Sometimes it is very difficult to ___ some of the English words. Even the native speaker cannot help.
A. decrease
B. create
C. define
D. delight
In the wife’s eyes, his ___ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
A. requirement
B. commitment
C. participation
D. reflection
This newspaper often ___ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion.
A. affects
B. reacts
C. reflects
D. recognizes
It is predicted that heavy rains are ___ to flood the area in a few days.
A. frightening
B. threatening
C. scattering
D. warning
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
The spectacle of the aurora may appear to dazzle and ___ the observer’s eye.
A. enchant
B. charm
C. fascinate
D. draw
The top prize has enhanced the musician’s ___.
A. fame
B. status
C. courage
D. faith
Compared with Westerners, the ___ use less butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.
A. foreigners
B. Southerners
C. Northerners
D. Orientals
Within a few days she had become seriously ill, ___ great pain and discomfort.
A. surviving
B. suffering
C. affecting
D. accepting
People of their generation who lived through World War II have ___ memories of confusion and incompetence.
A. vivid
B. strong
C. acute
D. profound
Not a breath of fresh air ___ the long white curtains.
A. blew
B. stirred
C. whirled
D. stung
Figures showed customer complaints had ___ to record levels and profits were falling.
A. added
B. climbed
C. accumulated
D. soared
Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to ___ out myself.
A. fulfill
B. identify
C. figure
D. claim
A ___ monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes.
A. magnificent
B. gorgeous
C. huge
D. marvelous
Vietnam made an official ___ that the meeting be postponed.
A. require
B. requirement
C. request
D. agreement
Luke was allowed to sit directly behind the pilot and ___ with him.
A. converse
B. inverse
C. perverse
D. diverse
Maybe this work is not ___, but it will live for a while.
A. mortal
B. deadly
C. immortal
D. worldly
This is why emerging economies set themselves to ___ vast foreign currency reserves in this decade.
A. gather
B. accumulate
C. accelerate
D. assemble
This will enable the audience to sit in ___ while watching the shows.
A. comfort
B. rest
C. relax
D. cozy
Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and ___.
A. grief
B. pleasant
C. happy
D. delight
Imagination is sometimes more ___ than reality.
A. vivid
B. real
C. bright
D. rich
It is but a step from the ___ to the ridiculous.
A. interest
B. top
C. bottom
D. sublime
My educational ___ is simple: learning should be fun.
A. philosophy
B. psychology
C. physiology
D. physics
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Meg stared at her ___ in the bedroom mirror.
A. shadow
B. reflection
C. figure
D. shape
Such technology, however, remains firmly in the ___ of science fantasy.
A. realm
B. region
C. direction
D. district
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
As a member of the International Olympic Committee her fares and hotel ___ were paid by the IOC.
A. fees
B. allowances
C. expenses
D. money
If they were captured they wished to die, believing that they would go to ___.
A. parasite
B. paradise
C. paraphrase
D. paralyze
Have you ever read Jane Austin's ___ novel Pride and Prejudice?
A. classical
B. class
C. classified
D. classic
She says that being with a ___ mate, one will naturally forget all the worries.
A. heart
B. spirit
C. soul
D. brain
For teenagers, pregnancies, alcoholism, drugs and ___ are all part of the same sad resume.
A. dropouts
B. drop-in
C. drop-off
D. drop-by
The teacher required that no books ___ all over the place in the study.
A. are scattered
B. be scattered
C. were scattered
D. have scattered
Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods ___ subtle flavors.
A. for
B. in
C. with
D. by
He ___receive two specific compliments than twenty vague generalities.
A. should rather
B. would rather
C. would better
D. had rather
Orlando, a city in Florida, ___ for its main attraction, Magic Kingdom.
A. which is well known
B. is well known
C. well known
D. being well known
Jim is sorry ___ so impolite to your guest last Saturday.
