A. 腺体分泌物
B. 内分泌细胞分泌的具有生物活性的化学物质
C. 细胞的代谢产物
D. 作用与受体的物质
E. 以上都不是
A. 分为左、右两侧叶、经峡部相连
B. 侧叶在喉和气管侧面
C. 峡部多在2-4气管软骨的前方
D. 甲状腺产生甲状腺素和甲状旁腺素
E. 甲状腺可随吞咽上、下移动
A. 可单独存在或在于其它器官
B. 血供不丰富
C. 分泌物叫激素、并由导管送入血液循环
D. 内分泌与神经无关
E. 以上都不是
A. 胸腺
B. 甲状腺
C. 腮腺
D. 肾上腺
E. 甲状旁腺
A. 淋巴循环
B. 垂体束
C. 神经纤维
D. 垂体门脉系统
E. 神经纤维和淋巴循环
A. 消化道黏膜细胞
B. 甲状腺C细胞
C. 甲状旁腺细胞
D. 胰岛D细胞
E. 成骨细胞和破骨细胞
A. 维生素A
B. 维生素B
C. 维生素C
D. 维生素D
E. 维生素E
A. 生长激素
B. 催产素
C. 催乳素
D. 促甲状腺激素
E. 醛固酮
A. 垂体
B. 甲状腺
C. 松果体
D. 肾上腺
E. 胸腺
A. 垂体
B. 甲状腺
C. 松果体
D. 肾上腺
E. 胸腺
A. 输卵管子宫部
B. 输卵管峡
C. 输卵管壶腹部
D. 输卵管漏斗部
E. 子宫
A. 266天
B. 200天
C. 180天
D. 360天
E. 300天
A. 植入的时间大约从受精后第6~7天开始,第11~12天完成
B. 植入时子宫蚋膜处于分泌期
C. 植入的部位通常在子宫颈
D. 植入是在母体雌激素和孕激素协同作用下进行
E. 植入是指胚泡逐渐埋入子宫内膜的过程
A. 人绒毛膜促进性腺激素(HCG)
B. 人绒毛膜促乳腺生长激素
C. 孕激素
D. 雌激素
E. 生长素
A. 脊髓
B. 肾
C. 肝
D. 骨
E. 肌肉
4. 关于CSS2 下列说法正确的是?___
A. 业界唯一交换网硬件集群,直接通过交换网转发设备间控制和数据报文,不占用宝贵的业务槽位
B. 控制和监控平面合一,主控故障时,整机失去监控平面从而宕机。
C. 集群子卡的万兆端口,可以同时作为业务口使用。
D. 各框均至少有一个主控可用,集群才不会分裂。
5. 关于S12700 定位如下描述正确的是: ___
A. S12700 敏捷交换机主要定位敏捷园区场景、非敏捷园区场景不建议应用
B. S12700 定位园区核心,也可以应用在汇聚层,传统数据中心场景也可应用
C. S12700 对应思科的竞争对手主要是打击N7K
D. S12700 对应H3C 的竞争对手主要是打击S12500,并可以联合S77 的上下夹击
6. S 系列中低端交换机防雷能力设计是多大___
A. 8KV
B. 6KV
C. 2KV
D. 4KV
A. 业务类型多,出口链路繁多
B. 带宽利用率高
C. 带宽租用费用高
D. 业务部署时间长
13.下面技术哪些是NE40E 不支持的___
A. 广域加速
B. QSFP28 和CFP 的100G 端口
C. 50G 端口
D. IPsec 加密
19.华为数据中心SDN 解决方案中,虚拟防火墙型号(企业市场)是:___
A. USG6000
B. USG6000V
C. USG9500V
D. USG9000
20.在华为数据中心SDN 解决方案中,如果采用纯硬分布方案(border leaf 、service leaf 与spine 分设),跨子网转发的网关在哪里: ___
A. Spine
B. Vfw
C. Leaf 节点
D. 以上均可
21.以下哪款TOR 交换机可支持灵活插卡___
A. CE6870
B. CE6855
C. CE8861
D. CE8850
28.关于敏捷分布式AP 特点,说法错误的是___
A. 最大可支持48RU
B. 即插即用
C. 相比面板综合成本略高
D. RU 免License、管理节点少
29.Short GI 与normal GI 对应的GI 分别是: ___
A. 200ns ,400ns
B. 800ns ,1600ns
C. 400ns ,800ns
D. 100ns ,200ns
30.云管理全生命周期业务流程: ___
A. 云网规、云网优、云巡检、云部署
B. 云网规、云部署、云网优、云巡检
C. 云网优、云网规、云部署、云巡检
D. 云部署、云网规、云网优、云巡检
31.以下说法错误的是: ___
A. 华为自研智能天线技术,提升覆盖范围、穿墙能力及吞吐性能
B. AP8050TN-HD 采用AMC 超导材料小型化技术,内置天线缩小30%
C. 华为AP 支持200m 长距离供电,H3C 也支持
32.下面哪个不是AP7052DN 相对于友商的优势___
A. 支持POE OUT 输出供电
B. 支持200 米距离的POE 交换机供电
C. 支持1G/2.5G/5G 自适应以太网接口
D. 蓝牙、物联网插槽
40.下列哪个款型是AR ICT 融合班级教育网关?___
A. AR1220C
B. AR511
C. AR513
D. AR169
A. RS 485 、Zigbee
B. Hi-PLC 、Zigbee
C. RS485 、6Lowpan
D. Hi-PLC 、6Lowpan
47.下列不是USG600E 优势项的是___
A. SSD 硬盘
B. 严格前后风道设计
D. 自研芯片
48.华为SDSec 方案架构中超到承上启下关键作用的是如下()产品。___
B. Firehunter
D. Seco Manager
