基础设计时,必须以地下水位 100%计算浮托力的地层有___。
A. 节理不发育的岩石
B. 节理发育的岩石
C. 碎石土
D. 粉土
E. 黏土
A. 结构选型
B. 建筑造型
C. 结构尺寸
D. 构造柱的布置
E. 圈梁的布置
A. 多层厂房
B. 混合厂房
C. 动力用厂房
D. 仓储建筑
E. 生产辅助厂房
A. 水泥稳定细粒土不能用作二级以上公路高级路面的基层
B. 基层可分为无机结合料稳定类和粒料类
C. 石灰稳定土基层不应作高级路面的基层
D. 级配砾石不可用于二级和二级以下公路的基层
E. 填隙碎石基层只能用于二级公路的基层
A. 冷轧带肋钢筋
B. 冷拔低碳钢丝
C. 热处理钢筋
D. 冷拉钢丝
E. 消除应力钢丝
A. 硅酸盐水泥
B. 普通硅酸盐水泥
C. 矿渣硅酸盐水泥
D. 火山灰质硅酸盐水泥
E. 粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥
掺入 高效减水剂的效果是___。
A. 保持坍落度不变可使混凝土 3d 强度值提高 30%
B. 保持坍落度不变可使混凝土 28d 强度值提高 60%
C. 保持坍落度和强度不变可节约水泥用量 15%
D. 提高钢筋混凝土抗钢筋锈蚀能力
E. 提高钢筋混凝土耐久性
A. 针对工程环境合理选择水泥品种
B. 添加加气剂或膨胀剂
C. 提高浇筑和养护的施工质量
D. 改善骨料的级配
E. 控制好温度和湿度
A. 混凝土结构中的纵向受压钢筋,当计算中充分利用其抗压强度时,锚固长度不应小于相应受拉锚周长度的70%
B. 直接承受动力荷载的结构构件,当纵向受力钢筋的实际配筋面积大于其设计计算面积时,锚固长度修正系数取设计计算面积与实际配筋面积的比值
C. 受压钢筋不应采用末端弯钩和一侧贴焊锚筋的锚固措施
D. 施工过程中易受扰动的钢筋,其纵向受拉钢筋的锚固长度修正系数取1.1
A. 挠度验算中,可将计算所得挠度值减去预先起拱值
B. 计算悬臂构件的挠度值时,计算跨度按实际是臂长度的2倍取用
C. 挠度验算在短期刚度的基础上,考虑荷载准永久组合的长期作用对挠度增大的影响
D. 挠度验算是以适筋梁第Ⅲ阶段的应力应变状态为依据
A. 沿梁截面周边设置受扭纵筋的间距不应大于250mm
B. 受扭纵筋应按受拉钢筋锚固在支座内
C. 受扭箍筋末端应做成135°弯钩,弯钩端头平直段长度不应小于10d
D. 当采用复合箍筋时,位于截面内部的箍筋不应计入受拥所需箍筋
A. 当楼层的最大层间位移角不大于规范限值的40%时,楼层竖向构件最大水平位移与楼层平均值的比值可适当放松
B. 级高度高层建筑结构的扭转第一自振周期与平动第一自振周期之比不应大于0.85
C. 剪力墙结构的楼层与其相邻上层的侧向刚度比不宜小于0.9
D. 当上部楼层收进后的水平尺寸大于下部楼层的75%时,为竖向体型收进
A. 采用配筋组合砌体
B. 设置钢筋混凝土构造柱
C. 梁端底部设带有中心垫板的垫块,或采用缺口的垫块
D. 增加墙垛
A. 压应力出现高峰现象,强度下降
B. 没有明显变化
C. 有时提高,有时降低,变化无规律
D. 局部受压面积受到周围砌体的约束,横向及纵向变形降低,强度提高
A. 抗拉强度.伸长率.冷弯性能和硫.磷含量
B. 抗拉强度.屈服强度.冷弯性能
C. 抗拉强度.伸长率.屈服强度和硫.磷含量
D. 屈服强度.伸长率.冷弯性能
A. 钢板挤压
B. 螺栓剪切
C. 摩擦力
D. 钢板挤压和螺栓剪切
A. 350
B. 250
C. 300
D. 400
A. 从一侧向另一侧平推
B. 在相对两侧或周围同时
C. 由近到远
D. 在基坑卸土方便处
A. 1:1.00~1:125
B. 1:075~1:1.00
C. 1:0.50~1:0.75
D. 1:1.25~1:1.50
不是钢筋植筋施工所包含的施工工艺的是___ 。
A. 钻孔
B. 清孔
C. 注胶
D. 二次注胶
A. 降低骨料温度
B. 降低水泥用量
C. 采取措施降低混凝土表面温度
D. 采用合理的施工保序
A. 无拉筋可以留置斜槎口
B. 有拉筋可以留置斜槎口
C. 无拉筋可以留置直槎口
D. 有拉筋时可留置直槎口
A. 直观表示计划中工作的持续时间
B. 确定实施计划所需要的资源数量
C. 直观表示计划完成所需要的时间
D. 确定计划中的关键工作和时差优点
A. 施工段数应不小于施工过程数
B. 满足最小工作面的要求
C. 不能设置在原结构伸缩缝处
D. 各施工段劳动力相差不超过15%
A. 检验批是基本验收单元
B. 检验批验收由监理工程师组织
C. 检验批验收数量按有关规范执行
D. 检验批验收中主控项目必须合格
A. 所包含的分项工程均应验收合格
B. 施工质量控制资料应完整
C. 观感质量验收应符合要求
D. 主要功能项目的抽查结果应符合要求
A. 宽度边界达到标准上下界
B. 居中且距上下界有较大距离
C. 一边到达边界一边距边界较远
D. 出现两个数据高峰
A. 2.0kN/mm2
B. 2.5kN/mm2
C. 3.0kN/mm2
D. 3.5kN/mm2
A. 作用在物体上的两个力一定是平衡力
B. 等值.反向且共线的两个力是平衡力
C. 使物体平衡的一定是两个力
D. 使物体平衡的两个力一定是等值,反向且共线的
A. 随之增大
B. 与之无关
C. 随之减少
D. 先增加后减少
A. 尺寸可分为总尺寸.定位尺寸.细部尺寸
B. 平屋面可标注结构标高,并应进行说明
C. 梁式悬挂起重机宜标出轨距尺寸
D. 有起重机的厂房剖面图可不标注屋架下玄杆件下边缘或屋面梁底.板底标高
A. 标准标准
B. 原位标注
C. 分散标注
D. 结构标注
A. 单粗虚线
B. 单粗实线
C. 双粗虚线
D. 双粗实线
A. 纵筋加强带
B. 后浇带
C. 角部加强筋
D. 抗冲切筋
A. 实际尺寸
B. 构造尺寸
C. 标志尺寸
D. 标准尺寸
A. 首层室内地面标高到基础底面标高
B. 设计室外地面标高到基础底面标高
C. 首层室内地面标高到基础顶面标高
D. 设计室外地面标高到基础顶面标高
A. 垂直间距的2倍,且不得小于2.0m
B. 垂直间距的1.5倍,且不得小于1.0m
C. 垂直间距的1.5倍,且不得小于2.0m
