类风湿性关节炎患者血中类风湿因子主要是下列哪一种 ___
A. 自身抗体IgA.
B. 自身抗体IgD
C. 自身抗体IgE
D. 自身抗体IgG
E. 自身抗体IgM
A. 类风湿性关节炎
B. 系统性红斑狼疮
C. 痛风
D. 皮肌炎
E. 原发性干燥综合征
A. 每天肥皂水擦洗
B. 用热水敷红斑处
C. 清洗后可用化妆品
D. 用温水湿敷红斑处
E. 居室定期紫外线消毒
A. 属自身免疫病
B. 个体差异甚大
C. 病变累及多系统
D. 病程多呈急性
E. 抗生素治疗有效
系统性红斑狼疮皮肤损害的主要部位是 ___
A. 颈部
B. 前胸上部
C. 全腹部
D. 口腔粘膜
E. 颜面部位
系统性红斑狼疮的心血管损害以下哪一项最常见 ___
A. 心包炎
B. 心肌炎
C. 心内膜炎
D. 心律失常
E. 周围血管病变
A. 脊柱应该挺直
B. 限制受累关节活动
C. 卧床休息
D. 足底放好护足板
E. 小关节保持伸直位
下列哪一项不符合皮肌炎患者的实验室检测项目 ___
A. 红细胞沉降率增快
B. 血肌酐下降
C. 肌电图异常
D. 抗核抗体阳性
E. 血肌酸下降
A. 遗传
B. 应激
C. 感染
D. 食物
E. 环境
A. 疼痛
B. 有废用综合征的危险
C. 预感性悲哀
D. 躯体移动性障碍
E. 活动无耐力
A. 抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(A.NCA.)
B. 抗核抗体
C. 抗单链DNA
D. 抗磷脂抗体
E. 抗双链DNA抗体及抗Sm抗体
A. 滑膜炎
B. 血管炎
C. 骨髓炎
D. 全心炎
E. 软骨炎
系统性红斑狼疮引起骨关节和肌肉病变,一般不会出现 ___
A. 肌炎
B. 肌痛
C. 多关节痛
D. 偶有关节变形
E. 关节畸形
A. 加强耐寒能力锻炼,用冷水洗手
B. 注意肢体末梢保暖
C. 经常大量运动以促进血液循环
D. 出现肢端皮肤苍白疼痛时给予冷敷
E. 可饮咖啡
A. 多表现为关节疼痛
B. 部分患者伴关节炎,一般不引起关节畸形
C. 近端指间关节.肩.肘关节为经常受累关节
D. 关节炎呈非对称性分布
E. 约85%的患者有关节受累
A. 结节呈不对称分布
B. 质地坚硬无压痛
C. 形态大小不一致
D. 多位于关节隆突部
E. 提示本病于活动期
A. 给予营养丰富的饮食
B. 缓解期适当体育锻炼
C. 注意保暖.避免寒冷
D. 活动期应绝对卧床休息
E. 坚持服药,定期复查
A. 女性多见
B. 常从掌指关节及远侧指关节起病
C. 关节病变多为对称性,伴肿胀.压痛
D. 可见晨僵和梭状指
E. 晚期可见畸形
A. 病情处于缓解期半年以上可妊娠
B. 常需终身治疗
C. 外出时尽量避免日光照射
D. 肥皂水洗脸每日3~4次
E. 忌用易诱发本病的药物
A. 肿胀明显
B. 关节畸形
C. 晨起僵硬
D. 疼痛明显
E. 关节发红
A. 床单清洁干燥
B. 居室阳光充足
C. 病室空气流通
D. 病室内温度18~20℃
E. 病室内湿度50~60%
A. 盘状红斑
B. 蝶形红斑
C. 水肿性红斑
D. 网状青斑
E. 环形红斑
A. 肾炎
B. 发热
C. 关节肌肉疼痛
D. 关节炎
E. 浆膜炎
A. 晨僵
B. 类风湿结节
C. 干燥综合征
D. 畸形
E. 功能障碍
A. 1~2倍
B. 1~3倍
C. 1~4倍
D. 2~3倍
E. 2~4倍
皮肌炎患者急性期皮肤损害明显出现水泡时,可外涂 ___
A. 1%碘酊
B. 3%硼酸
C. 炉甘石洗剂
D. 强的松冷霜
E. 硝酸甘油膏
A. 10~30岁
B. 20~40岁
C. 30~50岁
D. 40~60岁
E. 50~70岁
A. 抗RNP抗体
B. 狼疮带试验
C. 抗核抗体
D. 抗Sm抗体
E. 血清补体C_TagUpStart_3_TagUpEnd_.C_TagUpStart_4_TagUpEnd_增高
A. 心脏
B. 肝脏
C. 肾脏
D. 肺脏
E. 大脑
A. 痛风
B. 假性痛风
C. 类风湿性关节炎
D. 风湿热
E. 大骨节病
A. 婴幼儿
B. 青少年
C. 老年人
D. 育龄妇女
E. 更年期妇女
A. 上眼睑
B. 鼻梁
C. 两颊
D. 掌指关节
E. 指间关节
A. 出现于患者晨起以前或没有活动的一段静止时间内
B. 重者需1小时至数小时才能缓解
C. 以系统性硬化病最为典型
D. 损伤性关节炎的僵硬感在白天休息后明显
E. 非炎症性关节病时持续的时间少于1小时
A. 适用于休克患者
B. 有利于静脉回流
C. 有利于保持气道通畅
D. 应抬高下肢20°~30°
E. 抬高头和下肢30°~40°
A. 10°~20°
B. 20°~30°
C. 30°~40°
D. 40°~50°
E. 30°~50°
A. 精神不振,乏力
B. 头晕.眼花
C. 恶心呕吐
D. 失眠
E. 疼痛
A. 5~10cm
B. 10~15cm
C. 15~20cm
D. 15~30cm
E. 30~40cm
A. 身体舒适
B. 保证安全
C. 减轻痛苦
D. 预防并发症
E. 防止病情加重
床上擦浴的室温应调至 ___
A. 10~14℃
B. 14~18℃
C. 18~22℃
D. 22~26℃
E. 26~30℃
A. 昏迷者
B. 脊椎麻醉者
C. 全麻未清醒者
D. 脊髓腔穿刺后
E. 局麻介入术后者
How did the speaker feel about his childhood? ___
A. Alone.
B. Happy.
C. Sad.
D. Interesting.
Which is NOT mentioned when the speaker curled up in a chair? ___
A. Reading fairytales and myths.
B. Daydreaming.
C. Writing poems.
D. Listening to music.
What kind of person was the speaker’s grandma? ___
A. Often critical, judgmental.
B. Very strict.
C. Easygoing.
D. Successful.
When was the speaker’s first conscious memory of feeling different? ___
A. Fourth grade.
B. Fifth grade.
C. First grade.
D. Second grade.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s inner world? ___
A. Reading books.
B. Writing.
C. Watching TV.
D. Daydreaming.
What does integrity mean? ___
A. You do what you do because it's fashionable.
B. You do what you do because it's politically correct.
C. You do what you do because it's right.
D. You do what you do because somebody asked you to.
