— Please help yourself to the seafood.___
A. No, I can't.
B. Sorry, I can’t help.
C. Well, seafood don’t suit.
D. Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood.
— Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?___
A. No, I already have plans.
B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight
C. No, I really don't like being with you.
D. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.
— Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest.___
A. Yes, I beat the others.
B. No, no, I didn’t do it well.
C. Thank you.
D. It's a pleasure.
— Must I take a taxi? No, you___. You can take my car.
A. had better to
B. don't
C. must not
D. don't have to
— We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?___
A. I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
B. Of course not. I have no idea
C. No, I can’t.
D. That's all set
— How was your trip to London, Jane?___
A. Oh, wonderful indeed.
B. I went there alone.
C. The guide showed me the way.
D. By plane and by bus.
— Hey, Tom, what's up?___
A. Yes, definitely!
B. Oh, not much.
C. What is happening in your life?
D. You are lucky.
— Do you mind my smoking here?___
A. No, thanks.
B. Yes, I do.
C. Yes. I'd rather not.
D. Good idea.
— Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?Really? ___
A. Who did that?
B. What's wrong with him?
C. How did that happen?
D. Why was he so careless?
— This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.___
A. You may ask for help.
B. I'll give you a hand.
C. Please do me a favor.
D. I'd come to help.
— I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?___ I'm not using it right now.
A. Sure, here you are.
B. I don't know.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. Who cares?
— Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?___ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.
A. I beg your pardon?
B. What do you mean?
C. You’re welcome.
D. Um, let me think.
— Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic.____
A. Great, I am very art-conscious.
B. Don’t mention it.
C. Thanks for your compliments.
D. It's fine.
— Is it possible for you to work late tonight?___
A. I like it.
B. I'll do that.
C. I'd love to. .
D. I think so.
— Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!___ This is not the end of the world.
A. Good luck.
C. heer up. C. Go ahead.
D. No problem.
Are you feeling better today, Jack?___
A. There must be something wrong.
B. Just have a good rest.
C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
D. Don’t worry about me.
Thank you so much for your lovely gift.___
A. Never mind.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?___
A. No, thanks.
B. No, I wouldn’t
C. Yes, I want.
D. Yes, I like.
What's the problem with your bike?___
A. Not at all.
B. Good, thank you.
C. Nothing serious.
D. Sure.
Good morning, John. How are you doing?___
A. I'm pleased
B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?
D. How do you do?
How do you do?___
A. Fine, thank you.
B. How do you do?
C. Not too bad.
D. Very well.
Good-bye for now.___
A. The same to you.
B. That's OK
C. See you.
D. Long time no see.
Hello, how are you?___
A. Hello, how are you?
B. How do you do?
C. Fine, thank you.
D. That's OK.
I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me。___
A. Not too bad.
B. That's all right
C. It's a pleasure.
D. Thank you.
Thank you for your invitation.___
A. It doesn’t matter.
B. It's a pleasure.
C. It's a small thing.
D. I'll appreciate it.
What a beautiful dress you have on today!___
A. It is suitable for me.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. You want to have one, too?
D. Thank you.
I think he is a good lecturer.___
A. Sorry, it doesn’t matter.
B. So do I.
C. Yes. It's a good idea
D. I don't mind
— What's the matter, dear?___
A. I didn't go to school.
B. I have a terrible headache.
C. I took the kids shopping today.
D. It is a beautiful dress.
Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?___
A. Who's there?
B. Who's that speaking?
C. Who are you?
D. Who wants to speak to Mark?
Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.___
A. What a pleasure.
B. Pleased to meet you.
C. I don't know.
D. Thanks a lot.
Let's go to the library this afternoon.___.
A. Yes, that's right.
B. No. I can't.
C. What about you?
D. That's a good idea.
What does Tom's wife do for a living?___.
A. She is a doctor.
B. Tom loves his wife.
C. She has a happy life.
D. She lives far from here.
How tall is your sister?___
A. She is not very well.
B. She is 28 years old.
C. She is very nice.
D. She is as tall as I am.
What do you think of this novel?___
A. I've read it.
B. It's well-written.
C. It was written by my uncle.
D. I bought it yesterday.
How much is this necklace?___
A. It's very nice.
B. It's a birthday present from my parents.
C. It costs fifty pounds.
D. It's a bargain.
How can I get to the cinema?___
A. It's very far.
B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.
