A. :中性粒细胞
B. :嗜酸性粒细胞
C. :嗜碱性粒细胞
D. :血小板
E. :红细胞
A. :红细胞
B. :中性粒细胞
C. :嗜酸性粒细胞
D. :嗜碱性粒细胞
E. :血小板
A. :中性粒细胞
B. :嗜酸性粒细胞
C. :嗜碱性粒细胞
D. :浆细胞
E. :巨噬细胞
A. :中性粒细胞
B. :嗜酸性粒细胞
C. :嗜碱性粒细胞
D. :单核细胞
E. :淋巴细胞
A. :成纤维细胞
B. :巨噬细胞
C. :浆细胞
D. :肥大细胞
E. :脂肪细胞
含有肝素和组胺的细胞是 ___
A. :成纤维细胞
B. :巨噬细胞
C. :浆细胞
D. :肥大细胞
E. :未分化的间充质细胞
A. :成纤维细胞
B. :巨噬细胞
C. :浆细胞
D. :肥大细胞
E. :脂肪细胞
骨骼肌细胞收缩的基本单位是 ___
A. :肌膜
B. :肌浆网
C. :肌丝
D. :肌节
E. :终池
A. :受体
B. :神经节
C. :突触
D. :尼氏体
E. :感受器
感受肌张力变化的是 ___
A. :游离神经末梢
B. :环层小体
C. :触觉小体
D. :肌梭
E. :运动终板
又称为神经-肌接头的是 ___
A. :游离神经末梢
B. :环层小体
C. :触觉小
D. :肌梭
E. :运动终板
属于感受器的是 ___
A. :肌丝
B. :肌节
C. :肌浆
D. :肌梭
E. :肌膜
可感受压觉和振动觉的结构 ___
A. :肌梭
B. :触觉小体
C. :环层小体
D. :游离神经末梢
E. :运动终板
能感受痛、冷、热刺激的是 ___
A. :游离神经末梢
B. :触觉小体
C. :环层小体
D. :肌梭
E. :神经肌突触
下列哪一结构不在颅中窝 ___
A. :垂体窝
B. :圆孔
C. :卵圆孔
D. :棘孔
E. :筛孔
A. :成人骨有机物占1/3,无机物占2/3
B. :老年人骨有机物占1/2,无机物占1/2
C. :幼儿骨容易变形,不易骨折
D. :有机物使骨具有韧性和弹性
E. :无机物使骨具有硬度和脆性
A. :肩峰
B. :肩胛冈
C. :肩胛骨下角
D. :肩胛下窝
E. :喙突
A. :隆椎
B. :肩峰
C. :胸骨角
D. :肋弓
E. :以上都不是
A. :椎体
B. :上关节突
C. :下关节突
D. :横突
E. :棘突
两髂嵴最高点的连线平对 ___
A. :第1腰椎棘突
B. :第2腰椎棘突
C. :第3腰椎棘突
D. :第4腰椎棘突
E. :第5腰椎棘突
A. :颅中窝,蝶骨体
B. :颅前窝,筛骨水平板
C. :颅前窝,额骨前部
D. :颅后窝,枕骨枕髁
E. :颅中窝,颞骨岩部
A. :额骨、顶骨、蝶骨和筛骨邻接处
B. :额骨、顶骨、颞骨和筛骨邻接处
C. :额骨、顶骨、蝶骨和枕骨邻接处
D. :额骨、顶骨、颞骨和蝶骨邻接处
E. :以上都是
A. :上颌骨
B. :鼻骨
C. :泪骨
D. :颧骨
E. :舌骨
A. :骶角
B. :骶骨岬
C. :骶前孔
D. :骶后孔
E. :耳状面
A. :由胸骨柄、胸骨体和剑突组成
B. :属于长骨
C. :胸骨柄上缘的凹陷称颈静脉切迹
D. :胸骨角位于胸骨柄与胸骨体交界处
E. :胸骨两侧与锁骨和肋相连结
胸椎特有的结构 ___
A. :椎体
B. :椎弓
C. :横突
D. :棘突
E. :肋凹
颈椎特有的结构 ___
A. :椎体
B. :椎弓
C. :椎孔
D. :横突孔
E. :棘突
骨的基本结构包括 ___
A. :骨干和骺
B. :骨质、骨膜和骨髓
C. :骨密质和骨松质
D. :骨板与骨小梁
E. :骨质和骨膜
A. :肱骨
B. :股骨
C. :锁骨
D. :胫骨
E. :髂骨
属于膜内成骨的骨 ___
A. :肱骨
B. :指骨
C. :股骨
D. :顶骨
E. :胫骨
A. :额骨
B. :筛骨
C. :鼻骨
D. :蝶骨
E. :上颌骨
A. :解剖颈
B. :外科颈
C. :桡神经沟
D. :尺神经沟
E. :肱骨滑车
不属于面颅骨的是 ___
A. :额骨
B. :梨骨
C. :颞骨
D. :上颌骨
E. :下颌骨
不属于脑颅骨的是 ___
A. :鼻骨
B. :蝶骨
C. :筛骨
D. :顶骨
E. :枕骨
关于红骨髓的描述,正确的是 ___
A. :存在于骨密质内
B. :存在于成人长骨骨髓腔
C. :椎骨和髋骨内的骨髓终生为红骨髓
D. :18岁之后骨髓腔的红骨髓开始转化为黄骨髓
E. :以上都不对
黄韧带连接于两个相邻的 ___
A. :棘突之间
B. :椎体之间
C. :椎弓之间
D. :横突之间
E. :上关节突之间
躯干骨不包括 ___
A. :尾骨
B. :胸骨
C. :肋
D. :颈椎
E. :锁骨
胸骨角平对 ___
A. :第2肋
B. :第3肋
C. :第4肋
D. :第5肋
E. :第6肋
肩胛骨下角平对 ___
A. :第2 肋
B. :第4肋
C. :第5肋
D. :第7 肋
E. :第9肋
关于颈椎的描述,正确的是 ___
A. :第1颈椎叫枢椎
B. :第2颈椎叫寰椎
C. :第6颈椎叫隆椎
D. :所有颈椎均有横突孔
E. :颈椎椎体小,棘突长
I appreciate ___ to your home.
A. to be invited
B. to have invited
C. having invited
D. being invited
