一个国家制定战略, 应考虑以下___几个方面。
A. 时代特征
B. 世界战略格局
C. 主要国家的战略动向
D. 当代世界战争与和平的趋势
A. 国家的地理环境
B. 政治环境
C. 综合国力状况
D. 外交政策
A. 文化
B. 政治
C. 法律制度
D. 基本国策
A. 构筑软实力强化新战略安全观
B. 独立自主、和平推进多极格局形成
C. 重塑国家安全体制和区域合作机制
D. 继续贯彻与邻为善、以邻为伴, 倡导互信、互利、平等、协作的周边外
A. 马克思列宁主义
B. 毛泽东思想
C. 邓小平理论
D. 江泽民思想
10依照《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,国家的根本任务是___ 。
A. 大力发展文化产业
B. 进行社会主义现代化建设
C. 完成统一祖国的大业
D. 维护国家的独立和安全
A. 强权政治
B. 殖民政治
C. 封建政治
D. 多极化
A. 国际战略格局与时代的发展密切相关
B. 国际战略格局同世界经济格局相适应
C. 国际战略格局各层次相对独立、相互影响
D. 国 际秩序是国际战略格局的现状在国际准则上的反映
A. “新干涉主义”
B. “干涉主义”
C. “大国主义”
D. 战略扩张
A. 历史结怨
B. 民族矛盾
C. 格局转换
D. 宗教对立
15总体稳定是世界形势的主流, 尽管发生世界大战的可能性越来越,但局部战争的危险依然存在,由于___等因素导致局部战争和武装冲突此起彼伏,一度出现增多的势头。
A. 力量失衡
B. 资源纠纷
C. 外部插手
D. 武器扩散
A. 战略目的
B. 战略形式
C. 战略力量
D. 战略体制
A. 美国仍是世界唯一超级大国
B. 世界多极化的趋势正在发展
C. 新的各种安全结构正在建立和完善
D. 经济因素在国际事务中的作用上升
A. 世界形势总体稳定,局 部动荡
B. 大国关系相对稳定,地区国家相互靠拢
C. 世界军备下降幅度参差不齐,质量建军成为主要竞争形势
D. 美国是世界唯一超级大国,积极发动战争以获取更大的国家利益。
A. 深化亚非合作 。面对新机遇新挑战
B. 拓展南南合作
C. 推进南北合作
D. 加强同西方国家的合作和发展
A. 几乎所在国家都不赞成建立以“美国为轴心的世界”新格局
B. 美国在国内面临众多的社会问题和经济问题,不具备承担“领导世界重任”的能力
C. 在国际上欧洲、日本等国家和地区的挑战,对美国的“世界新秩序”形成一大制约
D. 当今世界仍有许多尖锐矛盾和复杂问题,无论美国如何强大和富有,都不可能包揽解决所有问题
A. 美国
B. 中国
C. 俄罗斯
D. 日本
A. “多极化”将是未来国际战略格局发展的必然趋势
B. 美国“一超独霸"的局面将维持很长一段时间
C. 未来国际战略格局中各方关系将日趋复杂化
D. 维护国家利益的“软战争”将对国际战略格局产生重要影响
A. 美国
B. 俄罗斯
C. 印度
D. 朝鲜
A. 印度
B. 巴基斯坦
C. 朝鲜
D. 俄罗斯。
A. 中东波斯湾
B. 朝鲜半岛
C. 南亚次大陆
D. 台湾海峡
26从新中国成立到20世纪60年代, 对我国独立和安全的威胁主要来自美国,美国不甘心在中国内地的失败,长期推行___政策。
A. 政治上孤立
B. 经济上封锁
C. 军事上威胁
D. 反华、仇华
27为打破美、前苏两个超级大国对我国实施的战略包围 , 我国先后 采取了一系列重大战略性举措,___有力地打击了霸权主义行径。
A. 抗美援朝
B. 中印边境自卫反击战
C. 援越抗美斗争
D. 中越边境自卫还击作战,
A. 全球经济金融
B. 气候危机
C. 联合反恐
D. 反对霸权主义
29美国在不放松对中国在经济、政治、文化等方面遏制的同时, 在军事方面采取的措施有___。
