A. 卫生局既可以根据听证笔录,也可以不根据听证笔录作出行政许可决定
B. 听证笔录可以作为卫生局作出行政许可决定的参考
C. 卫生局可以根据听证笔录以外的事实为依据作出行政许可决定
D. 卫生局应当根据听证笔录作出行政许可决定
A. 1000,2
B. 5000,51
C. 1000,1
D. 500,1
A. 30年
B. 50年
C. 患者终生
D. 永久
A. 30日,30日
B. 30日,40日
C. 20日,20日
D. 20日,30日
A. 被申请人认为需要停止执行的
B. 行政复议机关认为需要停止执行的
C. 申请人申请停止执行,行政复议机关认为其要求合理,决定停止执行的
D. 其他相关人员认为需要停止执行的
A. 更改
B. 代用
C. 调配
D. 更改或者代用
A. Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类
B. Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类
C. Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类
D. Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类
A. 半年
B. 9个月
C. 1年
D. 3个月
A. 血液中心
B. 中心血站
C. 中心血库
D. 脐带血造血干细胞库
某市卫生监督人员在对一家正在菅业的医院进行监督检查时发现,该医院《医疗机构执业许可证》未按期校验,卫生行政部门应____ 。___
A. 责令其限期补办校验手续
B. 予以3000元以下罚款
C. 警告
D. 吊销其《医疗机构执业许可证》
A. 1/2
B. 2/3
C. 3/4
D. 3/5
A. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府
B. 设区的市级人民政府
C. 县级人民政府
D. 设区的市、县两级人民政府
A. 本单位人事部门
B. 县级以上卫生行政部门
C. 省级以上卫生行政部门
D. 准予注册的卫生行政部门
A. 30,5
B. 30,7
C. 60,5
D. 60,7
A. 感染了艾滋病病毒而且已经出现临床症状和体征的人
B. 接触过艾滋病病人的人
C. 接触过艾滋病病毒的人
D. 感染了艾滋病病毒但还没出现临床症状和体征的人
A. 县级以上地方人民政府城市供水行政主管部门
B. 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政主管部门
C. 县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门
D. 县级以上地方人民政府建设行政主管部门
A. 妇科专业
B. 呼吸内科专业
C. 老年病专业
D. 消化内科专业
A. 婚前医学检查
B. 遗传病诊断
C. 助产技术服务
D. 产前诊断
A. 10例以上的医院感染暴发事件
B. 发生特殊病原体或者新发病原体的医院感染
C. 可能造成重大公共影响或者严重后果的医院感染
D. 30例以上的医院感染暴发事件
A. 制止违法行为
B. 防止证据损毁
C. 避免危害发生
D. 控制危险扩大
A. 增强了国家机关办事的透明度
B. 保证了人民群众的知情权.参与权和监督权
C. 体现了社会主义民主的真实性
D. 扩大了公民的政治权利
A. 进入人体组织、无菌器官的医疗器械、器具和物品必须达到灭菌水平
B. 接触皮肤、粘膜的医疗器械、器具和物品必须达到消毒水平
C. 各种用于注射、穿刺、采血等有创操作的医疗器具必须一用一灭菌
D. 医疗机构使用的消毒药械、一次性医疗器械和器具应当符合国家有关规定。一次性使用的医疗器械、器具不得重复使用
A. 没收违法所得
B. 吊销许可证或者执照
C. 较大数额罚款
D. 行政拘留
A. 隐瞒、阻碍、拒绝卫生行政部门监督检查或者不如实提供有关资料的
B. 工作人员未取得相关岗位执业资格或者未经执业注册从事采供血浆工作的
C. 对供血浆者未履行事先告知义务,未经供血浆者同意开展特殊免疫的
D. 未按照规定建立供血浆者档案管理及屏蔽、淘汰制度的
A. 婚前医学检查
B. 终止妊娠、结扎手术
C. 产前诊断
D. 遗传病诊断
A. 开展血液相关的科研工作
B. 按照省级人民政府卫生行政部门的要求,在规定范围内开展无偿献血者的招募、血液的采集与制备、临床用血供应以及医疗用血的业务指导等工作
C. 对所在行政区域内的中心血库进行质量控制
D. 承担卫生行政部门交办的任务
A. 放射工作人员职业健康检查结论
B. 放射工作人员接受法律法规培训情况
C. 个人剂量监测结果
D. 放射工作人员职称晋升情况
A. 业务需要
B. 执业地点
C. 执业类别
D. 执业范围
每一个民族都有自己的教育传统,不随时代变迁而消失。这说明教育具有( )
A. 继承性
B. 永恒性
C. 历史性
D. 长期性
在教育整体中,最基本、最主要的教育形式是( )
A. 家庭教育
B. 社会教育
C. 学校教育
D. 自我教育
依据教育的形式化程度,可将教育形态分为( )
A. 非形式化教育和形式化教育
B. 非制度化教育和制度化教育
C. 正规教育和非正规教育
D. 非形式化教育和正规教育
教育的“生物起源说”和“心理起源说”的共同缺陷是都否定了( )
A. 教育的科学属性
B. 教育的生产属性
C. 教育的社会属性
D. 教育的艺术属性
马克思主义者认为,教育是一种( )
A. 自然现象
B. 社会现象
C. 心理现象
D. 生理现象
在教育的基本要素里,作为中介的是( )
A. 教育者
B. 受教育者
C. 教育媒介
D. 教育内容
关于教育的起源一直是众说纷纭,其中,我国古代的朱熹所持的观点是( )
A. 神话起源说
B. 生物起源说
C. 心理起源说
D. 劳动起源说
“教育能够干什么”是指( )
A. 教育属性
B. 教育目的
C. 教育功能
D. 教育效应
A vApp named Sales has a Memory Limit of 32 GB and a CPU Limit of 12,000 MHz. There are three virtual machines within the vApp: <Sales-DB -- Has a memory reservation of 20 GB. > <Sales-DC -- Has a memory reservation of 8 GB. > <Sales-Web -- Has a memory reservation of 8 GB.> Which statement is correct? ___
A. All three virtual machines can power on, but will have memory contention.
B. All three virtual machines can power on without memory contention.
C. Only two of the three virtual machines can power on.
D. Only one of the virtual machines can power on.
