A. 肝性脑病
B. 肝肾综合征
C. 原发性肝癌
D. 高钠、高钾血症
A. 有利于减轻体重
B. 提高机体对胰岛素敏感性
C. 降低血糖
D. 改善脂肪代谢紊乱
1. 慢性喘息型支气管炎的特点:___
3. 肺炎时可减轻胸痛的最常用体位是:___
4. 在肺结核治疗和预防中,最常使用的药物是:___
5. 肺炎球菌肺炎时产生的铁锈色痰最主要的原因是: ___
6. 浸润型肺结核的病灶多位于:___
8. 慢性支气管炎的临床分型是:___
11. 呼吸衰竭患者的病情观察,下列哪项对发现肺性脑病先兆极为重要:___
有关行政程序证据与行政诉讼证据的联系,下列说法错误的是( )
A. 行政程序证据是行政诉讼证据的主要组成部分
B. 行政诉讼证据不能无视行政程序证据的法定性
C. 行政诉讼证据与行政程序证据在形式上具有共通性
D. 行政程序证据与行政诉讼证据没有关联
以下是有关收集证据的全面性论述,错误的是( )
A. 仅收集能够证明被告人违法的证据
B. 既要收集直接证据,也要收集间接证据
C. 既要收集人证,也要收集物证
D. 既要收集原始证据,也要收集传来证据
当事人对勘验结论有异议的,可以在( )内申请重新勘验。
A. 质证期限
B. 举证期限
C. 审判期限
D. 庭审期限
下列( )不能作为证人作证。
A. 未成年人
B. 成年人
C. 儿童
D. 不能正确表达意志的人
行政机关申请法院保全证据的,法院( )要求其提供相应的担保。
下列不属于原告或者第三人可以要求相关行政执法人员作为证人出庭作证的情形是( )
A. 对现场笔录的合法性或者真实性有异议的
B. 对扣押财产的品种或者数量有异议的
C. 对检验的物品取样或者保管有异议的
D. 对行政执法人员的具体行政行为的合法性有异议的
下列关于收集证据的合法性中表述错误的是( )
A. 收集证据的主体必须合法
B. 收集证据的形式必须合法
C. 只需要收集违法的证据
D. 证据必须有合法的来源
现场笔录应当载明以下内容,错误的是( )
A. 制作的时间、地点
B. 有关检查的内容
C. 执法人员的签名
D. 所有在场人的签名
下列属于行政诉讼证据中的书证是( )
A. 营业执照
B. 火灾鉴定书
C. 事故现场勘验笔录
D. 目击证人的书面证言
原告确有证据证明被告持有的证据对原告有利,被告无正当理由拒不提供的( )
A. 可以推定原告的主张成立
B. 不能推定原告的主张成立
C. 由法庭强制被告提供
D. 由原告申请法庭要求被告提供
根据证据的来源,可将证据划分为( )
A. 一般证据和特殊证据
B. 原始证据和传来证据
C. 言词证据和实物证据
D. 直接证据和间接证据
电子证据经对方当事人确认后,与原件的证明效力相比( )
下面关于证明效力错误的是( )
A. 国家机关的公文文书优于其他书证
B. 原件原物优于复制件、复制品
C. 原始证据优于传来证据
D. 视听资料优于鉴定材料
下列哪种证人证言可以作为证据运用( )
A. 用座谈会形式收集的证言
B. 用威胁的方式取得的证言
C. 询问笔录没有被询问人的签名
D. 在法庭上经过质证后的证人证言
下列属于行政诉讼法规定的法定证据种类的是( )
A. 物证、书证
B. 实物证据
C. 言词证据
D. 传来证据
行政诉讼中,当事人应当出示证据的原件,但有下列情形的除外( )
A. 出示证据的原件有困难
B. 只要经法庭准许
C. 应当事人请求
D. 出示证据的原件确有困难,并经法庭准许
人民法院准许延期提供证据的,被告应当在正当事由消除后( )内提供证据。
A. 7日
B. 10日
C. 15日
D. 20日
鉴定人因正当事由不能出庭的,经( )准许,可以不出庭。
A. 所在单位
B. 原告
C. 被告
D. 法庭
下面的鉴定意见有法有效的是( )
A. 某安全生产监督局安全科对火灾原因进行的鉴定意见
B. 某执法人员对被害人受伤害做出的鉴定意见
C. 行政执法机关自身作出的鉴定意见
D. 某环保科学技术部门对环境污染情况做出的鉴定意见
当事人不愿意在现场笔录上签名的,行政机关正确的做法是( )
A. 采取措施,强制当事人签名
B. 由行政执法人员代为签名
C. 可请在场人签名
D. 不再需要任何人签名
出示的视听资料应当当庭播放或者显示,并由当事人( )
A. 庭后提供书面意见
B. 庭后进行研究
C. 庭上进行质证
D. 庭后进行协商
经法庭允许,当事人及其代理人可以就证据问题相互发问,也可以向下列人员发问,错误的是( )
A. 证人
B. 鉴定人
C. 勘验人
D. 法院调取证据人员
当事人应当围绕证据的( )进行质证。
A. 合法性、真实性、关联性
B. 合理性、关联性、合法性
C. 合法性、合理性、真实性
D. 合法性、真实性、时效性
当事人对鉴定结论有异议申请重新鉴定的条件,错误的是( )
A. 鉴定部门或者鉴定人不具有相应的鉴定资格的
B. 鉴定程序严重违法的
C. 鉴定结论可能依据不足的
D. 经过质证不能作为证据使用的
证据的依法收集是指下列方式,错误的是( )
A. 由法定主体收集
B. 在法定时间收集
C. 按法定方式收集
D. 根据行政机关要求收集
Having practiced so many times, I feel very ___ of my ability to deliver the presentation successfully.
