A. 颗粒度
B. 水分
C. 灰分
D. 火源强度
A. 由高质量的涂层织物制成,可抗御芳香烃、卤代烃、酸、植物油及动物油的危害。
B. 由氯丁橡胶制成,高弹性塑料涂层,手套通过自动安全的坚固装置处理可快速安装及拆卸,两只手套可互换。
C. 有防扎鞋底及安全头,有极好的密封性,使用者可随意下蹲及站起。
D. 重量为5.7千克,使用期12年。
A. 组织救生小组,携带救生器材迅速进入危险区域
B. 采取正确的救助方式,将所有遇险人员移至安全区域
C. 对救出的人员进行登记、标识和现场急救
D. 将伤情较重者送交医院急救部门救治
A. 溶解性
B. 挥发性
C. 颗粒细度
D. 空气湿度
A. 燃烧性
B. 辐射性
C. 安定性
D. 敏感度
A. 神经性毒剂
B. 糜烂性毒剂
C. 窒息性毒剂
D. 刺激性毒剂
A. 氧气含量不低于17%
B. 狭小空间
C. 一定浓度有害气体场所
D. 核辐射环境
A. 可燃气
B. 毒气
C. 氧气
D. 放射性粉尘
A. 直流水
B. 消毒水
C. 蒸汽
D. 低压水
A. 拍打
B. 抖拂
C. 洗涤
D. 低压水清洗法
A. 消防钩
B. 安全钩
C. 护垫
D. 护具
A. 扩散迅速,危害范围大
B. 易发生爆炸燃烧事故
C. 迅速气化
D. 处置难度大
A. 注意避免尖锐物体
B. 防止被划伤或磨损
C. 避免接触油类及腐蚀性物品
D. 注意使用高度
E. 气垫充气不能太足
A. 适用性广
B. 机动性强
C. 流量大
D. 供水能力强
E. 大功率
A. 可燃气体储罐区
B. 高架仓库周围
C. 高层民用建筑周围
D. 供消防车取水的消防水池
A. 注意事项
B. 灾情设定和危害特性
C. 力量部署
D. 处置对策和勤务保障
A. 耐火等级高
B. 库房之间,防火,防爆间距规范,出入口少
C. 分类储存
D. 化学危险物品一般都为室内储存
A. 平时应用
B. 执勤应用
C. 灭火应用
D. 实战应用
A. 快速性
B. 多样性
C. 艰难性
D. 协调性
A. 被困人员数量、所处位置、火灾范围、火势蔓延途径
B. 商场内部消防设施可利用情况
C. 燃烧物质性质、商品受火势威胁程度
D. 确定人员、贵重商品疏散路线,灭火进攻路线和灭火阵地设置等情况
A. 低压泵
B. 中压泵
C. 中低压泵
D. 高压泵
E. 高低压泵
A. 中和洗消法
B. 物理洗消法
C. 化学洗消法
D. 喷雾洗消法
A. 现场询情、侦察检测
B. 设立警戒、有效防护
C. 疏散救人
D. 控源排险
A. 燃烧罐内油品的种类、储量、燃烧罐液面高度和液体表面积
B. 燃烧罐的罐顶结构,受火势威胁或热辐射作用的邻近油罐情况
C. 固定、半固定灭火装置完好程度,利用移动灭火装备进行灭火的位置
D. 重质油品的含水率,罐内有无水垫层
A. 消灭地面流淌火
B. 利用车载炮、高喷车、移动炮等移动装备灭火
C. 启动固定灭火装置实施冷却和灭火
D. 对油罐裂口、呼吸阀、量油口等处火炬型燃烧,可覆盖窒息灭火
A. 断电灭火
B. 带电灭火
C. 充分利用固定装置
D. 采取接地措施
A. 机场消防车
B. 登高平台消防车
C. 云梯消防车
D. 举高喷射消防车
E. 压缩空气泡沫消防车
A. 普通水罐消防车
B. 中低压泵水罐消防车
C. 高低压泵水罐消防车
D. 高中低压泵水罐消防车
E. 泵浦消防车
A. 材料的燃烧性能
B. 构建的截面尺寸
C. 保护层的厚度
D. 现场温度
A. 粉尘本身必须是可燃的。
B. 粉尘必须具有相当大的比表面积。
C. 粉尘必须悬浮在空气中,与空气混合形成爆炸极限范围内的混合物。
D. 有足够的点火能量。
A. 性质相互抵触的物品混存
B. 产品变质
C. 建筑不符合存放要求
D. 雷击
A. 易产生静电
B. 易受热膨胀
C. 易沸腾突溢
D. 油库内火源、电源难以禁绝
A. 故障显示、报警
B. 故障解除
C. 手动、自动转换
D. 火警优先
A. 室内消火栓系统
B. 自动喷水灭火系统
C. 泡沫、干粉、气体灭火系统
D. 消防联动控制设备及消防通信设备
A. 放射性污染
B. 军事毒剂
C. 生化组合毒剂
D. 化学事故
E. 高温有火焰灼伤危险
A. 火场温度高,烟雾大,且不易散出
B. 毒气重
C. 逃生困难
D. 火灾扑救困难
A. 准确、迅速
B. 正确选用灭火剂
C. 搞好个人安全防护
D. 始终保持和有关技术人员的配合
A. 毒害和感染性物品
B. 特殊毒剂
C. 杂类
D. 其他危险品
A. 扩散性
B. 可缩性和膨胀性
C. 带电性
D. 氧化性
The worker was not worried as he knew that if he gave up the job, there would be ___ opportunities for him to work somewhere else.
