A. 焦虑
B. 营养失调
C. 自我形象紊乱
D. 缺乏知识
E. 甲状腺肿大
A. 慢性气管炎+慢性阻塞性肺气肿
B. 上感+急性气管炎
C. 上感+急性支气管哮喘
D. 慢性支气管炎+支气管扩张
E. 慢性支气管炎+Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭
A. 大量渗液
B. 体液平衡紊乱
C. 肠蠕动增强
D. 心肺功能障碍
E. 腹膜充血、水肿
A. 左心前负荷
B. 左心后负荷
C. 右心前负荷
D. 右心后负荷
E. 右心前、后负荷
A. Q波
B. R波
C. T波
D. P波
E. U波
A. 肾近曲小管排泌功能
B. 肾小管重吸收功能
C. 肾小球滤过功能
D. 肾小管分泌功能
E. 肾脏调节酸碱平衡功能
A. 肾小球滤过功能轻度降低
B. 肾小球滤过功能中度降低
C. 早期肾功能不全
D. 肾衰竭晚期
E. 肾衰竭终末期
A. 糖尿病肾病
B. 过敏性紫癜肾
C. 慢性肾炎
D. 狼疮性肾炎
E. 肾淀粉样变
A. 刀割痛或绞痛
B. 向腰背部呈带状放射
C. 进食后疼痛可缓解
D. 位于中上腹偏左
E. 常伴频繁呕吐
B. AFP(甲胎蛋白)
C. MRI(核磁共振)
D. AKP(碱性磷酸酶)
E. B超
A. 超体重者占多数
B. 一般不需要胰岛素治疗
C. 酮症发生少
D. 有家族发病倾向
E. 主要见于年轻人
A. P~R间期延长
B. 心室律不整齐
C. 心率大于40次/min
D. QRS波无脱漏
E. S-T段和T波变化
A. 满月脸
B. 多血质外貌
C. 皮肤紫纹
D. 向心性肥胖
E. 环形红斑
A. 向病人解释说明
B. 安置病人仰卧位,用湿棉球涂擦电极安放部位
C. 将电极板紧贴相应部位皮肤并固定
D. 开启机器,校准定准电压和走纸速度
E. 依次描记各导联3~5个心动周期的图形
A. 体温高达40~42℃
B. 面色潮红,皮肤灼热
C. 常发生弥散性血管内凝血
D. 大脑温度达40~42℃,体温并不一定增高
E. 谵妄、惊厥、昏迷
A. 备皮
B. 应用抗生素
C. 普鲁卡因皮试
D. 麻醉前用药
E. 禁食12h,禁饮4h
A. 主动脉瓣关闭不全
B. 二尖瓣狭窄
C. 二尖瓣关闭不全
D. 主动脉瓣狭窄
E. 肺动脉瓣关闭不全
A. 肺癌早期一般没有胸部疼痛
B. 肋间神经痛呈刀割样、触电样或灼痛
C. 心绞痛常呈压榨样痛或伴有窒息感
D. 胸膜炎的疼痛常在呼气时加重
E. 自发性气胸可在剧咳或劳动中突然发生且较剧烈
A. 瞳孔对光反应正常否
B. 角膜反射存在与否
C. 膝腱反射是否消失
D. 能否看到吞咽动作
E. 患者能否被唤醒
A. 高压氧舱吸氧
B. 使用呼吸兴奋剂
C. 采用人工呼吸器
D. 输新鲜血或换血疗法
E. 解除脑血管痉挛,静脉滴注1g/L普鲁卡因
A. 350ml
B. 500ml
C. 1000ml
D. 2000ml
E. 250ml
A. 铁剂
B. 止咳糖浆
C. 助消化药
D. 健胃药
E. 磺胺类药
A. 心律失常
B. 心室肥大
C. 心肌损害
D. 心功能不全
E. 束支传导阻滞
A. 熟睡
B. 嗜睡
C. 昏睡
D. 浅昏迷
E. 深昏迷
A. 结核菌素试验阴性即可除外结核
B. 卡介苗接种成功,结核菌素反应多呈阳性
C. 重症肺结核的结核菌素反应阳性
D. 结核菌素试验阳性,肯定有结核病
E. 初次感染结核后4周内,结核菌素试验阳性
A. 3岁
B. 4岁
C. 5岁
D. 6岁
E. 7岁
A. 6h
B. 12h
C. 24h
D. 36h
E. 48h
A. 膀胱容量变小
B. 经常血尿
C. 膀胱炎
D. 尿道狭窄
E. 尿道炎
A. 重度贫血
B. 低血钠
C. 低血钾
D. 低血糖
E. 继发感染
A. 新生儿
B. 婴幼儿
C. 儿童
D. 青年
E. 成人
A. 尿糖定性试验
B. 尿糖定量测定
C. 空腹血糖测定
D. 口服葡萄糖耐量试验
E. 胰岛细胞抗体测定
A. X线
B. B超检查
C. 妊娠试验
D. 黄体酮试验
E. 基础体温测定
A. 0.02%呋喃西林
B. 0.9%氯化钠
C. 0.01%新洁尔灭
D. 3%过氧化氢
E. 0.02%洗必泰
A. 用无菌持物钳夹取治疗巾
B. 注意使治疗巾边缘对齐
C. 治疗巾开口部分及两侧反折
D. 有效期不超过6h
E. 避免潮湿和暴露过久
A. 空腹血糖≥7.0mmol/L
B. 空腹血糖≥11.1mmol/L
C. 餐后血糖≥7.0mmol/
D. 餐后血糖≥7.8mmol/L
E. 空腹血糖≥6.0mmol/L
A. 生后29天至1周岁
