I have brought you ___ flowers for your birthday. ___
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I have also experienced many adventures, but nothing that I have seen ___what you have described. ___
A. compares
B. relates
C. resembles
D. assembles
That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. ___
A. could
B. must
C. would
D. should
“What is Mary doing at home?” “She is playing ____.”___
A. a piano
B. her piano
C. piano
D. the piano
I’m busy now ,ask him to see me ____ time.___
A. the other
B. some other
C. other
D. another
The child took a spoonful and tasted it carefully __________ it was hot.___
A. in case
B. provided
C. if
D. unless
The French pianist who had been praised very highly __________ to be a great disappointment. ___
A. turned off
B. turned up
C. turned out
D. turned down
“Shall I turn on the television?” – “No, I’d rather not __________ television tonight.”___
A. have watched
B. to watch
C. watch
D. for watching
They said that they had made up their minds to ____the task in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.___
A. carry on
B. carry off
C. carry away
D. carry forward
The two girls are getting on very well and share with each other. ___
A. little
B. much
C. some
D. none
The teacher said that the classroom was empty __________ a few chairs.___
A. but for
B. except for
C. apart from
D. besides
______you choose, make sure that it is a good one. ___
A. What
B. Wherever
C. Whichever
D. Which
Vingo was released from prison_____the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence. ___
A. according to
B. as a result of
C. for reasons of
D. with the help of
Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something .___
A. seat... write
B. seated ... wrote
C. seated ... writing
D. seating ... writing
Cake __________ of flour, sugar, egg and some other ingredients. ___
A. contained
B. consists
C. includes
D. composed
Mr. Peter wanted Steve to take half the money, but Steve did not __________ it. ___
A. obtain
B. achieve
C. accept
D. receive
I'd like to take my picture ________stands a high tower. ___
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. there
__________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. ___
A. But for
B. As for
C. In spite of
D. Because of
Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ______move more quickly than in 1910.___
A. were to can
B. did
C. will
D. can
The little girl needs __________ after her shock. ___
A. being comforted
B. be comforted
C. comforting
D. comforted
The __________ horse ran away from the fire.___
A. having frightened
B. frightening
C. frightened
D. frighten
He is __________ of an actor. ___
A. anybody
B. anything
C. somebody
D. something
You can take ______ seat you like. ___
A. no matter what
B. no matter which
C. what
D. whichever
He changed his name, _____ that nobody would find out what he had done before. ___
A. having thought
B. to think
C. thinks
D. thinking
----- _______is your English teacher? ----- The one in red. ___
A. who
B. which
C. what
D. where
Can you give me a light for my cigarette? I have ____my matches.___
A. got out of
B. got rid of
C. got away with
D. run out of
Then the speaker __________ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.___
A. went for
B. went after
C. went into
D. went on
I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt_____ he can do a good job of it___.
A. whether
B. that
C. when
D. what
I'm afraid it ______ tomorrow, but who knows?___
A. may have rained
B. might rain
C. would rain
D. ought to rain
He has spent ____money on his new house.___
A. a large number of
