A. 发挥市场机制的作用
B. 处理好政府和市场的关系
C. 处理好行政机构之间的关系
D. 支持中小企业发展
A. 改革的方向
B. 改革的原则
C. 改革的任务
D. 改革的目标
A. 新思想 、新时代、强起来
B. 新时代、强起来、新思想
C. 新时代、新思想、强起来
D. 新时代、新思想、新航向
党的十八大以来,我国的经济建设取得了重大成就。经济保持中高速增长,综合国力和国 际影响力显著提升,经济总量稳居世界___
A. 第三位
B. 第四位
C. 第一位
D. 第二位
A. 阶级构成
B. 生产力发展水平
C. 社会主要矛盾
D. 核心建设任务
党对我国社会主要矛盾的认识根据社会发展变化而不断调整和深化。1981 年党的十一届六中全会通过的《历史决议》对我国社会主要矛盾的科学表述是___
A. 人民日益增长的精神生活需要同落后的社会发展之间的矛盾
B. 人民日益增长的消费需要同社会供给能力有限之间的矛盾
C. 人民日益增长的物质生活需要同社会供给能力有限之间的矛盾
D. 人民日益增长的物质文化生活需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾
A. 人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾
B. 人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不发达不同步的发展之间的矛盾
C. 人民日益增长的物质生活需要和不发达不同步的发展之间的矛盾
D. 人民日益增长的精神生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾
A. 各区域各领域各方面发展不平衡
B. 各省份各地区各单位发展不平衡
C. 各层次产业发展不平衡
D. 产业供给与需求不平衡
A. 一二三次产业发展不充分
B. 工农商各业发展不充分
C. 内 陆 地 区 经 济 发 展 不 充 分
D. 一些地区、一些领域、一些方面还存在发展不足的问题
A. 发展阶段的变化
B. 发展任务的变化
C. 社会主要矛盾的变化
D. 社会阶级构成的变化
A. 历史起点
B. 历史准备
C. 历史前提
D. 历史方位
A. 邓小平
B. 江泽民
C. 胡锦涛
D. 习近平
A. 发展社会主义经济
B. 改善人民生活水平
C. 坚持和发展中国特色社会主义
D. 不断推进理论创新
A. 推动世界和平与发展
B. 加快社会改革
C. 推进贸易自由化
D. 坚持和发展中国特色社会主义
A. 推动法治社会建设
B. 实现人民共同富裕
C. 实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴
D. 推动人类发展与进步
党的十九大报告指出,为实现中华民族伟大复兴和社会主义现代化,我们要在全面建成小康社会的基础上,力争在本世纪中叶把我国建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化 强国。为达成这一目标,要分___
A. 三步走
B. 两步走
C. 四步走
D. 一步到位
A. 以经济建设为中心
B. 以人民为中心
C. 以社会改革为中心
D. 以生态建设为中心
A. 四个全面
B. 六位一体
C. 四个自信
D. 五 位 一 体
A. 实现社会主义跨越式发展,为实现共产主义做准备
B. 实现区域均衡发展,缩小各地区经济社会发展差距
C. 实现收支平衡,维系国际竞争力
D. 完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化
A. 完善社会主义法治体系
B. 推进依法行政,实现司法公正
C. 建设中国特色社会主义法治体系、建设社会主义法治国家
D. 推动社会主义法治观念深入人心
A. 社会主义方向
B. 人民当家作主
C. 中国共产党领导
D. 依法治国
A. 社会主义方向
B. 中国共产党领导
C. 人民当家作主
D. 依法治国
A. 人民
B. 政府
C. 中国共产党
D. 人民代表大会
A. 基本力量
B. 重要力量
C. 核心力量
D. 根本力量
A. 创新、协作、持续、和平、绿色
B. 创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享
C. 创新、合作、绿色、开放、持续
D. 创新、协调、绿色、和平、共享
A. 全面改革开放
B. 全面深化改革
C. 全面依法治国
D. 全面从严治党
A. 道路自信
B. 制度自信
C. 理论自信
D. 文化自信
A. 增进民生福祉
B. 超越资本主义国家
C. 提升国际竞争力
D. 实现民族振兴
A. 一切为发展服务
B. 绿水青山就是金山银山
C. 碧水青山就是银山金山
D. 一切为人民服务
A. 思想建设
B. 组织建设
C. 政治建设
D. 制度建设
A. 实现国家独立
B. 实现人民解放
C. 实现人民当家作主
D. 实现中华民族伟大复兴
A. 实现国民经济跨越式发展
B. 实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴
C. 实现小康
D. 实现现代化
A. 中国音
B. 中国声
C. 中国梦
D. 中国行
2012 年 11 月 29 日,习近平在率领中央同志参观国家博物馆展览时提出了“中国梦”的概念, 这一展览的名称是___
A. 强国之路
B. 伟大梦想
C. 救亡图存
D. 复兴之路
A. 国家强大、人民生活水平提高、民族振兴
B. 国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福
C. 国家强大、民族振兴、文化繁荣昌盛
D. 国家富强、民族振兴、社会和谐、人民幸福
A. 党的十八大会议上
B. 党的十八届三中全会
C. 2012 年 11 月 29 日参观复兴之路展览
D. 第一次出访俄罗斯
A. 实现四个现代化
B. 成为社会主义强国
C. 实现中华民族伟大复兴
D. 实现共产主义
A. 经济发展
B. 政治进步
C. 社会安定
D. 中国梦
A. 民族的梦
B. 人民的梦
C. 国家的梦
D. 个人的梦
A. 具体的个人
B. 中华民族
C. 中国共产党
D. 人民
A. 中国特色社会主义道路
B. 中国特色发展之路
C. 中国特色创新之路
D. 中国特色法治之路
