A. 实现中华民族伟大复兴
B. 全面建成小康社会
C. 建设社会主义现代化强国
D. 实现社会主义现代化
A. 中国特色社会主义
B. 改革开放
C. 中华民族伟大复兴
D. 中国梦
A. 中国特色社会主义伟大事业
B. 党的建设新的伟大工程
C. 具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争
D. 中华民族伟大复兴的伟大梦想
中国共产党人的初心和使命,就是为中国人民 ,为中华民族 。这个初心和使命是激励中国共产党人不断前进的根本动力。正确答案为___
A. 谋幸福 谋未来
B. 谋生活 谋复兴
C. 谋幸福 谋复兴
D. 谋生活 谋未来
A. 制度问题
B. 方法问题
C. 道路问题
D. 法制问题
A. 青年
B. 人民军队
C. 党
D. 动员和组织群众
A. 执政的党
B. 坚强领导核心
C. 中流砥柱
D. 具有无产阶级先进性的党
A. 先锋队
B. 政治军事集团
C. 政治组织
D. 领导力量
A. 三大作风之一
B. 一条基本经验
C. 一条重要原则
D. 三大法宝之一
A. 以反对和惩治腐败为中心
B. 以打赢局部战争为目标
C. 具有许多新的历史特点
D. 以反帝防修为中心
A. 组织观念
B. 理想信念
C. 纪律观念
D. 价值追求
A. 政治灵魂
B. 政治底线
C. 政治追求
D. 政治品格
A. 生活腐化、道德滑坡
B. 思想蜕化、私欲膨胀
C. 拜金主义、贪图享乐
D. 信仰迷茫、精神迷失
A. 廉洁自律
B. 严以律己
C. 严以修身
D. 为政清廉
A. 纪律
B. 监督
C. 制度
D. 规章
A. 从严治官
B. 从严执纪
C. 从严治吏
D. 从严问责
A. 求真务实
B. 真抓实干
C. 勤政务实
D. 爱岗敬业
A. 做事要实
B. 谋事要实
C. 干事要实
D. 抓事要实
A. 与人民同呼吸共命运
B. 立党为公执政为民
C. 保持党同人民群众的血肉联系
D. 始终做人民公仆
A. 民主集中制
B. 全心全意为人民服务
C. 批评与自我批评
D. 群众路线
A. 批评和自我批评
B. 民主集中制
C. 群众路线
D. 发扬党内民主
A. 工作
B. 廉政
C. 组织
D. 政治
A. 调查研究
B. 学习
C. 实事求是
D. 解放思想
A. 心中有律
B. 心中有法
C. 心中有戒
D. 心中有爱
A. 廉洁用权
B. 廉洁从政
C. 廉洁修身
D. 廉洁奉公
A. 一次性问责
B. 阶段性问责
C. 任期问责
D. 终身问责
A. 基层组织
B. 所有干部
C. 各级组织和全体党员
D. 领导干部
 The shy girl felt _________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.
A. amazed      
B. awkward   
C. curious       
D. amused
This hotel _______ $ 60 for a single room with bath.
A. claims
B. demands
C. prices
D. charges
 Frequently singleparent children ____________  some of the functions that the absent adult in  the house would have served.
A. take off
B. take after   
C. take in        
D. take on
 A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial __________.
A.  mark          
B. feature     
C. trace         
D. appearance
 John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ________ the curiosity and creativity of children.
A. seek          
B. stimulate    
C. shape       
D. secure
 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _______ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
A.  by that        
B. at that      
C. on that        
D. in that
 However, at times this balance in nature is ________, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
A. troubled       
B. disturbed  
C. confused      
D. puzzled
 The patient’s health failed to such an  extent that he was put into _____ care.
A. tense           
B. rigid     
C.  intensive      
D.  tight
 Does everyone on earth have an equal right _________ an equal share of its resources?
A.  by                 
B. at         
C. to                 
D. over
 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe __________ Europe into a great war.
A. inserted        
B. imposed   
C. pitched         
D. plunged
 We had to ___________ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A. go in for        
B. hold on to    
C. put up with     
D. keep pace with
A person's calorie requirements vary ______ his life.___
A. across        
B. throughout  
C. over            
D. within
Generous public funding of basic science would ________considerable benefits for the country's health, wealth and security.___
A. lead to        
B. result from  
C. lie in            
D. settle down
In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ___________ with the rapid changes of society___
A. step              
B. progress    
C. pace            
D. touch
Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to ___ out myself.
