A. 急性白血病
B. 再生障碍性贫血
C. 肾性贫血
D. 缺铁性贫血
E. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜
A. 严格限制双手关节活动,以减轻疼痛
B. 夜间睡眠时用弹力手套保暖
C. 起床时用热水浸泡僵硬的关节
D. 保持双手关节呈功能位
E. 睡眠时避免压迫双手关节、避免受寒
A. 戒烟戒酒
B. 长期服用抑制胃酸分泌的药物
C. 彻底治疗幽门螺杆菌
D. 避免服用刺激性药物和食物
E. 进食要有规律
A. 对侧偏盲
B. 突然深昏迷
C. 中枢性高热
D. 四肢瘫痪
E. 两侧瞳孔针尖样缩小
A. 支气管哮喘
B. 慢性支气管炎
C. 肺气肿
D. 肺癌
E. 心脏病
A. 水槽内加冷蒸馏水50ml
B. 用冷蒸馏水稀释药液至10ml
C. 添加药液应先关机
D. 治疗毕,先关电源开关
E. 雾化罐、螺纹管治疗毕需浸泡消毒
A. 鳞癌
B. 腺鳞癌
C. 腺癌
D. 低分化癌
E. 未分化癌
A. 热情接待,为患者提供舒适环境
B. 服务周到,使患者放心
C. 认真倾听诉说,科学指导
D. 患者的任何需求及时满足,让患者安心
E. 耐心安慰,减轻焦虑
A. 室性早搏频发成对多源
B. 室上性阵发性心动过速
C. 房性早搏
D. 房室传导阻滞Ⅱ度
E. 心房纤颤
A. ST段弓背向上抬高
B. 异常高大两支不对称的T波
C. ST段压低
D. 高大的R波
E. T波低平
A. 胃大弯或十二指肠后壁
B. 胃小弯或十二指肠后壁
C. 胃大弯或十二指肠前壁
D. 胃小弯或十二指肠前壁
E. 胃体
A. 卧床休息
B. 低糖饮食
C. 利尿降压
D. 激素疗法
E. 中医疗法
A. 猪
B. 狗
C. 鼠
D. 蚊子
E. 跳蚤
A. 组织完整性受损
B. 活动无耐力
C. 组织灌注量改变
D. 心输出量减少
E. 有液体不足的危险
A. 血小板减少
B. 弥散性血管内凝血
C. 血小板功能异常
D. 凝血因子减少
E. 血管损伤
A. 静止性震颤
B. 面具样脸
C. 慌张步态
D. 写字过小征
E. 角膜K-F环
A. 高热量饮食
B. 高蛋白饮食
C. 无肌酐饮食
D. 多纤维素饮食
E. 正常饮食
A. 用温水擦洗皮肤
B. 洗澡后涂抹润肤霜
C. 用碱性强的肥皂彻底清洗皮肤
D. 勤换内衣
E. 按摩身体受压部位
A. 一次咯血量小于100ml
B. 一次咯血量大于100ml
C. 一次咯血量大于200ml
D. 一次咯血量大于300ml
E. 24小时咯血量大于300ml
A. 骨髓、肝、淋巴结
B. 肝、脾、淋巴结
C. 骨髓、脾、淋巴结
D. 骨髓、淋巴结
E. 骨髓、肝、脾、淋巴结
A. 高蛋白饮食
B. 限制含钾的食物
C. 高热量饮食以糖为主
D. 充足的维生素
E. 每日摄钠1~2g
A. 量小
B. 缓给
C. 尽早、重复、首剂足量
D. 间断给药
E. 与碱性药同用
A. 保证患者充分休息和营养
B. 保证蛋白质的供给
C. 给予易消化的饮食
D. 给予多种维生素
E. 严格记录每日出入量
A. 指导患者取坐位或半坐卧位双腿下垂
B. 给予持续低流量吸氧
C. 遵医嘱给予毛花苷C缓慢静脉注射
D. 皮下注射或静推吗啡
E. 给予氨茶碱缓慢静脉推注
A. 1%~4%碳酸氢钠溶液
B. 2%~3%硼酸溶液
C. 1%~3%过氧化氢溶液
D. 0.1%醋酸溶液
E. 0.08%甲硝唑
A. 疼痛
B. 焦虑
C. 知识缺乏
D. 活动无耐力
E. 营养失调
A. 大量出汗,饮水较多,补盐不足
B. 大量出汗,失水,失钠,血容量不足
C. 持续高温,患者年老体弱或有慢性病
D. 烈日曝晒,引起脑组织充血和水肿
E. 高温引起患者精神紧张,烦躁不安
A. 缓脉
B. 丝脉
C. 绌脉
D. 洪脉
E. 速脉
A. 中、重度甲亢,药物治疗无效
B. 甲亢复发或不愿长期服药
C. 妊娠早期和晚期
D. 结节性甲状腺肿伴甲亢
E. 胸骨后甲状腺肿伴甲亢
A. 肾素-血管紧张素水平增高
B. 血容量扩张
C. 血容量与肾素.血管紧张素平衡失调
D. 激肽系统的作用
