A. 10元(含10元)以上的假币实物需要加盖假币印章,10元以下的假币印章不需要加盖
B. 具有货币真伪鉴定资质的机构才可以获得并使用假币印章
C. 在收缴假币时,应当客户面在假币实物上加盖假币印章
D. 加盖假币印章的货币,经鉴定为真币时,应将该货币连同货币真伪鉴定书一同交由持币人
A. 鉴定书外缘尺寸为20cm*14、5cm
B. 经鉴定为假币时,需在开具的货币真伪鉴定书上加盖假币印章
C. 可以使用货币真伪鉴定书的机构包括人民银行分支机构和被授权的鉴定机构
D. 中国人民银行分支机构在复点清分金融机构解缴的回笼券时,发现假人民币应经鉴定后予以没收,并向解缴单位开具货币真伪鉴定书
伪造的货币是指 _____的假币。___
A. 造假手段制造
B. 仿照真币的图案、形状、色彩等采用各种手段制作
C. 仿照真币
A. 中国人民银行
B. 国务院
C. 中华人民共和国
中国人民银行自1948年成立至今,已经发行了 _____套人民币。 ___
我国是从第几套人民币开始发行辅币的? ___
A. 立即
B. 当天
C. 2个工作日内
D. 3个工作日内
第一套人民币于 _______开始发行。___
A. 1948年12月1日
B. 1949年10月1日
C. 1949年12月1日
A. 10000元
B. 20000元
C. 50000元
人民币纸币票面缺少面积在________平方毫米以上不宜流通。 ___
第一套人民币于 _______ 全面停止流通。___
A. 1959年12月1日
B. 1960年1月1日
C. 1955年5月10日
A. 仅查询人的有效身份证件即可
B. 查询人或委托人的有效身份证件
C. 查询人和委托人的有效身份证件
中国人民银行首次发行的彩色金银纪念币的名称是什么? ___
A. 牛年生肖金币
B. 虎年生肖银币
C. 龙年生肖金币
A. 能辨别面额,票面剩余四分之三(含四分之三)以上,其图案、文字能按原样连接的残缺、污损人民币,金融机构应向持有人按原面额全额兑换。
B. 能辨别面额,票面剩余二分之一(含二分之一)至四分之三以下,其图案、文字能按原样连接的残缺、污损人民币,金融机构应向持有人按原面额的一半兑换。
C. 纸币呈正十字形缺少四分之一的,按原全额兑换。
D. 兑付额不足一分的,不予兑换;五分按半额兑换的,兑付二分。
第三套人民币纸币和硬币于_______ 停止使用。 ___
A. 1999年10月1日
B. 2000年1月1日
C. 2000年7月1日
A. 一次性发现假人民币10张(枚)
B. 属于利用新的造假手段制造假币的;
C. 有制造贩卖假币线索的;
D. 持有人不配合金融机构收缴行为的。
A. 纸币票面缺少面积在30平方毫米以上。
B. 纸币票面裂口2处以上,长度每处超过5毫米;裂口1处,长度超过10毫米。
C. 纸币票面有纸质较绵软,起皱较明显,脱色、变色、变形,不能保持其票面防伪功能等情形之一。
D. 纸币票面污渍、涂写字迹面积超过2平方厘米;不超过2平方厘米,但遮盖了防伪特征之一。
A. 光彩光变数字
B. 光变油墨面额数字
C. 光变镂空开窗安全线
D. 有色荧光竖号码
A. 中华人民共和国国徽
B. “中国人民银行”行名
C. 人像水印
D. 有色荧光竖号码
A. 左侧,品红色,绿色
B. 右侧,黑色,黄色
C. 左侧,品红色,黄色
D. 右侧,品红色,绿色
对捣毁伪造人民币印制窝点,现场查获印刷假币的机器设备、制造假币版样、模具、油墨、纸张(包括印有安全线的纸张)、坯饼等原材料,并抓获主要涉案人员的,奖励 _______万元。___
现场查获假币的,查获假纸币面额总计 万元以下或假硬币 万枚以下的,奖励金额为假币面额总计数的8%。___
A. 50 5
B. 100 5
C. 100 10
D. 50 10
现场查获假币的,查获假纸币面额总计 万元至 万元,奖励为8万元至20万元,区间内按比例计算。___
A. 10 100
B. 100 1000
C. 100 500
D. 50 100
现场查获假币的,查获假硬币 万枚至 万枚的,奖励为8万元至20万元,区间内按比例计算。___
A. 10 100
B. 1 10
C. 10 50
D. 50 100
现场查获假币的,查获假纸币面额总计100万元至1000万元,奖励为 万元至 万元,区间内按比例计算。___
A. 8 20
B. 5 10
C. 8 10
D. 10 20
现场查获假币的,查获假硬币10万枚至50万枚的,奖励为 万元至 万元,区间内按比例计算。___
A. 8 20
B. 5 10
C. 8 10
D. 10 20
现场查获假币的,查获假纸币面额总计 万元以上,奖励金额20万元。___
A. 100
B. 50
C. 500
D. 1000
现场查获假币的,查获假硬币 万枚以上,奖励金额20万元。___
A. 10
B. 50
C. 100
D. 500
现场查获假币的,查获假纸币面额总计1000万元以上,奖励金额 万元。___
现场查获假币的,查获假硬币50万枚以上,奖励金额 万元。___
现场查获假币的,查获假纸币面额总计100万元以下或假硬币10万枚以下的,奖励金额为假币面额总计数的 。___
A. 5%
B. 8%
C. 10%
D. 12%
对查获出售、购买、运输、持有、使用假币并抓获主要涉案人员的,查获假币面额总计少于 万元的,奖励金额为假币面额总计数的10%。___
A. 50
B. 10
C. 100
D. 500
对查获出售、购买、运输、持有、使用假币并抓获主要涉案人员的,查获假币面额总计少于100万元的,奖励金额为假币面额总计数的 。___
A. 5%
B. 8%
C. 10%
D. 12%
对查获出售、购买、运输、持有、使用假币并抓获主要涉案人员的,查获假币面额总计等于和大于 万元的,在奖励金额数为10万元基数上,加上假币面额总计超过 万元部分的1%计算。___
A. 50,50
