供电系统供电频率的允许偏差对电力网容量在 300 万 kW以下者绝对值不大于( 0.5 )Hz。
可移动手车式高压开关柜断路器与手车之间有机械联锁装置 , 只有断路器在(分闸)位置时才能移动手车。
电气工程的安全用具分为两大类:即绝缘安全用具和(一般防护)安全用具、611、摇表进行开路试验时, 指针应指在(∞)位置为良好。
电力电缆敷设到位后 , 首次绑扎可采用铁丝等材料将电缆定型 , 在进行二次整理时将绑扎材料更换为(过塑铁丝) , 并定尺绑扎。
某断路器用 ZN表示, Z 表示(真空)断路器。
由于手持式电工工具在使用时是移动的 , 其电源线易受到拖拉、磨损而碰壳或脱落导致设备金属外壳带电 ,导致(触电事故)。
第二种工作票的有效期最长为( 1 天)。
电压互感器的额定二次电压一般为( 100) V。
电缆的型号为 ZQ22-3x70-10-300 中的 10 表示该电缆的(工作电压)。
架空导线型号 TJ-50 的含义是(标称截面积 50 的铜绞线)。
氧化锌避雷器的阀片电阻具有非线性特性 , 在(过)电压作用下 , 其阻值很小 , 相当于短路状态。
TT 系统中第二个 T 表示(保护接地)。
三相四线式 380V 配电网属于(二次配网)。
跌开式高压熔断器在户外应安装在离地面垂直距离不小于( 4.5 ) m。
Ⅱ类设备的防触电保护是采取(双重绝缘)措施。这种设备不采用保护接地的措施 , 也不依赖于安装条件。
配电变压器原、副绕组匝数不同 , 一般其副绕组的匝数要比原绕组的匝数(少)。
一式二份的工作票 , 一份由工作负责人收执 , 作为进行工作的依据 , 一份由(运行值班员)收执 , 按值移交。
紧急事故处理时可不需填写(倒闸操作票),但应事后将有关事项记入值班日志 , 并及时汇报。
值班人员手动合闸于故障线路,继电保护动作将断路器跳开 , 自动重合闸将(不动作)。
电缆线路中有中间接头时,压接接头最高允许温度为( 150)℃。
TT 系统中第二个 T 表示(保护接地)。
箱式变电站所在接地应共用一组接地装置,接地网的接地引线应不少( 2)条。
当人体发生触电时 , 通过人体电流越大就越危险 , 通常将(摆脱)电流作为发生触电事故的危险电流界限。
用于电压互感器高压侧的高压熔断器其额定熔断电流一般为( 0.5 ) A 。
二次线路中,时间继电器的文字符号表示为( KT)。
供电系统中三相电压对称度一般不应超额定电压的( 5) %。
1.According to some scientists, global warming _________the survival of the whole human race.
2.The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small19%, and exceeded the number of overseas visitors16%_________.
3.The early Spaniards established a chain of mission _________the local population along the San Antonio River.
4.It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply _________
5.As they didn’t have relatives or friends there they often _________around nearby malls when they got bored.
6.To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, _________them _________a piece of card and then write your message inside.
7.She picked up the receiver and, _________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.
8.To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and _________.
9.The new product has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which you can easily _________ your computer’s sound card.
10.Music in fact is a _________language of a non-verbal nature which is rich in expression.
11.This _________is designed to show at a glance how many rooms have been rented out and how many are still available.
12._________ glorious sunshine, the boundless stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight.
1.The cook put the meat on a plate, _________it with salt and pepper, wrapped up the plate in aluminum foil铝箔 and then placed it in the oven to roast.
2.Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thought we communicate to ourselves, _________control the way we feel and act.
3.John made everyone laugh when he got the words _________and referred to himself as “my husband’s wife”.
4.You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps never be able to _________you.
5.Because the Earth is a sphere, sailors _________only can view other ships to a distance of about 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.
6.Johnson dismissed _________ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.
7.One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the _________be true or false.
8.Susan told me numerous times how her sister _________children.
9.I don’t know what my roommate is up to because he does everything _______________, either when I am away or when I am asleep.
10.For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels___ that can be loaded and _________in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.
11.Laugh, and the world laughs with you; _________, and you weep alone.
12.A national debate is now _________about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸张
D. 水印
A. 纤维
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸浆
D. 水印
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 水印
D. 防伪彩点
A. 印刷法
B. 模压法
C. 显影法
D. 插入法
A. 平版印刷
B. 凹版印刷
C. 凸版印刷
D. 丝网印刷
A. 平版印刷
B. 凹版印刷
C. 凸版印刷
D. 丝网印刷
A. 印出的文字或图案立体感强,层次分明
B. 用手触模有明显凹凸感
C. 多使用于护照的封二或封三页的说明词、花纹图案,或贴纸签证的顶部和边框中
D. 图文边缘呈锯齿形
A. 平版印刷
B. 凹版印刷
C. 凸版印刷
D. 丝网印刷
A. 接线印刷
B. 正反对印
C. 彩虹印刷
D. 缩微印刷
A. 安全纤维
B. 缩微图文
C. 光栅图像
D. 丝网印刷
A. 常光下不可见
B. 通常使用雕版印刷技术
C. 用手触摸有凸凹感
D. 通常用于护照证件的底纹