A. 20日
B. 25日
C. 30日
D. 35日
A. 15日
B. 20日
C. 25日
D. 30日
A. 5日
B. 7日
C. 10日
D. 15日
A. 6 000 mm
B. 6 200 mm
C. 6 330 mm
D. 6 450 mm
A. 5日
B. 7日
C. 10日
D. 15日
A. 2 000 mm
B. 1 500 mm
C. 1 000 mm
D. 600 mm
A. 1 345 cm
B. 1 345 mm
C. 1 435 mm
D. 1 435 cm
窄轨铁路的轨距为___或者1 000 mm。
A. 752 mm
B. 760 mm
C. 762 mm
D. 765 mm
A. 铁道部
B. 建设行业
C. 国家
D. 国际
A. 2 000 mm
B. 1 500 mm
C. 1 000 mm
D. 600 mm
A. 1.6 m
B. 1.8 m
C. 2 m
D. 2.4 m
A. 2 m
B. 3 m
C. 4 m
D. 5 m
A. 巡视不少于两人,其安全等级不低于三级
B. 巡视人员应戴安全帽,穿防护服,携带望远镜和通信工具
C. 任何情况下巡视,对接触网都必须以有电对待
D. 夜间巡视还要有照明用具
A. 在160 km/h~200 km/h区段巡视时,应事先告知供电调度,并在车站设置行车防护
B. 在200 km/h以上区段,一般不进行步行巡视
C. 在160 km/h~200 km/h区段长大桥梁、隧道,一般不进行步行巡视
D. 巡视人员不得攀登支柱并时刻注意避让列车
A. 114
B. 117
C. 119
D. 120
《接触网安全工作规程》规定, 冰、雪、霜、雨等天气条件下,接触网作业用的车梯、梯子以及检修车应有___措施。
A. 安全防护
B. 加强
C. 双重
D. 后备保护
A. 安全可靠
B. 牢固可靠
C. 方便操作
D. 安全且方便操作
A. 安全可靠的地方
B. 工具包内
C. 工具材料袋内
D. 安全且方便操作的所
A. 2级
B. 3级
C. 4级
D. 无硬性规定
A. 每个作业地点均要设有专人监护
B. 其安全等级不低于四级
C. 与停电作业相同
D. (A)和(B)同时满足
A. 第一次受电开始
B. 交管运行后
C. 正式运营后
D. 送电后
A. 封锁的线路上
B. 确保不影响情况下
C. 设好防护后
D. 上报批准后
当电压为220 kV架空电线路跨越接触网时,与接触网的垂直距离不小于___。
A. 3 000 mm
B. 4 000 mm
C. 5 000 mm
D. 6 000 mm
A. 1 m
B. 1.5 m
C. 2 m
D. 2.5 m
A. 周期修和状态修
B. 维修和大修
C. 停电、带电和远离
D. 静态和动态
A. 步行巡视
B. 登乘机车巡视
C. 全面检查
D. 以上都是
A. 所安排的作业项目是必要和可能的
B. 所采取的安全措施是正确和完备的
C. 所配备的工作领导人和作业组成员的人数和条件符合规定
D. 以上均是
A. 接受工作票的作业组工作领导人
B. 作业组安全检查员
C. (A)和(B)
D. 值班员
A. 1 500 mm
B. 1 000 mm
C. 700 mm
D. 600 mm
A. 10 2次方 MΩ
B. 10 3次方 MΩ
C. 10 4次方 MΩ
D. 10 5次方 MΩ
A. 0.5 m
B. 1 m
C. 2 m
D. 3 m
In the first two paragraphs of the passage the writer tries to tell us that___
A. he had lived in Washington D.C. for twenty years
B. he was very imaginative when he was a child
C. he had fond memories of his old neighborhood
D. )he had come from a very poor neighborhood
The writer ,as a child ,was very fond of playing in the basement because ___
A. it was bright and alive
B. it contained a movie house and a space station
C. it was ideal for playing hide-and-seek
D. it was surrounded by trees and flowers
How did the writer feel when he visited his old neighborhood in Washington D.C. ?___