C. It's well known.
D. Go down this street and turn left.
What's the matter, John?___
A. I failed my French test
B. It doesn't matter.
C. Nothing's wrong with him.
D. I don't think I can.
What are you majoring in?___
A. In a university.
B. Very hard.
C. Mathematics.
D. At nine in the morning.
Are you going on holiday for a long time?___
A. It was a long time.
B. Two weeks ago.
C. No. Only a couple of days.
D. Not long time ago.
Is Mary there?___
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
What day is today?___
A. It's March 6.
B. It's a fine day today.
C. It's March.
D. It's Monday.
A. 上节梯
B. 下节梯
C. 拉绳
D. 滑轮
E. 制动器
A. 木质
B. 竹质
C. 铝合金材质
D. 钢质
A. 消防员右脚后退一步并下蹲,双手前伸支撑上体
B. 右手将水枪按在地上
C. 双脚向后叉开伸直,脚尖向外,脚跟相对与肩同宽
D. 右臂肘部着地握水枪前部,左手小臂着地扶水带目视前方。
A. 挂钩梯攀登高层建筑
B. 滑绳自救
C. 徒手上楼
D. 爬落水管
E. 爬避雷线
F. 撑杆上楼
G. 利用举高消防车登高、攀爬云梯车等
砖木结构建筑火灾的特点主要有___ 。
A. 燃烧猛烈,蔓延迅速
B. 易形成立体火灾
C. 建筑易垮塌
D. 交通、水源不利,扑救难度大
E. 易造成人员伤亡
A. 压力损失叠加法
B. 阻力系数法
C. 流量平分法
D. 阻力平分法
E. 流量叠加法
A. 消防车最大供水高度
B. 消防车停放位置
C. 水带耐压性能
D. 水带连接强度
A. 消火栓箱、消防水箱
B. 室内管网、市政入户管
C. 消防水池、消防水泵
D. 水泵接合器、消防控制室
E. 湿式报警阀、配水管
高层建筑火灾供水方法主要有 ___。
A. 启动固定消防水泵供水
B. 利用水泵接合器向室内管网补充供水
C. 通过移动式消防水泵直接向火场供水
D. 通过消防车直接向火场供水
A. 水压
B. 水量
C. 效率
D. 用途
E. 强度
A. 消防泵不能启动
B. 消防泵出水量不能满足灭火要求时
C. 消防泵发生故障
D. 供水管网发生故障
A. 设有移动通信装置的现场,利用移动电话同地面保持通信联系
B. 利用头盔通信电台和地铁内部有线通信设备进行现场通信
C. 在每层设立通信站,作接力通信或设置有线通信
D. 使用简单的灯语、旗语、绳语、人力等通信方法
A. 各种事故的抢险救援
B. 各种自然灾害的抢险救援
C. 参与处置突发事件
D. 参加地方政府各类庆典保卫活动
E. 各类特殊火灾救援
A. 政府领导,统一指挥
B. 快速行动,科学处置
C. 以人为本,救人优先
D. 灵活指挥,因情施救
E. 加强保障,连续作战
A. 接警出动
B. 个人防护
C. 破拆救生
D. 设立警戒
E. 洗消处理
A. 特危区
B. 重危区
C. 中危区
D. 轻危区
E. 安全区
A. 加强调查研究,做到心中有数
B. 有警必出,积极参与
C. 发挥优势,攻坚克难
D. 加强协调,联动作战
E. 注意防护,确保安全。
A. 车辆事故频率高
B. 人员伤亡大
C. 人员疏散困难
D. 救援难度大
