一张作业票可用于( )的施工作业。
A. 不同地点
B. 同一类型
C. 依次进行
D. 不同类型
配电箱应坚固,金属外壳接地或接零良好,其结构应具备( )、( )的功能。
电源线、保护接零线、保护接地线应采用( )、( )、( )或其他可靠方法连接。
A. 焊接
B. 压接
C. 缠绕
D. 螺栓连接
保护零线(PE线)应在配电系统的( )、( )和( )处做重复接地。
A. 始端
B. 中间
C. 末端
D. 没有要求
禁止利用( )作为接地装置的自然接地体。
A. 易燃、易爆气体管道
B. 易燃、易爆液体管道
C. 金属井管
D. 与大地有可靠连接的建筑物的金属结构
施工用电设施应定期检查并记录,对用电设施的( )应进行定期检测并记录。
A. 绝缘电阻
B. 接地电阻
C. 绝缘电流
D. 接地电流
禁止在( )等房屋内存放易燃、易爆物品。
A. 办公室
B. 工具房
C. 休息室
D. 宿舍
在霜冻、雨雪后进行高处作业,人员应采取( )措施。
有限空间内盛装或者残留的物料对作业存在危害时,作业前应对物料进行( )或者置换,危险有害因素符合相关要求后,方可进入有限空间作业。
发现通风设备停止运转、有限空间内氧含量浓度低于或者有毒有害气体浓度高于( )标准或者( )标准规定的限值时,应立即停止有限空间作业,清点作业人员,撤离作业现场。
水上运输应遵守( )的有关规定。
A. 公路管理部门
B. 行政管理部门
C. 水运管理部门
D. 海事管理机构
水上运输前,应根据( )等制定合理的运输方案。
A. 到货时间
B. 水运路线
C. 船舶状况
D. 装卸条件
焊机接地线及焊接工作回路线不准搭接在易燃易爆的物品上,不准搭接在( )上。
A. 管道
B. 电力
C. 仪表保护套
D. 设备
易燃品、油脂和带油污的物品不得与氧气瓶同车运输。禁止( )同车运输。
A. 氧气瓶
B. 乙炔瓶
C. 氟气瓶
D. 氯气瓶
夏季、雨汛期施工一经安装应接地的是( )。
A. 构架
B. 避雷针
C. 避雷线
D. 铁塔
冬季坑、槽的施工方案中应根据土质情况制定边坡防护措施,施工中和化冻后要检查边坡稳定,出现( )等情况要及时采取措施。
A. 护坡桩变形
B. 土质疏松
C. 冻土
D. 裂缝
采用苫布直接遮盖、用炭火养生的基础,加火或测温人员应先打开苫布通风,并测量( )浓度,达到符合指标时,才能进入基坑。
A. 一氧化碳
B. 氧气
C. 氮气
D. 二氧化氮
汽车式起重机起吊作业应在起重机的( )进行。
A. 前向
B. 左侧向
C. 右侧向
D. 后向
机械在寒冷季节使用,针对机械特点应做好( )工作。
使用风动凿岩机前,应检查( ),不得有漏水、漏气现象,并应采用压缩空气吹出风管内的水分和杂物。
千斤顶应设置在( )处,并用垫木垫平。
钢丝绳使用后需要( )。
A. 及时除去污物
B. 每两年浸油一次
C. 存放在通风干燥处
D. 出现润滑剂已发干或变质现象的局部绳段应特别注意保养
化纤绳(迪尼玛绳)的使用要求有( )。
A. 使用前应进行外观检查
B. 使用直接系结的方式绑扎固定
C. 使用时应避免刮磨或与热源接触
D. 使用时与带电体有可能接触时,应按规定进行试验、干燥、隔潮
切割机切割前应对( )、锯片的松紧度、( )或( )进行详细检查,操作台应稳固。
A. 电源开关
B. 锯片的数量
C. 锯片护罩
D. 安全挡板
台钻(钻床)操作人员应( ),作业时不得戴手套,头发、发辫应盘入帽内。
A. 穿工作服
B. 扎紧袖口
C. 戴手套
D. 戴防护眼镜
插入式振动器的电动机电源上,应安装剩余电流动作保护装置(漏电保护器),接地或接零应安全可靠,作业时操作人员应穿戴( )。
A. 绝缘胶鞋
B. 绝缘手套
C. 口罩
D. 防护镜
液压顶推装置使用前应检查油泵、油管路、密封垫、仪表等工作性能是否正常,滑动面有无障碍,( )装置是否可靠。
A. 限位
B. 报警
C. 安全防护
D. 监测
安全工器具应设专人管理;收发应严格履行验收手续,并按照相关规定和使用说明书( )。
安全工器具禁止( )。
A. 随意改动
B. 库房存放
C. 更换部件
D. 定期试验
安全工器具应按相关规定、标准应进行定期试验。关于个体防护装备试验周期正确的有( )。
A. 塑料安全帽≤2.5年
B. 安全带为1年
C. 安全绳为1年
D. 连接器为1年
安全带的( )等标识清晰完整,各部件完整无缺失、无伤残破损。
安全绳应光滑、干燥,无( )等缺陷。所有部件应顺滑,无材料或制造缺陷,无尖角或锋利边缘。护套(如有)应完整不破损。
脚手架扣件应符合GB 15831《钢管脚手架扣件》的规定,禁止使用有( )的扣件。
脚手架的立杆应垂直。应设置纵横向扫地杆,并应按定位依次将立杆与( )连接固定。
A. 横向支撑
B. 纵向扫地杆
C. 横向扫地杆
D. 剪刀撑
脚手架搭设后应经( )验收合格后方可使用,使用中应定期进行检查和维护。
A. 使用单位
B. 设计单位
C. 监理单位
D. 安拆单位
脚手架在( )时,应经重新检查合格后方可恢复使用。
A. 大风暴雨
B. 寒冷地区开冻前
C. 寒冷地区开冻后
D. 停用超过一个月
材料场应按( )分开储存与堆放,砂石堆场应有适当的坡度,安全防护设施齐全规范。
施工中应经常检查( )、作业平台等,发现异常情况及时处理。
A. 脚手架
B. 基坑边坡
C. 生活区
D. 安全防护设施
高大模板支撑工程的专项施工方案应组织专家( )。
Which two types of VLANs using PVLANs are valid?___
A. isolated
B. promiscuous
C. backup
D. secondary
E. community
What are two limitations of the self-zone policies on a zone-based firewall?___
A. They are unable to block Https traffic
B. They restrict SNMP traffic.
C. They are unable to support Https traffic
D. They are unable to implement application inspection
E. They are unable to perform rate limiting
Which two descriptions of TACACS+ are true? ___
A. The TACACS+ header is unencrypted
B. It combines a uthentication and authorization
C. It uses TCP as its transport protocol
D. Only the password is encrypted.
E. It uses UDP as its transport protocol.
Which two actions does an IPS perform? ___
A. it spans the traffic
B. it reflects the traffic back to the sender