49.USG6650 最多可以扩展为多少万兆口?___
A. 4
B. 16
C. 8
D. 14
50.USG6000 在DLP 功能上的亮点是?___
A. 能对压缩文件解压后进行内容扫描
B. 能够对Office 文件内容进行过滤
C. 能够识别文件的真实类型,并对扩展名与文件类型不一致的情况进行告警
D. 能够对邮件内容进行扫描
51.USG6000 下一代防火墙中免费的功能是?___
B. URL 过滤
A. 5700SI
B. 5700HI
C. 5700LI
D. 5700EI
61.S1720-28GWR-PWR-4X 支持多少个以太网电口。___
A. 20
B. 24
C. 28
A. S5700-28P-LI-BAT
B. S5700-28X-LI
C. S5700-28P-SI
D. S5700-28C-EI
A. S7710
B. S12704
C. S7703
D. 以上都不支持
71.以下关于华为SD-WAN 的说法错误的是:___
A. SD-WAN 关于支持自研广域加速能力,包括视频加速和大文件传输加速
B. SD-WAN 当前主要适配AR 企业分支款型,对NE 还没做适配
C. SD-WAN 支持的隧道类型包括DSVPN 和Vxlan
D. SD-WAN 支持和riverbed 合作的广域加速
72、以下哪项不是NE 路由器支持的功能___
A. 防火墙
B. Telemetry 功能
C. NETstrearn 功能
D. BRAS 功能
An administrator is unable to remove an ESXi 6.x host from a vSphere Distributed Switch. What are two likely reasons for this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Vmkernel interfaces on the switch are still in use.
B. VM Network port group adapters are connected to different switch.
C. Physical NICs are migrated to different switch.
D. VM Network adapters are connected to this switch.
Which two Identity Sources are available to add for vCenter Single Sign-On authentication? (Choose two.)___
A. LocalOS
C. NIS as an LDAP Server
What are three goals of resource management within a cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. To prevent virtual machines from monopolizing resources and to guarantee predictable service rates.
B. To exploit undercommitted resources and overcommit with graceful degradation.
C. To provide solutions to potential problems that you might encounter when using vCenter Server.
D. To control the relative importance of virtual machines and provide flexible dynamic partitioning.
E. To provide additional network administration capabilities.
Which three actions can be taken as a result of executing the vSphere Update Manager 6.x scan and remediation wizards? (Choose three.)___
A. Install and upgrade software in virtual machines.
B. Upgrade the firmware on ESXi host devices.
C. Upgrade and Patch ESXi hosts.
D. Install and update third-party software on hosts.
E. Upgrade virtual machine hardware.
Which two statements are true about deploying and using vSphere Replication? (Choose two.)___
A. ESXi hosts managed by a single vCenter Server instance require a connection between the two vSphere Replication appliances.
