( ) 40. The best title of the passage is ___________. A. Rivers in Cities B. The importance of Rivers C. Transportation D. Natural Resources
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
) 1. Even Tony’s six-year-old son asked him ______ smoking. A. stops B. stopped C. to stop D. stopping
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
2.—What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang’s Crazy English? — I think it’s _______ , but someone thinks it’s much too ________. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. enough wonderful; bored D. wonderful enough; boring
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
3.—He didn’t go to the lecture this morning, did he?    — _____ .Though he was not feeling very well. A. No, he didnt B. Yes; he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
4. If you read a lot, your life ______ full of pleasure. A. will be B. is C. be D. was
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
5. The black bag _________ be Annas. She has a blue one. A. should B. cant C. wouldnt D. could
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
6. Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start. Im sorry, but I _________ when to start. A. dont tell B. wasnt told C. didnt tell D. havent told
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
7.—Why dont you choose the red tie?    —For me, it doesn’t _____ my shirt very well. A. fix B. accept C. compare D. match
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
8. — Could you tell me ______? I must find him. — Sorry.I don’t know.But he was here just now. A. where Tom was B. where Tom is C. where has Tom gone D. where can I find Tom
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
9. —What did Mr Green say to you? — What a heavy rain! How did you come here? He asked________. A. at all B. in fact C. in surprise D. as a result
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
10. I often see Tom on the playground.When I passed the playground yesterday, I saw him . A. play; playing B. to play; play C. playing; to play D. playing; play
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
11. — Mum, could I have ____________ to drink? — Oh, dear.You can only drink some water.There is _________ in the kitchen. A. anything; else something B. anything; something else C. something; else nothing D. something; nothing else
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
12. We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort. A. requires B. reduces C. removes D. repeats
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
13. Her son __________ Coke, but now he __________ milk. A. is used to drinking; used to drink B. used to drink; uses to drink C. used to drink; is used to drinking D. is used to drink; is drinking
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
14. I don’t know the teacher is talking with Miss Wang. A. what B. whom C. who D. which
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
15.Millie does __________ that many people are thankful to her. A. such an important and helpful job B. so important and helpful work C. a very important and helpful job D. such an important and helpful work
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
16. I think eating more vegetables is good _______ our health. —Yes, I agree _______ you. A. at, to B. for, with C. to, to D. for, to
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
17. I often go on holiday with my parents _____ summer. A. in B. at C. on D. of
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
18. I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered. Sorry, I ______ with my friends at that time. A. had swum B. swam C. would swim D. was swimming
