《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,专用校车应在车外顶部前后各安装 2 个___专用校车标志灯,前标志灯与车顶前部最边缘的距离应不大于 400 mm;后标志灯与车顶后部最边缘的距离应不大于400 mm。左右两个标志灯应尽量靠近车身左右侧外缘,并与车辆纵向中心线对称。
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016) 规定,车辆的顶窗、换气装置等处于开启状态时不应超出车辆高度___。
A. 100 mm
B. 200 mm
C. 300 mm
D. 400 mm
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016) 规定,汽车的后轴与牵引杆挂车的前轴之间的距离不应小于___。
A. 1000 mm
B. 2000 mm
C. 3000 mm
D. 4000 mm
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016) 规定,汽车及挂车的后悬均应小于或等于___(中置轴车辆运输挂车除外)。
A. 2000 mm
B. 2500 mm
C. 3000 mm
D. 3500 mm
44、《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构的技术负责人应具有中级及以上专业技术职称或同等能力,全面负责技术运作;( )应确保管理体系得到实施和保持;应指定关键管理人员的代理人。
A. 最高管理者
B. 质量负责人
C. 技术负责人
D. 内审员
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测设备应由___操作并对其进行正常维护。
A. 经过授权的人员
B. 质量负责人
C. 设备管理员
D. 监督员
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构应建立和保持管理体系内部审核的程序,以便验证其运作是否符合管理体系和本标准的要求,管理体系是否得到有效的实施和保持。内部审核通常每年一次,由___策划内审并制定审核方案。
A. 最高管理者
B. 质量负责人
C. 技术负责人
D. 内审员
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构应建立和保持管理评审的程序。管理评审通常 12 个月一次,由___负责。
A. 最高管理者
B. 质量负责人
C. 技术负责人
D. 内审员
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构的授权签字人应具有___及以上专业技术职称或同等能力,并经资质认定部门批准,非授权签字人不得签发检验检测报告或证书。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,机动车检验机构应在客户活动区域的明显位置,公示由其法定代表人或最高管理者签署的,具有法律效力的___。
A. 收费标准
B. 质量方针
C. 公正性承诺
D. 质量目标
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构应对检验检测原始记录、报告、证书归档留存,保证其具有可追溯性。检验检测原始记录、报告、证书的保存期限通常不少于___。
A. 2 年
B. 3 年
C. 5 年
D. 6 年
《机动车安全技术检验项目和方法》(GB21861-2014)规定,在用机动车检验时,重中型货车、挂车的外廓尺寸应与机动车行驶证签注的内容相符,且误差不超过___或±100mm 。
A. ±1%
B. ±2%
C. ±3%
D. ±5%
A. 外观
B. 路试
C. 底盘
D. 仪器设备
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,___和总质量小于等于 3500kg 的货车(低速汽车除外)应在靠近风窗立柱的位置设置能永久保持的车辆识别代号标识;该标识从车外应能清晰地识读,且非经破坏性操作不能被完整取下。
A. 乘用车
B. 长途客车
C. 专用校车
D. 半挂牵引车
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,货车核定乘坐人数应小于等于___,专项作业车(消防车除外)核定乘坐人数应小于等于 9 人,危险货物运输货车的核定乘坐人数应小于等于 3 人。
A. 3 人
B. 6 人
C. 9 人
D. 10 人
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,教练车应在车身两侧及后部喷涂高度大于等于___ 的“教练车”等字样。
A. 20mm
B. 50mm
C. 100mm
D. 200mm
A. 20 mm
B. 30 mm
C. 40 mm
D. 50 mm