B. Sites managed by different vCenter Server instances require a connection between the two vSphere Replication appliances.
C. Sites managed by different vCenter Server instances require the use of Site Recovery Manager and a connection between the two vSphere Replication appliances.
D. ESXi hosts managed by a single vCenter Server instance require a single vSphere Replication appliance.
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine, but the task is hanging at 95%. What three scenarios best explain why this problem is happening? (Choose three.)___
A. A virtual machine question is currently being posed to the administrator.
B. Another task for the virtual machine or other component is already in progress.
C. The VMware High Availability cluster has insufficient resources to guarantee failover.
D. The host has lost access to the storage device containing the virtual machine files.
E. The host is under resource contention and unable to power on the virtual machine.
Which three features are not supported when using Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual Volumes (VVOLS)
B. Storage vMotion
C. Virtual Machine Component Protection
D. vMotion
E. vSphere Distributed Switches
Which two storage controller configurations can be used with Virtual SAN? (Choose two.)___
A. SAS controllers in Passthrough mode
B. SAS controllers in RAID0 mode
C. SAS controllers in RAID1 mode
D. SAS controllers in RAID10 mode
Which three are requirements when using vMotion to move a virtual machine across vCenter Server systems? (Choose three.)___
A. Both vCenter Servers must be using Enhanced Linked Mode.
B. Both vCenter Servers must be in the same Single Sign-On Domain.
C. Time must be synchronized.
D. Duplicate VM MAC addresses must be configured.
E. Both vCenter Servers must have High Availability enabled on source and destination clusters.
Which two components can be used when configuring Enhanced Linked Mode? (Choose two.)___
A. vCenter Server Appliance
B. vRealize Operations Manager
C. vSphere Management Appliance
D. vCenter Server for Windows
An organization has a number of virtual machines that would benefit from Fault Tolerance. These include: <A single vCPU Apache Server> < A dual vCPU vCenter Server> < A quad vCPU SQL Server> <An eight vCPU Hadoop Server>. Which two virtual machines can be configured to use VMware Fault Tolerance? (Choose two.)___
A. Apache Server
B. vCenter Server
C. SQL Server
D. Hadoop Server
Which two badges are major badges in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Risk
B. Efficency
C. Workload
D. Faults
An administrator is deploying multiple Windows 2003 Virtual Machines from the same template. What two steps should be taken to avoid network conflicts? (Choose two.)___
A. Customize the guest operating system.
B. Install VMware Tools into the new virtual machines.
C. Copy the Microsoft Sysprep tools onto the vCenter Server system.
D. Ensure the e1000 vmnic is selected for each new virtual machine.
Which three conditions would prevent Storage I/O Control from being enabled on a group of datastores? (Choose three.)___
A. The datastores planned for the solution are used by different vSphere clusters.
B. A datastore planned for the solution is configured as a Raw Device Mapping file.
C. A datastore planned for the solution has three extents.
D. A datastore planned for the solution is configured as NFS.
E. The organization has an Enterprise license.
Which two actions are prerequisites to adding ESXi 6.x hosts to a vSphere Distributed Switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify that there is at least one Distributed Port Group on the Distributed Switch.
B. Verify that the Distributed Port Group have active uplinks configured in its teaming and failover policy.
C. Verify that the
D. istributed Switch has been configured with a Network Profile.
An organization has configured Distributed Power Management (DPM) on a vSphere 6 cluster. The organization wants to be alerted when an ESXi host has been powered down by DPM. Which two options represent the type and name of the alarm that would accomplish this? (Choose two.)___
A. DrsEnteringStandbyModeEvent
B. DrsEnteredStandbyModeEvent
C. Event-based
D. Condition-based
Which two allow for the disabling of Network Rollback operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Modifying the vpxd advanded configuration options and adding the config.vpxd.network.rollback key
B. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg file and adjusting the<rollback> xml tag
C. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg file and adjusting the <networkrollback> xml tag
D. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\firstboot\vpxd-service- spec.prop file and adjusting the <rollback> xml tag
An administrator is tasked with performing a vMotion migration of a virtual machine. The virtual machine is configured as follows: <vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC) enabled> <Is part of a Distributed Resource Cluster (DRS) Cluster> Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)___
A. Each ESXi host in the cluster supports multiple virtual flash resources.
B. Each ESXi host in the cluster supports one virtual flash resource.
C. DRS treats powered-on virtual machines with Flash Read Cache as having a preferred affinity to their current host and moves them only for mandatory reasons.
