A. 开户许可证
B. 通过人行账户管理系统打印的开户信息
C. 客户影像
D. 法定代表人或负责人身份证件
A. 市县行社与财政部门签订的协议或市县行社主管部门的审批资料;
B. 特殊业务申请省中心授权通过表;
C. 特殊业务申请书;
D. 支行行长(信用社主任)对该业务的相关审批。
A. 单位公函、客户有效证件,法定代表人或负责人身份证件,如为代理,需同时提供代理人身份证件和授权委托书;
B. 若为存折户,需同时提供存折;
C. 客户影像;
D. 县级行社财务部门审批表。
A. 10000元(含)
B. 5000元(含)
C. 2000元(含)
D. 1000元(含)
A. 3个月(含)
B. 6个月
C. 1年 (含)
D. 6个月(含)
27:七天理财开户时,应选择的转存方式是下列转存方式中的哪一个? ___
A. 默认转存
B. 不转存
C. 本息转存
D. 本金转存
A. 贷款,1
B. 贷款,2
C. 存款所在 ,1
D. 存款所在,2
A. 有收、付款双方凭证的不需要提供个人业务交易单;
B. 该交易个人业务交易单需要上传背面影像
C. 交易凭证上大写金额要规范,大小写金额无须一致;
D. 交易凭证上账号、户名、金额均不允许修改。
A. 不需要上传新开存单;
B. 需要上传个人业务交易单正、背面;
C. 个人业务交易单背面填写和勾选必须与系统一致;
D. 1052业务不需要拍摄现金。
A. 制式凭证中的勾选项可以修改,需修改的应在错误处加盖柜员私章,且修改不能超过三处,超过三处的应重新填写凭证。
B. 凭证的修改不允许使用修正液,使用修正液的凭证应做作废处理,重新填写。
C. 各种单折上应在规定的位置加盖业务章或公章,没有盖章的视为无效凭证。
D. 个人有卡(折)存取款、存单(折)正常销户不必填制个人业务交易单。
A. 支票到期日期
B. 支票出票日期
C. 系统当前日期
A. 大小写金额需填写相符;
B. 出票人签章要清晰、完整的盖在指定位置;
C. 大写日期需填写完整、正确;
D. 用途栏内容可不要求客户填写。
A. 企业法人
B. 非法人企业
C. 个体工商户
D. 机关
A. 企业基本存款账户
B. 企业一般存款账户
C. 企业专用存款账户
D. 企业验资户账户
A. 可以继续正常使用
B. 需到银行重新办理开户手续
A. 不可以。同一个企业只能在银行开立一个基本存款账户
B. 可以开立两个(含)以上基本存款账户
A. 可以直接进行开户
B. 审核企业基本存款账户唯一性,不管是否通过均可以开户
C. 审核企业基本存款账户唯一性, 通过唯一性审核的,可以开立基本存款账户
D. 审核企业基本存款账户唯一性,未通过唯一性审核的,可以开立基本存款账户
A. 通过在账户管理系统核实
B. 询问客户
C. 通过人行监管辅助系统核实
D. 通过综合业务系统核实
A. 营业执照正本
B. 副本
C. 电子营业执照
D. 复印件
A. 自开立之日
B. 三个工作日
C. 三天
D. 人行核准后
A. 登报声明
B. 单位出具证明
C. 不需要处理
D. 人行补发
A. 小于1M
B. 大于1M
C. 可以随意大小
A. 2019年8月1日—2019年9 月 5日
B. 2019年8月5日—2019年9 月 5日
C. 2019年 4月10日—2019年5月15日
D. 2019年4月1日—2019年5月5日
A. 8月1日—9 月 5日
B. 8月5日—9 月 5日
C. 4月10日—5月15日
D. 4月1日—5月5日
A. 1206睡眠户转正常户
B. 1119睡眠户款项支取
A. “9999报表打印”
B. “1206睡眠户转正常户”
A. 金燕IC卡
B. 社保卡
C. 贷款还款卡
D. 工会卡
A. 【6301内部账户信息查询】
B. 【1288久悬户/睡眠户单笔查询】
A. 7758
B. 6301
C. 9010
D. 8016
A. 祖父母、外祖父母;
B. 成年的兄、姐;
C. 其他愿意担任监护人的个人或者组织,但是须经未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门同意
D. 父母
A. 反洗钱牵头管理部门反洗钱联络员
B. 反洗钱牵头管理部门负责人
C. 反洗钱钱牵头管理部门分管领导
D. 本行行长
A. 还需报本行反洗钱牵头管理部门反洗钱联络员
B. 还需报本行反洗钱牵头管理部门负责人
C. 还需报本行反洗钱钱牵头管理部门分管领导
D. 可直接将客户风险等级调整为中低风险
.Which three statements de scribe DHCP spoofing attacks?___
A. They can modify traffic in transit.
B. They are used to perform man- in-the-middle attacks
C. They use ARP poisoning
D. They can access most network devices
E. They protect the ide ntity of the attacker by masking the DHCP address.
F. They are can physically modify the network gateway.
Which statement about the communication between interfaces on the same security level is true?___
A. Interfaces on the same security level require additional configuration to permit interinterface communication
B. Configuring interfaces on the same security level can cause asymmetric routing
C. All traffic is allowed by default between interfaces on the same security level
D. You can configure only one interface on a n individual security level
In which two situations should you use in band management? ___
A. when the control plane fails to respond
B. when you require administrator access from multiple locations
C. when you require ROMMON access.
D. where a network device fails to forward packets
E. when multiple ma nagement applications need concument access to the device.
Which two features are supported in a VRF-aware softwar infrastructure before VRF-lite?___
A. multicast
B. fair queuing
.Which loS command do you enter to test authentication again a AAA server?___
A. dialer aaa suffix <suffix> password <password>
B. ppp authentication chap pap test
C. test aaa-server authentication dialer group user name <user> password <password>
D. aaa authentication enable default test group tacases
Which two statements about the self zone on a cisco Xone based policy firewall are true?___
A. Multiple interfaces can be assigned to the self zone
B. it supports stateful inspections for multicast traffic
C. zone pairs that include the self zone apply to traffic transiting the device.
D. it can be either the source zone or the destination zone
E. traffic entering the self zone must match a rule
Which type of attack can exploit design flaws in the implementation of an application without ?___
A. DHCP starvation attacks
B. low-rate dos attacks
