A. 水冲脉
B. 交替脉
C. 重搏脉
D. 不整脉
E. 脉搏短绌
A. 苍白
B. 发绀
C. 黄染
D. 樱桃红色
E. 色素沉着
A. 破伤风常取辗转体位
B. 胸膜炎常取俯卧体位
C. 心绞痛常取侧卧体位
D. 肠绞痛常取仰卧体位
E. 心力衰竭常取端坐位
A. 休克面容
B. 病危面容
C. 急性面容
D. 慢性面容
E. 二尖瓣面容
A. 昏睡
B. 昏厥
C. 昏迷
D. 谵妄
E. 嗜睡
A. 肌肉松弛
B. 不能被唤醒
C. 大小便失禁
D. 全身反射消失
E. 无任何自主运动
A. 腹膜壁层有炎症
B. 腹膜脏层有炎症
C. 腹腔内有腹水
D. 腹腔内有囊肿
E. 腹主动脉瘤
A. ≥160/95mmHg
B. ≥140/90mmHg
C. ≥130/85mmHg
D. ≥120/80mmHg
E. ≥90/60mmHg
A. 水冲脉
B. 交替脉
C. 短绌脉
D. 重搏脉
E. 奇脉
A. 心包填塞
B. 胸腔积液
C. 纵隔肿瘤
D. 心肌梗死
E. 脑梗死
A. 一般波动不超过1℃
B. 早晨略高,下午略低
C. 饭后和运动后稍低
D. 老年人体温稍偏高
E. 月经期或妊娠期略低
A. 体温表和血压计
B. 听诊器
C. 手电筒和压舌板
D. 抢救车和吸引器
E. 棉签和弯盘
A. 腹水
B. 低蛋白血症
C. 先消瘦.后水肿
D. 无凹陷性水肿
E. 首先出现于骶尾部
A. 碱性磷酸酶(A.KP)
B. 单胺氧化酶(MAO)
C. 丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)
D. 天门冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)
E. γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)
A. 红细胞的体积和重量
B. 红细胞的数量和重量
C. 红细胞的形态和大小
D. 红细胞的数量和大小
E. 红细胞的体积和数量
A. 血肌酐
B. 血肌酸
C. 血尿酸
D. 血尿素氮
E. 内生肌酐清除率
A. 动物血
B. 果酱
C. 肉食
D. 猪肝
E. 绿叶蔬菜
A. 肌酐
B. 淀粉酶
C. 血脂
D. 葡萄糖
E. 钾
A. 红细胞计数
B. 血红蛋白量
C. 血细胞比容
D. 白细胞计数
E. 血小板计数
A. 真性红细胞增多症
B. 原发性血小板增多症
C. 慢粒白血病慢性期
D. 急性放射病
E. 急性炎症
A. 5ml以上
B. 10ml以上
C. 100ml以上
D. 150ml以上
E. 200ml以上
A. 维生素A
B. 维生素C
C. 维生素D
D. 生素K
E. 维生素B
A. 佝瘘病
B. 脊柱畸形
C. 肺水肿
D. 胸膜粘连
E. 胸膜炎
A. 全身疼痛
B. 脐周疼痛
C. 恶心呕吐
D. 转移性右下腹痛
E. 全腹压痛和反跳痛
A. 20mg
B. 30mg
C. 50mg
D. 70mg
E. 130mg
A. 17ml
B. 50ml
C. 100ml
D. 400ml
E. 1000ml
A. >1.7μmol/L
B. >3.4μmol/L
C. >6.8μmol/L
D. >20.1μmol/L
E. >34.2μmol/L
A. 视诊检查
B. 触诊检查
C. 叩诊检查
D. 听诊检查
E. 嗅诊检查
A. 正常尿液呈弱酸性
B. 长期素食者呈中性
C. 嗜好肉食者呈酸性
D. 服用氯化氨者呈碱性
E. 高尿酸血症呈酸性
A. 三酰甘油(甘油三酯)
B. 总胆固醇
C. 胆固醇酯
D. 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇
E. 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇
A. 淋巴细胞0.50~0.70
B. 单核细胞0.03~0.08
C. 中性分叶核粒细胞0.01~0.05
D. 嗜酸性粒细胞0.20~0.50
E. 嗜碱性粒细胞0.005~0.05
A. 1个
B. 2个
C. 3个
D. 4个
E. 6个
A. 混浊
B. 微混浊
C. 絮状混浊
D. 块状混浊
E. 颗粒状混浊
A. 正常的尿比重1.015~1.025
B. 急性肾小球肾炎比重降低
C. 慢性肾炎晚期比重降低
D. 婴幼儿的尿比重偏低
E. 糖尿病尿比重升高
A. 肝炎
B. 蚕豆病
C. 恶性疟
D. 自身免疫性贫血
E. 血型不合的输血反应
A. 急性肾炎
B. 急性肝炎
C. 肾结核
D. 肾结石
E. 肾肿瘤
A. 糖尿病
B. 嗜铬细胞瘤
C. 肢端肥大症
D. 甲状腺功能亢进症
E. 垂体前叶功能亢进
A. 主动体位
B. 端坐体位
C. 被动体位
D. 侧卧位
E. 角弓反张位
A. 单纯性肠梗阻
B. 机械性肠梗阻
C. 动力性肠梗阻
D. 血管性肠梗阻
E. 绞窄性肠梗阻
A. 第2肋间
B. 第3肋间
C. 第4肋间
D. 第5肋间
E. 第7肋间
A. 点头呼吸
B. 鱼嘴呼吸
C. 潮式呼吸
D. 间歇呼吸
E. 抽泣式呼吸
Of the following universities, has NOT cultivated any American President yet.
