A. 人身安全
B. 设备
C. 产品安全
D. 交通运输安全
E. 周边安全
A. 两相触电
B. 单相触电
C. 跨步电压触电
D. 三相触电
E. 四相触电
A. 挤伤事故
B. 触电事故
C. 坠落事故
D. 机毁事故
E. 交通事故
A. 可燃物
B. 助燃物
C. 着火源
D. 空气
E. 干燥的环境
A. 禁止
B. 警告
C. 指令
D. 指示
E. 暂停
A. 影响行车的施工指进行该项施工作业时,影响列车运行、降低或终止行车条件、妨碍行车安全的施工。
B. 施工请点前,施工负责人及施工联络人必须将当日施工进场的人数和进场车站信息向请点站如实报告。
C. 在外单位(委外单位除外)进行施工作业时运营分公司内部归口管理部门负责监管的人员称为施工监管人。
D. A1类施工的施工负责人及司机必须在列车发车前1小时到达车辆段或车站,做好检车作业及安全交底工作。
E. 需要正线和车辆段接触网停电(带电)时,批准请点前必须确认正线和车辆段的接触网状态均符合施工要求。
A. 如接触网断电、道岔故障等中断列车运行或对列车运行造成安全隐患的故障需立即进行抢修的作业叫作抢修作业
B. 防护员指在B类施工中,在DCC内对现场施工进行防护,及时掌握行车情况并通知现场作业人员下道的人员。
C. 影响客运的施工指进行该项施工作业时,车站的客运服务设备设施功能降低,客流组织、服务质量受影响的施工。
D. 如接触网断电、道岔故障等中断列车运行或对列车运行造成安全隐患的故障需立即进行抢修的作业叫作大修作业
E. 防护员指在B类施工中,在DCC内对现场施工进行防护,及时掌握行车情况,监查现场作业人员下道的人员。
A. 在正线、试车线、出入线,直线及R>400m、坡度i<20‰的无缝线路混凝土枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1680~1760对/km。
B. 在正线、试车线、出入线,R≤400m或坡度i≥20‰的无缝线路混凝土枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1760~1840对/km。
C. 在正线、试车线、出入线,直线及R>400m、坡度i<20‰的木枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1680~1760对/km。
D. 在正线、试车线、出入线,R≤400m或坡度i≥20‰的木枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1760~1840对/km。
E. 在其他配线的木枕有砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1680对/km。
A. 接头阻力
B. 扣件阻力
C. 道床纵向阻力
D. 螺栓阻力
E. 夹板阻力
A. 基本轨弯折点有误会造成尖轨与基本轨不密贴。
B. 基本轨工作边及尖轨非工作边有“肥边"造成假密贴会造成尖轨与基本轨不密贴。
C. 基本轨横向移动会造成尖轨与基本轨不密贴。
D. 基本轨或尖轨本身有硬弯会造成尖轨与基本轨不密贴。
E. 基本轨、轨撑、滑床板挡肩之间存在“三道缝"会造成尖轨与基本轨不密贴。
A. 道床顶面高程以轨枕承轨面高出道床顶面30~40mm。
B. 整体道床根据轨枕间距分段布置,一般地段每12m左右设一道宽20mm的伸缩缝。
C. 整体道床U型槽及洞口48m范围内、联络通道前后各24m范围内每6m左右设一道伸缩缝。
D. 整体道床隧道结构变形缝处道床也应设置伸缩缝,伸缩缝应位于两根枕中间。
E. 道床顶面高程以轨枕承轨面高出道床顶面25~35mm。
A. 严禁穿带铁钉的鞋子和易起静电服装进入防爆区。
B. 不准在地铁线路附近舞动绿色、黄色、红色物品。
C. 严禁动用未经授权和性能、状态不清楚的设备,启动前,必须进行检查确认。
D. 严禁用铁丝、铜丝作保险丝;隔离开关、跌落保险严禁带负荷操作。
E. 禁止用汽油、酒精等易燃液体擦洗运用中设备的电气接点。
A. 两组道岔之间应设置直线段钢轨连接。
B. 两组道岔前端对向布置时,在正、配线路上,一般地段插入钢轨长度为12.5m。
C. 两组道岔前端对向布置时,在车场线路上,一般地段插入钢轨长度为4.5m。
D. 两组道岔前端对向布置时,在正、配线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为6m。
