A. 乳腺癌
B. 前列腺癌
C. 肾癌
D. 膀胱癌
E. 直肠癌
缓解胃痉挛性疼痛最适宜的方法是 ___
A. 红外线灯局部照射
B. 热水袋热敷
C. 热湿敷
D. 鹅颈灯照射
E. 手浸泡于热水中
A. 面部肿胀加重
B. 局部疼痛加剧
C. 掩盖病情,难以确诊
D. 造成严重的颅内感染和败血症
E. 导致面部皮肤破损
热疗能促进炎症消散或局限的不正确的是 ___
A. 局部血管扩张充血,改善血液循环
B. 增强新陈代谢和白细胞吞噬功能
C. 促进炎性渗出物吸收和消散
D. 溶解坏死组织,有助于组织修复
E. 降低细菌活力和细胞代谢
乙醇擦浴后取下头部冰袋的体温值是 ___
A. 37.5℃以下
B. 38℃以下
C. 38.5℃以下
D. 39℃以下
E. 39.5℃以下
腹部禁用冷疗是为了防止 ___
A. 呼吸节律改变
B. 心率过速
C. 体温异常
D. 腹泻
E. 微循环障碍
患者,男,18岁,篮球比赛时不慎踝部扭伤,应立即给予 ___
A. 局部按摩
B. 红外线照射
C. 红花油涂擦
D. 局部冷湿敷
E. 热水局部浸泡
A. 末梢血管扩张
B. 血液流动减慢
C. 体温升高
D. 周围神经传导速度加快
E. 淋巴液流动加快
A. 皮肤对热反应敏感
B. 局部感觉迟钝或麻痹
C. 血管对热反应敏感
D. 可使昏迷加深
E. 皮肤抵抗力低
A. 解除疼痛
B. 血管扩张
C. 消除水肿
D. 促进愈合
E. 使炎症局限
老年人作热敷时重点应注意 ___
A. 预防压疮
B. 避免烫伤
C. 皮肤弹性
D. 防止着凉
E. 皮肤有无出血点
酒精拭浴降温的原理是 ___
A. 传导
B. 折射
C. 辐射
D. 对流
E. 蒸发
冰槽防治脑水肿的低温疗法的机制为 ___
A. 降低颅内压防止呕吐
B. 降低呼吸中枢兴奋性
C. 降低脑组织代谢
D. 减轻头痛和头昏
E. 增加散热中枢的兴奋性10146
A. 25℃
B. 28℃
C. 30℃
D. 31℃
E. 35℃
A. 强痛觉神经的兴奋性
B. 部营养、细胞代谢障碍,以致组织坏死
C. 肤抵抗力降低
D. 强局部免疫力
E. 肉、肌腱和韧带等组织松弛
持续用冷疗1小时后,局部皮肤由白转为红润,称为 ___
A. 远处效应
B. 后续效应
C. 继发效应
D. 局部效应
E. 反射效应
痔疮术后热水坐浴的做法不妥的是 ___
A. 浴盆和溶液需无菌
B. 操作前需排空膀胱
C. 坐浴时间为15~20分钟
D. 坐浴后应更换敷料
E. 水温调节至60~70℃10469
有伤口的部位做热敷时应 ___
A. 将敷料去掉再热敷
B. 先伤口换药再热敷
C. 在敷料上面直接放热水袋
D. 先热敷后换药
E. 其余选项都不是
一患者突然面色苍白,大汗淋漓,腹痛难忍,拒按。在医生到来前,当班护士不应采取的措施是 ___
A. 观察生命体征
B. 立即通知医生
C. 安慰患者,加强病情观察
D. 腹部热敷缓解疼痛
E. 了解询问病史
炎症早期用热可 ___
A. 促进炎症局限
B. 促进炎性渗出物的吸收和消散
C. 使白细胞吞噬功能下降
D. 使新陈代谢降低
E. 使组胺类物质堆积
休克患者使用热水袋保暖时,应加强观察 ___
A. 意识
B. 生命体征
C. 缺氧状况
D. 局部皮肤反应
E. 药物疗效
物理降温拭浴时,禁擦的部位为 ___
A. 头部及四肢
B. 腋窝.腹股沟.腘窝
C. 前胸.腹部.后颈
D. 下腹部及两侧肾区
E. 会阴部
冷疗制止炎症扩散的机制是 ___
A. 解除神经末梢的压迫
B. 降低组织新陈代谢和细菌的活力
C. 降低体温,减少渗出
D. 使肌肉.肌腱等组织松弛
E. 加速坏死组织清除
A. 25%~35%
B. 30%~50%
C. 60%~70%
D. 75%~85%
E. 其余选项都不是
A. 15~25cm,20~25分钟
B. 25~30cm,20~30分钟
C. 30~50cm,20~30分钟
D. 30~50cm,30~45分钟
E. 50~60cm,45~60分钟
A. 解除疼痛
B. 使炎症消散
C. 促进愈合
D. 血管扩张
E. 闭塞血管
A. 会阴部充血疼痛
B. 阴道出血
C. 急性盆腔炎症
D. 妊娠8个月
E. 月经量过多
反复使用冷.热疗法时,中间必须间隔 ___
A. 20分钟
B. 30分钟
C. 50分钟
D. 1小时
E. 2小时
A. 冷疗法
B. 持续热疗法
C. 冷.热疗法反复交替使用
D. 先用冷疗法再用热疗法
E. 先用热疗法再用冷疗法
冷湿敷时更换敷布间隔的时间为 ___
A. 1~2分钟
B. 3~5分钟
C. 6~10分钟
D. 10~12分钟
E. 12~15分钟
使用冰袋时哪项操作不妥 ___
A. 将冰块砸成小块,用水冲去棱角
B. 将小冰块装满水袋即拧紧袋口
C. 擦干袋外水渍,检查有无漏水
D. 将冰袋装入布套
E. 置于患者需要部位
A. 袋内储存1/4的水,防粘连
B. 将水倒出晾干
C. 将水倒出后平放
D. 将水倒出后旋紧塞子倒挂
E. 倒挂.晾干后吹气旋紧塞子
A. 22~26℃
B. 24~27℃
C. 28~31℃
D. 32~34℃
E. 36~40℃
A. 急性阑尾炎
B. 脑出血
C. 牙痛
D. 踝关节扭伤早期
E. 术后尿潴留
以下移植方法存活率最高的是 ___
A. 自体移植
B. 同质移植
C. 充分配血及组织配型后移植
D. 同种异体移植
E. 异种异体移植
游离植皮术后下列最重要的是 ___
A. 绷带包扎压力均匀
B. 可在术后1周换药
C. 植皮区多层敷料加压包扎
D. 局部抬高以利静脉回流
E. 植皮区肢体制动
A. 无菌敷料包扎,抗休克转送
B. 抗休克治疗,将断肢浸入冰水中
C. 保护相连皮肤,无菌包裹,抗休克转送
D. 切下断肢无菌包裹,干冻冷藏
E. 结扎止血托扶断肢急速转送
游离性植皮术前准备,下列哪项不对 ___
A. 常规备皮
B. 受皮区如为肉芽创面,术前几天用抗生素液湿敷
C. 受皮区创面,不可有溶血性链球菌存在
D. 大面积烧伤切痂,备足血液
E. 供皮区常规碘伏消毒
A. 心脏移植
B. 断肢再植
C. 同种异体肾移植
D. 异体肝移植
E. 库存骨移植
A. 表层皮片
B. 中厚皮片
C. 全厚皮片
D. 点状皮片
E. 其余选项都不是
