With increased taxation and rising prices, I am going to have to __________ on quite a lot of things – clothes, records and so on.___
A. cut off
B. cut in
C. cut out
D. cut down
Have a cup of tea, _______?___
A. shall we
B. will you
C. won't you
D. do you
There is very ___ hope that she will pass the exam.___
A. few
B. small
C. much
D. little
I am not sure whether we can give the right advice _____emergency.___
A. on account of
B. in case of
C. at the risk of
D. in spite of
In their letter to the students’ representative assembly, the freshmen insisted on __________ in the Student Union.___
A. represented
B. being represented
C. having represented
D. have been represented
Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _____.___
A. be put up
B. give in
C. be turned on
D. go out
----- John, may I ask you a favour? ----- _________
A. I’m sorry, but why?
B. Sure,what is it?
C. Yes,you could.
D. I’d love to,and I’m busy.
The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag.___
A. each carrying
B. whose that watch is
C. whose watch is that
D. whose watch is
Her heart _____ faster when she entered the exam hall.___
A. jumped
B. sank
C. beat
D. hit
The taxi driver was put in_____prison because his car had knocked down a child.His wife went to_____ prison to see him twice a month.___
A. /; /
B. the; the
C. /; the
D. the; /
----- Where’s John, do you know? ----- Oh, _____to hospital.___
A. he’s taken
B. he’ll be taken
C. he’s been taken
D. he’ll take
It was the wealth of the_____pioneer landowner John Harvard that made Harvard University possible.___
A. precious
B. curious
C. anxious
D. prosperous
----- "Where is your college located, John?" ----- "It is ________."___
A. on the Fifth Avenue
B. on Fifth Avenue
C. in Fifth Avenue
D. at Fifth Avenue
__________ is she in London than she rings up her old friend Mary.___
A. Scarcely
B. Rarely
C. No sooner
D. Hardly
A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.___
A. truth
B. reason
C. cause
D. fact
he weather __________ us from climbing the mountain.___
A. discharged
B. disguised
C. disturbed
D. discouraged
I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you!It's really _____my wildest imagination.___
A. behind
B. beyond
C. except
D. through
John Smith is _____ honest young man.___
She __________ in wearing that old – fashioned hat.___
A. insists
B. persists
C. assists
D. consists
Some of the meat came from Canada. How about________?___
A. another
B. the other
C. others
D. the rest
I have brought you ___ flowers for your birthday. ___
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I have also experienced many adventures, but nothing that I have seen ___what you have described. ___
A. compares
B. relates
C. resembles
D. assembles
That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. ___
A. could
B. must
C. would
D. should
“What is Mary doing at home?” “She is playing ____.”___
A. a piano
B. her piano
C. piano
D. the piano
I’m busy now ,ask him to see me ____ time.___
A. the other
B. some other
C. other
D. another
The child took a spoonful and tasted it carefully __________ it was hot.___
A. in case
B. provided
C. if
D. unless
The French pianist who had been praised very highly __________ to be a great disappointment. ___
A. turned off
B. turned up
C. turned out
D. turned down
“Shall I turn on the television?” – “No, I’d rather not __________ television tonight.”___