C. it encrypts the traffic
D. it terminates the user session or connection of the attacker
E. it reconfigures a device to block the traffic
In which form of fraud does an attacker try to learn information such as login credenti account information by ma squerading as a reputable entity or person in email, IM or communication channels ?___
A. phishing
B. Smurfit
C. Hacking
D. Identity Spoofing
Which two ESA services are available for incoming and outgoing mails ?___
A. anti-DoS
B. reputation filter
C. antispam
D. content filter
What are two reasons to recommend SNMPv 3 over SNMPv2?___
A. SNMPv3 is secure because you can configure authe ntication and privacy
B. SNMPv3 is insecure because it send in formation in clear text
C. SNMPv2 is insecure because it send information in clear text
D. SNMPv3 is a Cisco proprietary protocol
E. SNMPv2 is secure because you can configure authentication and privacy
Which two actions can a zone- based firewall apply to a packet as it transits a zone pair?___
A. drop
B. inspect
C. queue
D. quarantine
Which security principle has been violated if data is altered in an unauthorized manner?___
A. accountability
B. confidentiality
C. availability
D. integrity
Which IKE Phase 1 parameter can you use to require the site-to-site VPN to use a pre-shared ?___
A. encryption
B. authentication
C. group
Which command successfully creates an administrative user with a password of "cisco"on a Cisco router?___
A. username Operator privilege 7 password cisco
B. username Operator privilege 1 password cisco
C. username Operator privilege 15 password cisco
D. username Operator password cisco privilege 15
Which EAP method authenticates a client against Active Directory without the use of client-side 802.1X certificates?___
What is a limitation of network-based IPS?___
A. It must be in dividually configured to support every operating system on the network.
B. It is most effective at the in dividual host level
C. It is unable to monitor attacks across the entire netw ork
D. Large installations require numerous sensors to fully protect the network
When would you configure the ip dhcp snooping trust command on a sw itch?___
A. when the switch is connected to a DHCP server
B. when the switch is working in an edge capacit
C. when the switch is connected to a client system
D. when the switch is serving as an aggregator
How does the 802. 1x supplicant communicate with the authentication server?___
A. The supplicant creates EAP packets and sends them to the authenticator, which encapsulates them into RADIUS and forwards them to the authentication server.
B. The supplicant creates RADIUS packets and sends them to the authe nticator, which encapsulates the m into EAP and forwards them to the a uthentication server.
C. The supplicant creates RADIUS packets and sends them to the authenticator, which translates them into eap and forwards them to the a ut hentication server
D. The supplicant creates
E. AP packets and sends them to the authe nticator, which translates them into radius and forwards them to the authentication server.