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
19.––Who is on the playground? ---__________.    A. Never B. None C. No one D. A lot
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
20. The schoolboy ______ a blind man cross the street yesterday. A. helps B. helped C. will help D. has helped
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
21. —The 2010 World Expo which will last 184 days will be held in Shanghai on May 1st. —________exciting news! We shall try our best to support it. A. How B. How an C. What D. What an
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
22. They preferred ______ in bed rather than _____ horses.    A. to lie; to ride B. lying; riding C. lying; ride D. to lie; ride
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
23. —What was Jim wearing at the party? — Nothing _______. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
24. The 2016 Olympic Games ________ in Brazil. Would you like to go there? Maybe, if possible. A. are held B. will be held C. were held D. have been held
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
25. — David, look at the man in white over there.Can you tell me _______ ? —He is a doctor.    A. who is he B. who he is C.what does he do D. what he does
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 26.With help from a Mr. H, you can__________. A. stop wearing your watch B. get new books and objects C. finish your homework on time D. know when parents or teachers are near
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 27. A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to ______________. A. repair your TV B. put away your books and objects C. become a James Bond D. get a daily weather report
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 28. You can get your Mr. H for___________. A. $299 B. $499 C. $199 D. $99
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 29. When was canned food invented? A. In 1870.          B. In 1810. C. In 1902.          D. In 1926.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 30. After the trip to the Arctic, Clarence Birdseye invented ____________. A. canned food             B. can openers C. frozen food           D. air conditioning
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 31. Changes in weather _____________ in Willis Carrier's company. A. helped to keep food           B. made rooms comfortable C. caused health problems        D. hurt printing paper
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 32. According to the passage, which of the following may lead to inventions? A. People's needs.             B. Public support. C. Modern technology.          D. Practical suggestions.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 33. What is the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?    A.To tell the readers his life story.    B.To tell people what kind of person his father was.    C.To tell the readers what present he got from his father.    D. To let people know how poor he was.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 34. Why did the father not ask his son not to do this and do that?    A.Because he felt quite confident of his son.    B.Because he was born from a poor family.    C.Because he was a man of few words.    D.Because he didn't want to be much too strict with his son.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 35. What would someone learn from this passage?    A.How to live by oneself. B.How to stand on one's own feet.    C.What a good father should do. D.What the self-important is like.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 36. What may be the proper Chinese for the underlined part in the passage?    A.闲暇时光 B.学费 C.精神空虚 D.经济不足