You are editing the management network configuration of an ESXi 6.x Host from the vSphere Web Client. You mistakenly put the incorrect VLAN in place for the management network. What action do you need to take to correct this? ___
A. You need to manually edit the configuration on the host with command line utilities.
B. No action is required. By default ESXi rolls back configuration changes that disconnect the host.
C. The ESXi host system configuration will need to be restored to the factory configuration to fix the issue.
D. The change can be reverted in the vSphere Web Client by simply editing the switch again.
What is true about resource pools created on a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) cluster?___
A. A root resource pool is created with the specified values.
B. A root resource pool is automatically created using the aggregate total of the ESXi host resources in the cluster.
C. A root resource pool is automatically created using the aggregate total of all resources in the datacenter.
D. A root resource pool is not needed when creating resource pools on a DRS cluster.
An administrator attempts to enable Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) on a cluster. The operation results in a compatibility error, as shown in the exhibit. What is the likely cause of this error? ___
A. The CPUs in the ESXi host are not AMD CPUs.
B. The CPUs in the ESXi host do not support hardware virtualization capabilities.
C. The XD/NX CPU features have not been enabled in the BIOS of the server.
D. There is no shared storage between the hosts in the cluster.
What condition would prevent an administrator from creating a new VMFS3 datastore on an ESXi 6.x host using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be created on an ESXi 6.x host.
B. The VMFS3 kernel module is not loaded.
C. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be mounted on an ESXi 6.x host.
D. VMFS3 datastores are not compatible with virtual machines created on an
E. SXi 6.x host.
During a new vSphere Distributed Switch configuration, where does the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value get modified? ___
A. Uplink Settings
B. Switch Settings
C. Portgroup Settings
D. NIC Teaming Settings
A small company wants to use VMware products for its production systems. The system administrator needs to recommend a solution that will deliver High Availability to the company's production applications. What is minimum vSphere offering that will support this requirement? ___
A. vSphere Essentials
B. vSphere Essentials Plus
C. vSphere Hypervisor
D. vSphere Standard
Which scenario shows a reason for VMware Tools failing to install? ___
A. Virtual machine has a CD-ROM configured.
B. Guest OS Antivirus is blocking the VMware Tools installation.
C. Guest OS has 64-bit ldd (list dynamic dependencies) utility installed.
D. Virtual machine is powered on.
An administrator is configuring an ESXi 6.x host to use multiple NICs to resolve a management network redundancy error. After configuring a second NIC, the server is not able to communicate when the primary connection is taken down. The administrator analyzes the Exhibit shown here. Based on the exhibit, what is the likely cause of the issue? ___