A. satisfied
B. incredible
C. confident
D. enthusiastic
The university decided to increase the ___ of the lecture hall, which has only 200 seats.
A. ability
B. capacity
C. facility
D. faculty
Smart phones – with cameras and color screens – can ___ images and data using wireless network technology.
A. evolve
B. depart
C. transmit
D. assure
Don’t take someone you get to know from the Internet to your house no matter how ___ he sounds.
A. bold
B. genuine
C. flexible
D. available
This kind of exercise will ___ your creativity, renew your energy, and unlock your potential.
A. bind
B. yield
C. embrace
D. stimulate
I’ll be happy to help you, ___ you won’t take up too much of my time.
A. as well as
B. as long as
C. as far as
D. as soon as
We teachers do not consider it wise to ___ our students with all sorts of exams, tests and quizzes.
A. load
B. annoy
C. sample
D. explore
He makes his students ___ knowledge through various kinds of interesting activities.
A. study
B. learn
C. achieve
D. acquire
For years, scientists have debated the ___ dangers of building another nuclear plant after the terrible accident.
A. available
B. potential
C. fascinating
D. genuine
It was a worthwhile attempt ___ it failed to achieve its purpose that we had hoped for.
A. in the end
B. now that
C. all at once
D. even though
Travel in space can be very exciting; ___, it can also be boring and lonely at times.
A. so
B. however
C. thus
D. therefore
Politicians should not ___ in business affairs that might affect their political judgment.
A. engage
B. embrace
C. depart
D. treasure
I wish to ___ a master’s degree in electric engineering after I graduate from college.
A. pledge
B. explore
C. pursue
D. approach
There is no greater importance ___ cultivating independence in children.
A. in
B. than
C. of
D. with
He has made it very clear ___ we should observe the new rules.
A. what
B. which
C. those
D. that
It was when I read his letter ___ I realized he had given me huge help.
A. that
B. then
C. before
D. after
Don’t worry too much, Jane. Your son ___ home already. Let’s go back and check it out.
A. returned
B. will return
C. has returned
D. may have returned
I believe friendship is an essential element of making a healthy, ___ life.
A. flexible
B. rewarding
C. wealthy
D. inquisitive
___ they have written about the behaviors of animals is hardly anything new.
A. That
B. This
C. What
D. Which
No other drugs are as good as this one; it must have been based on a(n) ___ formula (配方).
A. enormous
B. stimulating
C. unique
D. overwhelming
Mothers tend to be too ___ toward their children. They should let them see more of the worl D.
A. hopeful
B. protective
C. modest
D. encouraging
The investigation ___ evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
A. uncovered
B. outweighed
C. overwhelmed
D. evolved
Poor Laura! I feel so sorry for her. When she fell, she hurt her arm and, ___, broke her glasses.
A. in advance
B. in addition
C. over time
D. on the other hand
Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) ___ way to deal with some stressful situations.
A. genuine
B. available
C. effective
D. favorite
It will be worth the efforts even if you fail; the rewards you ___ will be great.
A. reap
B. boast
C. assure
D. cultivate
He suggested transporting the supplies by air. But it is absolutely ___, for it will cost too much.
A. unusual
B. uncertain
C. impractical
D. impressive
The newspaper didn’t mention the ___ of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range
B. level
C. extent
D. quantity
Do you ___ her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?
A. classify
B. notify
C. simplify
D. justify
He doesn’t ___ of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.
A. afford
B. make the most
C. run out
D. stand a chance
If you don’t ___ cooking today, we can go out to eat at the new restaurant.
A. would like
B. go on with
C. feel like
D. figure out、
Bullying (恃强欺弱) can ___ a climate of fear and anxiety in school, and prevent students from focusing on their schoolwork.
A. keep back
B. give rise to
C. feel like
D. make use of
Science can now ___ many things which were thought to be mysterious by ancient people.
A. care for
B. lay out
C. account for
D. set up
The school has ___ many after-class activity groups for the pupils to make their spare time more colorful.
A. set up
B. set off
C. set out
D. set down
When he was a small kid, he ___ from his peers because he could read fast and remember whatever he rea D.
A. showed off
B. worked out
C. stood out
D. straightened up
The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally ___ improvements in diet.
A. put up with
B. attributed to
C. added to
D. replaced with
We can be partners for now, but ultimately you have to ___ to develop a new software for our project.
A. keep up
B. fire off
C. make sense
D. take the lead
Emotional Intelligence (情商) could be of practical use in many ___ such as how companies decide which job applicant to hire, how parents should raise their children, how schools should teach the students, and so on.
A. aspects
B. disciplines
C. structures
D. opportunities
The teacher should praise students for their correct answers and also suggest ___ possibilities.
A. unlimited
B. unique
C. alternative
D. essential
In some classrooms, desks are arranged in a U-shape, so the teacher can ___ easily with the students.
A. interrupt
B. interact
C. interpret
D. interview
Computer technology ___ individuals to educate themselves and adapt to a constantly changing job market.
A. lets
B. makes
C. enables
D. provides