E. 两组道岔前端对向布置时,在车场线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为5m。
A. 两组道岔前端对向布置时,在车场线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为3m。
B. 两组道岔前后顺向布置时,在正、配线路上,一般地段插入钢轨长度为6m。
C. 两组道岔前后顺向布置时,在车场线路上,一般地段插入钢轨长度为4.5m。
D. 两组道岔前后顺向布置时,在正、配线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为4.5m。
E. 两组道岔前后顺向布置时,在车场线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为5m。
A. 两组道岔前后顺向布置时,在车场线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为3m。
B. 两组道岔根端对向布置时,在正、配线路上,一般地段插入钢轨长度为6m。
C. 两组道岔根端对向布置时,在车场线路上,一般地段插入钢轨长度为4.5m。
D. 两组道岔根端对向布置时,在正、配线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为6m。
E. 两组道岔根端对向布置时,在车场线路上,困难地段插入钢轨长度为3m。
A. 两相邻坡段的坡度代数差等于或大于2‰时,应设圆曲线型的竖曲线连接。
B. 正线上一般情况下区间内竖曲线半径为5000m。
C. 正线上困难情况下区间内竖曲线半径为2500m。
D. 正线上一般情况下区间内竖曲线半径为3000m。
E. 正线上困难情况下区间内竖曲线半径为3000m。
A. 正线上一般情况下车站端部内竖曲线半径为3000m。
B. 正线上困难情况下车站端部内竖曲线半径为2000m。
C. 联络线、出入线、车场线竖曲线半径为2000m。
D. 车站站台有效长度内和道岔范围内不得设置竖曲线。
E. 车站站台有效长度内和道岔范围内可以设置竖曲线。
A. 单渡线应设在车站端部,一般中间站的单渡线道岔,宜按顺岔方向布置。
B. 单渡线与其他配线的道岔组合布置时,应按功能需要,可按逆向布置。
C. 在采用站后折返的尽端站,宜增设站前单渡线,并宜按逆向布置。
D. 单渡线与其他配线的道岔组合布置时,应按功能需要,可按顺向布置。
E. 在采用站后折返的尽端站,宜增设站前单渡线,并宜按顺向布置。
A. 矩形隧道内轨道结构高度为560mm。
B. 单线马蹄形隧道轨道结构高度为650mm。
C. 单线圆形隧道轨道结构高度为740mm。
D. 高架桥无砟道床轨道结构高度为500~520mm。
E. 单线圆形隧道内轨道结构高度为560mm。
A. 有砟道床(木枕/混凝土枕)正线内轨道结构高度为700~950mm。
B. 有砟道床(木枕/混凝土枕)车场线内轨道结构高度为580~625mm。
C. 车场库内轨道结构高度为500~600mm。
D. 单线圆形隧道采用两侧排水沟时,轨道结构高度可适当加大。
E. 单线圆形隧道采用两侧排水沟时,轨道结构高度可适当减小。
A. 钢轨应采用弹性扣件。
B. 无砟道床地段应采用弹性分开式扣件。
C. 无砟道床地段应采用预制钢筋混凝土轨枕。
D. 有砟道床地段宜采用预应力混凝土枕。
E. 有砟道床地段宜采用锚固力混凝土枕。
A. 正线无缝线路地段有砟道床的肩宽不应小于400mm。
B. 有缝线路地段道床肩宽不应小于300mm。
C. 无缝线路曲线半径小于800m、有缝线路曲线半径小于600m的地段,曲线外侧道床肩宽应加宽100mm,砟肩应堆高150mm。
D. 车场线有砟道床的道床肩宽不应小于200mm。
E. 曲线半径不大于300m的曲线地段,曲线外侧道床肩宽应加宽100mm。
A. 在轨道尽端应设置车挡。
B. 正线及配线、试车线、牵出线的终端应采用缓冲滑动式车挡。
C. 车场线终端应采用固定式车挡。
D. 正线及配线、试车线、牵出线的终端应采用固定式车挡。
E. 车场线终端应采用缓冲滑动式车挡。
A. 地铁路基工程应具有足够的强度、稳定性和耐久性。
B. 路基工程的地基应满足承载力和路基工后沉降的要求。
C. 路基工程防排水设计应保证排水系统完整、通畅。
D. 路肩及边坡上不应设置电缆沟槽,困难情况下必须设置时,应进行结构设计,并应采取保证路基完整和稳定的措施。
