prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 2 Some reform advocates ignore the impact of Class size on student achievement,and they are ( ) what they call as a Priority:teacher effectiveness.
in favor of
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 3 Because of easy access to the Internet,the New breakthrough tq create something Truly creative ( ) happen anytime now.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 4 Indeed,if teachers want to( ) how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 5 Nature has( ) these animals ( ) a capacity for not showing Fear.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 6 During the weeks of discussion,delegations from groups who are interested in the Resolution may call on representatives to ( ) their point of view.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 7 Plato was a superb writer,and his works are Part of the world’s great literature.Most of His existing work is ( )Dialogs and letters.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 8 Young people should enter into a broad Flexible training program,through which They can learn a lot and be ( ) their future careers.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 9 The young man is very happy and proud to be ( ) the old professor because he always feeIs great when talking With him.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 10 One day they passed more than 20 villages ( ),and some of these are Said to have stretched for six miles or more.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 7 Being asingle parent,there is no way for her to ( ) the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 8 It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main ( ) teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 9 We all know the dangers of an earthquake: the ( ) to buildings,the troubles can be caused by falling trees,and the terror occurs when the earth actually opens uip.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 10 Not until recently have we realized that the increasing world population may lead to a potential gloomy ( ) for humanity starvation.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 2 It is the development strategy/of the company to ( ) its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 3 Nearly six million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year,attracted by the ( )of her smile.When you're not lodking at her, she seems to be smiling;when you look at her,she stops.
Boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 4 To live with a family whose native language is English is the ideal way to further improve one's English and to gain ( )into its culture.
Boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 5 There is a real need to ( ) academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a student's overall character.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 6 Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from( ), reason and language.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 1 When the police caught up with him, Mr.Foster had to [ ] that he'd broken the speed limit.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 2 Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don't agree with, I tell him what I really think, though it's [ ] to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 3 As can be probably perceived, a manned tip to Mars may soon[ ] since scientists have achieved the manned moon mlssion
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 4 A number of countries are [ ]their efforts to send out food to the area worst affected by the flood.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about She authorizcd her partner to carry out daily responsibllitles [ ]when she was on her business trip
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about On hering the latest news about your mother's ill health, I [ ]canceling your reservation at the Sheraton.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about There was an obvious indication that the police who have to enforce the new law were not[ ] the general discontent.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about When she heard of her failure in the experiment, her eyes[ ]tears; whether it was of shame, frustration, orgrief was difficult to tell.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Rose knows that continuous letters fromJohn, together with countless roses are aimedat making her[ ]him.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about [ ]public school for drinking and smoking and then failing inshow business as a singer, she joined her father's business 10 years ago.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Since the great scandals in banking,many people in the Country have[ ]the prospects of economic recovery within a few years.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about The parents were quite happy to[ ]our suggestion because had taked their most important concernsinto consideration.