C. application DDos flood attacks
D. application DDoS flood attacks
E. volume-based DDoS attacks
Which type of firewall can server as the interme diary between a client and a server ?___
A. Stateless firewall
B. application firewall
C. proxy firewall
D. personal firewall
What is the highest security level that can be configured for an interface on an ASA?___
Which term refers to the electromagnetic interference that can radiate from network cables?___
A. Gaussian distributions
B. Doppler waves
C. emanations
D. multimode distortion
How does a zone pair handle traffic if the policy de fination of the zone pair is missing?___
A. It inspects all traffic.
B. It drops all traffic.
C. It permits all traffic wihtout logging
D. It permits and logs all traffic
default how does a zone based firewall handle traffic to add from the self zone?___
A. It permits all traffic without inspection
B. It inspects all traffic to determine how it is handled
C. It permits all traffic after inspection
D. It frops all traffic
Which command should beused to ena ble AAA Authentication to determine if a user can access the privilege command level?___
A. aaa authentication enable local
B. aaa authentication enable level=
C. aaa authentication enable method de fault
D. aaa authentication enable defa ult local
On an ASA, the policy indicates that traffic should not be translated is often referred to as which of the following?___
A. NAT zero
B. NAT forward
C. NAT nul
D. NAT allow
Which protocol offers data Integrity encryption, authentication, and anti-replay functions for IPSec VPN?___
A. ESP protocol
B. IKEv3 Protocol
C. AH protoco
D. IKEv1 Protocol
Which component offers a variety of security Solution, including firwall, IF Antivirus and antiphishing features?___
A. Cisco loS router
B. Cisco ASA 5500 Ser ies security appliance
C. Cisco ASA 5500 X series Next Gen Security appliance
D. Cisco 4200 series IPS appliance
Refer to the exhibit, A Network Secur ity administrator check the ASa firewall NAT policy table rith show nat command, which statement is fails?___
A. There are only reverse translation matches for the REAL SERvER object
B. First policy in the Section 1 is a dynamic nat entry defined in the object configuration
C. NAT policy in section 2 is static entry de fined in the object configuration
D. Translation in Section 3 used when a connection does not matches any entries in first two sections
What is true of an aSa in transparent mode ?___
A. It supports OSPF
B. It requires an IP address for each interface
C. It requires a management IP address
D. It allows the use of dynamic NaT
What is the effect of the ip scp server enable command?___
A. It references an access list that allows specific SCP servers
B. It allows the router to initiate requests to an SCP server
C. It allows the router to become an SCP server
D. It adds SCP to the list of allowed copy functions
How can you mitigate attacks in which the attacker attaches more than one vLan tag to a packet?___
A. Assign an access VLAN to every active port on the switch
B. Disable Ether Channel on the switch
C. Explicitly identity each VLAN allowed across the trunk
E. nable transparent VTP on the switch
Which technology can you implement to centrally mitigate potential threats when users on your network download files that might be malicious?___
A. Enable file-reputation services to inspect all files that traverse the company network and block files with low reputation scores
B. Verify that the compa ny IpS blocks all known malicious website
C. Verity that antivirus software is installed and up to date for all users on your network
D. Implement URL filtering on the perimeter firewall
What is the most common implementation of PaT in a standard networked environment?___
A. configuring multiple external hosts to join the self zo ne and to communicate with one another
B. configuring multiple internal hosts to communicate outside of the network using the outside interface IP address
