A. 水平力
B. 横向力
C. 垂直力
D. 纵向力
A. 连续梁
B. 串联梁
C. 悬臂梁
D. 简支梁
A. 锌黄酚醛底漆
B. 棕黄聚氨酯底漆
C. 磷化底漆
D. 红丹底漆
A. 切断
B. 接通
C. 检查
D. 检修
A. 扇形
B. 月牙形
C. 半圆形
D. 圆柱形
A. 1~2mm
B. 3mm
C. 2~3mm
D. 4mm
A. 注视拱圈外棱,以观测拱圈的状态
B. 用仪器观测拱顶沉下情况
C. 用仪器观测拱圈跨度1/4处的沉下情况
D. 以上三个都是
A. 密实度
B. 孔隙率
C. 含水率
D. 坍落度
A. 抗冻性
B. 耐久性
C. 稳定性
D. 坍落度
A. 沉降缝
B. 伸缩缝
C. 作业缝
D. 施工缝
A. 1/8~1/7
B. 1/7~1/6
C. 1/6~1/5
D. 1/5~1/4
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
A. 热处理
B. 冷轧
C. 冷拔
D. 热轧
A. 10mm
B. 15mm
C. 20mm
D. 30mm
A. 2100~2300kg/m3
B. 2300~2500kg/m3
C. 2500~2700kg/m3
D. 2700~2900kg/m3
A. 普通硅酸盐水泥
B. 复合硅酸盐水泥
C. 矿渣水泥
D. 粉煤灰水泥
A. 深度
B. 宽度
C. 长度
D. 以上都是
A. 吸振和缓冲
B. 安全保护作用
C. 不能保证准确的传动比
D. 实现两轴中心较大的传动
A. 400kg/m3
B. 450kg/m3
C. 500kg/m3
D. 550kg/m3
A. 抗渗性
B. 耐久性
C. 抗冻性
D. 抗蚀性
A. 60%
B. 80%
C. 100%
D. 40%
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%
A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 20%
D. 25%
(36345)在桥粱设计时,应将基本容许应力增加___,桥跨结构中所有主要杆件承担超重活载的能力应基本 一致。(1.0分)
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
A. 1级
B. 2级
C. 3级
D. 4级
A. 1/700
B. 1/800
C. 1/900
D. 1/1000
A. 1/10
B. 1/15
C. 1/20
D. 1/25
A. 离心力
B. 压应力
C. 重力
D. 冲击力
A. 观测
B. 焊补
C. 打磨
D. 更换
A. 指触法
B. 滤纸法
C. 刀刮法
D. 以上均可
A. 矿渣硅酸盐水泥
B. 粉煤灰水泥
C. 火山灰水泥
D. 复合硅酸盐水泥
A. 抗渗性
B. 耐久性
C. 抗冻性
D. 抗蚀性
A. M20
B. M30
C. M30
D. M40
A. 二次搅拌
B. 直接废弃
C. 多加些水即可
D. 直接使用
A. 垫板
B. 支座
C. 托盘
D. 支架
A. 小于
B. 等于
C. 大于
D. 无要求
A. 扁钢
B. 角钢
C. 槽钢
D. 型钢
A. 三合土丁坝
B. 沙袋丁坝
C. 浆砌片石丁坝
D. 干砌片石丁坝
A. 带子缝
B. 平缝
C. 伸缩缝
D. 沉降缝
A. 氧化聚乙烯
B. 氯化聚乙烯
C. 氦化聚乙烯
D. 磷化聚乙烯
A. 对接焊缝的平接
B. 搭接
C. 顶接
D. 加双盖平接
10.I do not doubt in the least that inflation leads to _________decline.
11.A blizzard _______________great drifts of snow across the lake.
12.Tim says _________everybody will be affected by the tax increase, but I’m sure he’s exaggerating.
1.China’s economic success over the past three _________has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens.
2.Citibank picked the chief executive of Etang.com as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the _______Pease Hotel along Shanghai’s fabled waterfront.
3.The United States last Wednesday _________tariffs关税 of up to 30 percent on a range of foreign steel imports to help protect its domestic国内的industry.
4.Although he was raised as a Christian, he’s not really very _________.
5.You can distinguish between frogs ands toads蟾蜍 in the following way: frogs have _________bodies, long limbs, and a smooth skin, and toads have stouter bodies, short limbs, and dry skin.
6.From the airplane window I could see a _________of city streets.
7.Aunt Pat smiled at her little niece and _________her to eat.
8.Dr. Rich Hamilton is planning his own World Wide Web _________on the Internet to provide assistance to anyone who asks for medical help.
9.It is difficult to estimate the number of people doing part-time jobs _________
10.The president _________his foreign minister, Mr. Burns, to act as representative to the international conference to be held in Tokyo next month.
11.Advances in telecommunications have meant that it is just as easy to work from a computer _________at home as it is from a town center office.
12.Until the new gym is built, you have no option but _________existing buildings which may or may not suit your immediate目前的requirements.
1.According to some scientists, global warming _________the survival of the whole human race.
2.The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small19%, and exceeded the number of overseas visitors16%_________.
3.The early Spaniards established a chain of mission _________the local population along the San Antonio River.
4.It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply _________
5.As they didn’t have relatives or friends there they often _________around nearby malls when they got bored.
6.To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, _________them _________a piece of card and then write your message inside.
7.She picked up the receiver and, _________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.
8.To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and _________.
9.The new product has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which you can easily _________ your computer’s sound card.
10.Music in fact is a _________language of a non-verbal nature which is rich in expression.
11.This _________is designed to show at a glance how many rooms have been rented out and how many are still available.
12._________ glorious sunshine, the boundless stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight.
1.The cook put the meat on a plate, _________it with salt and pepper, wrapped up the plate in aluminum foil铝箔 and then placed it in the oven to roast.
2.Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thought we communicate to ourselves, _________control the way we feel and act.
3.John made everyone laugh when he got the words _________and referred to himself as “my husband’s wife”.
4.You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps never be able to _________you.
5.Because the Earth is a sphere, sailors _________only can view other ships to a distance of about 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.
6.Johnson dismissed _________ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.
7.One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the _________be true or false.
8.Susan told me numerous times how her sister _________children.
9.I don’t know what my roommate is up to because he does everything _______________, either when I am away or when I am asleep.
10.For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels___ that can be loaded and _________in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.
11.Laugh, and the world laughs with you; _________, and you weep alone.
12.A national debate is now _________about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸张
D. 水印