E. 交感神经兴奋性改变
A. 食管钡餐检查
B. 直肠镜检查
C. 骨髓检查
D. 脐周有无静脉曲张
E. 经皮脾静脉造影
A. 可致肠痉挛
B. 可致幽门梗阻
C. 有机磷溶于油更易吸收
D. 减少腹泻速度
E. 减轻腹痛
A. 劳累后呼吸困难
B. 心电图示左室肥厚及ST-T改变
C. x线检查各房室腔显著增大,心胸比大于0.6
D. 胸骨左缘第3、4肋间听到较粗糙的喷射性收缩期杂音
E. 超声心动图显示室间隔非对称性肥厚
A. 胸骨体中段或上段之后且向左肩、左臂内侧放射
B. 胸骨后且向左肩、左臂外侧放射
C. 胸骨上段且向右肩背部放射
D. 心尖区且向左肩、左臂内侧放射
E. 剑突附近向右肩、右臂内侧放射
A. 抑制尿素合成
B. 抑制尿酸合成
C. 加强化疗药疗效
D. 加强尿酸排泄
E. 加强尿素排泄
A. β受体阻滞剂
B. 钙离子拮抗剂
C. 硝酸酯制剂
D. 洋地黄制剂
E. 镇痛剂
A. 急性肾小球肾炎
B. 急进性肾小球肾炎
C. 慢性肾小球肾炎
D. 隐匿性肾小球肾炎
E. 肾病综合征
A. 皮肤皱缩
B. 毛发干枯
C. 出血
D. 舌痛
E. 口腔炎
A. 低盐
B. 富含维生素
C. 高热量
D. 适量纤维素
E. 少量、多餐
A. 症状纠正后继续服药3~6个月
B. 网织红细胞数增加是治疗有效的指标
C. 于饭后服用
D. 服药后可出现黑便
E. 可防止缺铁性贫血的复发
A. 脑出血
B. 心律失常
C. 心力衰竭
D. 心原性休克
E. 尿毒症
An administrator needs to verify that vMotion operations can be performed in a vSphere data center.What round trip time (RTT) latency is the maximum value that will allow vMotion operations to succeed? ___
A. 50ms RTT
B. 100ms RTT
C. 150ms RTT
D. 200ms RTT
A storage administrator has reported that full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi 6.x host is not being seen. In troubleshooting the issue, the Adapter details are shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, what is cause of the issue? ___
A. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
B. There are no virtual machines on the ESXi host.
C. Not all links are used because a path is disabled.
D. Another path needs to be configured.
An administrator is migrating a powered-on virtual machine, as shown in the exhibit. Which option should be selected to perform a Storage vMotion of the VM? ___
A. Change storage only
B. Change VM compute resource only
C. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the compute resource first.
D. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the storage resource first.
