历史上最广泛、最彻底、最深刻的,不同于以往一切革命的最新类型的革命是 ___
A. 封建革命
B. 无产阶级革命
C. 资产阶级革命
D. 农民起义
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
Given the chance to show his ability, he regained [ ]and began to succeed in school
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
The new government has committed to [ ] emissions of greenhouse gases
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
My parents do not object to my taking part-time jobs, but they remind me not to let them [ ] my school work
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Anger, worry, disappointment, these negative emotions [ ] your heart, brain and body
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, he will surely be [ ]developing diseases.
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Most people were ready to give up on him when he [ ] of school, but later he returned and earned his degree
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Drinking too much can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, which [ ] can lead to heart attack or stroke
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Low-cost airlines are emerging all over Asia; this will [ ]the development of the worlds air-travel market as a whole
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
When you move to a new country, you may find the food there strange and you may miss the familiar smells of the food [ ] in your country
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
Although he kept trying and failing, I always [ ] the belief that he would succeed one day.
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to
The tax only affects people with an annual income over $200,000-[ ], it will only attect the very rich.
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Studies[ ]that children who often take part in cooperative programs benefit a lot more than other children
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
They are such a(n) [ ] family- they must have been shocked when their son dyed(染) his hair pink,
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to [ ]students'ability
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to [ ] the damage,
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Unemployment has come down slightly, but this does not [ ]the fact that it is still a major problem
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Mr. Smith is not doing well; the doctor told us that several colds [ ]his health
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
The best way to deal with problems at home is to talk things out calmly and honestly and try to reach a(n) [ ]
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
After 10 years of full-time training, she has,finally [ ] as a professional dancer.
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
[ ], what is the point in taking part in the competitive event if the result is only to prove how incompetent you are?,
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Redecorating the house is a challenging task. It's necessary to [ ] the wallpaper first.
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
I never really had any problems with change. On the contrary, I welcome change [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
A lot of what we [ ] is made from raw materials which are not renewable
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to [ ] their house before the baby was born
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Jennifer couldn't [ ] her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
We want to give all children a world [ ] violence
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
Fortunately, the accident didn't [ ] many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
She[ ] her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
They kept on trying their best to develop
their business, but in such [ ]market competition, they had no Idea if success would come along one day
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators [ ] taking up a musical instrument at a young age
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any [ ]
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions,[ ] to questions in class,or talk with other children
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; [ ] to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
The duties to provide services for children in need are not [ ] to the local social services department
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
We pray that all nations be [ ] and that all people around the world live in peace
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
It was reported the president had [ ]to fight If war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
I had to [ ] one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Darwin's theory of evolution remains[ ] partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
He suggested a small but [ ] improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,总承包单位依法将建设工程分包给其他单位的,分包合同中应当明确各自的安全生产方面的权利、义务。总承包单位和分包单位对分包工程的安全生产___。
