(71672)电开水炉进水电磁阀关闭不严不会造成( )。[312110204](1.0分)___
A. 开水炉不工作
B. 出水温度过低
C. 溢气管溢水比较多
D. 产温水
(71673)轴温传感器的有两根导线“+”和“-”,其含义是( )。[322120214](1.0分)___
A. )“+”代表电源正线,“-”代表电源负线
B. “+”和“-”都是信号线
C. “+”代表公共线,“-”代表通信线
D. “+”代表通信线,“-”代表公共线
(71674)快达KD-3型电开水炉的3号电极的作用是( )。[312110205](1.0分)___
A. 冷水箱水位低于此电极时,电磁阀自动通电进水
B. 冷水箱水位高于此电极时,电磁阀自动断电停止进水
C. 冷水箱水位低于此电极时,煮水箱内的发热管自动断电停止工作
D. 冷水箱水位高于此电极时,煮水箱内的发热管自动通电开始工作
(71675)TCL-12型开水炉工作指示灯亮但不加热有可能由( )原因造成。[312120404](1.0分)___
A. 感应线圈与加热腔绝缘击穿
B. 感应线圈开路
C. 水位显示及传感器组件失效
D. 电磁阀故障
(71676)KSL-Ⅲ型电开水炉工作正常但始终无法到达满水位,其原因可能是( )。[312110404](1.0分)___
A. 溢气管堵塞
B. 缺水保护器作用不良
C. 电源缺相
D. 电加热管开路
(71677)造成KSL-Ⅲ型电开水炉开关置“通”位后接触器吸合时、配电室空气开关跳闸,其原因可能是( )。[313120404](1.0分)___
A. 进水管堵塞
B. 电热管或电源线有对地短路现象
C. 缺水或满水保护干簧管绝缘不良
D. 电磁阀损坏
(71678)KZS/M-Ⅰ型轴温报警器的正常工作电压是( )。[322120214](1.0分)___
A. 42~60 V
B. 36~60 V
C. 36~72 V
D. 42~72 V
(71679)利用TFX1型电子防滑器测试塞拉门5 km/h的保护作用是否良好应( )。[313210216](1.0分)___
A. 按“诊断”按钮超过5 s进入自检,直至显示“88”说明作用良好
B. 按“显示”按钮超过5 s进入自检,直至显示“88”说明作用良好
C. 同时按“显示”和“诊断”按钮超过5 s进入自检,直至显示“88”说明作用良好
D. 同时按“清除”和“诊断”按钮超过5 s进入自检,直至显示“88”说明作用良好
(71680)KSL-Ⅲ型电开水炉主要元件为( ),在工作时主要由磁性浮球上升或下降,实现自动加热或发出报警停止加热作用。[322110223](1.0分)___
A. UK1干簧管
B. 电磁阀
C. 接触器
D. 继电器
(71681)KSL-Ⅲ型电开水炉干簧管引出三根线,( )接电源线。[322110228](1.0分)___
(71682)KSL-Ⅲ型电开水炉,各部电气连接可靠绝缘电阻应大于等于( )。[322110202](1.0分)___
A. 2 M
B. 0.5 M
C. 1 M
D. 1.5 M
(71683)KZS/M-Ⅰ型轴温报警器在客车配电箱接线端子排上的接线1~8应接( )。[322120228](1.0分)___
A. 1~8轴位轴温传感器线
B. 环温传感器线
C. 公共线
D. 通信线
(71684)KZS/M-Ⅰ型轴温报警器在客车配电箱接线端子排上的接线9应接( )。[321120228](1.0分)___
A. 1~8轴位轴温传感器线
B. 环温传感器线
C. 公共线
D. 通信线
(71685)DR50-16CT2型全自动电开水炉整机绝缘电阻为( )。[321120302] (1.0分)___
A. 热态≥2 M
B. 冷态≥1 M
C. 冷态≥100 , 热态≥100
D. 冷态≥2 , 热态≥2
(71686)TCL-12型电开水炉整机绝缘电阻为( )。[322120202](1.0分)___
A. 冷态≥2 M ,热态≥0.5 M
B. 热态≥2 M ,冷态≥0.5 M
C. 冷态≥1 M ,热态≥1 M
D. 冷态≥1 M ,热态≥0.5 M
(71687)DR50-16CT2型全自动电开水炉“沸腾”灯不亮,开水炉不煮水的原因可能是( )。[322210204](1.0分)___
A. 供水水压不正常
B. 供水阀门意外关闭
C. 滤水器的“滤芯”被堵塞
D. ABC三项
(71688)TCL-12型电开水炉出水温度低,排气管溢水多的原因可能是( )。[322120204](1.0分)___
A. 过滤器脏堵
B. 感应线圈开路
C. 电磁阀关闭不严
D. ABC三项
(71689)KSQ-Ⅵ型电开水炉在平衡水箱上部设有( )水位探头,用以探测加热腔水位变化,从而进行加热控制、缺水报警和电磁阀进水控制。[321110511](1.0分)___
(71690)TCL-12型电开水炉电开水炉的功率为( )。[312120223](1.0分)___
A. 4.5 kW
B. 10 kW
C. 15 kW
D. 8 kW