E. 在路基上设置其他杆架、管线等设备时,也应采取保证路基稳定的措施。
A. 在正线、试车线、出入线,直线及R>400m、坡度i<20‰上无砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1600~1680对/km。
B. 在正线、试车线、出入线,R≤400m或坡度i≥20‰上无砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1680对/km。
C. 在其他配线的无砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1600对/km。
D. 在车场线(不含试车线)的无砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1440对/km。
E. 在车场线(不含试车线)的无砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1667对/km。
A. 在正线、试车线、出入线,直线及R>400m、坡度i<20‰上混凝土枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1600~1680对/km。
B. 在正线、试车线、出入线,R≤400m或坡度i≥20‰上混凝土枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1680~1760对/km。
C. 在其他配线的混凝土枕有砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1600~1680对/km。
D. 在车场线(不含试车线)的混凝土枕有砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1440对/km。
E. 在车场线(不含试车线)的木枕有砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1440对/km。
A. 在正线、试车线、出入线,直线及R>400m、坡度i<20‰的无缝线路混凝土枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1680~1760对/km。
B. 在正线、试车线、出入线,R≤400m或坡度i≥20‰的无缝线路混凝土枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1760~1840对/km。
C. 在正线、试车线、出入线,直线及R>400m、坡度i<20‰的木枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1680~1760对/km。
D. 在正线、试车线、出入线,R≤400m或坡度i≥20‰的木枕有砟道床的扣件铺设数量为1760~1840对/km。
E. 在其他配线的木枕有砟道床上扣件铺设数量为1680对/km。
A. 正线整体道床地段为1680根/km。
B. 道床顶面高程以轨枕承轨面高出道床顶面30~40mm。
C. 整体道床根据轨枕间距分段布置,一般地段每12m左右设一道宽20mm的伸缩缝。
D. 整体道床U型槽及洞口48m范围内、联络通道前后各24m范围内每6m左右设一道伸缩缝。
E. 整体道床隧道结构变形缝处道床也应设置伸缩缝,伸缩缝应位于两根枕中间。
A. 对于(固定式液压挡车器)、(滑移式挡车器),正线及辅助线每季度不少于一次状态检查。
B. 站场内每季度不少于一次状态检查。(库内月牙型挡车器)每半年不少于一次状态检查。
C. 对设置在折返岔区线路终端的各类型挡车器,每月进行不少于一次巡检。
D. 对于(固定式液压挡车器)、(滑移式挡车器),正线及辅助线每年不少于二次状态检查。
E. 站场内每季度不少于一次状态检查。(库内月牙型挡车器)每年不少于一次状态检查。
A. 起道前应先拨正线路方向。
B. 起、拨道机不得安放在铝热焊焊缝处。
C. 扒开的碎石道床应及时回填、夯实。
D. 曲线地段拨道只能上挑,不宜下压。
E. 直线地段起道,左右股应分别进行。
A. 木枕宽面在下,顶面与底面同宽时,应使树心一面向下。
B. 接头处使用质量较好的木枕。
C. 劈裂的木枕,铺设前应捆扎或钉组钉板。