An administrator is attempting to enable Storage I/O Control on a datastore, but it is failing. What is the likely reason for this failure? ___
A. The host is connected to a datastore is running on ESX 4.0.
B. The host is connected to a Fibre Channel storage array.
C. The datastore has multiple extents.
D. The datastore is managed by a single vCenter Server.
A mission-critical virtual machine built on vSphere 4.1 needs to be moved to an ESXi 6.x host.Which virtual hardware version is needed to move the virtual machine without upgrading? ___
A. 6
B. 7
C. 10
D. 11
An administrator is analyzing a virtual machine as shown in the Exhibit. What is the current long term risk for this virtual machine? ___
A. The virtual machine may run out of memory before April 27.
B. The virtual machine may continue to function after April 27.
C. The virtual machine has adequate memory configured for operation for the next 120 days.
D. The virtual machine has adequate memory reservation configured for operation for the next 120 days.
An administrator is monitoring a High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) enabled cluster and has noticed that virtual machines in the cluster are being migrated without user intervention. Why is this happening? ___
A. The DRS Automation level is set to Fully Automated.
B. The Automation level is set to Automatic.
C. The
D. PM Threshold is set to Aggressive.
An administrator attempts to migrate a suspended virtual machine to a newly deployed vSphere 6.x cluster. The compatibility check fails. What condition could cause this behavior?___
A. The new vSphere 6.x cluster is running Intel CPUs instead of AMD CPUs.
B. A suspended virtual machine cannot be migrated.
C. The hardware virtualization feature of the CPU is not enabled on the new hosts.
D. A vSphere Distributed Switch is required to migrate a suspended virtual machine.
A vSphere administrator has been using vSphere in evaluation mode and now wants to deploy an environment that provides the same features. Which edition of vSphere provides similar functionality to evaluation mode? ___
A. Enterprise Plus
B. Enterprise
C. Standard
D. Essentials
A vSphere administrator has been using vSphere in evaluation mode and now wants to deploy an environment that provides the same features. Which edition of vSphere provides similar functionality to evaluation mode? ___
A. Enterprise Plus
B. Enterprise
C. Standard
D. Essentials
An administrator has just configured the IP address on an ESXi host from the Direct Console User Interface. How can the configuration be validated as correct without any additional tools?___
A. Add the host to vCenter Server and if it works, then all networking settings are ok.
B. Select the Test Management Network option from the DCUI.
C. Connect to the host with the vSphere Client and click the Test Network option.
D. Use PowerCLI to connect to the host and initiate a network test.
An administrator is installing vCenter Server for an environment that has 40 ESXi 6.x Hosts and 150 virtual machines. Which database would meet the minimal requirements needed for this task? ___
A. vFabric Postgres
B. Microsoft SQL Express 2008
C. Microsoft SQL Server 2014
D. Oracle 11g
What is a requirement when enabling a Virtual SAN cluster in an existing High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? ___
A. Disable DRS and HA before enabling Virtual SAN
B. Enable DRS before enabling Virtual SAN
C. Disable HA before enabling Virtual SAN
D. Enable Storage DRS before enabling Virtual SAN
The vSphere administrator attempts to connect to an ESXi host via an SSH client and receives the following security alert: The vSphere administrator needs to determine whether the RSA key fingerprint shown in the security alert is the fingerprint of the intended ESXi host. Which tool should the vSphere administrator use? ___
A. Direct Console User Interface
B. vSphere Client
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere Management Assistant
An administrator needs to monitor traffic on vSwitches in a vSphere 6.x environment. Which option, if configured, would accomplish this task? ___
A. Forged Transmits
B. MAC Address Changes
C. Promiscuous Mode
D. Notify Switches
What is true regarding datastores on ESXi 6.x? ___
A. NFS 4.1 datastore does not support Fault Tolerance (FT)
B. VMFS3 and VMFS5 datastores can be newly created
C. NFS datastore can be concurrently mounted using NFS 4.1 on one host and NFS on another
D. NFS 3.0 datastore does not support Fault Tolerance (FT)
An administrator is cloning and configuring five new web server virtual machines. What would be the benefit of configuring resource shares for the new VMs? ___