D. 垂直间距的2倍,且不得小于1.0m
A. 30M
B. 60M
C. 10M
D. 90M
Which scenario shows a reason for VMware Tools failing to install? ___
A. Virtual machine has a CD-ROM configured.
B. Guest OS Antivirus is blocking the VMware Tools installation.
C. Guest OS has 64-bit ldd (list dynamic dependencies) utility installed.
D. Virtual machine is powered on.
An administrator is configuring an ESXi 6.x host to use multiple NICs to resolve a management network redundancy error. After configuring a second NIC, the server is not able to communicate when the primary connection is taken down. The administrator analyzes the Exhibit shown here. Based on the exhibit, what is the likely cause of the issue? ___
A. vmnic4 is not attached to a vSwitch.
B. vmnic2 is not connected to a physical switch.
C. E1000 is the incorrect NIC
D. river for this card.
What information is required as part of an interactive ESXi 6.x installation? ___
A. Keyboard layout
B. IP Address
C. Root password
D. DNS information
What is the default load balancing policy for a newly created VMkernel port on a vSphere Distributed Switch? ___
A. Route based on orginating virtual port ID
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on source mac address
D. Route based on physical NIC load
An administrator deploys vCenter Server using the embedded Platform Services Controller. After testing the deployment for a couple of months, it is determined that the environment would be better served with an external Platform Services Controller. What should the administrator do to meet this new requirement? ___
A. Deploy a fresh instance of vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller.
B. Perform a fresh install of an external Platform Services Controller.
C. Migrate the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
D. Upgrade the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
Why are some virtual machines orphaned after rebooting a High Availability (HA) enabled host? ___
A. The Orphaned virtual machines have HA restart disabled.
B. The Orphaned virtual machines moved recently and the change did not persist.
C. The host is attached to failed storage.
D. The host just came out of maintenance mode.
Which vSphere 6 Standard Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA
An application running in a virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. When utilizing performance monitoring utilities, it is noted that the CPU Utilization of the application is at 100%. Which two scenarios are probable causes of the CPU contention for the application? (Choose two.)___
A. There is a network I/O constraint.
B. There is a storage I/O constraint.