D. 木枕宽面在下,顶面与底面同宽时,应使树心一面向上。
E. 接头处可使用质量较差的木枕。
A. 未被平衡欠超高,一般应不大于61mm。
B. 未被平衡过超高不得大于30mm。
C. 实设最大超高,在正线及试车线上不得大于120mm。
D. 曲线超高应在整个缓和曲线内顺完,顺坡坡度一般应不大于1/(9Vmax)顺坡。
E. 曲线超高应在整个缓和曲线内顺完,顺坡坡度一般应不大于1/(7Vmax)顺坡。
A. 在直线上顺坡的超高,有缓和曲线时不得大于15mm。
B. 在直线上顺坡的超高,无缓和曲线时不得大于25mm。
C. 在困难条件下,可适当加大顺坡破度,但不得大于1/(7 Vmax),当1/(7 Vmax)大于2‰时,应按2‰设置。
D. 伸缩区长度据年轨温差幅值、道床纵向阻力、钢轨接头阻力等参数计算确定,一般为50~100m。
E. 伸缩区长度据年轨温差幅值、道床纵向阻力、钢轨接头阻力等参数计算确定,一般为100~150m。
A. 钢轨因金属疲劳、强度减弱而伤损严重时,应由工务中心决定适当减低轨道线路容许通过速度,以保证行车安全。
B. 扣件应经常保持零件齐全,位置正确,作用良好,缺少时应及时补充。
C. 扣板、轨距挡板应靠近贴轨底边。
D. 铁垫板折断、变形、严重锈蚀或丧失固定立柱螺栓功能应有计划地更换。
E. 道岔各种零件应齐全,作用良好,缺少时应及时补充。
A. 巡检时应包括检查浮置板有无裂纹。
B. 巡检时应包括检查板缝间是否有渗水。
C. 维修时应包括查看板缝间有无垃圾并清除。
D. 维修时应包括查看检查孔盖板并固定处理。
E. 维修时应包括清理浮置板道床水沟。
A. 维修时应包括整修浮置板道床。
B. 维修时应包括对裂纹进行监测并处理。
C. 维修时应包括更换损坏的部件。
D. 大修时应包括全面顶升、更换浮置板道床。
E. 大修时应包括全面置换道砟。
A. 巡检时应包括道口板及设备是否侵入限界。
B. 巡检时应包括道口轮缘槽的清理。
C. 巡检时应包括检查线路、道口标志标记是否齐全、牢固。
D. 维修时应包括线路标志标记的刷新。
E. 巡检时应包括轨距的整改。
A. 道口及标志维修时应包括道口板的更换。
B. 道口及标志维修时应包括平交道口下沉的整治。
C. 道口及标志维修时应包括道口更换轨枕、清筛道床。
D. 道口及标志维修时应包括道岔的更换
E. 道口及标志维修时应包括围栏的更换
A. 涂油器巡检时应包括检查支架、箱体、涂油板、油管固定是否牢靠。
B. 涂油器巡检时应包括检查油管有无损坏漏油、老化现象。
C. 涂油器巡检时应包括检查出油量是否符合出油标准,出油量是否稳定。
D. 涂油器维修时应包括清污、调整出油量,加油。
E. 涂油器维修时应包括更换油管、支架、箱体以及联结部件。
A. 接触网地段需要拨道时,线路中心位置不得超过±30mm。
B. 接触网地段需要拨道时,一年单侧累计拨道量不得超过120mm。
C. 养护维修作业中,发现轨向、高低不良,起道、拨道省力,必须停止作业,及时采取防止胀轨跑道措施。
D. 无论作业中或作业后,发现线路轨向不良,用长10m弦测量两股钢轨的轨向偏差,当平均值达到10mm时,必须设置慢行信号。
E. 当两股钢轨的轨向偏差平均值达到12mm时,在轨温不变情况下,过车后线路弯曲变形突然扩大,必须立即设置停车信号。
A. 碎石道床脏污或翻浆,应结合综合维修或经常保养进行道床一般清筛或边坡清筛。
B. 边坡清筛为轨枕头外全部道砟,道床一般清筛后应及时夯实。
C. 边坡清筛宜使用边坡清筛机。
D. 拆检整体道床道岔尖轨跟端接头,检查双接头螺栓和腰鼓螺栓并调整尖轨跟部结构处于良好状态。
E. 边坡清筛宜使用簸箕。
Q4: What are the two speakers mainly talking about?___
A. J.K. Rowling's secret .
B. J .K .Rowling's writing plan .
C. A new book by J .K.Rowling.
D. An interview with J .K .Rowling .
Q1: What happened when Stephen tried to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator?___
A. He broke the milk bottle .
B. He fell down on the floor .
