程
C. 增进系统整体效能
D. 提高工作质量与工作效率
E. -切活动依据标准
A. 专业结构
B. 能级结构
C. 知识结构
D. 年龄结构
E. 智能结构
A. 患者皮肤黏膜开放性伤口有细菌定植,但尚未有炎症表现
B. 新生儿在院内经产道感染链球菌
C. 新生儿在院内经胎盘感染单纯疱疹
D. 新生儿在分娩过程中误吸未被污染的羊水形成肺炎
E. 术后三日内患者体温升高,三日后恢复正常
A. 4小时
B. 8小时
C. 24小时
D. 48小时
E. 72小时
A. 社会需求
B. 对手
C. 服务
D. 组织
E. 系统
A. 明确动机
B. 洞察需要
C. 满足需要
D. 满足未满足的需要
E. 分析需要
A. 自然通风净化法
B. 消毒液喷雾法
C. 紫外线灯管消毒法
D. 臭氧灭菌灯消毒法
E. 过滤除菌法
A. 信息传播在小群体成员之间进行,是一种单向性的直接传播
B. 群体传播和群体意识的形成没有关系
C. 在群体交流中形成的一致性意见会产生一种群体倾向,这种群体压力能够改变群体中个别人的不同意见,从而产生从众行为
D. 群体中的"舆论领袖"对人们的认知和行为改变具有引导作用,其存在不利于群体传播的开展
E. 群体意识越强,越不利于群体目标的实现
A. 生理的需要
B. 安全的需要
C. 爱与被爱的需要
D. 归属的需要
E. 尊重的需要
A. 创造支持环境
B. 加强社区行动
C. 发展个人技能
D. 提高公共福利
E. 调整卫生服务方向
A. 原位菌群一度失调
B. 原位菌群二度失调
C. 移位菌群失调
D. 菌群交替症
E. 无菌群失调
A. 经济指标
B. 文化指标
C. 卫生服务指标
D. 社区资源
E. 目标人群生活环境的物理状况
A. 碘酊多用于皮肤的消毒
B. 氯己定对金属和织物无腐蚀性
C. 过氧乙酸可用于浸泡金属器械
D. 戊二醛可用于浸泡内镜
E. 碘附对皮肤、黏膜无刺激
A. 是指非暴露组与暴露组医院感染几率之比
B. 表示暴露组的住院患者中发生医院感染的危险性的倍数
C. 等于1时,表明所研究的因素与感染发生间有联系
D. 大于1时,表明该因素会减少医院感染的发生
E. 小于1时,表明该因素会增加医院感染的发生
A. 倾向因素
B. 促成因素
C. 危险因素
D. 强化因素
E. 健康相关行为
A. 入院48小时内发生的感染
B. 本次感染与上次住院有关
C. 在原有感染基础上出现新的感染
D. 由于诊疗措施激活的潜在性感染
E. 新生儿经母体产道时获得的感染
A. 向与会者表示感谢
B. 明确讨论目的和主题
C. 鼓励发言、形成气氛
D. 生动有趣、设置悬念
E. 邀请与会者进行自我介绍
A. 反馈原则
B. 动力原则
C. 能级原则
D. 弹性原则
E. 价值原则
A. 格林效应
B. 霍桑效应
C. 光环效应
D. 主观效应
E. 客观效应
A. 人内传播
B. 人际传播
C. 群体传播
D. 组织传播
E. 公共传播
A. 封闭式问题
B. 开放式提问
C. 探索式提问
D. 偏向式提问
E. 复合式提问
A. 是全身心的传播
B. 在传播中,情感信息的交流占重要地位
C. 在传播过程中,无论是传播者还是受传者均要用多种感宫来传递和接受信息
D. 以个体化信息为主
E. 在传播过程中,对已经确定好的传播策略、交流方式及内容不宜做调整和更改
A. 生活制度
B. 发病机制
C. 医疗效果
D. 病情现状
E. 定期复查
A. 日常生活中危害健康的行为习惯
B. 患病过程中所表现出来的不利于疾病康复的行为
C. 可导致特异性疾病发生的行为模式
D. 违反法律法规并危害健康的行为
E. 不利于身体健康的行为
A. 抬高患肢
B. 减慢输液速度
C. 更换注射部位
D. 局部50%硫酸镁湿热敷
E. 送导管尖端进行培养
A. see看见
B. seeing看见
C. sense感觉
D. stimulus刺激
E. stimtIlate刺激
A. 确定或推测与人群健康问题有关的行为和行为影响因素
B. 对人群疾病谱的诊断
C. 是健康干预的过程
D. 是对人群实施健康教育的过程
E. 提供健康教育的措施