B. 1~3周岁
C. 2~5周岁
D. 3~5周岁
E. 4~6周岁
A. 15:50:35
B. 15:35:50
C. 25:40:35
D. 25:35:40
E. 25:25:50
A. 上呼吸道感染
B. 肺部病变早期
C. 左心功能不全
D. 支气管扩张
E. 支气管肺癌
A. 生物一社会医学模式
B. 生物一心理医学模式
C. 生物一生理医学模式
D. 生物一生理一社会医学模式
E. 生物一心理一社会医学模式
A. 儿童及其家庭
B. 病儿
C. 疾病
D. 病儿及其家属
E. 儿童预防保健
A. 是妇科最常见的恶性肿瘤
B. 多发生于绝经期妇女
C. 肌壁间肌瘤少见
D. 黏膜下肌瘤多见
E. 黏膜下肌瘤易发生月经过多
A virtual machine is connected on a distributed port group where the average bandwidth configured in the traffic shaping policy is 100 Mbps. The VM network adapter is configured with a reservation of 200 Mbps. What is the VM’s effective bandwidth?___
A. 200 Mbps
B. 100 Mbps
C. 150 Mbps
D. 400 Mbps
What are two reasons why a datastore in a Storage DRS cluster cannot enter maintenance mode?(Choose two.)___
A. Storage latency is too high to allow Storage DRS initiate Storage vMotion.
B. Storage DRS is configured for a VMFS3 datastore.
C. Storage
D. RS is disabled on the virtual disk.
What two methods are used to configure VMware vSphere Storage I/O Control shares and limits? (Choose two.)___
A. Assign shares and limits to VM virtual disks.
B. Assign shares and limits to datastores.
C. Assign shares and limits to Storage (DRS) clusters.
D. Assign shares and limits using VM storage policies.
ESXi 6.5 introduces VMFS6, which supports both 512e and 512n devices. What three configurations are supported when using these devices? (Choose three.) ___
A. Hosts with both 512e and 512n devices.
B. Storage vMotion between both 512e and 512n devices.
C. Datastore Extents spanned between both 512e and 512n devices.
D. Storage DRS clusters containing only both 512e and 512n devices.
A vSphere Administrator observes that the Primary VM configured with Fault Tolerance is executing slowly. After further investigation, it is determined that the Secondary VM is on an overcommitted ESXi host. What two methods will correct the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Use Storage vMotion to migrate the Secondary VM to another datastore.