A. vmnic4 is not attached to a vSwitch.
B. vmnic2 is not connected to a physical switch.
C. E1000 is the incorrect NIC
D. river for this card.
What information is required as part of an interactive ESXi 6.x installation? ___
A. Keyboard layout
B. IP Address
C. Root password
D. DNS information
What is the default load balancing policy for a newly created VMkernel port on a vSphere Distributed Switch? ___
A. Route based on orginating virtual port ID
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on source mac address
D. Route based on physical NIC load
An administrator deploys vCenter Server using the embedded Platform Services Controller. After testing the deployment for a couple of months, it is determined that the environment would be better served with an external Platform Services Controller. What should the administrator do to meet this new requirement? ___
A. Deploy a fresh instance of vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller.
B. Perform a fresh install of an external Platform Services Controller.
C. Migrate the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
D. Upgrade the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
Why are some virtual machines orphaned after rebooting a High Availability (HA) enabled host? ___
A. The Orphaned virtual machines have HA restart disabled.
B. The Orphaned virtual machines moved recently and the change did not persist.
C. The host is attached to failed storage.
D. The host just came out of maintenance mode.
Which vSphere 6 Standard Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA
An application running in a virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. When utilizing performance monitoring utilities, it is noted that the CPU Utilization of the application is at 100%. Which two scenarios are probable causes of the CPU contention for the application? (Choose two.)___
A. There is a network I/O constraint.
B. There is a storage I/O constraint.
C. There is insufficient disk space assigned to the virtual machine.
D. The application is not virtualization aware.
A Fault Tolerance (FT) virtual machine with four vCPUs is experiencing high latency when performing ICMP and Application tests. What are three potential causes that may be attributing to this latency? (Choose three.)___
A. The FT network has insufficient bandwidth and is running on a 1GB Link.
B. The FT network is on a particularly high latency link.
C. The FT network has been configured with Network I/O Control.
D. The FT virtual machine is running an e1000 network adapter.
E. The
F. T virtual machine is running on poor performing network-based storage.
A virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. The following performance metrics are observed: <CPU usage value for the virtual machine is above 90%> < CPU ready value for the virtual machine is above 20%> Which two activities will likely resolve the performance issues? (Choose two.)___
A. Set a CPU reservation for the virtual machine.
B. Increase the CPU limit on the virtual machine.
C. Decrease CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
D. Increase CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
An administrator is upgrading a vSphere Distributed Switch. The existing switch is version 6.0 and the administrator wants to upgrade to the latest version possible. The environment contains several ESXi 6.1 hosts. Which two options are available to ensure that the upgraded switch will be compatible with these hosts? (Choose two.)___
A. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 6.0
B. Upgrade the ESXi 5.5 hosts to version 6.0, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
C. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.1
D. Upgrade the
E. SXi host switches to 5.5, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
An administrator attempts to create a Thick Provisioned Virtual Disk (VMDK) on an NFS datastore; but it fails. Which two reasons would explain the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Datastore is on an NFS 3 storage server that does not support Hardware Acceleration
B. Datastore is on an NFS 4.1 storage server
C. Only VMFS datastores support "Thick Provisioned" VMDK
D. The NFS datastore was not created on a "Thick Provisioned" device
Which two NFS Protocol versions does vSphere 6 support? (Choose two.)___
A. Version 3
B. Version 3.1
C. Version 4
D. Version 4.1
Which three operations occur during a cold migration of a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. The virtual machine disks are moved if the datastore is being changed.
B. The virtual machine is registered with the destination server.
C. The source virtual machine is removed from the old hosts.
D. The virtual machine hardware is upgraded.
E. The virtual machine files are quiesced prior to the migration.
A 4 GB Memory virtual machine is experiencing extended memory issues, as shown in the Exhibit. What potential issues could be attributed to this memory pressure?___
A. A limit is imposed on the virtual memory of this virtual machine.
B. The Balloon driver has been uninstalled.
C. A limit has been imposed on the Virtual CPU of the virtual machine.
D. Storage IO control has been enabled for the virtual machine causing the swapped memory.
You are creating a virtual machine in the Web Client using the New Virtual Machine wizard. Which two steps are required? (Choose two.)___
A. Select a valid name.
B. Select a cluster for the compute resource.
C. Select a network adapter.
D. Select the virtual machine compatibility.
An administrator has been given requirements to configure vMotion for a new virtual machine. The configuration should: <Provide Network Redundancy Use VLAN 550> <Be secured against anyone trying to spoof communication The vSwitch1 configuration is shown in the Exhibit.> Which three changes should be made to meet the stated requirements? (Choose three.)___
A. The VLAN ID must be set appropriately.
B. The default values for MAC Address Changes and Forged Transmits must be altered.
C. The teaming and failover adapters must be set appropriately.
D. The Traffic Shaping configuration must be altered.
E. The Load Balancing Policy must be set appropriately.
Which three traffic types are available services options when configuring a vmkernel port? (Choose three.)___
A. Provisioning Traffic
B. Virtual Volumes Traffic
C. vSphere Replication NFC Traffic
D. Virtual SAN Traffic
E. FCoE Traffic
An administrator logs into the vSphere Web Client, but is unable to see any hosts and clusters. Which two options could fix the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify that the client web browser and vCenter Server are in the same broadcast domain.