B. 10,10
C. 100,100
D. 500,500
对查获出售、购买、运输、持有、使用假币并抓获主要涉案人员的,查获假币面额总计等于和大于100万元的,在奖励金额数为 万元基数上,加上假币面额总计超过100万元部分的1%计算。___
对查获出售、购买、运输、持有、使用假币并抓获主要涉案人员的,查获假币面额总计等于和大于100万元的,在奖励金额数为10万元基数上,加上假币面额总计超过100万元部分的 计算。___
对查获出售、购买、运输、持有、使用假币并抓获主要涉案人员的,奖励金额最高限额为 万元。___
The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout the terms of Presidents .
A. A. Johnson, Nixon and Ford
B. B. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy
C. C. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon
D. D. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson
President applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.
A. A. Wilson
B. B. Truman
C. C. Roosevelt
D. D. Kennedy
The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars.
A. A. neutrality
B. B. full involvement
C. C. partial involvement
D. D. appeasement
Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.
A. A. Declaration of Independence
B. B. Constitution
C. C. Emancipation Proclamation
D. D. Bill of Rights
In May 1775, was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.
A. A. the First Continental Congress
B. B. the Second Continental Congress
C. C. the Boston Tea Party
D. D. the Congress of Confederation
The first shots of the American dependence were fired in .
A. A. Concord
B. B. Lexington
C. C. Philadelphia
D. D. Boston
“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of .
A. A. the settlers of Virginia
B. B. the people of Pennsylvania
C. C. the colonists in New England
D. D. the people of the 13 colonies
The Seven Years’ War occurred between the .
A. A. French and American Indians
B. B. French and Spaniards
C. C. French and British
D. D. British and American Indians
Pilgrim Fathers are a group of who came to America to avoid persecution in England.
A. A. Protestants
B. B. Puritans
C. C. Catholics
D. D. Christians
The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in .
A. A. Jamestown, Louisiana
B. B. Boston, Massachusetts
C. C. Jamestown, Virginia
D. D. Plymouth, Georgia
The characteristic of dominant American culture is .
A. A. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-class
B. B. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class
C. C. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-class
D. D. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class
The ImmiWar of Ingrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States, particularly from .
A. A. Europe
B. B. Asia
C. C. Africa
D. D. South America
The largest minority in the United States is the .