B. Use vMotion to migrate the Secondary VM to a different ESXi host.
C. Configure a CPU limit on the Primary VM which will also apply to the Secondary VM.
D. Turn off and turn on FT in order to recreate the Secondary VM on a different datastore.
Which two features require the use of Host Profiles? (Choose two.)___
A. Host Customizations
B. shared storage
C. Auto
D. eploy
What three processes on the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) does“vmware-watchdog monitor? (Choose three.) ___
A. vmware-eam
B. vmcad
C. vmware-vpostgres
D. vpxd
E. vsan-health
What three processes on the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) does“vmware-watchdog monitor? (Choose three.) ___
A. vmware-eam
B. vmcad
C. vmware-vpostgres
D. vpxd
E. vsan-health
Which two statements correctly describe VM-Host affinity rules? (Choose two.) ___
A. When there is more than one VM-Host affinity rule in a vSphere DRS cluster, the rules are applied equally.
B. After creating a VM-Host affinity rule, its ability to function in relation to other rules is predetermined.
C. When there is more than one VM-Host affinity rule in a vSphere
D. RS cluster, the rules will be ranked.
An administrator wants to enable proactive HA by moving virtual machines automatically if a hardware alert is triggered. What are the three required settings? (Choose three.)___
A. Set vSphere DRS Automation to Partially Automated.
B. Turn on Proactive HA.
C. Set the Proactive HA Automation Level to Manual.
D. Set the Proactive HA Automation Level to Automated.
E. Turn on vSphere HA and vSphere DRS.
If vCenter Server 5.5 installation has one or more services deployed remotely, which three services are relocated to vCenter Server 6.5 on upgrade? (Choose three.)___
A. vCenter Inventory Services
B. vSphere Authentication Proxy
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere
E. SXi Dump Collector
What two debugging levels can a virtual machine be configured to? (Choose two.)___
A. Verbose
B. Debugging
C. Statistics
D. Trivia
What are three benefits of using a few large-capacity LUNs instead of many small-capacity LUNs? (Choose three.) ___
A. Better performance because there is less contention for a single volume.
B. More flexibility for resizing virtual disks.
C. Less wasted storage space.
D. More flexibility to create virtual machines without adding new LUNs.
E. Fewer VMFS datastores to manage.
Which two configurable options are available in Boot Options for a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Tools Upgrades
B. Encryption
C. Firmware
D. Force BIOS setup
Which three VMware-recommended best practices should an administrator follow before upgrading to vSphere 6.5? (Choose three.)___
A. Disconnect ESXi host from vCenter.
B. VMware Tools are installed in the virtual machine.
C. Ensure that the system hardware complies with ESXi requirements.
D. Back up the host.
E. Check the interoperability of any other software integrated with vSphere.
What are two requirements to enable EVC in vSphere DRS cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. CPUs must be from the same vendor.
B. EVC must use the lowest possible baseline supported by the hardware.
C. CPUs must be in the same family and of the same speed.
D. No VMs may be running in the cluster.
What three conditions could result in VMware Flash Read Cache being unable to claim a disk? (Choose three.)___
A. The disk is not listed in the VMware hardware compatibility guide.
B. The disk is not detected as an SSD.
C. The disk is not detected as local.
D. The disk is in use by VMFs.
Boot from SAN is supported on which three storage technologies? (Choose three.)___
A. VMware vSAN
C. NFS 4.1
Which two components are part of storage I/O multipathing on ESXi? (Choose two.)___
Which two statements are true about Highly Available vSphere Auto Deploy infrastructure? (Choose two.)___
A. It helps prevent data loss.
B. It is a prerequisite for using vSphere Auto Deploy with stateful install.
C. It requires two or more Auto
D. eploy servers.
The virtual machine log rotation size can be changed for all VMs by which two interfaces? (Choose two.)___
A. PowerCLI
B. vSphere Web Client
C. ESXi host client
D. esxcli
Which two configuration options can exclude virtual disks from snapshot operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Use RDM in virtual mode for virtual disk.