A. fulfill
B. identify
C. figure
D. claim
A ___ monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes.
A. magnificent
B. gorgeous
C. huge
D. marvelous
Vietnam made an official ___ that the meeting be postponed.
A. require
B. requirement
C. request
D. agreement
Luke was allowed to sit directly behind the pilot and ___ with him.
A. converse
B. inverse
C. perverse
D. diverse
Maybe this work is not ___, but it will live for a while.
A. mortal
B. deadly
C. immortal
D. worldly
This is why emerging economies set themselves to ___ vast foreign currency reserves in this decade.
A. gather
B. accumulate
C. accelerate
D. assemble
This will enable the audience to sit in ___ while watching the shows.
A. comfort
B. rest
C. relax
D. cozy
Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and ___.
A. grief
B. pleasant
C. happy
D. delight
Imagination is sometimes more ___ than reality.
A. vivid
B. real
C. bright
D. rich
It is but a step from the ___ to the ridiculous.
A. interest
B. top
C. bottom
D. sublime
My educational ___ is simple: learning should be fun.
A. philosophy
B. psychology
C. physiology
D. physics
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Meg stared at her ___ in the bedroom mirror.
A. shadow
B. reflection
C. figure
D. shape
Such technology, however, remains firmly in the ___ of science fantasy.
A. realm
B. region
C. direction
D. district
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
As a member of the International Olympic Committee her fares and hotel ___ were paid by the IOC.
A. fees
B. allowances
C. expenses
D. money
If they were captured they wished to die, believing that they would go to ___.
A. parasite
B. paradise
C. paraphrase
D. paralyze
Have you ever read Jane Austin's ___ novel Pride and Prejudice?
A. classical
B. class
C. classified
D. classic
She says that being with a ___ mate, one will naturally forget all the worries.
A. heart
B. spirit
C. soul
D. brain
For teenagers, pregnancies, alcoholism, drugs and ___ are all part of the same sad resume.
A. dropouts
B. drop-in
C. drop-off
D. drop-by
The teacher required that no books ___ all over the place in the study.
A. are scattered
B. be scattered
C. were scattered
D. have scattered
Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods ___ subtle flavors.
A. for
B. in
C. with
D. by
He ___receive two specific compliments than twenty vague generalities.
A. should rather
B. would rather
C. would better
D. had rather
Orlando, a city in Florida, ___ for its main attraction, Magic Kingdom.
A. which is well known
B. is well known
C. well known
D. being well known
Jim is sorry ___ so impolite to your guest last Saturday.
A. to be
B. having been
C. being
D. to have been
A. 第四次中东战争
B. 科索沃战争
C. 海湾战争
D. 阿富汗战争
A. 武器
B. 参战国的国际地位
C. 人
D. 作战的理论与方法
A. 陆地和海
B. 海洋和空中
C. 陆地海洋空中的三维空间
D. 陆海空天电多维空间
A. 海湾战争
B. 伊拉克战争
C. 阿富汗战争
D. 科索沃战争
A. 拉开了信息化战争时代的序幕
B. 是全面信息化战争的雏形
C. 使信息化战争达到鼎盛时期
D. 是信息化战争全面形成的标志
A. 大量信息技术在战争中的使
B. 高技术局部战争的发生
C. 海湾战争的爆发
D. 地面部队的数字化和作战行动方式的非线式一体化
A. 指挥控制
B. 后勤保障
C. 参谋策划
D. 协调联系
A. 精神
B. 物质
C. 技术
D. 信息
A. 自然战
B. 软杀战
C. 运动战
D. 电子战
A. 制陆权
B. 制空权
C. 制天权
D. 制信息权
A. 扁平
B. 椭圆
C. 矩形
D. 菱形
A. 物质
B. 信息
C. 技术
D. 保障
A. 作战理论
B. 武器装备
C. 人员质量
D. 信息技术
A. 以色列
B. 伊拉克
C. 巴勒斯坦
D. 伊朗
A. 阿富汗
B. 伊拉克
C. 海湾
D. 科索沃