A. A. Harvard University
B. B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. C. Princeton University
D. D. Yale University
To get a bachelor’s degree, all undergraduate students are required to do the following except .
A. A. attending lectures and completing assignments
B. B. passing examinations
C. C. working for communities
D. D. earning a certain number of credits
Of the following, is NOT the responsibility of the board of trustees in U. S. institutions.
A. A. choosing the president
B. B. establishing policies for administrators and faculty
C. C. approving budget and other financial project
D. D. decide which student to enroll
Of the following, are NOT among the categories of American higher education.
A. A. universities and colleges
B. B. research institutions
C. C. technical institutions
D. D. community colleges
Higher education in the United States began with the founding of
A. A. Yale University
B. B. Harvard University
C. C. Princeton University
D. D. New York University
Of the following subjects, are NOT offered to elementary school students.
A. A. mathematics and languages
B. B. politics and business education
C. C. science and social studies
D. D. music and physical education
Formal education in the United States consists of , secondary and higher education.
A. A. kindergarten
B. B. public
C. C. elementary
D. D. private
At present, U. S. exports account for of the world’s total.
A. A. 10%
B. B. 15%
C. C. 20%
D. D. 25%
is not one of the three giants in American automobile industry.
A. A. Ford
B. B. General Motors
C. C. Chrysler
D. D. American Motors
The following statements are all true except .
A. A. Agribusinesses reflect the big, corporate nature of many farm enterprises.
B. B. Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural imports and exports.
C. C. Agribusinesses range from one-family corporations to multinational firms.
D. D. Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures.
About of American crops are for export.
A. A. half
B. B. one third
C. C. one fourth
D. D. one fifth
President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society” by introducing various programs like the following except .
A. A. Medicare
B. B. Food Stamps
C. C. Education Initiatives
D. D. Unemployment Pension
The following inventions took place during the “second indThe following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution” except .
A. A. typewriter
B. B. telephone
C. C. electric light
D. D. refrigerator
The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge of .
A. A. George Washington
B. B. Thomas Jefferson
C. C. Andrew Jackson
D. D. Alexander Hamilton
Chartered companies were NOT granted the by the British King or Queen.
A. A. political authority
B. B. economic rights
C. C. judicial authority
D. D. diplomatic authority
The modern American economy progressed from to , and eventually, to .
A. A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy
B. B. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy
C. C. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economy
D. D. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy
America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except .
A. A. machinery
B. B. automobiles
C. C. ore
D. D. chemicals
The President is directly voted into office by .
A. A. all citizens of America
B. B. the citizens over 18 years old
C. C. electors elected by the voters
D. D. the senators and representatives
The Supreme Court is composed of justices.
A. A. six
B. B. seven
C. C. eight
D. D. nine
The terms for a Senator and Representative are and years respectively.
A. A. two, four
B. B. two, three
C. C. two, six
D. D. six, two
According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must be .
A. A. at least 35 years old
B. B. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United States
C. C. born in America
D. D. all of the above
The following except are all powers of the President.
A. A. vetoing any bills passed by Congress
B. B. appointing federal judges when vacancies occur
C. C. making laws
D. D. issuing executive orders
All the following except cannot make legislative proposal.
A. A. the Senator
B. B. the Representative
C. C. the Secretary of State
D. D. the President
The following except are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A. A. freedom of religion
B. B. the right to get into people’s house by police
C. C. freedom of speech and of press
D. D. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes
The Bill of Rights .
A. A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the President
B. B. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms
C. C. is part of the Declaration of Independence
D. D. has no relationship with the Constitution
The Constitution of the United States .
A. A. gives the most power to Congress
B. B. gives the most power to the President
C. C. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others
D. D. gives the most power to the Supreme Court
The U. S. Constitution came into effect in .
A. A. 1787
B. B. 1789
C. C. 1791
D. D. 1793
The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout the terms of Presidents .
A. A. Johnson, Nixon and Ford
B. B. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy
C. C. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon
D. D. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson
President applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.
A. A. Wilson
B. B. Truman
C. C. Roosevelt
D. D. Kennedy
The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars.
A. A. neutrality
B. B. full involvement
C. C. partial involvement
D. D. appeasement
Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.
A. A. Declaration of Independence
B. B. Constitution
C. C. Emancipation Proclamation
D. D. Bill of Rights
In May 1775, was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.
A. A. the First Continental Congress
B. B. the Second Continental Congress
C. C. the Boston Tea Party
D. D. the Congress of Confederation
The first shots of the American dependence were fired in .
A. A. Concord
B. B. Lexington
C. C. Philadelphia
D. D. Boston
“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of .
A. A. the settlers of Virginia
B. B. the people of Pennsylvania
C. C. the colonists in New England
D. D. the people of the 13 colonies
The Seven Years’ War occurred between the .
A. A. French and American Indians
B. B. French and Spaniards
C. C. French and British
D. D. British and American Indians
Pilgrim Fathers are a group of who came to America to avoid persecution in England.
A. A. Protestants
B. B. Puritans
C. C. Catholics
D. D. Christians
The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in .
A. A. Jamestown, Louisiana
B. B. Boston, Massachusetts
C. C. Jamestown, Virginia
D. D. Plymouth, Georgia
The characteristic of dominant American culture is .
A. A. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-class
B. B. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class
C. C. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-class
D. D. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class
The ImmiWar of Ingrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States, particularly from .
A. A. Europe
B. B. Asia
C. C. Africa
D. D. South America
The largest minority in the United States is the .
A. A. Pacific Islanders
B. B. Blacks
C. C. Native Americans
D. D. Asians