A. To prioritize access to a resource during contention.
B. To guarantee access to a resource during contention.
C. To prioritize access to a resource before contention occurs.
D. To guarantee access to a resource before contention occurs.
An administrator logs into the vSphere Web Client and sees the warning shown in the Exhibit. During a change control window, the warning was addressed. What should be done to verify that the host is no longer showing the warning? ___
A. Run a Remediate host operation.
B. Recheck the compliance of the host.
C. Restart the host to get rid of the warning.
D. Install VMware tools to clear the warning.
A vApp named Sales has a Memory Limit of 32 GB and a CPU Limit of 12,000 MHz. There are three virtual machines within the vApp: <Sales-DB -- Has a memory reservation of 20 GB. > <Sales-DC -- Has a memory reservation of 8 GB. > <Sales-Web -- Has a memory reservation of 8 GB.> Which statement is correct? ___
A. All three virtual machines can power on, but will have memory contention.
B. All three virtual machines can power on without memory contention.
C. Only two of the three virtual machines can power on.
D. Only one of the virtual machines can power on.
You are editing the management network configuration of an ESXi 6.x Host from the vSphere Web Client. You mistakenly put the incorrect VLAN in place for the management network. What action do you need to take to correct this? ___
A. You need to manually edit the configuration on the host with command line utilities.
B. No action is required. By default ESXi rolls back configuration changes that disconnect the host.
C. The ESXi host system configuration will need to be restored to the factory configuration to fix the issue.
D. The change can be reverted in the vSphere Web Client by simply editing the switch again.
What is true about resource pools created on a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) cluster?___
A. A root resource pool is created with the specified values.
B. A root resource pool is automatically created using the aggregate total of the ESXi host resources in the cluster.
C. A root resource pool is automatically created using the aggregate total of all resources in the datacenter.
D. A root resource pool is not needed when creating resource pools on a DRS cluster.
An administrator attempts to enable Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) on a cluster. The operation results in a compatibility error, as shown in the exhibit. What is the likely cause of this error? ___
A. The CPUs in the ESXi host are not AMD CPUs.
B. The CPUs in the ESXi host do not support hardware virtualization capabilities.
C. The XD/NX CPU features have not been enabled in the BIOS of the server.
D. There is no shared storage between the hosts in the cluster.
What condition would prevent an administrator from creating a new VMFS3 datastore on an ESXi 6.x host using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be created on an ESXi 6.x host.
B. The VMFS3 kernel module is not loaded.
C. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be mounted on an ESXi 6.x host.
D. VMFS3 datastores are not compatible with virtual machines created on an
E. SXi 6.x host.
During a new vSphere Distributed Switch configuration, where does the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value get modified? ___
A. Uplink Settings
B. Switch Settings
C. Portgroup Settings
D. NIC Teaming Settings
A small company wants to use VMware products for its production systems. The system administrator needs to recommend a solution that will deliver High Availability to the company's production applications. What is minimum vSphere offering that will support this requirement? ___
A. vSphere Essentials
B. vSphere Essentials Plus
C. vSphere Hypervisor
D. vSphere Standard
Which scenario shows a reason for VMware Tools failing to install? ___
A. Virtual machine has a CD-ROM configured.
B. Guest OS Antivirus is blocking the VMware Tools installation.
C. Guest OS has 64-bit ldd (list dynamic dependencies) utility installed.
D. Virtual machine is powered on.
An administrator is configuring an ESXi 6.x host to use multiple NICs to resolve a management network redundancy error. After configuring a second NIC, the server is not able to communicate when the primary connection is taken down. The administrator analyzes the Exhibit shown here. Based on the exhibit, what is the likely cause of the issue? ___