A. 实现了在中亚的军事存在
B. 增强了其在东亚、东南亚、南亚地区的军事存在
C. 提升关岛美军的军备水平和战略威慑能力, 形成日本和关岛两大地区兵力投送中心
D. 调整了其在亚太地区的军事战略部署, 强化了美国与日、韩、澳等盟国的军事同盟关系
A. 中日之间在钓鱼岛方面存在严重争端
B. 中日之间在东海大陆架和东海油气资源方面存在严重争端
C. 日本在台湾问题上挑战中国的国家核心利益
D. 日本当局歪曲历史,美化侵略战争,拒绝承担战争责任
31境内的恐怖势力与境外“三股恶势力”遥相呼应, 在西方反华势力的支待下正走出“垫伏期”,不断进行干扰破坏活动,暴力化趋势日益增强下列___给各族群众生命财产造成重大损失,给当地正常秩序和社会稳定 造成严重破坏。
A. 西藏“3·14”事件
B. 乌鲁木齐“7·5”严重暴力犯罪事件
C. 昆明火车站暴力恐怖案件
D. 云南腾冲除夕血案
A. 邻国众多,强邻环伺
B. 战略区位重要,大国利益交汇
C. 多性突出,热点矛盾集中
D. 相安无事,和平安全
A. 美国视中国为主要潜在竞争对手
B. 中日之间存在一系列的矛盾和斗争
C. 恐怖主义活动猖獗, 对我国的威胁增大
D. 我国海洋权益遭遇严峻复杂的挑战
A. 日傍美制华,并不甘心为美火中取栗。
B. 美借日制华,却不希望中日交恶而不可收拾。
C. 美 国虽视中国为主要潜在对手,并采取措施对中国防范遏制,但双方在反恐、朝核、维持台海稳定及经贸合作领域存在共同利益,并不希望与中国发生对抗。
D. 遭受美国战略挤压的俄罗斯,在国力未得到全面恢复前 ,仍将是中国主荌战略伙伴,中俄关系有望继续稳固发展。
A. 印巴矛盾
B. 朝鲜半岛
C. 东海岛屿争端
D. 南海岛屿争端
A. 恐怖主义活动猖獗, 对我国的威胁增大
B. 大国关系的相对平稳发展是中国周边继续保持缓和的基础
C. 地区热点发生热战的可能性较低
D. 非传统安全问题将成为地区安全合作的催化剂
A. 经济安全
B. 环境安全
C. 文化安全
D. 社会安全
38我国的新战略安全观主要包括___ 。
A. 以国家安全为主体, 突出主权安全
B. 以和平共处五项原则为政治基础
C. 以相互安全为理论前提
D. 以综合安全为安全维护的内容
39我国在发展大国关系政策上有新的定位,其内容包括 ___。
A. 是不对抗、不结盟、不针对第三国的原则定位
B. 是包容整体利益的双赢策略定位
C. 是多重角色并举、灵活多变、万变不离其宗的角色定位。
D. 以和平共处五项原则为政治基础
A. 三沙市是中国地理纬度位置最南端的市
B. 三沙市的设立标志着中国继浙江省舟山市之后,出现了第二个以群岛为行政区划设立的地级市
C. 三沙市的设立标志着中国对南海及其附属岛屿、岛礁及有关领海的控制,有了更为有利的法理依据
D. 设立三沙市有利于进一步加强中国对西沙群岛 、中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及其海域的行政管理和开发建设,保护南海海洋环境。
A. 东沙群岛
B. 西沙群岛
C. 中沙群岛
D. 南沙群岛
A. 构筑软实力强化新战略安全观
B. 致力于发展新型大国关系
C. 重塑国家安全体制和区域合作机制
D. 继续贯彻与邻为善、以邻为伴,倡导互信、互利、平等、协作的周边外交方针
A. 战略思想
B. 政治环境
C. 军事力量
D. 经济基础
A. 战略目的
B. 战略形式
C. 战略力量
D. 战 略手段
A. 全局性
B. 对抗性
C. 谋略性
D. 多样性
Which two problems can arise when a proxy firewall serves as the gateway between networks?___