Which command do you enter to verify the phase I status of a VPN connection?___
A. sh crypto se ssion
B. debug crypto isakmp
C. sh crypto isakmp sa
D. sh crypto ipsec sa
Refer to the exhibit. what is the e ffect of the given configuration?___
A. It enables authentication,
B. It prevents keychain authentication.
C. The two routers receive normal updates from one another.
D. The two device s are able to pass the message digest to one another.
Which command can you enter to configure OSPF to use hashing to authenticate routing updates?___
A. ip ospf aut hentication message-digest
B. neighbor 192 168.0 112 cost md5
C. ip ospf priority 1
D. ip ospf aut hentication-key
Which command can you enter to verify the status of Cisco lOS Resilient Configuration on a Cisco router?___
A. show secure bootset
B. secure boot-image
C. show binary file
D. ure boot-config
A user on your network inadvertently activates a botnet program that was received as an emai attachment. Which type of mechanism does Cisco Firepower use to detect and block only the botnet attack?___
A. network-based access control rule
B. reputation-based
C. user-ba sed access control rule
D. botnet traffic filter
What does the policy map do in CoPP?___
A. defines service parameters
B. defines packet selection parameters
C. defines the packet filter
D. define s the action to be performed
How is management traffic isolated on a Cisco ASR 1002?___
A. Traffic isolation is done on the vlan level
B. There is no management traffic isolation on a Cisco ASR 1002
C. Traffic is isolated based upon how you configure routing on the device
D. The management interface is configured in a special vRF that provides traffic isolation from the default routing table
Which statement about NaT table evaluation in the asa is true?___
A. After-auto NAT polices are appl d first
B. Manual NAT policies are applied first
C. the asa uses the most specific match
D. Auto NAT policies are applied first
Which information can you display by executing the show crypto ipsec sa command?___
A. ISAKMP SAs that are established between two peers
B. recent changes to the IP address of a peer router
C. proxy infor mation for the connection between two peers
D. IPsec SAs established between two peers
How can you prevent NAT rules from sending traffic to incorrect interfaces?___
A. Assign the output interface in the NAT statement
B. Add the no-proxy-arp command to the nat line.
C. Configure twice NAT instead o bject NAT. 5
D. Use packet-tracer rules to reroute misrouted NAT entries.
What term can be defined as the securing, control, and identification of digital data?___
A. cryptography
B. crypto key
C. cryptoanalysis
D. cryptology
Which feature in the dNS security module provide on and off network DNS protection?___
A. Data Loss Prevention
B. Umbrella
C. Real-time sandboxing
D. Layer-4 monitoring
Which a dverse consequence can occur on a network without BPDu guard ?___
A. The olde st switch can be elected as the root bridge
B. Unauthorized switches that are connected to the network can cause spanning-tree loops
D. ouble tagging can cause the switches to experience CAM table overload.
What configuration is required for multitenancy ?___
A. shared infrastructure
B. multiple carriers
C. co-located resources
D. multiple separate zones
Why does ISE require its own certificate issued by a trusted CA?___
A. ISEs certificate allows guest devices to validate it as a trusted network device
B. It generates certificates for guest devices ba sed on its own certificate
C. It requests certificates for guest devices from the Ca server based on its own certificate.
D. ISE's certificate allows it to join the network security framework
which attack involves large numbers of ICMP packets with a spoofed source IP address?___
A. smurf attack
B. Teardrop attack
C. Nuke attack
D. SYN Flood attack
Which statement about interface and global access rules is true?___
A. Interface access rules are processed before global access rules.
B. Global access rules apply only to outbound traffic, but interface access rules can be applied in either direction
C. The implicit allow is proce ssed after both the global and interface access rules
D. If an interface access rule is applied, the global access rule is ignored
Which type of malicious software can create a back-door into a device or network?___
A. bot
B. worm
C. virus
D. Trojan
Which security term refers to the like lihood that a weakness will be exploited to cause damage to an asset?___
A. threat
B. risk
C. countermeasure
D. vulnerability
Which IPS detection method examines network traffic for preconfigured patterns?___
A. signature-based detection
B. honey-pot detection
C. anomaly-based detection
D. policy-based detection
What is an advantage of split tunneling ?___
A. It allows users with a VpN connection to a corporate network to access the internet with sending traffic across the cor porate network.
B. It allows users with a vpn connection to a corporate network to access the internet by using the vPN for security.
C. It protects traffic on the private network from users on the public network
D. It enables the VPN server to filter traffic more efficiently
Which IDS/IPS state misidentifies acceptable behavior as an attack ?___
A. false negative
B. true positive NEKA G
C. true negative
D. false positive
What is the maximum num ber of methods that a single method list can contain?___
Which command enables authentication at the oSPFv2 routing process level?___
A. ip ospf authentication message-digest
B. area 0 authentication message-digest
C. ip ospf message-digest-key 1 mds Cisco
D. area 0 authentication ipsec spi 500 md5 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF
Which type of firewall monitors a nd protects a specific system?___
A. firewall
B. application firewall
C. stateless firewall wvp
D. personal firewall