C. He made a mess inside the refrigerator .
D. He spilled the milk over the kitchen floor .
Q2: What did Stephen’s mother do when she came into the kitchen?___
A. She gave him a long lecture .
B. She shouted at him in anger .
C. She enjoyed the wonderful mess .
D. She cleaned up the mess with him .
Q3: What did Stephen’s mother teach him later?___
A. How to do an experiment .
B. How to carry a milk bottle .
C. How to clean up spilled milk .
D. How to avoid making mistakes .
Q4: What did Stephen learn from this experience?___
A. Mistakes can become learning  opportunities .
B. Mistakes are just like scientific  experiments .
C. One should sometimes make mistakes .
D. One should try to avoid making mistakes .
Q1: Why is surfing the man’s favorite activity?___
A. Because he likes the sunny weather.
B. Because he wants to challenge himself .
C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem .
D. Because it can help him forget all his  troubles .
Q2: What is the woman going to do this weekend?___
A. To go sailing .
B. To go surfing .
C. To go to the beach .
D. To go to her nephew's .
Q3: What does the woman love doing?___
A. Going to visit relatives.
B. Enjoying the warm sun on the beach .
C. Building sand castles with her niece and  nephew .
D. Playing in the sand and jumping in the  waves .
Q4: What does the man remember doing with his brothers?___
A. Surfing in the sea .
B. Collecting seashells .
C. Building sand castles .
D. Jumping in the waves .
Q1: According to the survey, what percentage of British adults watched TV in theirfree time?___
A. 89 percent .
B. 84 percent .
C. 76 percent .
D. 71 percent .
Q2: Which age group would be the most likely to visit their friends and relatives?___
A. People aged 16 to 24
B. People aged 25 to 34 .
C. People aged 16 and over .
D. People aged 55 and over .
Q3: What does the speaker say about listening to music as a leisure activity for British people?___