(71691)KSQ-Ⅵ型电开水炉在平衡水箱上部设有( )水位探头,用以探测加热腔水位变化,从而进行加热控制、缺水报警和电磁阀进水控制。[321110511](1.0分)___
(71692)TCL-12型电开水炉主回路三相交流电源经断路器、熔断器进入电控箱,再经三相整流桥转变成( )左右直流电。[312120213](1.0分)___
A. 1 000 V
B. 500 V
C. 380 V
D. 220 V
(71693)KZS/M-Ⅰ型轴温数据监测记录仪的记录间隔时间为( )。[322110214](1.0分)___
A. 10 min
B. 30 min
C. 1 h
D. ABC三项都可以
(71694)KZS/M-Ⅰ型轴温数据监测记录仪可记录( )组轴温数据和1 034组报警数据。[323110214](1.0分)___
A. 2 000
B. 3 000
C. 1 034
D. 2 068
(71695)将整块的金属导体放于交变磁场中,将在金属块内产生闭合的旋涡状的感应电流,称之为( )。[222110206](1.0分)___
(71696)KZS/M-Ⅰ型轴报器当某一车厢某一轴位的轴温超过环温40 ℃,或轴温达到( )时,全列车所有仪器都报警并显示超温的车厢号、轴位和轴温,蜂鸣器鸣叫且超温轴的轴温数据和报警指示灯闪烁。[321110214](1.0分)___
A. 90 ℃
B. 70 ℃
C. 40 ℃
D. 50 ℃
(71697)KZS/M-Ⅰ型集中轴温报警器对车体通信线路的基本要求:用专用线或播音线作通信线,整列车二根线之间的电阻应( ),否则,会对各KZS/M-Ⅰ通信产生不良影响。[221110214](1.0分)___
A. 不小于2 ,不大于30
B. 不小于2 ,不大于50
C. 不小于1 ,不大于50
D. 不小于2 ,不大于40
(71698)DR50-16CT2型电开水炉总功率为( )。[321110313](1.0分)___
A. 5 kW
B. 10 kW
C. 15 kW
D. 20 kW
(71699)BSP客车GERKEN接地装置的主要功能是提供( )与车轴之间的接地电流回路。[321110223](1.0分)___
A. 转向架
B. 车底架
C. 电器设备
D. 车轮
(71700)DR50-16CT2型电开水炉工作时,若冷水箱水位低于( )电极,电磁阀自动通电进水。[321110205](1.0分)___
(71701)SWKP AS 20C防滑器系统的速度传感器与齿轮顶径向的间隙为( )。[322110202](1.0分)___
A. 1.0 mm±0.2 mm
B. 1.0 mm±0.5 mm
C. 1.5 mm±0.2 mm
D. 1.5 mm±0.5 mm
(71702)SWKP AS 20R防滑器系统排放电磁阀由内部电源( )额定电压控制。[322110505](1.0分)___
A. 24 V
B. 48 V
C. 110 V
D. 220 V
(71703)SWKP AS 20R防滑器系统的故障诊断由电子装置的四数字显示器发生,正常作业在显示器上显示为代码( )。[322110213](1.0分)___
(71704)SWKP AS 20R防滑器系统CPU面板按钮1-Display的功能是( )。[322110213](1.0分)___
A. 故障诊断(显示)
B. 测试
C. 清除故障存储
D. 门试验
(71705)SWKP AS 20R防滑器系统在出现错误时,显示代码将不再是99,除此之外,调试代码为89,并且显示试验代码为( )。[322120314](1.0分)___
A. 8888
B. 95
C. 72
D. 73
(71706)BSP客车塞拉门在车速大于等于( )信号产生后,集控的各种操作不起作用。[311110204](1.0分)___
A. 1 km/h
B. 2 km/h
C. 5 km/h
D. 10 km/h
(71707)104电空制动机电器部分的绝缘状态应良好,各电器部件、传输导线及之间的绝缘电阻不小于( )。[321110302](1.0分)___
A. 0.1 M入内容
B. 0.2 M
C. 1.0 M
D. 2.0 M
(71708)TFX1防滑器检测C与G,P与G的电阻值须为( )。[321110202](1.0分)___
A. 100
B. 50
C. 180~350
D. 700
(71709)TFX1防滑器用500 V兆欧表测试绝缘,C,G,P分别对阀体的绝缘电阻须大于( ),否则线圈组件更新。[321120202](1.0分)___
A. 10 M
B. 2 M
C. 3 M
D. 5 M
(71710)TFX1型防滑器诊断功能代码为88表示( )。[321110213](1.0分)___
A. 系统各部件正常
B. 按钮功能已开始执行
C. CPU自检
D. RAM自检
(71711)TFX1型防滑器故障代码为1.1表示( )。[322110213](1.0分)___
A. 第一轴充风电磁铁故障
B. 第一轴排风电磁铁故障
C. 第二轴充风电磁铁故障