A. A. Pacific Islanders
B. B. Blacks
C. C. Native Americans
D. D. Asians
The native Alaskan population includes the following except the .
A. A. Indians
B. B. Eskimos
C. C. Aleuts
D. D. Blacks
is located on the U. S. –Canadian border between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
A. A. Yellowstone National Park
B. B. The Grand Canyon
C. C. Niagara Falls
D. D. The Great Salt Lake
Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located .
A. A. in the South
B. B. along the Pacific Coast
C. C. in New England
D. D. in the Midwest
The largest river in the U. S. is .
A. A. the Missouri River
B. B. the Mississippi River
C. C. the Ohio River
D. D. the Colorado River
The U. S. lies in North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its and the Pacific to its .
A. A. northern, east, west
B. B. central, east, west
C. C. southern, west, east
D. D. western, east, west
The state of is the largest in area of all the states.
A. A. Alaska
B. B. Hawaii
C. C. Texas
D. D. Florid
The United States has states on the continent.
A. A. 50
B. B. 49
C. C. 48
D. D. 35
Waiting for Godot is written by .
A. A. Samuel Beckett
B. B. George Orwell
C. C. William Golding
D. D. D. H. Lawrence
Of the following writers, is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.
A. A. Samuel Beckett
B. B. James Joyce
C. C. William Golding
D. D. V. S. Naipaul
Of the following statements, is NOT correct about Virginia Woolf.
A. A. She was a central figure of the “Bloomsbury Group”.
B. B. She experimented with stream of consciousness.
C. C. She was an influential feminist.
D. D. Her masterpiece was The Rainbow.
Of the following books, was NOT written by Thomas Hardy.
A. A. Jude the Obscure
B. B. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
C. C. Adam Bede
D. D. The Return of the Native
is NOT included in the modernist group.
A. A. Oscar Wild
B. B. Virginia Woolf
C. C. William Butler Yeats
D. D. T. S. Eliot
Of the following statements, is NOT correct in terms of Neo-Romanticism.
A. A. It prevailed at the end of the 19th century.
B. B. The writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.
C. C. The writers believed in “Art for Art’s Sake”.
D. D. Treasure Island was a representative work.
is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century.
A. A. Robert Louis Stevenson
B. B. John Milton
C. Joseph Conrad
D. D. Thomas Hardy
Of Dickens’ novels, is considered autobiographical.
A. A. A Tale of Two Cities
B. B. David Copperfield
C. C. Oliver Twist
D. D. Great Expectations
is viewed as Romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.”
A. A. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”
B. B. Don Juan
C. C. “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
D. D. Prometheus Unbound
The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is .
A. A. poetry
B. B. drama
C. C. novel
D. D. pamphlet
The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except .
A. A. Trooping the Color
B. B. Queen’s Christmas message
C. C. Boxing Day
D. D. Christmas pantomime
Of the following, is NOT a common feature of all the British holidays.
A. A. families getting together
B. B. friends exchanging good wishes
C. C. friends enjoying each other’s company
D. D. families traveling overseas
is Britain’s top pay television provider.
B. B. SkyTV
D. D. BSkyB
Life on Earth is a kind of program produced by the BBC and is popular among 500 million viewers worldwide.
A. A. feature
B. B. drama
C. C. documentary
D. D. soap opera
Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “Big Three” with the exception of .
A. A. The Times
B. B. The Guardian
C. C. The Observer
D. D. The Daily Telegraph
To be admitted to the Open University, one need .
A. A. some educational qualifications
B. B. no educational qualifications
C. C. General Certificate of Education-Advanced
D. D. General National Vocational Qualifications
Of the following, is NOT a basis of admission to Britain’s universities.
A. A. result in national entrance test
B. B. A-level result
C. C. an interview
D. D. school references
Partially funded by central government grants, the British univPartially funded by central government grants, the British universities receive their remaining funds from all the following sources except .
A. A. tuition fees
B. B. loans
C. C. donations
D. D. corporate contributions
About of British children receive primary and secondary education through the independent system.
A. A. 5%
B. B. 6%
C. C. 7%
D. D. 8%
In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the .
A. A. 1930s
B. B. 1940s
C. C. 1950s
D. D. 1960s