With increased taxation and rising prices, I am going to have to __________ on quite a lot of things – clothes, records and so on.___
A. cut off
B. cut in
C. cut out
D. cut down
Have a cup of tea, _______?___
A. shall we
B. will you
C. won't you
D. do you
There is very ___ hope that she will pass the exam.___
A. few
B. small
C. much
D. little
I am not sure whether we can give the right advice _____emergency.___
A. on account of
B. in case of
C. at the risk of
D. in spite of
In their letter to the students’ representative assembly, the freshmen insisted on __________ in the Student Union.___
A. represented
B. being represented
C. having represented
D. have been represented
Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _____.___
A. be put up
B. give in
C. be turned on
D. go out
----- John, may I ask you a favour? ----- _________
A. I’m sorry, but why?
B. Sure,what is it?
C. Yes,you could.
D. I’d love to,and I’m busy.
The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag.___
A. each carrying
B. whose that watch is
C. whose watch is that
D. whose watch is
Her heart _____ faster when she entered the exam hall.___
A. jumped
B. sank
C. beat
D. hit
The taxi driver was put in_____prison because his car had knocked down a child.His wife went to_____ prison to see him twice a month.___
A. /; /
B. the; the
C. /; the
D. the; /
----- Where’s John, do you know? ----- Oh, _____to hospital.___
A. he’s taken
B. he’ll be taken
C. he’s been taken
D. he’ll take
It was the wealth of the_____pioneer landowner John Harvard that made Harvard University possible.___
A. precious
B. curious
C. anxious
D. prosperous
----- "Where is your college located, John?" ----- "It is ________."___
A. on the Fifth Avenue
B. on Fifth Avenue
C. in Fifth Avenue
D. at Fifth Avenue
__________ is she in London than she rings up her old friend Mary.___
A. Scarcely
B. Rarely
C. No sooner
D. Hardly
A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.___
A. truth
B. reason
C. cause
D. fact
he weather __________ us from climbing the mountain.___
A. discharged
B. disguised
C. disturbed
D. discouraged
I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you!It's really _____my wildest imagination.___
A. behind
B. beyond
C. except
D. through
John Smith is _____ honest young man.___
She __________ in wearing that old – fashioned hat.___
A. insists
B. persists
C. assists
D. consists
Some of the meat came from Canada. How about________?___
A. another
B. the other
C. others
D. the rest
I have brought you ___ flowers for your birthday. ___
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I have also experienced many adventures, but nothing that I have seen ___what you have described. ___
A. compares
B. relates
C. resembles
D. assembles
That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. ___
A. could
B. must
C. would
D. should
“What is Mary doing at home?” “She is playing ____.”___
A. a piano
B. her piano
C. piano
D. the piano
I’m busy now ,ask him to see me ____ time.___
A. the other
B. some other
C. other
D. another
The child took a spoonful and tasted it carefully __________ it was hot.___
A. in case
B. provided
C. if
D. unless
The French pianist who had been praised very highly __________ to be a great disappointment. ___
A. turned off