D. DRS treats powered-on virtual machines with Flash Read Cache as having a required affinity to their current host and does not move them.
An administrator is using the Host Failures to Tolerate Admission Control Policy for a vSphere High Availability ___ cluster. When configuring this setting on the cluster, the administrator sees this error message: <Insufficient resources to satisfy HA failover level on cluster > What are two likely causes for the error? (Choose two.)(AB)
A. The hosts in the cluster are disconnected.
B. A host in the cluster is displaying an HA error.
D. istributed Resource Scheduler has not been configured on the cluster.
What are two ways to identify TCP/IP stack information? (Choose two.)___
A. Using the vSphere Web Client
B. Using esxcli network ip netstack
C. Using esxcfg-netstack
D. Using the vSphere Client
Which two actions are required when enabling vFlash Read Cache for a virtual machine's virtual disk? (Choose two.)___
A. A value in the Virtual Flash Read Cache text box must be entered.
B. A Flash Resource Pool for Cache size reservation must be entered.
C. The Device backing and the block size must be configured.
D. The
E. nable virtual flash host swap cache check box must be selected.
What two IT infrastructure components are virtualized by vSphere Essentials? (Choose two.)___
A. Networks
B. Applications
C. Storage
D. Management
When attempting to access a virtual machine, an administrator is unable to login using the vSphere credentials. What two options are probable causes of the authentication failure? (Choose two.)___
A. The vSphere credentials have not been granted permissions.
B. The vSphere credentials are granted read-only permissions.
C. The vSphere credentials are granted no-access permissions.
D. The vSphere credentials are not a member of the local administrator group.
An administrator is performing a scripted installation of ESXi 6.x. In which three locations does the script need to be? (Choose three.)___
A. PXE Server
E. VVOLs Datastore
In order for a company to meet regulatory requirements, all ESXi 6.x Hosts must be configured to direct logs to a syslog server. What are two ways ESXi hosts can configured for this action? (Choose two)___
A. Use the esxcli system syslog command.
B. Edit them in the ESXi host Advanced System Settings.
C. From the Syslog collector user interface of the Web Client.
D. Syslog logging is not available for
E. SXi Hosts.
Which three actions can be executed when an alarm is triggered? (Choose three.)___
A. Send an email.
B. Send an SNMP trap.
C. Run a script or command.
D. Run an Orchestrator workflow.
E. Send a trigger to syslog.
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine, but is unable to do so. Which two reasons are probable causes of the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Storage access to the virtual machine swap file has been lost.
B. One of the virtual machine VMDK files is locked.
C. Virtual machine is running CentOS 7.0 64-bit.
D. Virtual machine has Hyper-Threading enabled.
An administrator has configured a host profile so that ESXi 6.x hosts will point to the corporate NTP server for time synchronization. The NTP server is located at, but time has not been synchronized properly across the ESXi hosts. The administrator reviews Host Profile settings as shown in the Exhibit. Which two steps are required to resolve the issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Correct the NTP server IP address.
B. Check the host for host profile compliance.
C. Remediate the host based on the updated host profile.
D. Change the NTP server to the FQDN as IP Addresses are not supported.
An administrator is attempting to migrate a large Hadoop virtual machine using vMotion. The administrator notices a delay when the machine is quiesced. The Hadoop virtual machine is processing many transactions a second to an in-memory database. Which two actions would help reduce the amount of time needed to perform a vMotion on this virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Use multiple NICs for the vMotion vmkernel port.
