5.You can distinguish between frogs ands toads蟾蜍 in the following way: frogs have _________bodies, long limbs, and a smooth skin, and toads have stouter bodies, short limbs, and dry skin.
6.From the airplane window I could see a _________of city streets.
7.Aunt Pat smiled at her little niece and _________her to eat.
8.Dr. Rich Hamilton is planning his own World Wide Web _________on the Internet to provide assistance to anyone who asks for medical help.
9.It is difficult to estimate the number of people doing part-time jobs _________
10.The president _________his foreign minister, Mr. Burns, to act as representative to the international conference to be held in Tokyo next month.
11.Advances in telecommunications have meant that it is just as easy to work from a computer _________at home as it is from a town center office.
12.Until the new gym is built, you have no option but _________existing buildings which may or may not suit your immediate目前的requirements.
1.According to some scientists, global warming _________the survival of the whole human race.
2.The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small19%, and exceeded the number of overseas visitors16%_________.
3.The early Spaniards established a chain of mission _________the local population along the San Antonio River.
4.It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply _________
5.As they didn’t have relatives or friends there they often _________around nearby malls when they got bored.
6.To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, _________them _________a piece of card and then write your message inside.
7.She picked up the receiver and, _________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.
8.To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and _________.
9.The new product has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which you can easily _________ your computer’s sound card.
10.Music in fact is a _________language of a non-verbal nature which is rich in expression.
11.This _________is designed to show at a glance how many rooms have been rented out and how many are still available.
12._________ glorious sunshine, the boundless stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight.
1.The cook put the meat on a plate, _________it with salt and pepper, wrapped up the plate in aluminum foil铝箔 and then placed it in the oven to roast.
2.Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thought we communicate to ourselves, _________control the way we feel and act.
3.John made everyone laugh when he got the words _________and referred to himself as “my husband’s wife”.
4.You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps never be able to _________you.
5.Because the Earth is a sphere, sailors _________only can view other ships to a distance of about 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.
6.Johnson dismissed _________ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.
7.One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the _________be true or false.
8.Susan told me numerous times how her sister _________children.
9.I don’t know what my roommate is up to because he does everything _______________, either when I am away or when I am asleep.
10.For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels___ that can be loaded and _________in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.
11.Laugh, and the world laughs with you; _________, and you weep alone.
12.A national debate is now _________about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸张
D. 水印
A. 纤维
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸浆
D. 水印
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 水印
D. 防伪彩点
A. 印刷法
B. 模压法
C. 显影法
D. 插入法
《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:个人贷款尽职免责是指,贷款出现风险后,经有关工作流程,有充分证据表明相关岗位人员按照有关法律法规、规章和规范性文件以及内部制度规定,勤勉尽职履行了职责,应免于其全部或部分责任。( )
《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:因借款人发生难以治愈、医治花费巨大,且在较长一段时间内,严重影响患者及其家庭正常工作和生活的疾病,导致不能履行协议,可实施尽职免责。( )
《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:工作人员基本履行了岗位职责,由于工作不到位,发生违反信贷管理规定的一般性履职不到位情形,但贷款没有形成风险,或不是导致风险的根本原因,可根据实际,对相关责任人给予全部免责。( )
《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:管理个人贷款的支行、部门负责人、高管人员辖内个人贷款不良率大幅上升,风险集中爆发,未及时采取有效措施加以处置、控制、降低风险,对相关责任人给予部分免责。( )
《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:对不得免责情形,按规定对有关责任人进行处罚;对部分免责情形,视情节给予责任人从轻、减轻处罚;对违法违规行为情节严重、构成犯罪的,移送司法机关。( )
根据《法人客户房产按揭贷款管理办法》,贷款额度须控制在客户统一授信额度内。法人客户按揭贷款额度为专项授信额度,可以调剂使用,也可以循环使用。( )
《法人客户房产按揭贷款管理办法》,贷款期限根据借款人现金流状况、还贷能力及信用状况等合理确定,最长不超过20年。( )
《个人购房按揭贷款管理办法》规定:个人购房按揭贷款是指农商银行向自然人发放的用于购买个人住房、商用房的贷款。( )
《个人购房按揭贷款管理办法》规定:个人购房按揭贷款分为一手房按揭贷款和二手房按揭贷款。( )
《个人购房按揭贷款管理办法》规定:个人购房按揭贷款可不执行“面谈”“面签”制度。( )
《农户生产经营贷款管理办法》规定:农户贷款原则上生产户贷款额度最高不超过年净收入的2倍,种植户、养殖户贷款额度最高不超过年净收入的3-4倍。( )
《农户生产经营贷款管理办法》规定:对于不适宜集中评级授信的客户,可进行单独评级授信。( )
《农户生产经营贷款管理办法》规定:贷款调查以间接调查为主,实地调查为辅。( )
《农户生产经营贷款管理办法》规定:农户贷款实行限时办结制度,对调查、审查(审议)或审批未通过的申请,在3个工作日内通知申请人,并说明原因。( )
《个体工商户贷款管理办法》规定:商贸类个体工商户申请保证贷款的经营时间须3年以上。( )
《个体工商户贷款管理办法》规定:法人机构每半年组织一次个体工商户贷款风险分类情况抽查,抽查面不低于30%。( )
《个体工商户贷款管理办法》规定:加工类个体工商户申请抵质押贷款的,自由资金与申请贷款金额的比例不低于40%。( )
《个体工商户贷款管理办法》规定:个体工商户贷款期限根据借款人生产经营周期、综合还款能力等因素由借贷双方协商确定,原则上不超过三年。( )
《个体工商户贷款管理办法》规定:个体工商户贷款使用贷款证/卡办理的可以办理展期。( )