B. turned up
C. turned out
D. turned down
“Shall I turn on the television?” – “No, I’d rather not __________ television tonight.”___
A. have watched
B. to watch
C. watch
D. for watching
They said that they had made up their minds to ____the task in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.___
A. carry on
B. carry off
C. carry away
D. carry forward
The two girls are getting on very well and share with each other. ___
A. little
B. much
C. some
D. none
The teacher said that the classroom was empty __________ a few chairs.___
A. but for
B. except for
C. apart from
D. besides
______you choose, make sure that it is a good one. ___
A. What
B. Wherever
C. Whichever
D. Which
Vingo was released from prison_____the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence. ___
A. according to
B. as a result of
C. for reasons of
D. with the help of
Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something .___
A. seat... write
B. seated ... wrote
C. seated ... writing
D. seating ... writing
Cake __________ of flour, sugar, egg and some other ingredients. ___
A. contained
B. consists
C. includes
D. composed
Mr. Peter wanted Steve to take half the money, but Steve did not __________ it. ___
A. obtain
B. achieve
C. accept
D. receive
A. 社会总资本急剧增加
B. 社会就业率明显提高;
C. 个别资本规模迅速扩大
D. 绝对剩余价值总量快速增长
A. 生产集中发展到一定阶段的结果
B. 生产输出的结果;
C. 金融资本统治的结果
D. 国家干预经济生活的结果
A. 18世纪末期
B. 19世纪中期;
C. 19世纪末20世纪初
D. 第二次世界大战后
A. 资本家获得的超额利润
B. 垄断组织获得的平均利润
C. 垄断组织获得的一般利润
D. 垄断组织获得的超过平均利润的高额利润
A. 垄断统治
B. 垄断利润
C. 自由竞争
D. 资本主义私有制
A. 价值规律不再起作用了
B. 价值规律的作用受到了限制
C. 价值规律的作用形式发生了变化
D. 价值规律的内容发生了变化
A. 垄断统治
B. 资本输出
C. 国际垄断同盟
D. 占领殖民地
A. 避免两败俱伤
B. 联合起来共同发展
C. 相互之间竞争
D. 获取高额垄断利润
A. 卡特尔
B. 辛迪加
C. 托拉斯
D. 康采恩
A. 银行资本家
B. 工业资本家
C. 金融寡头
D. 商业资本家
A. 产业资本
B. 金融资本
C. 银行资本
D. 商业资本
A. 规定垄断价格
B. 获取高额垄断利润
C. 掌握国家政权
D. 避免两败俱伤
A. 内容变化
B. 作用性质
C. 作用形式
D. 作用力度
A. 参与制
B. 个人联合
C. 建立政策研究咨询机构对政府施加影响
D. 掌握舆论工具控制新闻媒介
A. 合作参与制
B. 个人联合
C. 建立政策研究咨询机构对政府施加影响
D. 掌握舆论工具控制新闻媒介
A. 垄断高价
B. 垄断低价
C. 自由价格
D. 市场价格
A. 获得平均利润
B. 获得超额利润
C. 获得高额垄断利润
D. 消灭中小企业
A. 国家政权与垄断资本相结合的垄断资本主义
B. 国家政权与垄断资本相分离的垄断资本主义
C. 消除了生产无政府状态的垄断资本主义
D. 解决了资本主义基本矛盾的垄断资本主义
A. 国有企业的存在
B. 国私共有的垄断资本
C. 私人垄断资本的主导地位
D. 国家对经济的干预和调节
A. 资本主义仍然具有强大的生产力
B. 社会主义制度很快就要建立
C. 私有制已经被公有制所代替
D. 为向社会主义过渡提供了最完备的物质准备
A. 可以完全克服
B. 不可能克服
C. 有可能克服
D. 可以克服其大部分
A. 大垄断资本家的经济利益
B. 中小资本家的经济利益
C. 垄断资产阶级的整体利益
D. 全体劳动人民的共同利益
A. 极少数金融寡头的经济利益
B. 国有企业的经济利益
C. 中小资本家的利益
D. 垄断资产阶级的整体利益
A. 从根本上解决了资本主义的基本矛盾
B. 消除了资本主义经济危机
C. 导致资本主义向社会主义和平过渡
D. 使生产无政府状态得到一定的缓解
A. 实现供求总量平衡,调整优化经济结构
B. 合理配置资源,提高社会生产力
C. 实现充分就业
D. 保证垄断资产阶级获得高额垄断利润
A. 私人垄断资本主义
B. 自由竞争资本主义
C. 国家垄断资本主义
D. 后资本主义
A. 发达国家帮助发展中国家发展经济的手段
B. 发达国家带动其商品输出的手段
C. 发达国与发展中国家的一种互助互利关系
D. 金融资本掠夺、剥削和奴役其它国家和人民的重要手段
A. 资本输出
B. 商品输出
C. 对外经济援助
D. 技术输出
A. 自由竞争
B. 垄断
C. 社会化大生产
D. 大量过剩资本
A. 国家垄断资本主义
B. 国际垄断同盟
C. 金融寡头
D. 资本输出
A. 资本输出
B. 商品输出
C. 占领殖民地
D. 建立国际垄断同盟
A. 军备力量的强弱
B. 资本和经济实力的大小
C. 国土的大小
D. 人口的多少
A. 生产资本
B. 商业资本
C. 借贷资本
D. 国家资本
A. 商业资本国际化
B. 借贷资本国际化
C. 产业资本国际化
D. 金融资本国际化
A. 跨国公司
B. 国际卡特尔
C. 国际辛迪加
D. 国际托拉斯
A. 发达国家共同出资建立的
B. 是由一国或一国的垄断组织为主建立起来的
C. 是多国垄断组织的联盟
D. 有关国际经济组织投资建立的
A. 是生产力高度发展的产物
B. 与生产力高度发展无关
C. 阻碍了生产力高度发展
D. 是少数国家推动的结果
A. 科学技术的发展为基础的
B. 国际分工的发展为基础的
C. 经济全球化的发展为基础的
D. 高新技术产业的发展为基础的
A. 发达资本主义国家占优势、为主导的经济运动
B. 发展中国家占优势、为主导的经济运动
C. 对外开放国家占优势、为主导的经济运动
D. 各国平等互利的经济运动
A. 只有消极的影响
B. 只有积极的影响
C. 无所谓积极与消极的影响
D. 既有积极也有消极的影响