58、《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,汽车(纯电动汽车、燃料电池汽车和低速汽车除外)驾驶人耳旁噪声声级应小于等于( )。
A. 80dB(A)
B. 90dB(A)
C. 100dB(A)
D. 115dB(A)
A. 6m
B. 9m
C. 10m
D. 11m
A. 50km
B. 100km
C. 150km
D. 200km
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,汽车(三轮汽车除外)的车轮定位应与该车型的技术要求一致。对前轴采用非独立悬架的汽车(前轴采用双转向轴时除外),其转向轮的横向侧滑量,用侧滑台检验时侧滑量值应小于等于 ___。
A. 3m/km
B. 5m/km
C. 10m/km
D. 15m/km
A. 6000kg
B. 10000kg
C. 12000kg
D. 15000kg
A. 0.7
B. 0.9
C. 0.5
D. 08
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,在空载状态下,驻车制动装置应能保证机动车在坡度为 20%(对总质量为整备质量的 1.2 倍以下的机动车为 15%)、轮胎与路面间的附着系数大于等于 0.7 的坡道上正、反两个方向保持固定不动, 时间应大于等于___。
A. 1min
B. 2min
C. 3min
D. 5min
A. 6m
B. 9m
C. 10m
D. 11m
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,所有货车(半挂牵引车、多用途货车除外)、货车底盘改装的专项作业车和挂车(旅居挂车除外)应在侧面设置车身反光标识。侧面的车身反光标识长度应大于等于车长的___,对三轮汽车应大于等于 1.2m,对侧面车身结构无连续平面的货车底盘改装的专项作业车应大于等于车长的 30%,对货厢长度不足车长 50%的货车应为货厢长度。
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,机动车(手扶拖拉机运输机组除外)应设置具有连续发声功能的喇叭,喇叭声级在距车前 2m、离地高 1.2m 处测量时,发动机最大净功率(或电机额定功率总和)为 7 kW 以 下 的 摩 托 车 为 80 dB(A)~ 112 dB(A) , 其 他 机 动 车 为()。
A. 80 dB(A)~90 dB(A)
B. 90 dB(A)~112 dB(A)
C. 90 dB(A)~115 dB(A)
D. 100 dB(A)~115 dB(A)
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,总质量大于等于___的货车,应装备符合标准要求的车辆右转弯音响提示装置, 并在设计和制造上保证驾驶人不能关闭车辆右转弯音响提示装置。
A. 6000kg
B. 9000kg
C. 10000kg
D. 12000kg
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,乘用车、挂车轮胎胎冠花纹上的花纹深度应大于等于___,摩托车轮胎胎冠花纹上的花纹深度应大于等于 0.8mm;其他机动车转向轮的胎冠花纹深度应大于等于 3.2mm,其余轮胎胎冠花纹深度应大于等于 1.6mm。
A. 0.8mm
B. 1.2mm
C. 1.5mm
D. 1.6mm
A. 6mm
B. 8mm
C. 10mm
D. 15mm
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 80%
纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车在车辆起步且车速低于___时, 应能给车外人员发出适当的提示性声响。
A. 10km/h
B. 20km/h
C. 30km/h
D. 50km/h
A. 1500kg
B. 2500kg
C. 3500kg
D. 4500kg
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,液压行车制动在达到规定的制动效能时,踏板行程应小于等于踏板全行程的___, 制动器装有自动调整间隙装置的机动车踏板行程应小于等于踏板全行程的五分之四,且乘用车应小于等于 120mm,其他机动车应小于等于 150mm。
A. 三分之二
B. 四分之一
C. 四分之三
D. 五分之四
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,汽车的制动协调时间,对液压制动的汽车应小于等于___,对气压制动的汽车应小于等于 0.60s。
A. 0.35s
B. 0.45s
C. 0.60s
D. 0.80s
A. 0.35s
B. 0.45s
C. 0.60s
D. 0.80s
《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258-2017)规定,进行制动力检验时, 汽车、汽车列车各车轮的阻滞力均应小于等于轮荷的___。