A. 不承担责任
B. 承担连带责任
C. 不承担连带责任
D. 承担责任
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,分包单位应当服从总承包单位的安全生产管理,分包单位不服从管理导致生产安全事故的,由分包单位承担___。
A. 全部责任
B. 合同中约定的责任
C. 一般责任
D. 主要责任
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当在施工组织设计中编制安全技术措施和施工现场临时用电方案,对基坑支护与降水工程、土方开挖工程、模板工程、起重吊装工程、脚手架工程、拆除、爆破工程达到一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程编制专项施工方案,并附具___,经施工单位技术负责人、总监理工程师签字后实施,由专职安全生产管理人员进行现场监督。
A. 安全用电方案
B. 安全实施方案
C. 安全施工方案
D. 安全验算结果
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,建设工程施工前,施工单位负责项目管理的技术人员应当对有关安全施工的技术要求向___作出详细说明,并由双方签字确认。
A. 监理人员
B. 建设单位工作人员
C. 施工作业班组、作业人员
D. 设计人员
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当在施工现场入口处、施工起重机械、临时用电设施、脚手架、出入通道口、楼梯口、电梯井口、孔洞口、桥梁口、隧道口、基坑边沿、爆破物及有害危险气体和液体存放处等危险部位,设置明显的___。
A. 安全提示标志
B. 安全警示标志
C. 安全标志
D. 警示提示标志
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当根据不同施工阶段和周围环境及季节、气候的变化,在施工现场采取相应的安全施工措施。施工现场暂时停止施工的,施工单位应当做好现场防护,所需费用由___承担,或者按照合同约定执行。
A. 施工单位
B. 建设单位
C. 双方
D. 责任方
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当将施工现场的办公、生活区与作业区___;办公、生活区的选址应当符合安全性要求。职工的膳食、饮水、休息场所等应当符合卫生标准。
A. 保持适当距离
B. 随意设置、并保持安全距离
C. 保持安全距离
D. 分开设置、并保持安全距离
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当在施工现场建立___,确定消防安全责任人,制定用火、用电、使用易燃易爆材料等各项消防安全管理制度和操作规程,设置消防通道、消防水源,配备消防设施和灭火器材,并在施工现场入口处设置明显标志。
A. 消防安全责任制度
B. 消防责任制度
C. 安全责任制度
D. 消防警示制度
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当向作业人员提供安全防护用具和安全防护服装,并___危险岗位的操作规程和违章操作的危害。
A. 告知
B. 书面告知
C. 口头告知
D. 口头或书面告知
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,在施工中发生危及人身安全的紧急情况时,作业人员有权___或者在采取必要的应急措施后撤离危险区域。
A. 立即下达停工令
B. 立即自救
C. 立即上报
D. 立即停止作业
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位采购、租赁的安全防护用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件,应当具有生产(制造)许可证、产品合格证,并在进入施工现场前进行___。
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工现场的安全防护用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件必须由专人管理,定期进行检查、维修和保养,建立相应的___,并按照国家有关规定及时报废。
A. 资料档案
B. 系统档案
C. 审查档案
D. 备份档案
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位在使用施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施前,应当组织有关单位进行验收,也可以委托具有相应资质的检验检测机构进行验收;使用承租的机械设备和施工机具及配件的,由施工总承包单位、分包单位、出租单位和安装单位___进行验收。验收合格的方可使用。
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,___规定的施工起重机械,在验收前应当经有相应资质的检验检测机构监督检验合格。
A. 《建设工程勘察设计管理条例》
B. 《注册建筑师条例》
C. 《特种设备安全监察条例》
D. 《建设工程质量管理条例》
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当自施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施验收合格之日起___日内,向建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门登记。登记标志应当置于或者附着于该设备的显著位置。
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位的主要负责人、项目负责人、专职安全生产管理人员应当经建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门___方可任职。
A. 评审后
B. 资质检验后
C. 推荐
D. 考核合格后
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当对管理人员和作业人员___安全生产教育培训,其教育培训情况记入个人工作档案。安全生产教育培训考核不合格的人员,不得上岗。
A. 每季至少进行一次
B. 每月至少进行一次
C. 每年至少进行一次
D. 每年至少进行二次
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,作业人员进入新的岗位或者新的施工现场前,应当接受___。
A. 质量教育
B. 安全生产教育培训
C. 生产教育培训
D. 机械操作规程培训
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位在采用___时,应当对作业人员进行相应的安全生产教育培训。
A. 新技术、新工艺、新设备、新原料
B. 新技术、新方法、新设备、新材料
C. 新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料
D. 新能源、新工艺、新设备、新材料
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,施工单位应当为施工现场从事危险作业的人员办理___。
A. 人寿保险
B. 火灾险
C. 财产保险
D. 意外伤害保险
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,意外伤害保险费由施工单位支付。实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位支付意外伤害保险费。意外伤害保险期限自___止。
A. 建设开工之日起至有意外伤害发生
B. 有意外伤害发生起至竣工验收合格
C. 开工令下达起至竣工
D. 建设工程开工之日起至竣工验收合格
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,___对全国的建设工程安全生产实施监督管理。国务院铁路、交通、水利等有关部门按照国务院规定的职责分工,负责有关专业建设工程安全生产的监督管理。
A. 国务院建设行政主管部门
B. 国务院劳动行政主管部门
C. 技术监督部门
D. 国务院安全生产主管部门
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门对建设工程是否有安全施工措施进行审查时,___。
A. 可以收取费用
B. 不得收取费用
C. 适当收取合理费用
D. 收取必要费用
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,国家对严重危及施工安全的工艺、设备、材料实行___制度。具体目录由国务院建设行政主管部门会同国务院其他有关部门制定并公布。
A. 限地区使用
B. 报告
C. 淘汰
D. 登记备案
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,___应当制定本单位生产安全事故应急救援预案,建立应急救援组织或者配备应急救援人员,配备必要的应急救援器材、设备,并定期组织演练。
A. 建设单位
B. 施工单位
C. 监理单位
D. 设计单位
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,发生生产安全事故后,施工单位应当采取措施___。需要移动现场物品时,应当做出标记和书面记录,妥善保管有关证物。
A. 立即上报
B. 防止事故扩大,保护事故现场
C. 防止事故扩大
D. 保护事故现场,妥善保护证物
A. 撤销施工许可证
B. 责令拆除该建设工程
C. 责令该建设工程停止施工
D. 责令该建设单位缴纳一定数额的罚款
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,建设单位未将保证安全施工的措施或者拆除工程的有关资料报送有关部门备案的,责令___,给予警告。
A. 限期改正
B. 停止施工
C. 缴纳罚款
D. 暂扣施工许可证
A. 10,30
B. 20,30
C. 10,50
D. 20,50
A. 10,30
B. 20,30
C. 10,50
D. 20,50
A. 10,30
B. 20,30
C. 10,50
D. 20,50
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,注册执业人员未执行法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准的,责令停止执业 ____ 个月以上____年以下;情节严重的,吊销执业资格证书,_____年内不予注册;造成重大安全事故的,终身不予注册;构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。___
A. 3,1,5
B. 3,1,3
C. 3,2,5
D. 5,1,3
A. 1,5
B. 3,5
C. 1,3
D. 1,2
A. 1,5
B. 5,10
C. 1,10
D. 10,20
A. 1,5
B. 5,10
C. 1,10
D. 10,20
A. 10%,50%
B. 20%,50%
C. 10%,20%
D. 30%,50%
A. 1,5
B. 5,10
C. 1,10
D. 10,20
A. 10,30
B. 20,30
C. 10,50
D. 20,50
A. 民事责任
B. 行政责任
C. 刑事责任
D. 赔偿责任