B. Use a 10Gbps Network card for the vMotion vmkernel port.
C. Add an additional management network to help transmit the data quicker.
D. Disable Fault Tolerance before performing the vMotion.
An administrator is installing a new network card in an ESXi 6.x host that is part of a vSphere cluster. When the host is placed into maintenance mode, the vSphere Web Client displays the progress bar at 2% for over 30 minutes. Which two are likely reasons for this occurrence? (Choose two.)___
A. Maintenance mode is unable to migrate all virtual machines from the host.
B. There is a large number of virtual machines that must be migrated from the host.
C. VMware High Availability is in the process of reconfiguring the cluster.
D. Each virtual machine on the
E. SXi host must be reconfigured to recognize the new adapter.
Which two events happen when Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is disabled? (Choose two.)___
A. The cluster's resource pool heirarchy and affinity rules are re-established when DRS is turned back on.
B. The cluster's resource pool hierarchy and affinity rules are not re-established when DRS is turned back on.
C. The cluster's resource pools are removed from the cluster.
D. The cluster's resource pools are removed from the cluster and assigned to the hosts.
Which two networking connection types can be configured on a virtual switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual machine portgroups
B. VMkernel services (such as NFS, iSCSI, or vMotion) to the physical network
C. Web services over the Management Network
D. NFS and FCoE storage services
An administrator creates a DRS cluster of eight ESXi 6.x hosts. There are 10 virtual machines balanced across the hosts. An attempt to place the first host into maintenance mode fails. What are two reasons that the host failed to enter maintenance mode? (Choose two.)___
A. The DRS cluster Automation Level is set to Partially Automated mode.
B. One of the virtual machines on the ESXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with a DRS Host affinity rule Should run on hosts in group.
C. One of the virtual machines on the ESXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with a DRS Host affinity rule Must run on hosts in group.
D. One of the virtual machines on the
E. SXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with an individual Automation Level set to Partially Automated.
When modifying a vApp, which two vSphere entities can be added? (Choose two.)___
A. A resource pool
B. A network pool
C. A vApp
D. A folder
From which two locations in the inventory hierarchy can you deploy a virtual machine using a template? (Choose two.)___
A. Directly from the template.
B. From a compute resource.
C. From an existing virtual machine.
D. From a Datastore.
A company has decided to implement Virtual SAN within their vSphere 6.x environment. The Virtual SAN cluster will be composed of three ESXi 6.x hosts that are on the Virtual SAN Ready Node list. Each ESXi host includes: <Two SAS Controllers that support Passthrough Mode> < Four Solid State Drives (SSDs) 1TB in size each> <20 SAS Magnetic Disks (MDs) 1TB in size each> <The SSDs and MDs are evenly split between the two SAS controllers>. The company will pilot a Virtual SAN cluster utilizing VMware best practices while maximizing storage capacity. The Virtual SAN cluster will use Manual Mode. Which two Disk Group configurations would meet the stated configuration requirements? (Choose two.)___
A. 4 disk groups with 1 SSD and 5 MDs each
B. 2 disk groups with 1 SSD and 7 MDs each
C. 2 disk groups with 2 SSDs and 7 MDs each
D. 2 disk groups with 1 SSD and 10 MDs each
A physical Windows 2008 R2 Server is converted to a virtual machine using VMware vCenter Converter. Upon completion of the conversion and subsequent power on operation, the virtual machine fails to boot and the message below is observed in the Console of the virtual machine: <STOP 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE>. Which two potential issues may be causing this boot failure? (Choose two.)___
A. An incorrect SCSI controller was selected during conversion.
B. Incompatible software drivers were migrated into the virtual machine from the source machine.
C. The vmdk file backing the virtual machine was thick provisioned.
D. A snapshot was taken immediately after the conversion completed.
An administrator is configuring the Failover Order option on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options should be used with IP-hash load balancing? (Choose two.)___
A. Active Uplinks
B. Standby Uplinks
C. Unused Uplinks
D. Override Failover Order
An administrator is configuring the Maximum Transmission Unit value on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options are typical values for ESXi networking? (Choose two.)___
A. 1492
B. 1500
C. 9000
D. 9089
Which two configurable options apply to both virtual machine CPU and memory allocation? (Choose two.)___
A. Reservation
B. Shares
C. Resource Pool
D. Reserve All