___的客车应具有超速报警功能,当行驶速度超过允许的最大行驶速度(允许的最大行驶速度不应大于 100km/h)时能通过视觉和声觉信号报警,但具有符合规定的限速功能或限速装置的除外。
A. 10000kg
B. 12000kg
C. 15000kg
D. 20000kg
A. 外观员
B. 审核员
C. 民警查验员
D. 初级查验员
A. 依法治国
B. 党的领导
C. 依法立法
D. 严格执法
A. 已经形成并巩固发展
B. 逐步形成
C. 不断深化
D. 日益稳固
A. 群众领导力、思想组织力、社会凝聚力、政治向心力
B. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力
C. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众发展力、社会号召力
D. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会向心力
A. She is going to have a lot of vanilla icecream.
B. She won the pelling competition at her school.
C. She is going to the state capital for a competition.
D. She spelled“exellence" correctly, but others didn't.
A. His family moved to Sacramento to settle down.
B. His family bought him a new suit and a new tie.
C. He went to Sacramento for a spelling competition.
D. He won the first prize in the state spelling competition.
A. Tomake him feel better after he lost the first prize.
B. To apologize for not buying him some ice cream.
C. To wish him good luck in the next competition.
D. To congratulate him on winning the frst prize.
A. Red.
B. Blue.
C. Green.
D. Yellow.
A. Superstitions and science.
B. Tips on how to have good luck.
C. Superstitions in the United States.
D. Rational and superstitious societies.
A. Walking under a ladder.
B. Dreaming of a black cat.
C. Hanging a mirror in the house.
D. Stepping on one's own shadow.
A. Because black cats look like witches.
B. Because black cats were thought to be witches.
C. Because black cats bring seven years of bad luck.
D. Because black cats are hard to notice in darkness.
A. Breaking a mirror on purpose.
B. Catching a falling leaf on one's birthday.
C. Finding a penny on the ground and picking it up.
D. Dreaming of blowing out the candles in one blow.
A. Read J. K. Rowling's first book.
B. Go to buy a new Harry Potter book.
C. Watch BBC news about J. K. Rowling.
D. Take her cousin to see a new Harry Potter movie.
A. At a café.
B. Ona train.
C. At a cinema.
D. In a bookstore.
A. She won't write any more books.
B. She will write more magic stories.
C. She hasn't said anything about her future plans.
D. She said she would work on more serious subjects.
A. J. K. Rowling's secret.
B. J. K. Rowling's writing plan.
C. A new book by J. K. Rowling.
D. An interview with J. K. Rowling.
A. He broke the milk bottle.
B. He fell down on the floor.
C. He made a mess inside the refrigerator.
D. He spilled the milk over the kichcn floor.
A. Ѕhе gаvе hіm а lоng leсture.
B. She shouted at him in anger.
C. She enjoyed the wonderful mess.
D. She cleaned up the mess with him.
A. How to do an experiment.
B. How to carry amilk bottle.
C. How to clean up spilled milk.
D. How to avoid making mistakes.
A. Mistakes can become learning opportunities.
B. Mistakes are just like scientific experiments.
C. One should sometimes make mistakes.
D. One should try to avoid making mistakes.
A. Because he likes the sunny weather,
B. Because he wants to challenge himself.
C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem.
D. Because it can help him forget all his troubles.
A. To go sailing.
B. To go surfing.
C. To go to the beach.
D. To go to her nephew's.
A. Going to visit relatives.
B. Enjoying the warm sun on the beach.
C. Building sand castles with her niece and nephew.
D. Playing in the sand and jumping in the waves.
A. Surfing in the sea.
B. Collecting seashells.
C. Building sand castles.
D. Jumping in thewaves.
A. 89 percent.
B. 84 percent.
A. People aged 16to 24.
B. People aged 25 to 34.
C. People aged 16 and over.
D. People aged 55 and over.
A. People aged16 to 24 preferred listening to music most.
B. more popularB It was geting more andamong the Bish people.
C. Trwas the third most popular ativity among people aged 55 and over.
D. People aged 25 to 34 listened to musicmore often than those aged 16 to 24.
A. Older people go out to pubs more often.
B. Younger people go to the cinema less frequently.
C. Older people spend more time reading and gardening.
D. Younger people spend less time visiting friends and family.
A. 4 hours.
B. 2 hours.
C. 1.5 hours.
D. 45 minutes.
A. At 8.
B. At 7.
C. At 6.
D. At 5.
A. She can either read or rest a little on the train.
B. She can read and respond to emails on the train.
C. She can travel to many different parts of the city.
D. She can go shopping on her way home from work.
A. He can take the train to the old part of the city.
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes the train.
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with the train.
D. Hecan take the train to the airpor insted of driving.
A. About an hour.
B. More than an hour.
C. About half an hour.
D. More than one and a half hours.
A. More and more Americans spend over an hour getting to work.
B. Over 10 percent of Americans spend less than an hour getting to work.
C. Only New York people spend more than 90 minutes getting to work.
D. Over 10 percent of Americans spend more than 90 minutes getting to work.
A. Because gas prices are not high.
B. Because the commute is not tiring.
C. Because he can attend a better school.
D. Because he can have his favorite lifestyle.
A. Traffic jams.
B. Expensive housing.
C. Poorer life quality.
D. A tiring and boring trip.
A. She liked playing an interesting game.
B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends.
C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume.
D. She liked the decorations in Jason's front yard.
A. None of her friends likes Jason.
B. None of Jason's guests is young.
C. She wants to go to Linda's party.
D. She went to Jason's party last year.
A. The party will last four hours.
B. Six people will attend the party.
C. They will have huge bags of candy.
D. They will play a new game called Guess Who"
A. Go to Jason's party.
B. Go to Linda's party.
C. Attend both Jason's and Linda's parties.
D. Celebrate Halloween with her parents.
A. Some stores offered bigger holiday discounts.
B. Some stores provided more choices of nightlife.
C. Some stores made efforts to attract young people.
D. Some stores opened much earlier than they used to.