A. vmnic4 is not attached to a vSwitch.
B. vmnic2 is not connected to a physical switch.
C. E1000 is the incorrect NIC
D. river for this card.
What information is required as part of an interactive ESXi 6.x installation? ___
A. Keyboard layout
B. IP Address
C. Root password
D. DNS information
What is the default load balancing policy for a newly created VMkernel port on a vSphere Distributed Switch? ___
A. Route based on orginating virtual port ID
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on source mac address
D. Route based on physical NIC load
An administrator deploys vCenter Server using the embedded Platform Services Controller. After testing the deployment for a couple of months, it is determined that the environment would be better served with an external Platform Services Controller. What should the administrator do to meet this new requirement? ___
A. Deploy a fresh instance of vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller.
B. Perform a fresh install of an external Platform Services Controller.
C. Migrate the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
D. Upgrade the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
Why are some virtual machines orphaned after rebooting a High Availability (HA) enabled host? ___
A. The Orphaned virtual machines have HA restart disabled.
B. The Orphaned virtual machines moved recently and the change did not persist.
C. The host is attached to failed storage.
D. The host just came out of maintenance mode.
Which vSphere 6 Standard Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA
An application running in a virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. When utilizing performance monitoring utilities, it is noted that the CPU Utilization of the application is at 100%. Which two scenarios are probable causes of the CPU contention for the application? (Choose two.)___
A. There is a network I/O constraint.
B. There is a storage I/O constraint.
C. There is insufficient disk space assigned to the virtual machine.
D. The application is not virtualization aware.
A Fault Tolerance (FT) virtual machine with four vCPUs is experiencing high latency when performing ICMP and Application tests. What are three potential causes that may be attributing to this latency? (Choose three.)___
A. The FT network has insufficient bandwidth and is running on a 1GB Link.
B. The FT network is on a particularly high latency link.
C. The FT network has been configured with Network I/O Control.
D. The FT virtual machine is running an e1000 network adapter.
E. The
F. T virtual machine is running on poor performing network-based storage.
A virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. The following performance metrics are observed: <CPU usage value for the virtual machine is above 90%> < CPU ready value for the virtual machine is above 20%> Which two activities will likely resolve the performance issues? (Choose two.)___
A. Set a CPU reservation for the virtual machine.
B. Increase the CPU limit on the virtual machine.
C. Decrease CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
D. Increase CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
An administrator is upgrading a vSphere Distributed Switch. The existing switch is version 6.0 and the administrator wants to upgrade to the latest version possible. The environment contains several ESXi 6.1 hosts. Which two options are available to ensure that the upgraded switch will be compatible with these hosts? (Choose two.)___
A. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 6.0
B. Upgrade the ESXi 5.5 hosts to version 6.0, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
C. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.1
D. Upgrade the
E. SXi host switches to 5.5, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
An administrator attempts to create a Thick Provisioned Virtual Disk (VMDK) on an NFS datastore; but it fails. Which two reasons would explain the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Datastore is on an NFS 3 storage server that does not support Hardware Acceleration
B. Datastore is on an NFS 4.1 storage server
C. Only VMFS datastores support "Thick Provisioned" VMDK
D. The NFS datastore was not created on a "Thick Provisioned" device
Which two NFS Protocol versions does vSphere 6 support? (Choose two.)___
A. Version 3
B. Version 3.1
C. Version 4
D. Version 4.1
Which three operations occur during a cold migration of a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. The virtual machine disks are moved if the datastore is being changed.
B. The virtual machine is registered with the destination server.
C. The source virtual machine is removed from the old hosts.
D. The virtual machine hardware is upgraded.
E. The virtual machine files are quiesced prior to the migration.
A 4 GB Memory virtual machine is experiencing extended memory issues, as shown in the Exhibit. What potential issues could be attributed to this memory pressure?___
A. A limit is imposed on the virtual memory of this virtual machine.
B. The Balloon driver has been uninstalled.
C. A limit has been imposed on the Virtual CPU of the virtual machine.
D. Storage IO control has been enabled for the virtual machine causing the swapped memory.