A. It can prevent content caching
B. It can limit application support
C. It is unable to prevent direct connections to other networks
D. It can cause reduced throughput.
E. It is unable to provide antivirus protection
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two methods are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Use sCep
B. Install from SFTP server
C. Install from a file
D. Use Https
Which two are considered basic security principles?___
A. Accountability
B. Redundancy
C. High Availabilit
D. Integrity
E. Confidentiality
Which two roles of the Cisco WSA are true?___
B. firewall
C. antispam
D. web proxy
E. URL filter
Which next-generation encryption algorithm supports four variants?___
A. SHA-2
B. SHA-1
C. MD5
What aims to remove the abil ity to deny an action?___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Integrity
D. Deniability
Which statements about the native VLAN is true ?___
A. It is susceptible to VLAN hopping attacks.
B. It is the Cisco recommended VLAN for switch-management traffic
C. It is most secure when it is a ssigned to vLAn 1.
D. It is the cisco-recomme nded vlan for user traffic
There are two versions of IKE:IKEv1 and IKEv2. Both IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols operate in phases IKEv1 operates in two phases. IKEv2 operates in how many phases?___
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
What does the dh group refer to?___
A. length of key for hashing C
B. length of key for encryption
C. tunnel lifetime key
D. length of key for key exchange
E. length of key for authentication
Which path do you follow to enable aaa through the SDM ?___
A. Configure Tasks > AAA
B. Configure > Addition Authentication > AAA
C. Configure > AAA
D. Configure > Additional Tasks > AAA
E. Configure Authentication > AAA
which technology cloud be used on top of an MPLS VPN to add confidentiality ?___
A. IPsec
Which term is most closely aligned with the basic purpose of a SIEM solution? ___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Causality
D. Repudiation
You have just deployed SNMPv3 in your environment, Your manager asks you to make sure that our SNMP agents can only talk to the SNMP Manager. What would you configure on your SNMI agents to satisfy this request?___
A. A SNMP View containing the SNMP managers
B. Routing Filter with the SNMP managers in it applied outbound
C. A standard ACL containing the SNMP managers applied to the SNMP configuration
D. A SNMP Group containing the SNMP managers
Which feature prevents loops by moving a nontrunking port into an errdisable state when a BPDU is received on that port?___
A. BPDU filte
B. DHCP snooping
C. BPDU guard
D. Port Fast
Which command enables port security to use sticky MAC addresses on a switch?___
A. switchport port-security violation restrict
B. switchport port-security mac-address sticky
C. switchport port-security violation protect
D. switchport port-security
When you edit an IPS subsignature, what is the effect on the parent signature and the family of subsignatures?___
A. The change applies to the parent signature and the entire family of subsignatures
B. The change applies to the parent signature and the subsignature that you edit
C. The change applies only to subsignatures that are numbered sequentially after the subsignature that you edit
D. Other signatures are unaffected, the change applies only to the subsignature that you dit
Which type of mechanism does Cisco FirePOWER de ploy to protect ag detected moving across other networks?___
A. antivirus scanning
B. policy-based
C. reputation-based
D. signature-based
What action must you take on the ise to blacklist a wired device?___
A. Locate the switch through which the device is connected and push an a cl restricting all access by the device
B. Issue a CoA request for the de vice's mac address to each access switch in the network
C. Revoke the device's certificate so it is unable to authenticate to the network
D. Add the device's MAc address to a list of black listed devices
Which type of firewall can perform deep packet inspection?___
A. packet-filtering firewall
B. stateless firewall
C. application firewall
D. personal firewall
What is the main purpose of Control Plane Policing?___
A. to prevent exhaustion of route-proce ssor resources
B. to organize the egress packet queues
C. to define traffic classes
D. to maintain the policy map
Which attack can be prevented by OSPF authentication?___
A. smurf attack
B. IP spoofing attack
C. denial of service attack
D. buffer overflow attack
What is the best definition of hairpinning?___
A. ingress traffic that traverses the outbound interface on a device
B. traffic that enters one interface on a device and that exits through another interface
C. traffic that enters and exits a device through the same interface
D. traffic that tunnels through a device interface
Which SNMPv3 security level provides authentication using HMAC with MD5, but does not use encryption?___
A. authPriv
B. authNo Priv
C. noAuthNoPriv
D. NoauthPriv
You have implemented a dynamic blacklist, using security intelligence to block illicit network activity. However, the blacklist contains several approved connections that users must access for usiness pur poses. Which action can you take to retain the blacklist while allowing users to access the approve d sites?___