C. There is insufficient disk space assigned to the virtual machine.
D. The application is not virtualization aware.
A Fault Tolerance (FT) virtual machine with four vCPUs is experiencing high latency when performing ICMP and Application tests. What are three potential causes that may be attributing to this latency? (Choose three.)___
A. The FT network has insufficient bandwidth and is running on a 1GB Link.
B. The FT network is on a particularly high latency link.
C. The FT network has been configured with Network I/O Control.
D. The FT virtual machine is running an e1000 network adapter.
E. The
F. T virtual machine is running on poor performing network-based storage.
A virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. The following performance metrics are observed: <CPU usage value for the virtual machine is above 90%> < CPU ready value for the virtual machine is above 20%> Which two activities will likely resolve the performance issues? (Choose two.)___
A. Set a CPU reservation for the virtual machine.
B. Increase the CPU limit on the virtual machine.
C. Decrease CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
D. Increase CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
An administrator is upgrading a vSphere Distributed Switch. The existing switch is version 6.0 and the administrator wants to upgrade to the latest version possible. The environment contains several ESXi 6.1 hosts. Which two options are available to ensure that the upgraded switch will be compatible with these hosts? (Choose two.)___
A. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 6.0
B. Upgrade the ESXi 5.5 hosts to version 6.0, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
C. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.1
D. Upgrade the
E. SXi host switches to 5.5, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
An administrator attempts to create a Thick Provisioned Virtual Disk (VMDK) on an NFS datastore; but it fails. Which two reasons would explain the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Datastore is on an NFS 3 storage server that does not support Hardware Acceleration
B. Datastore is on an NFS 4.1 storage server
C. Only VMFS datastores support "Thick Provisioned" VMDK
D. The NFS datastore was not created on a "Thick Provisioned" device
Which two NFS Protocol versions does vSphere 6 support? (Choose two.)___
A. Version 3
B. Version 3.1
C. Version 4
D. Version 4.1
Which three operations occur during a cold migration of a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. The virtual machine disks are moved if the datastore is being changed.