B. Verify that the vCenter Server system is registered with the same Platform Services Controller as the vSphere Web Client.
C. Log in to the vCenter Server as a user within the Active
D. irectory domain.
Which three VLAN Tagging modes are available in vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. External Switch Tagging
B. Private VLAN Tagging
C. Virtual Switch Tagging
D. VXLAN Tagging
E. Virtual Guest Tagging
Which two statements are true about VMFS5 datastores on ESXi 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual Disk (VMDK) size can be larger than 2TB.
B. Datastore extent size can be larger than 2TB.
C. Only Physical Mode Raw
D. evice Map (Passthrough-RDM) can be larger than 2TB.
Which two statements are correct when turning off a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is maintained.
B. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is removed.
C. The affinity settings of the
D. RS cluster are removed and not maintained when DRS is re-enabled.
An administrator is creating a new Virtual SAN cluster on a Layer 2 network. There is an existing Virtual SAN cluster on the same Layer 2 network. Which two actions would allow the new Virtual SAN cluster to coexist with the older cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Change the default Multicast Address on the new Virtual SAN cluster.
B. Change the default Unicast Address on the new Virtual SAN Cluster.
C. Create a separate VLAN for each cluster.
D. Create an ARP Alias for the Virtual SAN VMkernel Network Adapter.
A vCenter Operations Manager 5.7 environment is upgraded to vRealize Operations. After the upgrade, the analytics services fail to start. Which three steps must be taken to resolve the problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Take the vRealize Operations cluster offline.
B. Delete the activity persistence files.
C. Bring the cluster back online.
D. Remove any unresponsive nodes.
E. Stop the CaSA service.
An organization has an ESXi 6.x host that contains two resource pools. The host is being relocated to a DRS cluster. What two actions can be taken to integrate the host into the cluster, and what would happen to the existing ESXi resource pool hierarchy as a result? (Choose two.)___
A. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
B. Create a resource pool for the ESXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
C. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
D. Create a resource pool for the
E. SXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
Which two parameters are required when adding an iSCSI target to an iSCSI Software Adapter using Dynamic Discovery? (Choose two.)___
A. The iSCSI device's IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
B. The Port Number
C. The iSCSI device's iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)
D. The Default Gateway IP Address
Which two SMTP Notification Event Details are specific to alarms triggered by events? (Choose two.)___
A. User Name
B. Summary
C. Old Status
D. Target
Which two High Availability ___ Cluster admission control policies can help avoid resource fragmentation? (Choose two.)(AC)
A. Define failover capacity by static number of hosts
B. Define failover capacity by reserving a percentage of the cluster resources
C. Use dedicated failover hosts
D. Use Virtual Machine Monitoring
An attempt to enable vSphere Fault Tolerance for a powered-on virtual machine fails. Which two scenarios would result in this failure? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine has three vCPUs configured.
B. The host on which the virtual machine is running has insufficient memory resources.
C. The virtual machine has insufficient resources to accommodate full reservation plus the overhead memory.
D. VMware High Availability is enabled on the cluster of which this host is a member.
A vApp template recently added to a Content Library is not displayed. Which two actions could correct this problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Manually synchronize the library
B. Select the Download all library content immediately option
C. Select the Sync subscribed library option
D. Manually download the vApp template
What are three valid disk configurations for the vSphere Data Protection 6.x Appliance? (Choose three.)___
A. 500GB
B. 1TB
C. 1.5TB
D. 2TB
E. 4TB
Which three connection types are available when configuring a vSwitch in the vSphere Web Client? (Choose three.)___
A. VMkernel Network Adapter
B. Physical Network Adapter
C. Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch
D. vMotion Network Adapter
E. vSAN Network Adapter
Which three features can be enabled for a new host cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduling
B. High Availability
C. Fault Tolerance
D. Distributed Resource Scheduling
E. Virtual SAN