D. 第二轴排风电磁铁故障
(71712)TFX1型防滑器主机电源由直流48 V提供,设有极性保护,瞬态干扰滤波网络及自动通断环节。在车电( )电压变化范围内,本系统能稳定可靠的工作。[321110205](1.0分)___
A. 42~64 V
B. 48~80 V
C. 32~64 V
D. 32~80 V
(8)Please identify the potential biological barriers for an orally administered tablet to be absorbed into the systemic circulation___
A. Sk d dermis
B. Gastrointestinal epithelium
C. Oral mucosal membrane
D. All of above
(9) Given the same administration dose, which of the following will likely result in varying bioavailabilities for the same drug administered to the same person? ___
A. tablets (p.o. )vs. solutions(p0.)
B. solutions for injection(i v )vs oral solutions(p0.)
C. coated tablets (p.0. )vs hard gelatin capsules(p0.)
D. All ofabove
(10)Which of the following statements is true?___
A. Bioavailability is only related to the administered dose and the total drug concentration in the blood circulation.
B. Plasma protein binding does not affect the bioavailability of a specific drug.
C. A given drug in different dosage forms may show differences in bioavailability if given by the same route.
D. Biopharmaceutical studies do not involve animal experiment.
Much of our present physiological knowledge has been found from the experiments and studies on human beings.
Living cells break down glucose and fats to provide energy for other activities, which is called.
The right atriapumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it absorbs oxygen from the air.
The nervous system uses electrical signals to transmit information very rapidly to specific cells.
With the level of sodium increasing extracelular fruid. the cardiac muscle cells become too excitable and may contract.
A negative feedback loop is a control system that acts to maintain the level of some variables within a given range following a disturbance
(1)Pharmacodynamics, which is concerned with the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action, Is an experimental medical science.
2)It's unreasonable for a physician to be interested mainly in the effects of drugs on human beings, for the pharmacological evaluation of drugs in them may be limited due to technical, legal, and ethical reasons.