E. 易引发次生灾害
A. 人工搜索
B. 搜救分队搜索
C. 技术搜索
D. 生命探测仪搜索
E. 搜救犬搜索
A. 突发性强、人员伤亡大
B. 破坏性强,经济损失大
C. 易引发次生灾害
D. 救援时间长,危险性大
E. 善后任务重,社会影响大
A. 多样性
B. 突发性
C. 复杂性
D. 危险性
E. 艰巨性
A. 侦察检测
B. 进行人员和任务分工,快速展开救援行动
C. 救生排险
D. 做好保障
E. 现场急救
A. 中毒重度危险区
B. 中毒中度危险区
C. 中毒轻度危险区
D. 中毒安全区
E. 安全区
A. 低毒重度危险区
B. 低毒中度危险区
C. 低毒轻度危险区
D. 低毒安全区
E. 安全区
A. 全身
B. 内置式重型防化服
C. 全棉防静电内外衣
D. 封闭式防化服
E. 正压式空气呼吸器或全防型滤毒罐
A. 呼吸
B. 简易防化服
C. 战斗服
D. 封闭式防化服
E. 简易滤毒罐、面罩或口罩、毛巾等防护器材
A. 消防部队应加强同公安、医疗救护、水、电、燃气、交通、民政等部门合作,共同实施救援行动。
B. 救援人员要加强行动安全,不应进入建筑结构已经明显松动的建筑物内部;不得登上已受力不均衡的阳台、楼板、屋顶等部位;不准冒险进入非稳固支撑的建筑废墟下面。
C. 加强现场监护工作,严防倒塌事故再次发生。
D. 严禁站在建筑废墟上从上至下进行施救,防止被埋压人员受到二次挤压伤害。
E. 为了尽可能的挽救遇险人员的生命,救援初期,不得直接使用大型铲车、吊车、推土机等施工机械。
A. 事故的偶然性大
B. 地点、时间不定
C. 事故类型多样,救援难度大、技术要求高
D. 事故造成道路堵塞,难以到达
E. 报警人延误报警时机
A. 不应进入建筑结构已经明显松动的建筑物内部
B. 不得登上已受力不均衡的阳台、楼板、屋顶等部位
C. 不准冒险进入非稳固支撑的建筑废墟下面
D. 冒险进入已经明显松动的建筑物内部实施救人
E. 利用大型设施进行施救
A. 由深入浅
B. 由外向内
C. 先易后难
D. 先重伤后轻伤
E. 先救人后救物
A. 迅速清除现场障碍,确保现场拥有一个急救平台和供救援车辆出入的通道
B. 立即疏散建筑结构受到影响,有可能倒塌的建筑物内人员
C. 协助供水、供电、供气部门切断倒塌建筑的水、电、气供应
D. 对现场有可能再次发生倒塌的建筑物要采取加固或事先拆除等措施
E. 使用开花或喷雾水枪扑灭事故次生火灾
A. 各种事故的抢险救援
B. 各种自然灾害的抢险救援
C. 参与处置突发事件
D. 参加地方政府各类庆典保卫活动
E. 各类特殊火灾救援
A. 政府领导,统一指挥
B. 快速行动,科学处置
C. 以人为本,救人优先
D. 灵活指挥,因情施救
E. 加强保障,连续作战
A. 接警出动
B. 个人防护
C. 破拆救生
D. 设立警戒
E. 洗消处理
A. 加强调查研究,做到心中有数
B. 有警必出,积极参与
C. 发挥优势,攻坚克难
D. 加强协调,联动作战
E. 注意防护,确保安全
A. 迅速清除现场障碍,确保现场拥有一个急救平台和供救援车辆出入的通道
B. 立即疏散建筑结构受到影响,有可能倒塌的建筑物内人员
C. 协助供水、供电、供气部门切断倒塌建筑的水、电、气供应
D. 对现场有可能再次发生倒塌的建筑物要采取加固或事先拆除等措施
E. 使用开花或喷雾水枪扑灭事故次生火灾
A. 车辆事故频率高
B. 人员伤亡大
C. 人员疏散困难
D. 救援难度大
E. 易引发次生灾害
A. 易引发次生灾害
B. 人员伤亡大
C. 堵塞隧道交通
D. 经济损失大
E. 救援困难,作战时间长
隧道交通事故的处置程序与措施主要包括___ 。
A. 选好停车位置和进攻路线
B. 设立警戒
C. 排除险情
D. 按照公路交通事故的救援措施,开展人员救助
E. 疏导转移
A. 人员伤亡重
B. 容易引发次生灾害
C. 造成交通中断
D. 救援困难
E. 经济损失大