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
In order to [ ]physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly and for at least half an hour each time
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
Mary was a careful speaker, every word seemed to have been [ ] before it was allowed to escape through her lips
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds, and each spring he eagerly [ ] their return
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
Thanks to the [ ] of air transport,everyone is free to go anywhere at any time
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
John believes that the [ ] of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
When she heard it was snowing in the city they were going to, she [ ] two more sweaters into her bag.
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
During our stay in Europe we visited many places of [ ] interest, including several castles
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very [ ] experience for our family
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
He was [ ]when he discovered that he didn't have enough money to pay for the red wine he had ordered
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
The local government is pressed to find new places to [ ] dump waste
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
The new system designed to [ ] harmful emissions排放物) from factories will be put into use soon
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
It is so difficult to [ ] the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
It was about 30 seconds before Alex [ ] from the water, we were quite scared
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
We often [ ] that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them,for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may [ ] a threat to social stability.
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
After a(n) [ ] physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
7 It is well known that China is a country with rich natural [ ] and a very big population.
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
Some people believe that the earth can [ ] enough food to support at least twice its present population
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
Sam [ ] the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action
explore ,transmit, resource, emerge,yield, pose, assume, confidence,inherit, comprehensive
A bee that has found honey is able to [ ] to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey
A. 并励发电机
B. 他励发电机
C. 串励发电机
由两以上匝数不同的线圈绕在一个构成闭合回路的铁心上组成的电气装置是___P19T100 。