A. Greatly surprised .
B. Very regretful .
C. Quite excited .
D. Very sad .
On his visit to his hometown ,the writer found the old apartment building___
A. see medunfit to live in
B. had been repaired
C. could hardly be recognized
D. looked dirty and smelt horrible
" Youcan never go home again "inthe last sentence of this passage means that___
A. one should never revisit his hometown after many years of absence
B. one will never find his hometown the same as it was in his childhood memory
C. avisit to one's hometown will bring back one's fond memories of home
D. avisit to one's hometown will bring back many sad memorie
We learn from the passage that Tracy died___
A. on December 8,1992
B. of brain damage
C. 24 hours after he fell off the roof of a car
D. in a car crash
Tracy's parents decided to donate Tracy's organs because___
A. Tracy told them to do so just before he died
B. they wanted to save others the pain of seeing a dear one die
C. David's life could continue in a meaningful way
D. they knew David was suffering from a hopeless liver disease
The meeting between the writer's family and Tracy's parents was arranged because___
A. the writer and her husband wished to express their thanks to Tracy's parents
B. the local organ bank wanted to see how both families felt about the donation
C. Tracy's parents wanted to see someone whose life had been saved by the donation
D. the two families were linked by the most bittersweet ties imaginable
The writer and her husband learned how Tracy died___
A. from his parents
B. from the organ bank
C. from the hospital
D. from the doctor who performed the operation
The meeting between the two families helped to ease the Marshes'suffering because___
A. they saw that David looked very much like their son
B. they saw that David had regained health with Tracy's liver
C. they now had someone to share their memories of Tracy
D. they now knew for sure they had done the right thing
The writer's first marriage was unsuccessful because___
A. her husband often woke her up at midnight
B. her husband kept criticizing her
C. she was so unattractive
D. she had a self-esteem problem
When the writer asked for a divorce ,her husband___
A. told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did
B. delayed two years before giving her a reply
C. accused her of having an affair
D. said that she was unattractive and not worth loving
When the writer first met Clint ,she felt that___
A. she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier
B. Clint was a nice ,dazzling young man
C. Clint could not be really interested in her
D. she would find true love in Clint
The writer was particularly touched by Clint because___
A. he loved her children and asked for their approval of the marriage
B. he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the children
C. he believed that at 2 and 4 ,the two children were the "menof the house "
D. hekept her company and talked with her until the next morning
The writer's marriage to Clint is important to her mainly because___
A. it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life
B. every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her
C. it helped her to regain her self respect
D. it made her children happy ,which is all she cared about in life
What was Goodall's childhood dream ?___
A. She dreamed of going to college .
B. She dreamed of studying animals in Africa .
C. She dreamed of becoming a scientist .
D. She dreamed of traveling all around the world .
What did Goodall's mother think of her dream ?___
A. As a girl she should not go to the African jungle .
B. Her dream would remain a dream unless she got the right training .
C. As a girl she should stay away from violent animals .
D. She could make her dream come true if she was determined .
Goodall's most important discovery was that___
A. some animals use tools
B. like humans animals have emotions
C. chimpanzees could attack each other violently
D. termites are chimpanzees'favorite food
Goodall's success is chiefly due to her___
A. exceptional talents
B. scientific training
C. determination and patience
D. enthusiasm and good luck
What is Goodall doing now ?___
A. Studying animal behavior at Cambridge University .
B. Raising funds for the preservation of wildlife .
C. Observing chimpanzees in African jungles .
D. Working hard supervising postgraduate students.
A. 新时期
B. 新时代
C. 重要战略机遇期
D. 关键期
A. 小康社会
B. 社会主义现代化强国
C. 和谐社会
D. 中国特色社会主义
A. 专业基础
B. 通识教育
C. 思想政治理论
D. 专业选修
A. 中国特色社会主义文化建设
B. 中国特色社会主义经济建设
C. 中国特色社会主义政治建设
D. 中国特色社会主义法治建设
A. 清华大学
B. 北京大学
C. 复旦大学
D. 浙江大学
A. 学习科学理论
B. 理论联系实际
C. 知行统一
D. 多思考深理解
A. 社会活动
B. 培养动手能力
C. 恋爱
D. 学习
A. 实事求是
B. 解放思想
C. 求真务实
D. 善于思考
A. 求实
B. 一丝不苟
C. 勤奋
D. 敢为人先
A. 思想道德为法律提供制度保障。
B. 思想道德为法律提供思想指引和价值基础
C. 思想道德和法律都是调节人们思想行为、协调人际关系、维护社会秩序的重要手段。
D. 坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,既要发挥思想道德的引领和教化作用,又要发挥法律的规范和强制作用。
A. 思想政治素质
B. 道德素质
C. 思想道德素质
D. 法治素质
A. 自然属性是人的本质属性
B. 社会属性是人的本质属性
C. 自然属性和社会属性都是人的本质属性
D. 自然属性和社会属性都不是人的本质属性
A. 单个人所固有的抽象物
B. 一切社会关系的总和
C. 人性本善
D. 人性本恶
A. 生产关系
B. 经济关系
C. 社会关系
D. 政治关系
A. 人的属性
B. 人的本质
C. 社会关系
D. 自然属性
A. 人生态度
B. 人生目的
C. 人生价值
D. 人生道路
A. 人生目的
B. 人生态度
C. 人生价值
D. 人生准则