A. 每天走一万步
B. 是指每天各类身体活动累积达到10个“千步活动量”
C. 每天高强度的运动达到10个“千步活动量”
D. 每天走路1小时
(141)老少咸宜、最简单而又最能坚持的有氧运动,有“运动之母”之称的运动方式是: ___
A. 健步走
B. 慢跑
C. 游泳
D. 广场舞
(143)读书写字时,眼睛和书本的适宜距离是多少: ___
A. 5-13厘米
B. 22-30厘米
C. 33-35厘米
D. 40-45厘米
(144)对于青少年,以下哪项与近视眼的发生和发展最为密切? ___
A. 读书写字的时间长短
B. 全身健康状况
C. 眼部感染
D. 眼部外伤
(147)为保护人的听力和身体健康,睡眠时噪音的允许值在 ___
A. 75-90分贝
B. 60-75分贝
C. 45-60分贝
D. 35-45分贝
(149)下列行为中,违反交通安全法的是 ___
A. 搭载醉酒乘客
B. 在学校门口道路上划人行横道线
C. 机动车不走非机动车道
D. 喝酒后开车
(152)下列行为中,没有违反《道路交通安全法》的是 ___
A. 驾车时,拨打或接听电话
B. 驾乘摩托车不戴安全头盔
C. 在高速公路骑自行车
D. 行人在路口遇有交通信号灯和交通警察指挥不一致时,按照交通警察指挥通行
A. 确保发动机状态良好
B. 高速行驶时关闭空调、开启车窗
C. 彻底实行车辆轻量化
D. 定期维修和保养汽车
(155)如果您在乘坐电梯时出现了故障,认为最好的做法是 ___
A. 大声呼救
B. 攀爬顶窗逃离
C. 按响报警电话
D. 跺脚和跳跃使电梯启动
(158)烧断保险丝或漏电开关动作后,你会 ___
A. 重新开电源
B. 调换保险丝
C. 束手无策
D. 查明原因再开电源
(160)如果有人触电时,正确的抢救方法要求首先 ___
A. 用手拉开电线、挪动触电者
B. 迅速关掉开关或拉掉电闸
C. 叫人或救护车前来抢救
D. 用随手拿得到的棍棒挑开电线
(161)根据安全使用燃气的规则,下列做法中错误的是 ___
A. 使用燃气时,必须保持通风
B. 定期保养燃气热水器
C. 冬天将燃气器具搬进卧室有利于节能
D. 长时间外出前,关闭气表前阀门
A. 将其平放
B. 擦拭口腔
C. 进行人工呼吸
D. 向口中灌水
(163)使用钢瓶装压缩煤气或液化气,你认为比较安全的方式是 ___
A. 钢瓶怎么放都行,只要不受猛烈震动
B. 钢瓶放在通风良好且避免日晒的地方
C. 钢瓶上放灭火器
D. 钢瓶要用正牌的,可长期使用而不必调换
A. 开窗
B. 开灯
C. 移动患者
D. 关闭气体开关
(167)空调上标注的W指的是 ___
A. 耗电量
B. 制冷量
C. 压缩机功率
D. 最低温度
(169)完整的计算机硬件,除了存储器、输入设备和输出设备以外,还有一个重要部件是 ___
A. 加法器
B. 控制器
C. 驱动器
D. 中央处理器(CPU)
(170)计算机软件是指 ___
A. 计算机程序
B. 计算机部件
C. 计算机质量
D. 不知道
A. 先开显示器,后开主机
B. 先开主机,后开显示器
C. 先开主机或先开显示器都一样
D. 同时开
A. 绿色食品>有机食品>无公害农产品
B. 绿色食品>无公害农产品>有机食品
C. 有机食品>绿色食品>无公害农产品
D. 无公害农产品>有机食品>绿色食品
A. 无公害食品
B. 绿色食品
C. 有机食品
D. 保健食品
(174)下列诗词或谚语反映农业生产的特点,表述正确的是 ___
A. “日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人”反映了农业生产的周期性
B. “离离原上草,一岁一枯荣” 反映了农业生产的地域性
C. “橘生淮南为橘,橘生准北则为枳” 反映了农业生产的固定性
D. “白露早、寒露迟、秋分种麦正当时” 反映了农业生产的季节性
(175)要了解一种土壤的物质组成,最好的办法是 ___
A. 看资料介绍
B. 查阅有关文献
C. 分析土壤标本
D. 考察土壤分布
(176)当前在我国牧区造成草地污染的主要原因在于 ___
A. 使用杀虫剂
B. 使用化肥
C. 堆积畜粪
D. 过度放牧
(177)化工厂产生的污水沉淀后形成的污泥可肥田,但只能用于 ___
A. 成片粮田
B. 庭院菜田
C. 果园林地
D. 绿化林地
A. 增加土壤中的水分含量
B. 疏松土壤和改良土壤
C. 降解土壤中的重金属元素
D. 吃掉土壤中的有害物质
(181)以下哪一项不是农业生产上过度使用农药和化肥的后果 ___
A. 增加农业自然灾害
B. 影响农田生态平衡
C. 影响人体健康
D. 造成周边河流富营养化
A. 推广综合防治技术
B. 生物防治技术
C. 化学防治技术
D. 物理和机械防治技术
A. 通过选择优良品种和良好的饲养条件来预防疾病;
B. 治病尽可能采用自然疗法如针灸、推拿等;
C. 使用允许的疾病防治材料如生物制品、生物源药物、无机及矿物质药物等。
D. 基因疫苗接种预防疾病
A. 农产品污染的惟一因素是农药污染
B. 有虫眼的蔬菜说明没施农药,因此属于放心菜
C. 长期过度使用氮肥会导致土壤中的硝酸盐含量增高
D. 包装好的蔬菜就是放心菜
A. 根菜类
B. 薯芋类
C. 绿叶菜类
D. 食用菌类
(187)运输有毒化学物质最重要的是 ___
A. 由技术人员陪同
B. 使用罐装车
C. 只能夜间行车
D. 不能走人口稠密地区
(188)在国际上有一些通用的标准系统。“ISO 9000”是指: ___
A. 环境管理标准系统
B. 质量管理标准系统
C. 技术管理标准系统
D. 品牌管理标准系统
A. 遵守行业规范,本机构的各项规章制度
B. 能正确操作或使用本职工作有关的工具或设备
C. 保护本机构的商业机密,不泄漏机构的知识产权和专有技术
D. 自觉维护本机构的形象和声誉
E. 以上都对
(191)有些计时器正常情况下也需要定期进行加油和清洗,如 ___
A. 机械手表
B. 电子手表
C. 自动手表
D. 电子停表
(192)空调器滤网每隔一段时间需要清洗,一般的间隔时间是 ___
A. 每四年
B. 每三年
C. 每二年
D. D.每一年
(193)检测家庭电源插座是否通电的工具是 ___
A. 小电珠
B. 25W灯泡
C. 试电笔
D. 手电筒
(194)检查燃气管道是否出现了泄漏,不正确的方法是 ___
A. 检测管道周围的气体成分
B. 检测管道的压力变化
C. 用肥皂水涂抹可疑部位
D. 用火检测可疑部位是否有助燃现象
They got there an hour _____ than the others.
A. early
B. much early
C. more early
D. earlier
The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts ____ .
A. are producing
B. are produced
C. produced
D. being produced
Once environmental damage ______, it takes many years for the system to recover.
A. is to do
B. does
C. had done
D. is done
We worked hard and completed the task ___.
A. in the time
B. on the time
C. ahead of time
D. before time
I didn't expect you to turn _____ at the meeting yesterday.
A. up
B. to
C. out
D. over
I like the teacher _______ classes are very interesting and creative.