B. The virtual machine is registered with the destination server.
C. The source virtual machine is removed from the old hosts.
D. The virtual machine hardware is upgraded.
E. The virtual machine files are quiesced prior to the migration.
A 4 GB Memory virtual machine is experiencing extended memory issues, as shown in the Exhibit. What potential issues could be attributed to this memory pressure?___
A. A limit is imposed on the virtual memory of this virtual machine.
B. The Balloon driver has been uninstalled.
C. A limit has been imposed on the Virtual CPU of the virtual machine.
D. Storage IO control has been enabled for the virtual machine causing the swapped memory.
You are creating a virtual machine in the Web Client using the New Virtual Machine wizard. Which two steps are required? (Choose two.)___
A. Select a valid name.
B. Select a cluster for the compute resource.
C. Select a network adapter.
D. Select the virtual machine compatibility.
An administrator has been given requirements to configure vMotion for a new virtual machine. The configuration should: <Provide Network Redundancy Use VLAN 550> <Be secured against anyone trying to spoof communication The vSwitch1 configuration is shown in the Exhibit.> Which three changes should be made to meet the stated requirements? (Choose three.)___
A. The VLAN ID must be set appropriately.
B. The default values for MAC Address Changes and Forged Transmits must be altered.
C. The teaming and failover adapters must be set appropriately.
D. The Traffic Shaping configuration must be altered.
E. The Load Balancing Policy must be set appropriately.
Which three traffic types are available services options when configuring a vmkernel port? (Choose three.)___
A. Provisioning Traffic
B. Virtual Volumes Traffic
C. vSphere Replication NFC Traffic
D. Virtual SAN Traffic
E. FCoE Traffic
An administrator logs into the vSphere Web Client, but is unable to see any hosts and clusters. Which two options could fix the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify that the client web browser and vCenter Server are in the same broadcast domain.
B. Verify that the vCenter Server system is registered with the same Platform Services Controller as the vSphere Web Client.
C. Log in to the vCenter Server as a user within the Active
D. irectory domain.
Which three VLAN Tagging modes are available in vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. External Switch Tagging
B. Private VLAN Tagging
C. Virtual Switch Tagging
D. VXLAN Tagging
E. Virtual Guest Tagging
Which two statements are true about VMFS5 datastores on ESXi 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual Disk (VMDK) size can be larger than 2TB.
B. Datastore extent size can be larger than 2TB.
C. Only Physical Mode Raw
D. evice Map (Passthrough-RDM) can be larger than 2TB.
Which two statements are correct when turning off a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is maintained.
B. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is removed.
C. The affinity settings of the
D. RS cluster are removed and not maintained when DRS is re-enabled.
An administrator is creating a new Virtual SAN cluster on a Layer 2 network. There is an existing Virtual SAN cluster on the same Layer 2 network. Which two actions would allow the new Virtual SAN cluster to coexist with the older cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Change the default Multicast Address on the new Virtual SAN cluster.
B. Change the default Unicast Address on the new Virtual SAN Cluster.
C. Create a separate VLAN for each cluster.
D. Create an ARP Alias for the Virtual SAN VMkernel Network Adapter.
A vCenter Operations Manager 5.7 environment is upgraded to vRealize Operations. After the upgrade, the analytics services fail to start. Which three steps must be taken to resolve the problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Take the vRealize Operations cluster offline.