B. Use virtual disks in Independent – Persistent mode.
C. Use a virtual disk larger than 2 TB in size.
D. Use RDM in physical mode for virtual disk.
Which two storage configurations on the source server are unsupported with VMware Converter? (Choose two.)___
A. Linux LVM
B. software RAID
C. GPT/MBR hybrid disks
D. Windows basic volumes
E. Windows dynamic volumes
Which two statements about vCenter HA are correct? (Choose two.)___
A. ESXi 5.5 or later is required.
B. vCenter HA network latency between nodes must be less than 50 ms.
C. NFS datastore is supported.
D. It must be deployed on a 3
E. SXi host cluster with DRS enabled.
An attempt to delete NFS datastore from a ESXi host returns the error: Sysinfo error on operation returned the following status:< Busy> Which two statements could explain this failure? (Choose two.)___
A. NFS datastore is a part of Storage DRS Cluster.
B. NFS.VolumeRemountFrequency value is set to 30.
C. Storage I/O Control is enabled on NFS datastore.
D. NFS datastore has running or registered virtual machines.
An administrator finds that the Microsoft Exchange virtual machines are exhibiting network latency. What two in-guest changes can help decrease latency? (Choose two.)___
Which two types of iSCSI adapters require VMkernel networking configuration? (Choose two.)___
A. dependent hardware
B. in-guest
C. software
D. independent hardware
Which two statements are true for NFS v4.1 firewall behavior? (Choose two.)___
A. It closes port 2049.
B. It sets allowed. All flag to TRUE.
C. It sets allowed. All flag to FALSE.
D. It opens port 2049.
A vSphere Administrator attempts to enable Fault Tolerance for a virtual machine but receives the following error: Secondary VM could not be powered on as there are no compatible hosts that can accommodate it. What two options could cause this error? (Choose two.)___
A. The other ESXi host(s) are in Maintenance Mode.
B. Hardware virtualization is not enabled on the other ESXi host(s).
C. The other ESXi host(s) are in Quarantine Mode.
D. Hardware MMU is enabled on the other
E. SXi host(s).
Storage capabilities be populated in what two ways? (Choose two.)___
A. The administrator can use tags to describe capabilities.
B. Default capabilities are provided by vCenter Server.
C. Datastores can advertise their capabilities through VAAI.
D. Datastores can advertise their capabilities through VASA.
In network troubleshooting it is important to know what upstream switch the ESXi host is connected to. Which two features does ESXi provide to help identify the upstream switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Promiscuous mode
Virtual Volumes supports which three VMware features? (Choose three.)___
A. Instant Clones
B. Distributed Resource Scheduler
C. Linked Clones
D. vMotion
E. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler
vSphere DRS helps to balance virtual machines with available resources in a vSphere cluster. What three types of resources can be taken into account for balancing? (Choose three.)___
B. physical NIC saturation of an ESXi host
C. virtual NIC saturation of a virtual machine
E. storage latency
Which three design requirements must be satisfied to enable RAID-6 objects in a VMware vSAN cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. vSAN Advanced license or higher
B. vSAN stretched cluster
C. at least six hosts contributing storage
D. deduplication and compression
E. all flash configuration
When using "Cluster resource percentage" for host failover capacity in vSphere HA Admission Control, the total resource requirements are calculated from which two values? (Choose two.)___
A. Total vCPUs assigned to each VM.
B. Average CPU usage on each VM over time.
C. Memory reservations on each VM.
D. Total memory assigned to each VM.
E. Average active memory on each VM over time.
F. CPU reservations on each VM.
Which are four attributes of the Active vCenter HA node? (Choose four)___
A. It uses the vCenter HA network to communicate with the Witness node.
B. It constantly replicates vPostgres data with the Witness node.
C. It uses a public IP address for the management interface.
D. It runs the active vCenter Server Appliance instance.
E. It uses the vCenter HA network for replication of data to the Passive node.
F. It provides a quorum to protect against split-brain situations.
Which are two vCenter Server two-factor authentication methods? (Choose two.)___
A. RSA SecurID
B. Smart Card
D. Symantec VIP
An administrator is creating VMkernel adapters on an ESXi 6.5 host and wants to create separate VMkernel adapters for every type of traffic in the default TCP/IP stack. Which three types of traffic can be explicitly enabled on a separate VMkernel adapter? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual SAN traffic
B. NFS traffic
C. vMotion traffic
D. vSphere HA traffic
E. Fault Tolerance logging traffic
When migrating a Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which two will be migrated by default? (Choose two.)___
A. Local Windows OS users and groups
B. Configuration
C. Custom ports
E. Historical and Performance data
Which three types of Content Libraries exist within vSphere 6.5? (Choose three.)___
A. Remote Content Library
B. Published Content Library
C. Local Content Library
D. Shared Content Library
E. Subscribed Content Library