B. the number of
C. lots of
D. numbers of
This is the hotel __________ I like to stay.___
A. in which
B. at which
C. to which
D. at that
Would you mind keeping a(n)__________on the house for us while we are away?___
A. eye
B. /look
C. hand
D. view
He suggested the sports meet be _______because of the bad weather. ___
A. put away
B. put up
C. put down
D. put off
If the weather is __________ suitable, we will play the football match on Tuesday. ___
A. by means of
B. by any means
C. by no means
D. by all means
_____________is one of the five working languages at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of.___
A. The Chinese, the Chinese
B. Chinese language, Chinese
C. Chinese, the Chinese
D. Chinese language, the Chinese
The war lasted so long that people were tired of it. Everyday there was large crowds of demonstrators _____against the war.___
A. protecting
B. prescribing
C. protesting
D. prosecuting
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ________ him.___
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
He ________ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.___
A. insisted on
B. insisted at
C. insisted that
D. insisted in
We came finally ______ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.___
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I am not used to speaking ________ public.___
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________to me.___
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
A. 生殖系统发育较早
B. 神经系统发育较早
C. 淋巴系统到青春期开始发育
D. 皮下脂肪发育较早
E. 肌肉组织的发育较早
A. 体重
B. 身高
C. 头围
D. 坐高
E. 胸围
A. 淋巴结核患者
B. 黏膜结核患者
C. 干酪性肺炎患者
D. 肝肾疾病患者
E. 结核性脑膜炎患者
A. 枕秃
B. 烦躁不安
C. 夜啼
D. 多汗
E. 血钙浓度明显降低
A. 防止感染
B. 保证营养供应
C. 做好日常生活护理
D. 重视新生儿筛查
E. 保持大便通畅
A. 持续发热1~2周
B. 两眼球结膜充血
C. 急性期四肢末端呈实性肿胀
D. 口腔黏膜弥漫性发红
E. 尿糖增高
A. 母乳
B. 牛乳
C. 羊乳
D. 全脂奶粉
E. 脱脂奶粉
A. 保暖
B. 保持固定体位
C. 吸痰
D. 皮肤护理
E. 口腔护理
A. PaO血氧浓度下降
B. PaO 升高
C. PaO 升高
D. pH升高
E. SaO升高
A. 心理护理
B. 常规做尿酮体检查
C. 建立2条静脉通路
D. 查血糖、二氧化碳结合力、钠、钾等
E. 观察并记录体温、呼吸、脉搏、血压、神志、瞳孔、尿量
A. 神志清醒
B. 哭闹不安
C. 吸吮困难
D. 牙关紧闭
E. 苦笑面容
A. 体重在2500g以下
B. 身长不足47cm
C. 哭声响
D. 耳壳发育软
E. 足底纹少
A. 窒息
B. 肺水肿
C. 肺不张
D. 坠积性肺炎
E. 肺透明膜病
A. 血小板减少性紫癜
B. 血友病
C. 过敏性紫癜
D. 儿童类风湿病
E. 肾病综合征
A. 人工喂养应以代乳品为主
B. 按婴儿年龄、体重等调制乳品量和浓度
C. 两次喂奶之间注意喂水
D. 哺喂前应抱婴儿呈半坐位,喂毕后抱直拍背
E. 哺喂前母亲应洗手且注意食具消毒
A. 100kcal
B. 110kcal
C. 120kcal
D. 130kcal
E. 140kcal
A. 3天
B. 5天
C. 7天
D. 10天
E. 15天
A. 轮状病毒
B. 脊髓灰质炎病毒
C. 疱疹病毒
D. 流感病毒
E. 柯萨奇病毒B
A. 减少患儿活动
B. 经常变换体位
C. 室内湿度60%
D. 给予雾化吸入
E. 给予镇咳剂
A. 大小便失禁
B. 高热
C. 舌咬伤
D. 阵发性青紫
E. 角弓反张
A. 甲状腺不发育或发育不良
B. 甲状腺激素合成途径缺陷
C. 激素缺乏
D. 孕母服用抗甲状腺药物
E. 碘缺乏
A. 维生素D缺乏
B. 血磷明显降低
C. 碱性磷酸酶增高
D. 血清离子钙降低
E. 钙磷乘积降低
A. 腹部、面部、躯干、臀部、四肢
B. 面部、腹部、躯干、四肢、臀部
C. 四肢、躯干、臀部、腹部、面部
D. 腹部、躯干、臀部、四肢、面部
E. 躯干、四肢、面部、臀部、腹部
A. 过敏性紫癜
B. 维生素C缺乏症
C. 血小板减少性紫癜
D. 新生儿出血症
E. 遗传性毛细血管扩张症
A. 水肿
B. 大量蛋白尿
C. 电解质紊乱
D. 低蛋白血症
E. 高胆固醇血症
A. 右上肢青紫
B. 左上肢青紫
C. 头面部青紫
D. 下半身青紫
E. 上半身青紫
A. 12~24小时
B. 24~48小时
C. 48~72小时
D. 1~4周
E. 4~8周
A. 小于3mm
B. 3~5mm
C. 6~10mm
D. 10~12mm
E. 13~15mm
A. 静脉推注
B. 静脉滴注
C. 吸入疗法
D. 口服
E. 皮下注射
A. 头顶到坐骨结节
B. 头顶到耻骨联合上缘
C. 头顶到耻骨联合下缘
D. 头顶到脐部联合下缘
E. 头顶到脐与耻骨联合的中点
A. 催吐
B. 脱去衣物
C. 洗胃
D. 灌肠
E. 导泻
A. 出生后立即注射丙种球蛋白
B. 出生后立即注射乙肝疫苗
C. 出生后立即注射乙肝高价免疫球蛋白
D. 出生后立即注射乙肝高价免疫球蛋白及乙肝疫苗
E. 出生后立即注射乙肝高价免疫球蛋白,半年内注射乙肝疫苗
A. 快速复温
B. 供给足够的热量
C. 控制感染
D. 支持疗法
E. 对症处理
A. 药物性黄疸
B. 新生儿溶血病
C. 先天性胆道闭锁
D. 胎粪延迟排出
E. 母乳性黄疸
A. 为喉部黏膜急性弥漫性炎症
B. 犬吠样咳嗽、声音嘶哑、喉鸣
C. 呼气性呼吸困难
D. 多于冬春季发病
E. 常见于婴幼儿
A. 下肢有局部血供障碍的患儿
B. 腹膜炎的患儿
C. 脐炎患儿
D. 1500g以下的早产儿
E. 坏死性小肠结肠炎患儿
A. 夜间入睡前1~3小时
B. 夜间入睡后1~3小时
C. 早晨清醒前1~3小时
D. 早晨清醒后1~3小时
E. 午休熟睡时
A. 颅内感染
B. 颅外感染
C. 颅内肿瘤
D. 代谢性疾病
E. 内分泌紊乱
A. 循环充血
B. 中毒性心肌炎
C. 心肌水肿
D. 电解质紊乱
E. 代谢性酸中毒
A. 腹泻伴中度高渗性脱水
B. 腹泻伴中度等渗性脱水
C. 腹泻伴中度低渗性脱水
D. 腹泻轻型伴等渗性脱水
E. 腹泻轻型伴低渗性脱水