A. which
B. who
C. whose
D. what
When Lily came home at 5 p. m. yesterday, her mother ______ dinner in the kitchen.
A. cooked
B. was cooking
C. cooks
D. has cooked
I don’t know the park, but it's _____ to be quite beautiful.
A. said
B. told
C. spoken
D. talked
Mike is better than Peter ____. swimming.
The young lady coming over to us ______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A. must be
B. can be
C. would be
D. could be
Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat.
A. a large number
B. the large number
C. a large amount
D. the large amount
Neither John ______his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.
A. nor
B. or
C. but
D. and
Jane's dress is similar in design ______ her sister's.
A. like
B. with
C. to
D. as
His salary as a driver is much higher than ________.
A. a porter
B. is a porter
C. as a porter
D. that of a porter
_____ these honours he received a sum of money.
A. Except
B. But
C. Besides
D. Outside
Would you let ____ to the park with my classmate, Mum?
A. me go
B. me going
C. I go
D. I going
I have been looking forward to_____ from my parents.
A. hear
B. being heard
C. be heard
D. hearing
The manager will not _____ us to use his car.
A. have
B. let
C. agree
D. allow
_____ her and then try to copy what she does.
A. Mind
B. See
C. Stare at
D. Watch
Will you ___ me a favor, please?
A. do
B. make
C. bring
D. give
It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
The computer system ____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
A. broke down
B. broke out
C. broke up
D. broke in
If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ___ in her diet
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.
B. efore B. At
C. In
D. Between
A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
A. avoid
B. reject
C. refuse
D. neglect
While I was in the university, I learned taking photos, ______ is very useful now for me.
A. it
B. which
C. that
D. what
He is not seriously ill, but only a ____ headache.
A. obvious
B. delicate
C. slight
D. temporary
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ____ a day.
A. customers
B. supporters
C. guests
D. clients
What is the train ____ to Birmingham?
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
You shouldn't ______ your time like that, Bob, and was cold yesterdak tonight.
A. cut
B. do
C. kill
D. kick
Both the kids and their parents ____ English, I think. I know it from their accent.
A. is
B. been
C. are
D. was
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
He opened the letter and it contained ___.
A. an important information
B. some important informations
C. many important information
D. some important information
He has been writing for 3 years, but being a writer is not his ___.
A. chance
B. choice
C. change
D. character
They have never heard any ___.
A. a customer complaint
B. the customer's complaints
C. customer's complaint
D. the customers' complaints
He is not a child ___.
A. no more
B. no longer
C. any much
D. any more
The retired man is used to ___ his two dogs early in the morning.
A. exercise
B. exercising
C. exercised
D. exercises
It was not ___ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their bedroom.
A. before
B. at
C. after
D. until
Young ___ he is, he knows how to get along with others.
A. like
B. as
C. although
D. however
Could you show me where the___ shoes are?
A. Women
B. womens
C. woman
D. women's