A. 均无效
B. 一端有效
C. 均有效
LKJ-2000监控装置在正常监控状态下,可用【↓】【↑】方向键调整屏幕亮度,共有___个亮度等级 。《LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置》P256
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
A. 滞后误差
B. 超前误差
C. 正常误差
A. 【巡检】
B. 【.定标】
C. 【车位】
A. 解锁
B. 警惕
C. 缓解
A. 小于
B. 等于
C. 大于
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 3000
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
A. 查询
B. 确认
C. 解锁
A. 1min
B. 2min
C. 3min
A. 解锁
B. 缓解
C. 移动手柄
A. 等于
B. 接近
C. 超过
铁路线路直线轨距标准为___ mm。J42
A. 1000
B. 1435
C. 1502
A. 8
B. 9
C. 12
A. 8
B. 9
C. 12
A. 400 m
B. 800 m
C. 1000 m
A. 矮型信号机
B. 高柱信号机
C. 通用信号机
A. 50 m
B. 200 m
C. 400 m
A. 对称
B. 内方
C. 外方
A. 进站
B. 出站
C. 通过
列车运行速度超过120 km/h的半自动闭塞或自动站间闭塞区段,设置两段接近区段,在第一接近区段和第二接近区段的分界处,设___。J76
A. 预告信号机
B. 接近信号机
C. 复示信号机
A. 发车表示器
B. 进路表示器
C. 发车线路表示器
A. 进站
B. 发车进路
C. 通过
A. 脱轨表示器
B. 进路表示器
C. 道岔表示器
在列车运行速度超过120 km/h的双线区段,采用速差式自动闭塞,列车紧急制动距离由___及以上闭塞分区长度保证。J94
A. 一个
B. 两个
C. 三个
A. 0.5
B. 0.7
C. 1
车轮踏面上的缺陷或剥离长度不超过40 mm,深度不超过___mm。J170
A. 0.5
B. 0.7
C. 1
接触网标称电压值为___kV,最高工作电压为27.5 kV,短时(5 min)最高工作电压为29 kV,最低工作电压为19 kV。J197
A. 20
B. 23
C. 25
为保证人身安全,除专业人员执行有关规定外,其他人员(包括所携带的物件)与牵引供电设备带电部分的距离,不得小于___ mm。 J205
A. 1500
B. 1800
C. 2000
A. 确认安全距离后可以
B. 严禁
C. 可以在有人监护下
A. 车站值班员
B. 列车调度员
C. 车站值班员和列车调度员共同
A. 车站值班员
B. 机车调度员
C. 列车调度员
A. 须发给司机调度命令
B. 给予司机口头指示
C. 通知车辆乘务员即可
A. 铁路局
B. 铁路总公司
C. 国家铁路局
A. 司机
B. 车站值班员
C. 车站调度员
A. 车辆部门
B. 车务部门
C. 机务部门
A. 车辆部门
B. 车务部门
C. 机务部门
A. 前位
B. 次位
C. 前位或次位
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
A. 机车乘务组
B. 车辆乘务员
C. 车站人员
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
It soon ___ that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.
A. widened
B. expanded
C. extended
D. developed
I want to buy a new tie to ___ this brown suit.
A. go into
B. go after
C. go with
D. go through
Our company decided to ___ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy
B. resist
C. assume
D. cancel
My first ___ was to turn and run.
A. institute
B. institution
C. instinct
D. tuition
I think it’s time I ___ in a new computer.
A. invested
B. insulted
C. interacted
D. impacted
The jeweler will ____ the inside of the ring with her name.
A. carve
B. engrave
C. cut
D. engross
He was bleeding from a _____ on his forehead.
A. lash
B. gash
C. ash
D. sash
Let us go to the next ______ on the agenda.
A. matter
B. debate
C. speech
D. item
They are _____ moving their office outside London.
A. considered
B. discussing
C. pondering
D. negotiating
Although she _____ the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
A. scrubbed
B. washed
C. made
D. screwed
The mistake will remain an indelible ____ on his memory.
A. stain
B. thing
C. issue
D. accident
The wheel ____ through my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road.
A. slipped
B. sipped
C. dashed
D. disappeared
The cupboard was ____ with old fishing tackle.
A. stuffed
B. stocked
C. stored
D. filled
The decision depended on the ____ of a coin.
A. loss
B. lot
C. toss
D. sign
Teaching can be a tiring and ____ job.
A. meaningless
B. stressed
C. rewarded
D. stressful
The building is partly a museum and partly a private ____.
A. place
B. area
C. community
D. residence
Stop ______ your foot.
A. tossing
B. wiggling
C. exhibiting
D. reviewing
It was a bloody ___ between the two armies.
A. rebellion
B. encounter
C. meet
D. fight
They conferred on the best way to ______ business.
A. extend
B. adjust
C. expand
D. adopt
We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ____ one this month.
A. another
B. the other B. more D. other
I decided to go to the library as soon as I ____.
A. finish what I did
B. finished what I did
C. would finish what I was doing
D. finished what I was doing
The speaker, ______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
A. having known
B. being known
C. knowing
D. known
No sooner had we reached the top of the hill ______ we all sat down to rest.
A. when
B. then
C. than
D. until
___ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.
A. Accumulated
B. Gathered
C. Assembled
D. Collected
Please ___ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.
A. engaged
B. comfort
C. execute
D. forgive
Sometimes it is very difficult to ___ some of the English words. Even the native speaker cannot help.
A. decrease
B. create
C. define
D. delight
In the wife’s eyes, his ___ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
A. requirement
B. commitment
C. participation
D. reflection
This newspaper often ___ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion.
A. affects
B. reacts
C. reflects
D. recognizes
It is predicted that heavy rains are ___ to flood the area in a few days.
A. frightening
B. threatening
C. scattering
D. warning
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
The spectacle of the aurora may appear to dazzle and ___ the observer’s eye.
A. enchant
B. charm
C. fascinate
D. draw
The top prize has enhanced the musician’s ___.
A. fame
B. status
C. courage
D. faith
Compared with Westerners, the ___ use less butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.
A. foreigners
B. Southerners
C. Northerners
D. Orientals
Within a few days she had become seriously ill, ___ great pain and discomfort.
A. surviving
B. suffering
C. affecting
D. accepting
People of their generation who lived through World War II have ___ memories of confusion and incompetence.
A. vivid
B. strong
C. acute
D. profound
Not a breath of fresh air ___ the long white curtains.
A. blew
B. stirred
C. whirled
D. stung
Figures showed customer complaints had ___ to record levels and profits were falling.
A. added
B. climbed
C. accumulated
D. soared