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 37. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.    A.south           B.east    C.west            D.north
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 38. Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.    A.hot             B.pleasant   C.cold            D.dry
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 39. The World Wetlands Day is on _______.    A.February 2        B.June 25   C.April 22      D.March
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 40. We must protect wetlands because _______. A.they are home for wildlife   B.they can prevent flood    C.they can offer food to the animals and birds D.all of the above
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
A. 自然环境结构
B. 人口结构
C. 物质经济结构
D. 社会政治结构
E. 社会观念结构
A. 阶级矛盾不可调和的产物和表现
B. 统治阶级进行阶级压迫的暴力工具
C. 统治阶级的国家
D. 全体国民的国家
E. 统治阶级和被统治阶级共同的国家
A. 生物学、物理学、数学
B. 思维科学、逻辑学、语言学
C. 哲学、道德、宗教
D. 艺术、法律、政治思想
E. 小说、诗歌、戏剧
A. 市场经济规律
B. 价值规律
C. 生产关系适合生产力状况的规律
D. 上层建筑适应经济基础变革要求的规律
E. 地理环境决定社会发展的规律
A. 适应历史发展的必然要求
B. 既是必然的又是偶然的
C. 偶然的机遇
D. 与杰出人物自身特点相关
E. 完全由自身能力决定的
A. 由人的意志决定的
B. 历史发展无所谓规律性
C. 人的意志可以任意改变的
D. 客观精神的进程
E. 不由人的意志决定的
A. 人生而自由
B. 人性善
C. 人性恶
D. 人的本性是天赋的
E. 人性善恶决定于社会实践
A. 个人的主观条件
B. 个人所处的环境
C. 社会的需要
D. 个人主观愿望
E. 个人的社会实践
进入自由王国阶段是指人们___ 标红?
A. 摆脱自然的奴役和社会的压迫
B. 不再受自然和社会规律的支配
C. 获得完全绝对的自由
D. 摆脱了盲目必然性的奴役
E. 成为自己社会关系的主人
A. 获得绝对自由
B. 完全摆脱客观必然性的束缚
C. 从自然必然性的奴役下解放出来
D. 从社会必然性的奴役下解放出来
E. 在自然规律和社会规律面前获得自由
A. 人的本质不是先天的,而是后天社会实践中形成的
B. 人的本质不是不变的,而是变化的
C. 人的本质不是抽象的,而是具体的
D. 人的本质是人的自然属性和社会属性的统一
E. 在社会关系中处于不同地位的人具有不同的本质
A. 它决定了整个生产关系的性质
B. 它决定人们在生产中的地位和作用
C. 它决定生产水平的高低
D. 它决定产品的分配方式
E. 它决定科学技术的发展规律
A. 工人阶级
B. 广大农民
C. 民营企业的创业人员
D. 中介组织的从业人员
E. 受聘于外资企业的管理技术人员
A. 人们自己创造自己的历史
B. 历史不是神创造的
C. 历史是人民任意创造的
D. 历史是人的思想发展史
E. 历史规律的作用的实现离不开人的自觉活动
A. 生产资料所有制
B. 政治法律制度
C. 国家政权
D. 社会意识形态
E. 社会风俗习惯
A. 改革与第一次革命具有相同的内容
B. 改革也是解放生产力
C. 改革是对原有经济体制的根本性变革
D. 改革是社会主义发展的动力
E. 改革引起社会生活各方面的深刻变化
A. 否认历史必然性的唯意志论
B. 否认历史偶然性的机械论
C. 唯心主义非决定论在历史观上的表现
D. 夸大个人作用的唯心史论
E. 重视历史必然性的历史决定论
A. “你若要喜欢你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值”
B. “人生的意义在于贡献,而不是索取”
C. “苦了我一人,幸福千万家”
D. “主观为自己,客观为别人”
E. “把困难留给自己,把方便留给别人”
A. 世界观包括历史观和人生观
B. 历史观包括世界观和人生观
C. 人生观离不开世界观和历史观
D. 人生观影响世界观和历史观
E. 世界观和历史观决定人生观
A. 衣服和家具都能满足人类的特定需要
B. 衣服和家具都取材于自然界
C. 衣服和家具都包含了人类劳动
D. 裁缝需要家具,木匠需要衣服
A. 用来交换的劳动产品
B. 具有使用价值而没有价值的劳动产品
C. 具有价值而没有使用价值的劳动产品
D. 交换价值和价值的统一体
E. 使用价值和价值的统一体
A. 是纸币发行量大大超过流通中所需货币量的结果
B. 是纸币取代金属货币流通造成的必然结果
C. 会导致物价上涨
D. 会导致实际工资下降
E. 会导致名义工资下降
A. 商品价值下降
B. 劳动力价值上升
C. 劳动力价值下降
D. 必要劳动时间缩短
E. 相对剩余价值增加
A. 追求剩余价值是资本运动的目的
B. 资本是带来剩余价值的价值
C. 剩余价值是在流通中产生的
D. 剩余价值不是在流通中产生的,但不能离开流通
E. 在流通中购买特殊商品劳动力是货币转化为资本的条件
A. 增加实际发挥作用的可变资本
B. 增加预付的可变资本
C. 增加年剩余价值量
D. 提高年剩余价值率
E. 提高剩余价值率
A. 劳动者及其后代所需生活资料的价值
B. 劳动者所需的教育培训费用
C. 现有的社会正常生产条件
D. 平均的劳动熟练程度
E. 平均的劳动强度
A. 前者的货币充当流通的媒介,不是资本
B. 剩余价值是在流通中产生的
C. 资本是带来剩余价值的价值
D. 资本只有在不断更新运动中才能增殖价值
E. 后者的货币在运动中发生了价值增殖,是资本
A. 随着社会总资本的增长,可变资本数量绝对减少
B. 随着社会总资本的增长,可变资本所占比重相对减少
C. 资本对劳动力的需求在有些部门绝对减少
D. 资本对劳动力的需求减少和劳动力对资本的供给增加
E. 相对过剩人口产生
A. 货币资本
B. 流通资本
C. 生产资本
D. 商品资本
E. 商业资本
A. 使用价值
B. 具体劳动
C. 价值
D. 抽象劳动
E. 社会劳动
A. 具体劳动
B. 抽象劳动
C. 复杂劳动
D. 简单劳动
E. 个别劳动
A. 生产该商品的劳动生产率成正比
B. 生产该商品的劳动生产率成反比
C. 体现在商品中的劳动量成正比
D. 体现在商品中的劳动量成反比
E. 商品价格始终成反比
A. 价值是交换价值的内容和基础
B. 交换价值是价值的内容和基础
C. 交换价值是价值的表现形式
D. 价值是交换价值的表现形式
E. 价值与交换价值互为内容和形式
A. 价值尺度
B. 流通手段
C. 储藏手段
D. 支付手段
E. 世界货币
A. 社会待售商品量成正比
B. 商品的价格水平成反比
C. 单位货币流通速度成正比
D. 商品的价格水平成正比
E. 单位货币流通速度成反比
A. 刺激生产者改进技术降低成本
B. 自发调节部门比例关系
C. 刺激商品生产者激烈竞争和分化
D. 引起货币贬值
E. 价格围绕价值上下波动
A. 商品价值下降
B. 劳动力价值上升
C. 劳动力价值下降
D. 必要劳动时间缩短
E. 相对剩余价值增加
A. 不变资本和可变资本
B. 固定资本和流动资本
C. 商业资本和借贷资本
D. 货币资本和商品资本
E. 货币资本和流通资本
A. 全社会劳动生产率提高的结果
B. 个别企业劳动生产率提高的结果
C. 延长工作日的结果
D. 各个资本家追求超额剩余价值的结果
E. 在工作日不变条件下,缩短必要劳动时间,相应延长剩余劳动时间生产的剩余价值
A. 是劳动力价值的货币表现
B. 在本质上是劳动力价值
C. 是工人的劳动报酬
D. 是劳动的价值或价格
E. 是劳动者出卖劳动的一种收入