A. to be
B. having been
C. being
D. to have been
A. 第四次中东战争
B. 科索沃战争
C. 海湾战争
D. 阿富汗战争
A. 武器
B. 参战国的国际地位
C. 人
D. 作战的理论与方法
A. 陆地和海
B. 海洋和空中
C. 陆地海洋空中的三维空间
D. 陆海空天电多维空间
吉兰―巴雷综合征引起的瘫痪主要为 ___
A. 弛缓性瘫痪
B. 痉挛性瘫痪
C. 中枢性瘫痪
D. 交叉性瘫痪
E. 截瘫
重症肌无力最常见的首发症状为 ___
A. 眼外肌无力
B. 呼吸肌无力
C. 四肢肌无力
D. 咀嚼肌无力
E. 括约肌无力
脊髓炎急性期最常用的药物是 ___
A. 抗生素
B. 丙种球蛋白
C. 糖皮质激素
D. 能量合剂
E. 维生素
癫痫青春期肌阵挛发作首选的药物是 ___
A. 卡马西平
B. 苯妥英钠
C. 丙戊酸钠
D. 苯巴比妥
E. 地西泮
重症肌无力的患者出现呼吸困难,可能发生了哪种危象 ___
A. 复发性危象
B. 反拗性危象
C. 胆碱能危象
D. 肌无力危象
E. 有存在危象
对昏迷患者,护士最重要的观察是 ___
A. 体温
B. 神志
C. 呼吸
D. 瞳孔
E. 脉搏
类风湿性关节炎患者血中类风湿因子主要是下列哪一种 ___
A. 自身抗体IgA.
B. 自身抗体IgD
C. 自身抗体IgE
D. 自身抗体IgG
E. 自身抗体IgM
关于系统性红斑狼疮临床表现的描述,错误的是 ___
A. 有发热.面部蝶形红斑与四肢多形性红斑
B. 可出现类风湿性关节炎表现,但极少导致关节畸形
C. 可出现急进性肾炎.肾病综合征,但不引起尿毒症
D. 可有腹痛.呕吐.腹泻等
E. 可出现胸膜炎
风湿性疾病关节病变的突出护理诊断是 ___
A. 疼痛
B. 躯体移动障碍
C. 潜在并发症
D. 活动无耐力
E. 皮肤完整性受损
C. 肌肉活检
D. 常规血象检测
E. 自身抗体检测
下列哪项不是类风湿性皮下结节的特点 ___
A. 最常见于肘关节鹰嘴处
B. 骨隆起受压处也多见
C. 大小由数毫米至数厘米
D. 它的存在表示本病活动
E. 质硬.有压痛.非对称性分布
A. 每天肥皂水擦洗
B. 用热水敷红斑处
C. 清洗后可用化妆品
D. 用温水湿敷红斑处
E. 居室定期紫外线消毒
A. 属自身免疫病
B. 个体差异甚大
C. 病变累及多系统
D. 病程多呈急性
E. 抗生素治疗有效
系统性红斑狼疮皮肤损害的主要部位是 ___
A. 颈部
B. 前胸上部
C. 全腹部
D. 口腔粘膜
E. 颜面部位
系统性红斑狼疮患者脱发时的护理措施,哪项不正确 ___
A. 尽量剪成短发
B. 可用温水洗头
C. 忌染发.烫发
D. 多用肥皂按摩
E. 梅花针轻刺头皮
系统性红斑狼疮的心血管损害以下哪一项最常见 ___
A. 心包炎
B. 心肌炎
C. 心内膜炎
D. 心律失常
E. 周围血管病变
A. 无菌性骨坏死
B. 皮疹
C. 肝肾功能损害
D. 精神失常
E. 血压升高
关于类风湿性关节炎活动期的护理措施,下列错误的是 ___
A. 限制受累关节活动,保持关节功能位
B. 避免肢体受压
C. 关节肿痛时卧床休息
D. 给予舒适卧位
E. 避免关节活动,暂勿做功能锻炼
A. 关节畸形
B. 关节附近肌肉萎缩
C. 非畸形性关节炎
D. 梭状指
E. 天鹅颈样畸形