(3) As the effects of drugs are often characterized by significant interspecies variation and may be further modified by disease, clinical pharmacology has never been efibrasized.
The physician is not interested in drugs that are useful in the prevention,diagnosis,and treatment of human disease, but in chemical agents that are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution.
(5)A drug is said to be useful in therapy if it has the ability to produce its desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects.
(6)Toxicology deals not only with drugs used in therapy but also with many other chemicals that may be responsible for household, environmental, or industrial intoxication.
1)With the more efficient screening tests and burgeoning knowledge about how a molecules biological activities are likely to be changed, the traditional approach of discovering new drugs has been improved.
2)With the parallel synthesis used to identify which small segment of any given large protein would bind to an antibody, Mario Geysen generated a variety of short protein fragments by combining multiple amino acids in different permutations.
)A parallel synthesis and a split-and-mix synthesis are different in that in a split-and-mix synthesis, all the products are assembled separately n their respective reaction vessels.
4) In many laboratories, robots are used in the routine work of parallel synthesis to deliver small amounts of reactive molecules into appropriate wells, thus making the process more accurate and less tedious.
5) In a parallel synthesis, each compound remains in its own container; while in a split-and-min synthesis, the related ce mpounds are mixed up in the same reaction vessel.
6)In order to solve the difficulties of identifying the compounds made in a parallel synthesis scientists pull out from the mixture the beads that bear biologically active molecules and determine the molecular makeup o d attached.
1)The concentration of a drug in whole plasma is the most accurate index of the drug concentration at the site(s) of action.
(2)It is difficult to measure the total concentration of both unbound and bound drug in total plasma.
(3)The clinical effect of a drug is assumed to be directly related to the plasma drug concentration.
(4) Systemically acting drugs administered by all routes involve the absorption of drug from the place of administration into the blood.
5)Bioavailability of a drug indicates whether a therapeutically effective concentration is achieved at the site(s)of action of that drug.
(6)Prodrugs are not therapeutically effective unless they are changed into therapeutically active forms before or after reaching the systemic circulation
(1)地球表层覆盖着很多圈层,其中最厚的圈层是 ___
A. 岩石圈
B. 水圈
C. 大气圈
D. 生物圈
(2)目前受人类影响最强烈的地球圈层部位主要在大气圈底层、岩石圈上层以及 ___
A. 生物圈表层
B. 生物圈中层
C. 水圈底层
D. 水圈全部
A. 大气圈、水圈和岩石圈的全部
B. 大气圈和水圈的全部、岩石圈的上部
C. 大气圈的底部、水圈和岩石圈的全部
D. 大气圈的底部、水圈的全部和岩石圈的上部
(4)地球上最大的生态系统是 ___
A. 森林生态系统
B. 生物圈
C. 海洋生态系统
D. 城市生态系统
A. 草原
B. 针叶林
C. 沼泽地
D. 热带雨林
(7)地球的表面积总共达到5.1亿平方千米,其中海陆各占的比例大致是 ___
A. 三分海洋七分陆
B. 七分海洋三分陆
C. 四分海洋六分陆
D. 六分海洋四分陆
A. 2%
B. 51%
C. 71%
D. 91%
A. 地形多种多样
B. 山地面积广大
C. 地势平坦,起伏和缓
D. 西高东低 呈阶梯状
A. 森林资源不足
B. 耕地资源不足
C. 水能资源不足
D. 动植物资源不足
(11)北回归线穿过的我国省区自西向东排列正确的是 ①广东 ②广西 ③云南 ④台湾 ___
A. ①②③④
B. ③①②④
C. ③②①④
D. ④①②③
A. 西北和东北
B. 东北和东南
C. 西南和西北
D. 东南和西南
A. 南丰北缺
B. 东北地区缺水最严重
C. 冬春季节少,夏秋季节多
D. 绝大部分地区水资源丰富
A. 山前桃花山后雪
B. 塔里木盆地终年干燥少雨
C. 昆明四季如春
D. 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开