C. configuring multiple internal hosts to communicate outside of the network by using the inside interface IP address
D. configuring an any any rule to enable external hosts to communicate inside the network
Which component of a bYod architecture provides aAa services for endpoint access ?___
A. Integrated Services Router
B. access point
D. Identity Services
E. ngine
You are configuring a NAT rule on a Cisco ASA ,Which description of a mapped interface is true?___
A. It is mandatory for all firewall modes
B. It is optional in routed mode
C. It is optional in transparent mode
D. It is mandatory for ide ntity NAT only
Which description of the use of a private key is true ?___
A. The sender signs a message using the receivers private key
B. The sender signs a message using their private key
C. The sender encrypts a message using the receivers private key
D. The receiver decrypts a n15ssage using the sender's private key
Which mechanism does the FireAMP Connector use to avoid conflicts with other security applications such as antivirus products ?___
A. Virtualization
B. Containers
C. Sandboxing
E. xclusions
Which network to pology de scribes multiple LANS in a gec? ___
C. pan
Which statement represents a difference between an access list on an aSa versus an access list on a router?___
A. The asa does not support number access lists
B. The aSa does not support standard access list
C. The asa does not ever use a wildcard mask
D. The asa does not support extended access lists
Which command do you enter to verify the status and settings of an iKE Phase 1 tunnel?___
A. show crypto ipsec as output
B. show crypto isakmp
C. show crypto isakmp policy
D. show crypto ipsec transform
Which feature can help a router or switch maintain packet forwarding and protocol states despite an attack or heavy traffic load on the router or switch?___
A. service Policy
B. Control Plane Policing
C. Policy Map
D. Cisco
E. xpress
F. orwarding
Which STP feature can prevent an attacker from becoming the root bridge by immediately shutting down the interface when it receives a BPDU?___
A. root guard
B. Port Fast
C. BPDU guard
D. BPDU filtering
Which technology can best protect data at rest on a user system?___
A. full-disk encryption
B. IPsec tunnel
C. router ACL
D. network IPS
Which two primary security concerns can you mitigate with a BYOD solution ?___
A. schedule for patching the device
B. securing access to a trusted corporate network
C. compliance with applicable policies
D. connections to public Wi-Fi networks
E. device tagging and invento
choose five___
A. MD5————————inserure
B. DES————————insercure
C. SDES———————legacy
D. SHA-1———————legacy
E. HMAC-MD5—————legacy
Which two characteristics of symmetric encryption are true?___
A. It uses digital certificates
B. It requires more resources than asymmetric ancryption
C. It uses the same key to enctypt and decrupt traffic
D. It uses a public key and a pricate key to encrypt and decrypt traffic.
E. It is faster than asymmetric encryption
which two characteristics of PVLAN are true?___
A. Promiscuous porta can communicate with PVLAN ports.
B. Isolated ports cannot communicate with other ports on the same VLAN
C. Community ports have to be a part of the trunk.
D. They require VTP to be enabled in server mode
E. PVLAN ports can be configured as Ether Channel ports
What are two options for running Cisco SDM?___
A. Running SDM from a mobile device
B. Running SDM from within CiscoWorks
C. Running SDM from a router's flash
D. Running SDM from the Cisco web porta
E. Running SDM from a PC
Which two options are the primary deployment modeles for mobile device management?___
A. multisite
B. cloud-based
C. on premises
D. hybrid cloud basedo
E. single site
Drag the recommendation on the left to the Cryptographic algorithms on the right, Options will be used more than once.___
A. Avoid——————————————DES,MD5
B. Legacy——————————————SDES,SHA1,HMAC-MD5
Which two are valid types of vLans using PVLANS ?___
A. Community VLAN
B. Backup VLAN
C. Secondary VLAN
D. Isolated VLAN
E. Isolated VLAN