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 1When employees participated in the problem-solving process, they were muchvmore willing to [ ] solutions to the problems.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 2 A strong police force has been placed between the two [ ]group in the village to prevent fighting and killing.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 3 Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in [ ] innovative acts cannotbe.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 4Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of responsibility that have not yet been [ ] in today's society___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 5 Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21stcentury and their [ ] birth rates have also posed problems___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 6 She didn't want to marry him and was [ ] against him because he had only a bachelor's degree and didn't meet her expectations for marriage.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 7 The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to [ ] his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 8 To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and [ ]providing me with a new and different perpective on the world in which we live.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 9 People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution notonly affects everyone's health but also makesit difficult for businesses to [ ].___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 10 Instead of ignoring or envying successful students, I made it my mission to [ ]the mysterious causes of their success and greatness.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 1Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family [ ]him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.___
A. 疝块的形状
B. 突出径路
C. 疝内容是否进入阴囊
D. 疝囊颈与腹壁下动脉的关系
E. 压迫内环后疝块是否突出
A. 放置24h,抽出气囊气体后观察12h即可取出
B. 放置48h
C. 放置12h
D. 放置48~72h,抽出气囊气体后观察12h无出血即可取出
E. 以上均不对
A. 发生的快慢
B. 出血的多少
C. 出血的部位
D. 引起出血的病因
E. 缺氧的程度
A. 继续出血
B. 病灶扩散
C. 合并其他感染
D. 残血被机体吸收
E. 药物反应
A. 手术治疗
B. 放射治疗
C. 抗癌药物治疗
D. 免疫治疗
E. 中医中药治疗
A. 大肠杆菌
B. 链球菌
C. 肺炎球菌
D. 乙肝病毒
E. 军团菌
A. 睡前勿进食,勿饮水
B. 睡前食少许点心
C. 睡前饮水1~2次
D. 晨间饮水1~2次
E. 起床前先服止吐剂
A. 昼眠夜醒
B. 头痛头胀
C. 昏迷
D. 抽搐
E. 水肿
A. 组织蔓延
B. 接触传染
C. 经呼吸道传染
D. 遗传
E. 食物传染
A. 水肿脉
B. 奇脉
C. 交替脉
D. 不整脉
E. 正常脉搏
A. 小量
B. 迅速达到阿托品化
C. 缓给
D. 隔日1次
E. 每天1次
A. 软食
B. 普食
C. 全量半流
D. 小量流质
E. 禁食
A. 环磷酰胺
B. 硫酸镁
C. 糖皮质激素
D. 硫唑嘌呤
E. 雷公藤
A. 早期心功能不全
B. 肺性脑病
C. 贫血
D. 房室传导阻滞
E. 周围循环衰竭
A. 幽门括约肌松弛胆汁反流
B. 直接刺激胃黏膜
C. 可致黏膜溃疡
D. 可致胃蠕动减慢
E. 可致幽门梗阻
A. 焦虑
B. 抑郁
C. 谵妄
D. 愤怒
E. 激动
A. 静滴碱性药
B. 控制感染
C. 增加通气
D. 使用激素
E. 吸入高浓度氧
A. 神经官能症
B. 地方性甲状腺肿
C. 甲亢
D. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒
E. 慢性肝炎
A. 病情急缓所致
B. 靶部位不同
C. 病情轻重所致
D. 年龄差别所致
E. 性别不同所致
A. 呕前饮咖啡
B. 呕前食用巧克力
C. 呕前食用炸酱面
D. 吐血过多血变色
E. 遇胃酸变成酸化血红蛋白
A. 巨幼细胞性贫血
B. 再生障碍性贫血
C. 急性失血性贫血
D. 缺铁性贫血
E. 白血病
A. 指导有效咳嗽
B. 胸部叩击
C. 湿化呼吸道
D. 体位引流
E. 机械吸痰
A. 清音
B. 浊音
C. 鼓音
D. 过清音
E. 实音
A. 瞳孔对光反应正常否
B. 角膜反射存在与否
C. 膝腱反射是否消失
D. 能否看到吞咽动作
E. 患者能否被唤醒
A. 血清碱性磷酸酶显著增高
B. 血清总胆红素大于10μmol/L
C. 尿胆素阳性
D. 尿胆原增加
E. 粪色浅
A. 发生中和反应
B. 加速胰岛素降解
C. 丧失短效胰岛素的速效特性
D. 降低鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素药效
E. 增加胰岛素的不良反应
A. 水肿从眼睑开始
B. 水肿呈凹陷性
C. 体循环淤血导致水肿
D. 水肿部位易发生溃烂
E. 摄入钠盐过多可加重水肿
A. 流质饮食
B. 多吃蔬菜
C. 减轻不适感
D. 多吃辛辣物
E. 多吃水果
A. 白色泡沫痰
B. 脓绿色
C. 铁锈样
D. 红色胶冻样
E. 脓痰放置后分三层
A. 直肠
B. 关节腔
C. 腹膜腔
D. 血管
E. 腹膜后间隙
A. 癔病发作
B. 蛛网膜下腔出血
C. 脑疝形成
D. 高血压危象
E. 脑血栓形成
A. 病变性质
B. 病变原因
C. 病变大小
D. 病变的位置
E. 病变与周围组织的关系
A. 为胸骨与第2肋骨连结处
B. 为胸骨上1/3与下2/3交界处
C. 为胸骨下端起始部位
D. 为左右肋弓交角
E. 为心尖部的标志
A. 头痛
B. 气憋
C. 发绀
D. 意识障碍
E. 皮下静脉扩张
A. 大量红细胞破坏
B. 血小板减少
C. 白细胞减少
D. 白细胞增加
E. 细菌感染所致
A. 输尿管损伤
B. 肾盂损伤
C. 肾小管近端损伤
D. 肾小管远端损伤
E. 肾小球功能降低
A. 脑血管意外
B. 肝昏迷
C. 日射病
D. 尿毒症
E. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒
A. 清除积痰
B. 加压吸氧
C. 使用呼吸兴奋剂
D. 控制呼吸道感染
E. 纠正酸碱平衡紊乱
A. 肝脓肿
B. 肝硬化
C. 肝囊肿
D. 肝癌中心液化
E. 肝包虫病
A. 腹壁静脉曲张
B. 脾肿大
C. 腹腔积液
D. 蜘蛛痣、肝掌
E. 贫血