A. 降低各塔罐的液位
B. 关闭各尾气返回
C. 调整各个返回线阀
D. 炉区降负荷
A. 调节入口阀的开度
B. 调节出口阀的开度
C. 调节旁路阀的开度
D. 调节泵的冲程
A. 主油泵是否运行正常
B. 辅油泵是否在自动位置
C. 辅油泵是否在手动位置
D. 引起辅助油泵自起动的故障是否查明
A. 调速机构
B. 主汽阀
C. 抽汽止回阀
D. 轴承轴瓦
A. 关闭所有导淋
B. 打开进出口阀
C. 打开各水封阀
D. 机泵加注润滑油
A. 复水泵泵体导淋不能打开
B. 复水泵备用泵自启动按钮投自动
C. 复水泵吸入管线导淋可以打开
D. 复水泵入口阀水封阀应该打开
A. 操作温度
B. 操作压力
C. 酸性气浓度
D. 碱浓度
A. 冲动式蒸汽轮机
B. 反动式蒸汽轮机
C. 冲动和反动组合式蒸汽轮机
D. 高压透平
A. 润滑油不足或不干净
B. 油冷器冷却水断水或水温高
C. 轴瓦与轴间隙小
D. 转速高
A. 转速高处理气量大
B. 运转周期长
C. 无脉冲现象
D. 透平及电机都可驱动
A. 暖机时间及温度不够
B. 升速过快
C. 蒸汽带水
D. 真空度下降
A. 超高压蒸汽
B. 高压蒸汽
C. 中压蒸汽
D. 低压蒸汽
A. 制冷压缩机
B. 裂解气压缩机
C. 物料节流膨胀
D. 燃料气压缩机
A. 安全阀起跳
B. 出口温度升高
C. 安全阀管路有异常响声
D. 安全阀挂霜
A. 排泄量
B. 排气能力
C. 喷嘴面积
D. 工艺介质
A. 运行正常,效能良好
B. 内部机件无损,质量符合要求
C. 主体整洁,零部件齐全好用
D. 技术资料齐全准确
A. 看低压侧的压力是否明显升高
B. 看低压侧的温度变化是否明显
C. 分析低压侧的组成
D. 观察换热效果
A. 重锤式
B. 敞开式
C. 封闭式
D. 导向式
A. 电机接地
B. 出口装止逆阀
C. 入口装过滤器
D. 轴向力平衡装置
A. 主蒸汽压力
B. 冷却水温度
C. 喷射泵的工作状态
D. 透平的结垢程度
A. 压力表失灵
B. 未灌泵
C. 出口堵塞
D. 入口堵塞
A. 提高压力有利于CO2和H2S的吸收
B. 压力高不利于CO2和H2S的吸收
C. 压力过高会使裂解气中重烃的露点升高凝液增加
D. 提高操作压力会增加设备投资
A. 高点排气
B. 缓慢打开入口阀
C. 出口阀微开
D. 高点见液
A. 石棉垫
B. 缠绕垫
C. 铁包垫
D. 金属垫
A. 干粉灭火器
B. 泡沫灭火器
C. 1211灭火器
D. 二氧化碳灭火器
A. 损害人听力
B. 影响人生理机能
C. 物质结构产生影响
D. 使人头晕
A. 先汇报总调
B. 控制事态发生
C. 汇报车间有关人员
D. 现场隔离
A. 没有许可的作业票
B. 未进行可燃气安全分析
C. 安全措施已经落实
D. 监护人未在现场
A. 麻醉性毒物
B. 窒息性毒物
C. 刺激性毒物
D. 综合性毒物
A. 知情权
B. 建议权
C. 拒绝权
D. 紧急避险权
A. 窒息法
B. 化学抑制法
C. 隔离法
D. 冷却法
A. 压缩气体和液化气体
B. 自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品
C. 氧化剂和有机过氧化物
D. 放射性物品
A. 不可回收固体危险废物
B. 可回收利用固体危险废物
C. 可回收利用一般固体废物
D. 不可回收一般固体废物
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1 In our class,most discussions and activities take place in assigned small groups,These groups provide a supportive and safe environment that () learning
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
9 As the finance ministry rejected the defor its "lack of clarity",it[ ]complaint with the Europear Commission that this deal was against the law
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
5 State governments and the colleges themselves have [ ] financial help to students with special abilities and those with financial needs
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
10 Dogs cannot distinguish the color of trafficlights, so the master must make the decision of when it is safe to [ ] across the road
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
6 The committee agreed that his papers
[ ] a wider circulation because of their essential and fundamental interest to a larger audience.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
1 Because women often restrict their diet
In an effort to control weight,they may
Not consume enough iron-rich food and
( ) experience an iron Deficiency.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
8 Americans defend the right to obtain a gun and they have[ ] been willing to turn a blind eye to the harm that people owning guns have caused
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
7 The anger and frustration [ ] by the local people who do not understand what is happening to them will be a terrible and dangerous force
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
2 Some reform advocates ignore the impact of
Class size on student achievement,and they
are ( ) what they call as a Priority:teacher effectiveness.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
3 Because of easy access to the Internet,the
New breakthrough tq create something
Truly creative ( ) happen anytime now.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
4 Indeed,if teachers want to( ) how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
5 Nature has( ) these animals ( ) a capacity for not showing Fear.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
6 During the weeks of discussion,delegations
from groups who are interested in the
Resolution may call on representatives to
( ) their point of view.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
7 Plato was a superb writer,and his works are
Part of the world’s great literature.Most of
His existing work is ( )Dialogs and letters.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
8 Young people should enter into a broad
Flexible training program,through which
They can learn a lot and be ( ) their future careers.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
9 The young man is very happy and proud to
be ( ) the old professor because he always feeIs great when talking With him.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
10 One day they passed more than 20 villages ( ),and some of these are Said to have stretched for six miles or more.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
7 Being asingle parent,there is no way for her
to ( ) the time and energy she has
devoted to her children for the past 10 years.