The socks were too small and it was only by ___ them that he managed to get them on.
A. spreading
B. extending
C. lengthening
D. stretching
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2020. ___ a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
B. ecause B. For
C. Hence
D. Therefore
A healthy life is frequently thought to be ___ with the open countryside and homegrown food.
A. associated
B. bound
C. involved
D. tied
My hands and feet were ___ with cold as I waited for the bus.
A. cliff
B. still
C. stiff
D. stick
The Foreign Minister made an excellent ___ on the current international situation.
A. committee
B. command
C. comment
D. commission
Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ___ to the health service.
A. assessment
B. assignment
C. exception
D. access
My father seemed to be in no ___ to look at my school report.
A. mood
B. emotion
C. attitude
D. feeling
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. endangered
D. threatening
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. concept
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. evaluating
C. calculating
D. computing
When he opened the door, he used too much force and ___ the key.
A. trailed
B. varied
C. wicked
D. twisted
I’m very sorry to have ___ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A. offended
B. impressive
C. bothered
D. interfered
It is sometimes difficult for young people from the countryside to ___ well to life in the big city.
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordination
Our guide gave us a detailed ___of this painting but we still do not understand.
A. authority
B. interpretation
C. instruction
D. institution
If you want to ___ the wood, cut it with the grain, not against it.
A. break
B. burn
C. split
D. divide
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. conception
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. betting
C. calculating
D. computing
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. danger
D. threatening
Workers should occasionally walk around, ___ and avoid prolonged periods at the desk.
A. pull
B. lengthen
C. strain
D. stretch
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
Running a kitchen ___a great deal of discipline and speed.
A. including
B. involving
C. involves
D. composes
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment