由于固定经营成本和固定资本成本的共同存在,会导致出现普通股每股收益变动率大于息税前利润变动率的现象。( )
A. 对
B. 错
在计算企业所得税应纳税所得额时,企业支付给残疾职工的工资在据实扣除的基础上按照支付给残疾职工工资的100%加计扣除。( )
A. 对
B. 错
在以公允价值计量的非货币性资产交换会计处理中,无论是否支付补价,换出资产的交换损益均为换入资产的公允价值减去换出资产的账面价值的差额。( )
A. 对
B. 错
相对于采用目标价值权数,采用市场价值权数计算的平均资本成本更适用于未来的筹资决策。( )。
A. 对
B. 错
各级一般公共预算年度执行中有超收收入的,只能用于冲减赤字或者补充预算稳定调节基金。( )
A. 对
B. 错
A. 有利于评价居民健康问题
B. 有利于评价健康管理者服务质量和技术水平》
C. 有利于评价卫生服务规范化
D. 有利于减少卫生服务的费用
E. 有利于利用有限的卫生资源
A. 电子血压测量
B. 24小时动态血压
C. 户外测量
D. 家庭血压测量
E. 诊室测量
A. 社会意识和行为规范
B. 行为准则和行为规范
C. 行为准则和社会规范临
D. 心理意识和行为规范
E. 心理意识和行为准则
A. 餐后2小时BS
B. 糖化血红蛋白
C. 任意时间血浆糖测量
E. 空腹血浆血糖测量
A. 分析需求和确定信息
B. 制订计划
C. 形成初稿
D. 传播材料预实验
E. 材料的生产发放和使用
塔里木 盆地 是 中国 也 是 世界 上 最大 的 内陆 盆地。
A. 对
B. 错
2010年 第41届 世界 博览 会 在 上海 举行。
A. 对
B. 错
年夜饭 是 指 在 大年 初一 的 晚上 一家 人 围坐 在一起吃饭守岁。
A. 对
B. 错
传统 上,从 腊月 二十三 起,中国 人 就 开始 准备 过年 了。
A. 对
B. 错
中国 古典 园林 最 大 的 特点 是讲究 自然 天成。
A. 对
B. 错
海南岛 是 中国 第一 大岛。
A. 对
B. 错
中 国 人 是 炎黄 子孙。
A. 对
B. 错
人们 用“麒麟 送子“的 图样 来 表达 早生 贵子 和家道 繁荣 的 祝愿。
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
中国 第一 名 航天员 是 杨利伟。
A. 对
B. 错
唐朝 在 唐太宗 统治 期间 出现了“ 开元盛世”。
A. 对
B. 错
《辛丑 条约》 中 清政府 赔款2100万 银元,并割让 香港岛。
A. 对
B. 错
针灸 分 针法 和 灸法,灸法 利用 热 的 刺激 治病。
A. 对
B. 错
中国 奥运会 的 第一 枚 金牌 由射击运动员许海峰 获得。
A. 对
B. 错
五岳 是 指 中国 五大 名山:泰山、华山、嵩山、衡山、恒山。
A. 对
B. 错
京广 铁路 是 从 南京 到 广州 的 铁路。
A. 对
B. 错
黄河 是 中国 第一 大河。
A. 对
B. 错
杭州 和 苏州 并 称“上 有 天堂,下 有 苏杭”。
A. 对
B. 错
深圳 是 广东省 的 省会,也 是 历史 文化 名城 和 旅游 城市。
A. 对
B. 错
莫高窟 是 中国 四 大 石窟 之 一,也 是 世界 上 最 大 的 佛教 石窟群。
A. 对
B. 错
岳阳楼 是 洞庭湖 区 的 著名 景点。
A. 对
B. 错
中国 降水量 分布 不 均匀,西北部 较多,东南部 较少。
A. 对
B. 错
三峡 工程 建成 后 是 世界 上 最大 的 水电站。
A. 对
B. 错
泰山 的 少林寺 是 中国 佛教 禅宗 发源地。少林 武功 被 称为 “武 林 之 尊”。
A. 对
B. 错
元宵节 也 叫 灯节。
A. 对
B. 错
把 两个 或 以上 的 符号 组合 起来,表示 一 个 新 的意义,这种 汉字 造字法 叫做 象形。
A. 对
B. 错
京剧 是 北京 的 地 方 戏。
A. 对
B. 错
陶器 是 从 瓷器 发展 起来 的。
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
中国 的 北方 没有 绿茶。
A. 对
B. 错
努尔哈赤 改 族 名 “女真” 为“满洲”。
A. 对
B. 错
名词解释 5信息化武器装备
I appreciate ___ to your home.
A. to be invited
B. to have invited
C. having invited
D. being invited
The socks were too small and it was only by ___ them that he managed to get them on.
A. spreading
B. extending
C. lengthening
D. stretching
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2020. ___ a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
B. ecause B. For
C. Hence
D. Therefore
A healthy life is frequently thought to be ___ with the open countryside and homegrown food.
A. associated
B. bound
C. involved
D. tied
My hands and feet were ___ with cold as I waited for the bus.
A. cliff
B. still
C. stiff
D. stick
The Foreign Minister made an excellent ___ on the current international situation.
A. committee
B. command
C. comment
D. commission
Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ___ to the health service.
A. assessment
B. assignment
C. exception
D. access
My father seemed to be in no ___ to look at my school report.
A. mood
B. emotion
C. attitude
D. feeling
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. endangered
D. threatening
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. concept
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. evaluating
C. calculating
D. computing
When he opened the door, he used too much force and ___ the key.
A. trailed
B. varied
C. wicked
D. twisted
I’m very sorry to have ___ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A. offended
B. impressive
C. bothered
D. interfered
It is sometimes difficult for young people from the countryside to ___ well to life in the big city.
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordination
Our guide gave us a detailed ___of this painting but we still do not understand.
A. authority
B. interpretation
C. instruction
D. institution
If you want to ___ the wood, cut it with the grain, not against it.
A. break
B. burn
C. split
D. divide
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. conception
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. betting
C. calculating
D. computing
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. danger
D. threatening
Workers should occasionally walk around, ___ and avoid prolonged periods at the desk.
A. pull
B. lengthen
C. strain
D. stretch
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
Running a kitchen ___a great deal of discipline and speed.
A. including
B. involving
C. involves
D. composes
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2020. ___ a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
B. ecause B. Nevertheless
C. Hence
D. Therefore
Stratford police refuse to comment ___ whether anyone has been arrested.
A. about
B. on
C. at
D. with
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ___ to the change.
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. accustom
D. adept
The company has launched a campaign of television ___ and leaflets.
A. commercials
B. commences
C. commerce
D. commercialization
The general secretary may ___ the president at official ceremonies.
A. present
B. represent
C. representative
D. stand
He ___ her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
A. dragged
B. pulled
C. stretched
D. twisted
Suppose that when I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ___ down.
A. will have been pulled
B. will have pulled
C. will be pulling
D. will be pulled
The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I ___ to it.
A. have not gone
B. did not go
C. had not gone
D. should not have gone
An investigation was made into the accident ___ fifty people were killed.
A. for that
B. where
C. when
D. in which
___ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.
A. Dissatisfying thoroughly
B. Being thoroughly dissatisfied
C. To dissatisfy thoroughly
D. To be thoroughly dissatisfied