B. Delete the activity persistence files.
C. Bring the cluster back online.
D. Remove any unresponsive nodes.
E. Stop the CaSA service.
An organization has an ESXi 6.x host that contains two resource pools. The host is being relocated to a DRS cluster. What two actions can be taken to integrate the host into the cluster, and what would happen to the existing ESXi resource pool hierarchy as a result? (Choose two.)___
A. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
B. Create a resource pool for the ESXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
C. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
D. Create a resource pool for the
E. SXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
Which two parameters are required when adding an iSCSI target to an iSCSI Software Adapter using Dynamic Discovery? (Choose two.)___
A. The iSCSI device's IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
B. The Port Number
C. The iSCSI device's iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)
D. The Default Gateway IP Address
Which two SMTP Notification Event Details are specific to alarms triggered by events? (Choose two.)___
A. User Name
B. Summary
C. Old Status
D. Target
Which two High Availability ___ Cluster admission control policies can help avoid resource fragmentation? (Choose two.)(AC)
A. Define failover capacity by static number of hosts
B. Define failover capacity by reserving a percentage of the cluster resources
C. Use dedicated failover hosts
D. Use Virtual Machine Monitoring
An attempt to enable vSphere Fault Tolerance for a powered-on virtual machine fails. Which two scenarios would result in this failure? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine has three vCPUs configured.
B. The host on which the virtual machine is running has insufficient memory resources.
C. The virtual machine has insufficient resources to accommodate full reservation plus the overhead memory.
D. VMware High Availability is enabled on the cluster of which this host is a member.
A vApp template recently added to a Content Library is not displayed. Which two actions could correct this problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Manually synchronize the library
B. Select the Download all library content immediately option
C. Select the Sync subscribed library option
D. Manually download the vApp template
What are three valid disk configurations for the vSphere Data Protection 6.x Appliance? (Choose three.)___
A. 500GB
B. 1TB
C. 1.5TB
D. 2TB
E. 4TB
Which three connection types are available when configuring a vSwitch in the vSphere Web Client? (Choose three.)___
A. VMkernel Network Adapter
B. Physical Network Adapter
C. Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch
D. vMotion Network Adapter
E. vSAN Network Adapter
Which three features can be enabled for a new host cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduling
B. High Availability
C. Fault Tolerance
D. Distributed Resource Scheduling
E. Virtual SAN
An administrator receives a report that no real time statistics are available for a virtual machine in the vCenter Server inventory. Which two statements indicate likely causes of the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine is powered off.
B. The host containing the virtual machine is disconnected from vCenter Server.
C. There is insufficient real time data to display the information.
D. The vCenter Server service is not running.
Your manager has given you a bash script that retrieves data for ESXi 6.x host configurations. This data needs to be collected right after the installation of a host and must be run directly on the host. Which two actions can be used to run this script on an ESXi host? (Choose two.)___
A. Connect to the host with Ruby vSphere Console and run the script from there.
B. Enable SSH access from the Direct Console User Interface.
C. Enable the ESXi Shell from the
D. irect Console User Interface.
Which two are true about the Risk badge in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)___
A. The Risk badge indicates potential future problems that may degrade the performance of the system.
B. Risks may require attention in the near future.
C. The Risk badge indicates problems that are degrading performance of the system.
D. Risks require attention now to correct system performance problems.
vSphere Update Manager allows which two virtual machine attributes to be upgraded? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual machine firewall policies for NSX.
B. Software Packages in the virtual machine.
C. Virtual machine Hardware Version.
D. VMware Tools Upgrade.
What are two benefits of using NFS 4.1 with vSphere 6.x as compared to NFS 3? (Choose two.)___
A. NFS 4.1 supports Kerberos Authentication
B. NFS 4.1 supports multipathing
C. NFS 4.1 supports IPv6
D. NFS 4.1 supports hardware acceleration
Which three statements are true regarding Fault Tolerance? (Choose three.)___
A. Applications need to be continuously available to users.
B. Applications without native clustering capabilities can be protected.
C. Custom clustering solutions are complicated to configure and maintain.
D. Applications that have 16 vCPUs are supported.
E. Prevents application crashes by analyzing the workload and correcting problems.
Which two statements are true regarding VMware vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC)? (Choose two.)___
A. Cache fills and cache evictions happen in the granularity of a cache block size.
B. vFRC caches data from both read and write I/Os, but write I/Os are always serviced by the underlying storage.
C. vFRC caches data from both read and write I/Os, but write I/Os are always serviced by the underlying cache data.
D. Cache fills and cache evictions happen in the granularity of the disk block size.