A. have watched
B. to watch
C. watch
D. for watching
They said that they had made up their minds to ____the task in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.___
A. carry on
B. carry off
C. carry away
D. carry forward
The two girls are getting on very well and share with each other. ___
A. little
B. much
C. some
D. none
The teacher said that the classroom was empty __________ a few chairs.___
A. but for
B. except for
C. apart from
D. besides
______you choose, make sure that it is a good one. ___
A. What
B. Wherever
C. Whichever
D. Which
Vingo was released from prison_____the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence. ___
A. according to
B. as a result of
C. for reasons of
D. with the help of
A. 质量变革
B. 效率变革
C. 动力变革
D. 提高全要素生产率
A. 建设创新引领、协同发展的产业体系
B. 建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系
C. 建设体现效率、促进公平的收入分配体系
D. 建设彰显优势、协调联动的城乡区域发展体系
A. 大力发展实体经济
B. 加快实施创新驱动发展战略
C. 激发各类市场主体活力
D. 积极推动城乡域协调发展
A. 党的领导
B. 人民当家作主
C. 依法治国
D. 以德治国
A. 发挥党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用
B. 改进党的领导方式
C. 保证党领导人民有效治理国家
D. 改进党的执政方式
A. 扩大人民有序政治参与
B. 保证人民依法实行民主选举、民主协商、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督
C. 巩固基层政权,完善基层民主制度
D. 保障人民知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权
A. 维护国家法制统一、尊严、权威
B. 加强人权法治保障
C. 保证人民依法享有广泛权利和自由
D. 健全依法决策机制,构建决策科学、执行坚决、监督有力的权力运行机制
A. 中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度
B. 人民代表大会制度
C. 民族区域自治制度
D. 基层群众自治制度
A. 准确把握“一国”和“两制”的关系
B. 依照宪法和基本法办
C. 聚焦发展这个第一要务
D. 维护和谐稳定的社会环境
A. 坚持“和平统一、一国两制”方针
B. 推动两岸关系和平发展
C. 坚持一个中国原则和“九二共识”
D. 坚决反对和遏制任何形式的“台独”
A. 旗帜鲜明坚持马克思主义指导地位
B. 加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学
C. 坚持正确的舆论导向
D. 建设好网络空间
A. 发展的“推进器”
B. 民意的“晴雨表”
C. 社会的“粘合剂”
D. 道德的“风向标”
A. 民众的“迷魂汤”
B. 社会的“分离器”
C. 杀人的“软刀子”
D. 动乱的“催化剂”
A. 富强、民主、文明、和谐,
B. 自由、公平、公正、法治,
C. 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善
D. 自由、平等、公正、法治
A. 马克思主义指导思想
B. 中国特色社会主义共同理想
C. 以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神
D. 社会主义荣辱观
A. 把社会主义核心价值观融入社会生活各个方面
B. 坚持全民行动、干部带头,从家庭做起、从娃娃抓起
C. 立足中华优秀传统文化和革命文化
D. 发扬中国人民在长期奋斗中培育、继承、发展起来的伟大民族精神
A. 培养高度的文化自信
B. 大力发展文化事业
C. 提高国家文化软实力
D. 大力发展文化产业
A. 努力弘扬中华文化,推进中华文化创新发展
B. 讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,阐释好中国特色
C. 增强对外话语的创造力、感召力和公信力,提高国际话语权
D. 加强当代中国价值观念的提炼与阐释,拓展对外传播平台和载体
A. 高度文化素养的国民
B. 发达的文化产业
C. 文化自信
D. 强大的文化软实力
A. 优先发展教育事业
B. 提高就业质量和人民收入水平
C. 加强社会保障体系建设
D. 坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战
A. 创新社会治理体制
B. 改进社会治理方式
C. 加强社区治理体系建设
D. 加强社会心理服务体系建设
A. 完善国家安全体系
B. 健全公共安全体系
C. 推进平安中国建设
D. 加强国家安全能力建设
形成人与自然和谐发展新格局要 做到___
A. 把节约资源放在首位
B. 坚持保护优先、自然恢复为主
C. 着力推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展
D. 形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式
A. 推进绿色发展
B. 着力解决突出环境问题.
C. 加大生态系统保护力度
D. 改革生态环境监管体制
A. “一国两制”
B. “港人治港”
C. “澳人治澳”
D. 高度自治
A. 社会化
B. 法治化
C. 智能化
D. 专业化
A. 节能环保产业
B. 清洁生产产业
C. 绿色科技产业
D. 清洁能源产业
A. 绿色家庭
B. 绿色学校
C. 绿色社区
D. 绿色出行
A. 环保信用评价
B. 污染企业备案
C. 信息强制性披露
D. 严惩重罚
A. 生态保护红线
B. 永久基本农田
C. 城镇开发边界
D. 国土绿化面积
A. 有品德
B. 有理想
C. 有本领
D. 有担当第十一章“四个全面”战略布局
A. 系统性
B. 预见性
C. 创造性
D. 实效性
A. 理论与实践具体的历史的统一
B. 共性和个性具体的历史的统一
C. 价值判断与价值选择的辩证统一
D. 整体和部分的辩证统一
A. 均衡性
B. 平衡性
C. 协调性
D. 可持续性
A. 领域
B. 人口
C. 区域
D. 公共服务范围
A. 居民收入水平
B. 基础设施通达水平
C. 基本公共服务均等化水平
D. 人民生活水平
A. 平衡性
B. 包容性
C. 可持续性
D. 均衡性
A. 坚决打好防范化解重大风险攻坚战
B. 坚决打好精准脱贫攻坚战
C. 坚决打好供给侧结构性改革攻坚战
D. 坚决打好污染防治攻坚战
A. 地方债务风险演化为金融风险
B. 外部风险演化为内部风险
C. 经济金融风险演化为政治社会风险
D. 个体风险演化为系统性风险
A. 专项扶贫
B. 社会扶贫
C. 精准扶贫
D. 精准脱贫