take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, he will surely be [ ]developing diseases.
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Most people were ready to give up on him when he [ ] of school, but later he returned and earned his degree
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Drinking too much can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, which [ ] can lead to heart attack or stroke
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Low-cost airlines are emerging all over Asia; this will [ ]the development of the worlds air-travel market as a whole
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
When you move to a new country, you may find the food there strange and you may miss the familiar smells of the food [ ] in your country
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Although he kept trying and failing, I always [ ] the belief that he would succeed one day.
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
The tax only affects people with an annual income over $200,000-[ ], it will only attect the very rich.
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Studies[ ]that children who often take part in cooperative programs benefit a lot more than other children
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
They are such a(n) [ ] family- they must have been shocked when their son dyed(染) his hair pink,
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to [ ]students'ability
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to [ ] the damage,
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Unemployment has come down slightly, but this does not [ ]the fact that it is still a major problem
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Mr. Smith is not doing well; the doctor told us that several colds [ ]his health
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
The best way to deal with problems at home is to talk things out calmly and honestly and try to reach a(n) [ ]
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
After 10 years of full-time training, she has,finally [ ] as a professional dancer.
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
[ ], what is the point in taking part in the competitive event if the result is only to prove how incompetent you are?,
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Redecorating the house is a challenging task. It's necessary to [ ] the wallpaper first.
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
I never really had any problems with change. On the contrary, I welcome change [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
A lot of what we [ ] is made from raw materials which are not renewable
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to [ ] their house before the baby was born
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Jennifer couldn't [ ] her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
We want to give all children a world [ ] violence
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
Fortunately, the accident didn't [ ] many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
She[ ] her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
They kept on trying their best to develop
their business, but in such [ ]market competition, they had no Idea if success would come along one day
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators [ ] taking up a musical instrument at a young age
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any [ ]
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions,[ ] to questions in class,or talk with other children
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; [ ] to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
The duties to provide services for children in need are not [ ] to the local social services department
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
We pray that all nations be [ ] and that all people around the world live in peace
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
It was reported the president had [ ]to fight If war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
I had to [ ] one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Darwin's theory of evolution remains[ ] partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
He suggested a small but [ ] improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
She held her hand above her eyes to [ ]them [ ] the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
The boy studied the signs for over an hour,but still could not [ ]them, so he turned to his teacher for help
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
They [ ] the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
We will continue to care for those [ ] and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
Many people [ ]careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of
103、十九大报告指出,世界正处于大发展大变革大调整时期, ___ 仍然是时代主题。
105、十九大报告指出,提拔重用牢固树立“四个意识”和“四个自信”、坚决维护___ 、全面贯彻执行党的理论和路线方针政策、___ 的干部,选优配强各级领导班子。
106、全党要充分认识这场伟大斗争的 ___ ,发扬斗争精神,提高斗争本领,不断夺取伟大斗争新胜利。
108、对马克思主义的信仰,对社会主义和共产主义的信念,是共产党人的___ 。
109、十九大新党章通过的日期是___ 。
110、___ 是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。
111、___ 是党的一项极端重要的工作,是为国家立心、为民族立魂的工作。
113、传承和弘扬___ ,要重点做好创造性转化和创新新发展,使之与现实文化相互融合。
114、___ 是激励全党全国各族人民奋勇前进的强大精神力量。
115、___ 是中华民族的“根”和“魂”,是中华民族的突出优势,也是中国特色社会主义的文化之根、文明之源。
116、思想舆论领域存的“三个地带”是 ___ 。
117、新闻舆论“四力”指 ___ 。
118、中国特色社会主义文化“三个面向”是指 ___ 。
119、国家文化软实力的灵魂是 ___ 。
A. 意识是沟通客观和主观的桥梁
B. 意识是客观精神和主观感觉的产物
C. 意识的内容是客观的,形式是主观的
D. 意识的形式是客观的,内容是主观的
马克思主义中国化的基本要求是 ___
A. 坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨
B. 坚持独立自主,自力更生
C. 坚持三个有利于的根本标准
D. 马克思主义同中国实际相结合,坚定不移地走自己的路
“实践作为检验真理的标准既是确定的,又是不确定的”,这是 ___
A. 辩证法的观点
B. 诡辩论的观点
C. 相对主义的观点
D. 不可知论的观点
辩证否定是联系的环节,这是指 ___
A. 新事物区别于旧事物
B. 新事物产生于旧事物
C. 新事物取代了旧事物
D. 新事物战胜了旧事物
A. 资本主义社会
B. 新民主主义社会
C. 社会主义社会形态
D. 共产主义社会形态
A. 新民主主义性质
B. 社会主义萌芽性质
C. 半社会主义性质
D. 社会主义性质
A. 世界是否有统一性的问题
B. 思维能否认识存在的问题
C. 世界的状况是怎么样的问题
D. 事物是否有相对稳定性的问题
A. 共建“一带一路” 开创美好未来
B. 加强国际合作,共建“一带一路”,实现共赢发展
C. 齐心开创共建“一带一路”美好未来
D. 高质量共建“一带一路”
A. 中国特色社会主义先进制度
B. 中国特色社会主义制度
C. 符合我国实际的先进社会制度
D. 新时代中国特色社会主义理论体系
A. 哲学来源于音乐
B. 哲学的本质是人的大脑活动
C. 新时期的改革开放产生了真正的哲学
D. 哲学是对一定社会和时代的经济和政治的反映
A. 党章
B. 党规
C. 党旗
D. 入党誓词
A. 递交入党申请书
B. 递交入党志愿书
C. 支部大会通过其为预备党员
D. 预备期满转为正式党员
A. 6个月
B. 1年
C. 18个月
D. 2年
A. 人民
B. 被选举人
C. 组织
D. 选举人