Is there cheating in World Cup? ___
A. It's none.
B. It's rare.
C. It's some.
D. It's popular.
Which one of the following situations is NOT mentioned for making us upset? ___
A. Some reward we thought we deserved has been denied us.
B. Some man we helped has proved ungrateful.
C. Some man we believed to be a friend has betrayed us.
D. Some woman we believed to be a friend has spoken ill of us.
In which year the Tour of France was hit by a drug-taking scandal? ___
A. In 1996.
B. In 1997.
C. In 1998.
D. In 1999.
Cheap fake products are everywhere except ___
A. clothes.
B. cut-price DVDs.
C. cut-price CDs.
D. cosmetics.
What should we do after exercise? ___
A. Stretch the muscles.
B. Have a sleep.
C. Maintain high body temperature.
D. Take a shower.
What shouldn’t we wear when we exercise? ___
A. Properly fitted sportswear.
B. Well-fitted sneakers.
C. Tight pants.
D. Sports bra for women.
Which of the following is NOT good for health? ___
A. Training with a friend.
B. Slack off a fitness regimen.
C. Keep our body hydrated.
D. Take small sips every few minutes.
What does the speaker do? ___
A. Public relations consultant.
B. Home cook.
C. Website administrator.
D. Writer.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s favorite breakfasts? ___
A. Egg.
B. Prosciutto.
C. Papaya.
D. Cabbage.
When do the students start learning Chinese? ___
A. Since kindergarten
B. Since elementary school
C. Since middle school
D. Since high school
When can the students continue studying Chinese? ___
A. In elementary school and middle school.
B. In middle school and high school.
C. In high school and university
D. After the university.
How many American students are currently learning Chinese? ___
A. About 22,000
B. About 24,000
C. About 44,000
D. About 2,400
How much did the Defense Department give Oregon schools? ___
A. $70,000
B. $1.3 million
C. $700,000
D. $1.3 billion
What’s Isabel Weiss’s purpose of learning Chinese? ___
A. For fun
B. For more opportunities for jobs
C. For more opportunities of making money
D. For more opportunities for promotions
What ability do the standardized tests reward to? ___
A. Think.
B. Create.
C. Quickly answer superficial questions.
D. Above all.
In what ways the IQ scores can be changed? ___
A. Training.
B. Nutrition.
C. More friendly people administered the test.
D. Above all
What do schools focus on? ___
A. Concepts.
B. Science.
C. Social Studies.
D. Foreign languages.
Why tests and standards are a necessary fact of life? ___
A. They protect us from hazardous products.
B. They protect us from inept drivers.
C. They protect us from shoddy professionals.
D. Above all.
How many percent did the scores on statewide tests rise? ___
A. 4%.
B. 14%.
C. 40%.
D. None.
What was the woman’s reaction when she was nominated? ___
A. She was surprised at the nomination.
B. She was calm at the nomination.
C. She was indifferent to the nomination.
D. She was scared of the nomination.
According to the woman, who paid for her trip to San Francisco? ___
A. Her trip to San Francisco was sponsored by the Academy.
B. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her company.
C. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her family.
D. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by herself.
What is the name of George Miller’s new movie? ___
A. Happy Feeling.
B. Happy Dancing.
C. Happy Foot.
D. Happy Feet.
Which name is not mentioned in the film? ___
A. Nicole Kidman.
B. Hugh Jackman.
C. George Clooney.
D. Robin Williams.
Which of the following statement is not true about “Life in the Freezer”? ___
A. It was a documentary film.
B. It was made by National Geographic and the BBC.
C. It was a story of the amazing life of Emperor penguins.
D. The
E. mperor penguin sang to each other to find a mate and made friends.
What should you do during a high-pressure periods? ___
A. Lock yourself in a room with your work.
B. Leave your work and go on a vocation.
C. Tell your boss you can’t finish your work.
D. Get together with people who will revitalize and inspire you.
Which of the following is the correct description of TempWorld? ___
A. The era of guaranteed jobs is history.
B. We are all temporary workers.
C. You have to equip yourself with the skills.
D. All of the above.
What should a career activist do? ___
A. Being a career activist means concentrating on daily business.
B. Being a career activist means you can do a business as long as it meets your short-term needs.
C. A career activist should take the long view of his career.
D. A career activist should plan everything in advance.
What should you do in the TempWorld? ___
A. In TempWorld you must withstand disappointment, juggle stressful situations, and handle pressure.
B. You must learn from your setbacks and use them to your advantage in the future.
C. Things always go well for successful people because they are honest.
D. Both A and B.
Which of the following statements is Not True? ___
A. Your boss may be willing to change his behavior than your think.
B. Some managers don’t care how much their words or actions upset staffers.
C. You should tell your managers how their outbursts make you feel.
D. If the boss values your work, he may stop his abusiveness.
Which of the following public places is NOT mentioned that have banned mobiles? ___
A. restaurants
B. gas stations
C. theatres
D. museums
What happened when the cellphone of the speaker’s friend rang? ___
A. His friend answered the phone and the speaker became invisible to his friend.
B. They answered the phone together.
C. The speaker threw away his friend’s cellphone.
D. His friend hung up the phone and kept talking to the speaker. (C)
What happened to the man? ___
A. He had a car accident.
B. He had his arms broken.
C. He lost his mobile phone.
D. He was not able to use his mobile because he was in a remote area.
Which of the following is NOT true? ___
A. Today there are about 400 million cellphone owners.
B. Today there are about 300 million Personal Computer subscribers.
C. Cellphones will be more often used.
D. Cellphones will completely replace Personal Computers.
Which of the following is true? ___
A. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf stayed in her country during the nation’s civil war.
B. She is still working for the United Nations.
C. She is the first woman ever elected president of an Asian country.
D. She is a Liberia.