A. Create a whitelist and manually add the approved addresses.
B. Disable the dynamic blacklist and deny the specif ic address on a whitelist while permitting the others
C. Edit the dynamic blacklist to remove the approved addresses
D. Disable the dynamic blacklist and create a static blacklist in its place
When connecting to an external resource,you must change a source IP address to use one IP address from a range of to Which option do you implement ?___
A. dynamic source NAT that uses an IP ad dress as a mapped source
B. static destination NAT that uses a subnet as a real de stination
C. dynamic source NAT that uses a range as a mapped source
D. static destination NAT that uses a subnet as a real source
Refer to the exhibit. 【nat(ins,any)dynamic interface】Which ty pe of NaT is configured on a Cisco ASA?___
A. dynamic NAT
B. source identity NAT
C. dynamic PAT
D. identity twice NAT
Which mitigation technology for web-based threats prevents the removal of confidential data from the network?___
Refer to the exhibit. What is the effect of the given configuration?___
A. It establishes the preshared key for the switch
B. It establishes the preshared key for the firewall.
C. It establishes the preshared key for the Cisco ISE appliance
D. It establishes the preshared key for the router.
What are two major considerations when choosing between a SPAN and a TAP when plementing IPS?___
A. the type of analysis the iS will perform
B. the amount of bandwidth available
C. whether RX and TX signals will use separate ports
D. the way in which media errors will be handled
E. the way in which dropped packets will be handled
What are two direct-to-tower methods for redirecting web traffic to Cisco Cloud Web Security?___
A. third-party proxies
B. Cisco Catalyst platforms
C. Cisco NAC Agent
D. hosted PAC files
E. CiSco ISE
Which three descriptions of RADIUS are true? ___
A. It uses TCP as its transport protocol.
B. Only the password is encrypted
C. It supports multiple transport protocols
D. It uses UDP as its transport protocol
E. It combines authentication and authorization
F. It separates authentication,authorization,and accounting
Which two configurations can prevent VLAN hopping attack from attackers at VLAN 10?___
A. using switchport trunk native vlan 10 command on trunk ports
B. enabling BPDU guard on all access ports
C. creating VLAN 99 and using switchport trunk native vlan 99 command on trunk ports
D. applying ACl between VLAN
E. using switchport mode access command on all host ports
F. using switchport nonegotiate command on dynamic desirable ports
What are two features of transparent firewall mode ___
A. It conceals the presence of the firewall from attackers
B. It allows some traffic that is blocked in routed mode
C. It enables the aSA to perform as a router.
D. It acts as a routed hop in the network.
E. It is configured by default
Which two models of A sa tend to be used in a data center?___
A. 5555X
B. 5585X
C. ASA service module
D. 5512X
E. 5540
F. 5520
Which two statements about hardware-based encrption are true?___
A. It is widely accessible
B. It is potentially easier to compromise than software-based encryption. It requires minimal configuration
C. It requires minimal configuration
D. It can be implemented without impacting performance
E. It is highly cost-effective
In which two modes can the Cisco We b Security appliance be de ployed?___
A. as a transparent proxy using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol
B. as a transparent proxy using the Web Cache Communication Protocol
C. explicit proxy mode
D. as a transparent proxy using the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
E. explicit active mode
A. 一样的
B. 可以互换
C. 有区别的
D. 没有区别