A. formative
B. marginal
C. vigorous
D. numerous
The research shows the region might ___ overheating (经济过热), but the policymakers so far appear to be relatively relaxed about the future of the economy.
A. catch a glimpse of
B. be at risk of
C. take a toll on
D. be free from
Measures have been taken to ensure that no student will have to ___ of college for economic reasons.
A. lay out
B. cancel out
C. drop out
D. stand out
Stress that is not treated can lead to significant medical illnesses, which ___ can lead to greater stress and even depression (抑郁症).
A. after all
B. in turn
C. on the contrary
D. at least
Narcissism (自恋) has its benefits in terms of self-belief and confidence, but it also tends to be ___ risky decision-making.
A. associated with
B. contrasted with
C. reserved for
D. relieved of
When Tom saw his doctor again, she suggested that maybe a more substantial lunch, like a sandwich, might ___ his desire to have snacks in the afternoon.
A. count on
B. cut back on
C. hold on to
D. contribute to
You shouldn’t ___ – let your children make their own decisions.
A. interact
B. abuse
C. startle
D. interfere
This is a huge and difficult project and if you take it up, you ___ many difficulties.
A. like to encounter
B. like encountering
C. are likely to encounter
D. are like to encounter
The ability to live for a long time without water is characteristic ___ the camel.
A. of
B. for
C. about
D. in
Rising sales is a good ___ that this product is well received in the market.
A. response
B. convention
C. indication
D. Influence
When tourists travel abroad, they are sometimes ___ by the local people because the tourists don’t know the real value of products.
A. turned in
B. given chase
C. wrapped up
D. ripped off
The professor’s lecture ___ the capacity of his young audience. They all looked puzzled at him.
A. pointed out
B. went beyond
C. contributed to
D. kept off
We must ___ on the amount of time we use on this project.
A. cut both ways
B. cut in line
C. cut off
D. cut down
We have to be very patient with this experiment. It will take time for some effects to ___ clearly.
A. build up
B. break up
C. clear up
D. show up
Perhaps there is a(n) ___ of truth in both theories, but few of us would ever have the opportunity to find out.
A. lump
B. substance
C. section
D. element
Be careful when you get along with her because she is known for her short ___.
A. temper
B. emotion
C. mood
D. feeling
It seems that wearing less formal clothing to school and work is becoming a(n) ___.
A. trend
B. campaign
C. goal
D. occurrence
You cannot correct children’s bad behavior simply with a (n) ___ or two on the hand or face.
A. slap
B. smash
C. slam
D. strike
Our investigations (调查) ___ something very surprising – many of the employees are underpaid and work overtime all the time.
A. reveal
B. bump
C. rip
D. frustrate
She was James’s faithful assistant, in whom he could have ___ confidence.
A. essential
B. automatic
C. ultimate
D. absolute
If you visit this website, you can ___ the categories to find information about all the universities in that area.
A. observe
B. browse
C. glance
D. look
Making New Year’s resolutions (计划) is a custom that still ___ in this country.
A. prevails
B. attaches
C. descends
D. launches
The military officers were more ___ about their own victory and therefore more willing to predict their enemy’s defeat.
A. appropriate
B. ignorant
C. negative
D. optimistic
___ is no doubt that overwork and much worry caused his illness.
A. It
B. There
C. Here
D. This
___ a day goes by that I don’t receive dozens of junk mails in my email box.
A. None
B. Usually
C. Nearly
D. Hardly
Please trust me. Try this new method ___.
A. you feel very relaxed
B. and you feel very relaxed
C. you will feel very relaxed
D. and you will feel very relaxed
John said Mom was coming back tomorrow, not next week. If this is the ___, we’ll all have to clean the house thoroughly.
A. point
B. norm
C. question
D. case
It is far too late for you to go out and play football, ___ the fact that it’s raining.
A. no doubt
B. despite
C. given
D. not to mention
However, under no circumstances should we ___ our achievements, nor should we regard our accomplishments as unimportant.
A. present
B. perceive
C. exemplify
D. exaggerate
Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there ___.
A. accurately
B. randomly
C. emotionally
D. continually
In many Middle Eastern cultures a deadline is taken as a(n) ___, and such terms should not appear in a purchase contract with businessmen from these countries.
A. target
B. favor
C. honor
D. insult
He is by no means a(n) ___ man. On the contrary, he always departs from customs.
A. disgraceful
B. sophisticated
C. traditional
D. intelligent
Although the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved, the government’s emphasis has been ___ from coal to nuclear.
A. intended
B. defined
C. attached
D. switched
The psychologist doesn’t say directly, but seems to ___ that emotional maturity and self-stimulation are the key elements for success.
A. inquire
B. imply
C. refer
D. confront
The top floors of a building collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble (瓦砾), but he was ___ and could talk to rescuers.
A. reasonable
B. rational
C. innocent
D. conscious
After ___ research by the local government, officials confidently stated that this area of the sea was much safer than before.
A. extensive
B. durable
C. partial
D. extreme
As the world is becoming global, it is increasingly important that countries work together to ___ international trade.
A. soar
B. rise
C. facilitate
D. prompt
As the technology develops, it is probable that electronic books will start to ___ paper books in the near future.
A. ban
B. exchange
C. employ
D. replace
The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he was accused of ___ a senior bank official.
A. bribing
B. frustrating
C. chasing
D. eliminating
Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ___ from school.
A. forbidden
B. induced
C. expelled
D. disobeyed