A. People aged 16 to 24 preferred listening to  music most .
B. It was getting more and more popular  among the British people .
C. It was the third most popular activity  among people aged 55 and over .
D. People aged 25 to 34 listened to music  more often than those aged 16 to 24 .
Q4: According to the survey, how are leisure activities related to age?___
A. Older people go out to pubs more often . frequently .
B. Younger people go to the cinema less frequently.
C. Older people spend more time reading and  gardening .
D. Younger people spend less time visiting  friends and family .
Q1: Why was the girl excited?___
A. She is going to have a lot of vanilla ice  cream .
B. She won the spelling competition at her  school .
C. She is going to the state capital for a  competition .
D. She "excellence"correctly,but others didn't .
Q2: What happened when the man was 13 years old?___
A. His family moved to Sacramento to settle  down .
B. His family bought him a new suit and a  new tie .
C. He went to Sacramento for a spelling  competition .
D. He won the first prize in the state spelling  competition .
Q3: Why did the man’s mom give him a big hug?___
A. To make him feel better after he lost the  first prize .
B. To apologize for not buying him some ice  cream .
C. To wish him good luck in the next  competition .
D. To congratulate him on winning the first  prize .
Q4: What color is the girl going to wear for her next competition?___
A. Red .
B. Blue .
C. Green .
D. Yellow .
Q1: What is this passage mainly about?___
A. Superstitions and science .
B. Tips on how to have good luck .
C. Superstitions in the United States .
D. Rational and superstitious societies .
Q2: According to the passage, what is considered as bad luck?___
A. Walking under a ladder .
B. Dreaming of a black cat .
C. Hanging a mirror in the house .
D. Stepping on one's own shadow .
Q3: Why is it considered bad luck to see a black cat crossing one’s path?___
A. Because black cats look like witches . e witches .
B. Because black cats were thought to be witches .
C. Because black cats bring seven years of bad luck .
D. Because black cats are hard to notice in darkness .
Q4: According to the passage, what will bring people good luck?___
A. Breaking a mirror on purpose .
B. Catching a falling leaf on one's birthday .
C. Finding a on the ground and picking it up .
D. Dreaming of blowing out the candles in one blow .
Q1: How long will the woman spend on her way to and from work by high-speed train?___
A. 4 hours .
B. 2 hours .
C. 1.5 hours .
D. 45 minutes .
Q2: When does the woman arrive back home by subway?___
A. At 8 .
B. At 7 .
C. At 6 .
D. At 5 .
Q3: According to the woman, in what way will the new high-speed train be a big help to her?___
A. She can either read or rest a little on the  train .
B. She can read and respond to emails onthe  train .
C. She can travel to many different parts of  the city .
D. She can go shopping on her way home  from work .
Q4: How will the new high-speed train affect the man?___
A. He can take the train to the old part of the  city .
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes  the train .
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with  the train .
D. He can take the train to the airport instead  of driving .
Q1: How much time on average do Americans spend on their way to work?___
A. About an hour .
B. More than an hour .
C. About half an hour .
D. More than one and a half hours .
Q2: What is the present situation about Americans’ commuting to work?___
A. More and more Americans spend over an  hour getting to work .
B. Over 10 percent of Americans spend less  than an hour getting to work .
C. Only New York people spend more than  90 minutes getting to work .
D. Over 10 percent of Americans spend more  than 90 minutes getting to work .
Q3: Why does Steven choose to have an extreme commute?___
A. Because gas prices are not high .
B. Because the commute is not tiring .
C. Because he can attend a better school .
D. Because he can have his favorite lifestyle .
Q4: Which of the following is the disadvantage of long commutes?___
A. Traffic jams .
B. Expensive housing .
C. Poorer life quality .
D. A tiring and boring trip .
Q1: What did Katy like about Jason’s last Halloween party?___
A. She liked playing an interesting game .
B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends .
C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume .
D. She liked the decorations in Jason's front yard .
Q2: What is the actual reason that Katy doesn’t want to attend Jason’s party?___
A. None of her friends likes Jason .
B. None of Jason's guests is young .
C. She wants to go to Linda's party ..
D. She went to Jason's party last year .
Q3: What is special about Linda’s party?___
A. The party will last four hours .
B. Six people will attend the party .
C. They will have huge bags of candy .
D. They will play a new game called "GuessWho ".
Q4: What will Katy do to solve her problem?___
A. Go to Jason's party .
B. Go to Linda's party .
C. Attend both Jason's and Linda's parties .
D. Celebrate Halloween with her parents .
Q1: What is special about this year’s Black Friday shopping?___
A. Some stores offered bigger holiday discounts .
B. Some stores provided more choices of nightlife.
C. Some stores made efforts to attract young people .
D. Some stores opened much earlier than they used  to .
Q2: Why did some stores open at midnight on Thanksgiving night?___
A. To attract young customers .
B. To beat other stores for sale.
C. To let people sleep late the next day .
D. To keep people stay up for the night .
Q3: How many Black Friday shoppers were reported to go to the shops at midnight this year?___
A. 24 percent .
B. 37 percent .
C. 9.5 percent .
D. 23.5 percent .
Q4: What can we learn about the 15-year-old Jenny?___
A. She and her cousins went back home at midnight .
B. She liked the traditional 4 a.m. Black Friday.
C. She preferred midnight shopping to early  morning shopping .
D. She and her cousins got up very early to buy  discounted items .
Q1: Why did the woman decide to do a triathlon?___
A. Because she did it in college .
B. Because she wanted to be tough .
C. Because her sister did it and liked it .
D. Because her sister said it was good for her .
Q2: When did the man first do a triathlon?___
A. Last year .
B. In college .
C. Last week .
D. In high school .
Q3: How does the man feel about running?___
A. Boring.
B. Scaring .
C. Exciting .
D. Interesting .