下列哪一项不符合皮肌炎患者的实验室检测项目 ___
A. 红细胞沉降率增快
B. 血肌酐下降
C. 肌电图异常
D. 抗核抗体阳性
E. 血肌酸下降
A. 遗传
B. 应激
C. 感染
D. 食物
E. 环境
皮肌炎的特殊临床表现是 ___
A. 暴露皮肤损害
B. 面部毛细血管扩张
C. 皮肤水肿
D. 面部以上眼睑为中心的水肿性紫红色斑
E. 皮肤紫红色丘疹伴鳞屑
类风湿性关节炎的基本病理改变是 ___
A. 滑膜炎
B. 血管炎
C. 骨髓炎
D. 全心炎
E. 软骨炎
关于药物的不良反应,下列不正确的是 ___
A. 肠溶阿司匹林――胃粘膜损伤
B. 强的松――皮疹
C. 环磷酰胺――出血性膀胱炎
D. 甲氨蝶呤――脱发
E. 甲基强的松龙――库欣综合征
为避免发生雷诺现象,应采取的正确护理措施是 ___
A. 加强耐寒能力锻炼,用冷水洗手
B. 注意肢体末梢保暖
C. 经常大量运动以促进血液循环
D. 出现肢端皮肤苍白疼痛时给予冷敷
E. 可饮咖啡
关于系统性红斑狼疮关节损害的描述,下列哪项不正确 ___
A. 多表现为关节疼痛
B. 部分患者伴关节炎,一般不引起关节畸形
C. 近端指间关节.肩.肘关节为经常受累关节
D. 关节炎呈非对称性分布
E. 约85%的患者有关节受累
比较系统性红斑狼疮与类风湿性关节炎,其共同的致病因素为 ___
A. 食物
B. 遗传
C. 日光
D. 药物
E. 激素
A. 给予营养丰富的饮食
B. 缓解期适当体育锻炼
C. 注意保暖.避免寒冷
D. 活动期应绝对卧床休息
E. 坚持服药,定期复查
下列除哪种以外均为治疗类风湿性关节炎的慢作用抗风湿药 ___
A. 甲氨蝶呤
B. 布洛芬
C. 金制剂
D. 环孢素
E. 雷公藤
对系统性红斑狼疮患者的保健指导,下列错误的是 ___
A. 病情处于缓解期半年以上可妊娠
B. 常需终身治疗
C. 外出时尽量避免日光照射
D. 肥皂水洗脸每日3~4次
E. 忌用易诱发本病的药物
C. 脑电图
D. 颅骨平片
E. 生化检查
脑出血患者的一般护理措施应除外 ___
A. 绝对静卧
B. 取头高位
C. 保持病室安静
D. 每日洗澡一次
E. 保持静脉输液通畅
A. 高血压危象
B. 蛛网膜下隙出血
C. 脑疝形成
D. 高血压脑病
E. 脑炎
导致短暂脑缺血发作最常见的病因是 ___
A. 糖尿病
B. 吸烟.饮酒
C. 高血压
D. 动脉粥样硬化
E. 血液动力学改变
A. 晚餐过饱或晚餐过少
B. 气温较低.睡眠差
C. 血压低血液黏稠
D. 低枕平卧
E. 血糖过低
肝豆状核变性是由于体内 ___
A. 锌代谢障碍
B. 铜代谢障碍
C. 铁代谢障碍
D. 碘代谢障碍
E. 钙代谢障碍
蛛网膜下隙出血治疗中不妥的是 ___
A. 绝对卧床4~6周
B. 避免用力排便
C. 保持病房安静
D. 可给予脱水剂
E. 不必使用止痛药和镇静剂
发生脑出血的诱因下列哪项不是 ___
A. 安静睡眠
B. 情绪紧张
C. 气候变化急剧
D. 排便用力
E. 过度体力劳动
蛛网膜下隙出血患者应绝对卧床 ___
A. 1~6周
B. 2~6周
C. 3~6周
D. 4~6周
E. 其余选项都不是
吉兰―巴雷综合征患者出现呼吸困难最可能的原因是 ___
A. 呼吸中枢抑制
B. 胸膜炎
C. 气胸
D. 呼吸肌麻痹
E. 冠状动脉供血不全