open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Yellow flowers in the field always [ ] me [ ] my childhood in the countryside
remind of
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should [ ]winning the game
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Research on genes will [ ] exciting new medical treatments.,
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, My family [ ] on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Many subway riders read books or listent music in order to [ ] their time on the way to work
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks [ ]
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, In order to [ ]physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly and for at least half an hour each time
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical Mary was a careful speaker, every word seemed to have been [ ] before it was allowed to escape through her lips
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds, and each spring he eagerly [ ] their return
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical Thanks to the [ ] of air transport,everyone is free to go anywhere at any time
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical John believes that the [ ] of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical When she heard it was snowing in the city they were going to, she [ ] two more sweaters into her bag.
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical During our stay in Europe we visited many places of [ ] interest, including several castles
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very [ ] experience for our family
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical He was [ ]when he discovered that he didn't have enough money to pay for the red wine he had ordered
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical The local government is pressed to find new places to [ ] dump waste
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical The new system designed to [ ] harmful emissions排放物) from factories will be put into use soon
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive It is so difficult to [ ] the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive It was about 30 seconds before Alex [ ] from the water, we were quite scared
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive We often [ ] that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them,for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may [ ] a threat to social stability.
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive After a(n) [ ] physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive 7 It is well known that China is a country with rich natural [ ] and a very big population.
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive Some people believe that the earth can [ ] enough food to support at least twice its present population
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive Sam [ ] the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive A bee that has found honey is able to [ ] to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey
A. 规定
B. 标称
C. 单位
A. 自感系数
B. 磁通
C. 电流
A. 感测机械
B. 执行机构
C. 保护机械
A. 主触头
B. 辅助触头
C. 动触头
A. 并励发电机
B. 他励发电机
C. 串励发电机
由两以上匝数不同的线圈绕在一个构成闭合回路的铁心上组成的电气装置是___P19T100 。
A. 变压器
B. 接触器
C. 继电器
A. 1/3
B. 1/2
C. 2/3
A. 线电压
B. 相电压
C. 过电压
A. 半波整流
B. 全波整流
C. 桥式整流
A. 继电器
B. 接触器
C. 电机
A. 附挂机车
B. 本务机车
C. 动力机车
A. 附挂机车
B. 本务机车
C. 重联机车
A. 支配机车
B. 运用机车
C. 本务机车
A. 旅行速度
B. 技术速度
C. 最大速度
A. 配属机车
B. 非配属机车
C. 支配机车
A. 宜分开设置供独立使用的食品原辅材料入口、垃圾出口
B. 宜分开设置供独立使用的餐食装机出口、机上餐食及食具卸机入口
C. 宜分开设置供独立使用的人员出入口,设置人员出入专用通道
D. 机上垃圾出口和餐食及食具卸机入口可以是同一个口
A. 25℃
B. 22℃以下
C. 20℃
D. 18℃
A. 按食具回收→分检→清洗→消毒→储藏→再使用的程序
B. 按食具回收→清洗→分检→储藏→消毒→再使用的程序
C. 按食具回收→清洗→分检→消毒→储藏→再使用的程序
D. 按食具回收→清洗→消毒→分检→储藏→再使用的程序
A. 74℃以上和78℃以上
B. 70℃以上和74℃以上
C. 76℃以上和74℃以上
D. 74℃以上和70℃以上
A. 6小时;65℃;10℃
B. 6小时;70℃;20℃
C. 4小时;70℃;10℃
D. 4小时;65℃;10℃
A. 装配餐盒时,不宜将小包装的成品食品、纸巾餐具、带皮水果等与无包装的食品放在一起,除非各种食品均单独封装或覆以消毒的保鲜膜
B. 用于食品包装的薄膜、纸箱(盒)、包装纸、锡箔盒、塑料制品等材料应符合国家卫生标准有关规定
C. 餐食应当避开冷库中的风扇下方存放,防止冷凝水滴下造成污染
D. 配餐放入过渡冷库至出冷库装机之间的时间间隔不应超过48小时
A. 配餐自过渡冷库中取出时表面温度在5℃以下,到达机上时表面温度在10℃以下
B. 餐自过渡冷库中取出时表面温度在5℃以下,配餐出库时间距航班预计起飞时间在3h之内
C. 机上有冷藏设施者,迅速启动冷藏设施,保证配餐在10℃以下保存,可在机上保存12h
D. 已经装机的餐食温度在15℃以下,保存4h之内,不必更换
A. 24 h;100 g;2年
B. 24 h;200 g;1年
C. 48 h;100 g;1年
D. 48 h;100 g;2年
A. 按供货批次查验供应商提供的产品合格证明文件
B. 查验货物温度
C. 到现场审查
D. 对生产企业的产品质量管理体系进行持续管理
A. 2小时之内
B. 8小时之内
C. 12小时之内
D. 24小时之内
A. 1000 m;1h
B. 800 m、2 h
C. 400 m、4 h
D. 100 m、24 h
A. 旅行社
B. 船方
C. 代理公司
D. 海事部门
A. 蚊类
B. 鼠类
C. 蝇类
D. 蜚蠊
A. 2天
B. 3天
C. 4天
D. 5天
A. 鼠笼法
B. 鼠夹法
C. 目测法
D. 粉迹法
A. 20cm×20cm
B. 30cm×30cm
C. 40cm×40cm
D. 50cm×50cm
A. 容器指数
B. 刺叮指数
C. 房屋指数
D. 布雷图指数
A. 人帐诱法
B. 人工小时法
C. 小黑板法
D. 诱蚊器收集法
A. 诱蝇笼诱捕法
B. 捕蝇网网捕法
C. 直接目测法
D. 路径指数法
A. 1对
B. 2对
C. 3对
D. 4对
A. 背部有背囊
B. 尾部有尾囊
C. 口中两侧有颊囊
D. 腹部腹面有腹囊
A. 72度;10秒
B. 70度;15秒
C. 63度;10秒
D. 74度;15秒
A. 200米
B. 400米
C. 800米
D. 1000米
A. 鼠疫耶尔森菌
B. 汉坦病毒
C. 黄病毒属病毒
D. 致病性钩端螺旋体
A. 4℃以下
B. 0℃以下
C. -20℃以下
D. 4℃以上
A. 4℃以下
B. 0℃以下
C. -20℃以下
D. 4℃以上
A. 4℃以下
B. 0℃以下
C. -20℃以下
D. 4℃以上
A. 采采蝇
B. 厩螫蝇
C. 锥蝽
D. 埃及伊蚊
A. 锥蝽
B. 白蛉
C. 蠓
D. 蚋
A. 挥网法
B. 电动吸蚊器法
C. 直接捡取法
D. 二氧化碳诱蚊灯法
A. 卸货完成后
B. 抵达后
C. 等航空公司通知
D. 发现病媒生物时
A. 乳胶手套、防护服
B. 防毒面具
C. 自给式呼吸器
D. 化学防护服
A. -80℃或以下
B. 0℃
C. 常温
D. 4℃-8℃
A. 花蜱属
B. 璃眼蜱属
C. 扇头蜱属
D. 异扇头蜱属
A. 黑胸大蠊
B. 美洲大蠊
C. 德国小蠊
D. 褐斑大蠊
A. 人蚤
B. 二齿新蚤
C. 印鼠客蚤
D. 犬栉首蚤
A. 云南栉眼蚤
B. 方叶栉眼蚤
C. 同源栉眼蚤指名亚种
D. 偏远古蚤
A. 除虫
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 卫生处理
A. 除虫
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 卫生处理
A. 除虫
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 卫生处理