Which command can you enter to configure OSPF to use hashing to authenticate routing updates?___
A. ip ospf aut hentication message-digest
B. neighbor 192 168.0 112 cost md5
C. ip ospf priority 1
D. ip ospf aut hentication-key
Which command can you enter to verify the status of Cisco lOS Resilient Configuration on a Cisco router?___
A. show secure bootset
B. secure boot-image
C. show binary file
D. ure boot-config
A user on your network inadvertently activates a botnet program that was received as an emai attachment. Which type of mechanism does Cisco Firepower use to detect and block only the botnet attack?___
A. network-based access control rule
B. reputation-based
C. user-ba sed access control rule
D. botnet traffic filter
What does the policy map do in CoPP?___
A. defines service parameters
B. defines packet selection parameters
C. defines the packet filter
D. define s the action to be performed
How is management traffic isolated on a Cisco ASR 1002?___
A. Traffic isolation is done on the vlan level
B. There is no management traffic isolation on a Cisco ASR 1002
C. Traffic is isolated based upon how you configure routing on the device
D. The management interface is configured in a special vRF that provides traffic isolation from the default routing table
Which statement about NaT table evaluation in the asa is true?___
A. After-auto NAT polices are appl d first
B. Manual NAT policies are applied first
C. the asa uses the most specific match
D. Auto NAT policies are applied first
Which information can you display by executing the show crypto ipsec sa command?___
A. ISAKMP SAs that are established between two peers
B. recent changes to the IP address of a peer router
C. proxy infor mation for the connection between two peers
D. IPsec SAs established between two peers
How can you prevent NAT rules from sending traffic to incorrect interfaces?___
A. Assign the output interface in the NAT statement
B. Add the no-proxy-arp command to the nat line.
C. Configure twice NAT instead o bject NAT. 5
D. Use packet-tracer rules to reroute misrouted NAT entries.
What term can be defined as the securing, control, and identification of digital data?___
A. cryptography
B. crypto key
C. cryptoanalysis
D. cryptology
Which feature in the dNS security module provide on and off network DNS protection?___
A. Data Loss Prevention
B. Umbrella
C. Real-time sandboxing
D. Layer-4 monitoring
Which a dverse consequence can occur on a network without BPDu guard ?___
A. The olde st switch can be elected as the root bridge
B. Unauthorized switches that are connected to the network can cause spanning-tree loops
D. ouble tagging can cause the switches to experience CAM table overload.
What configuration is required for multitenancy ?___
A. shared infrastructure
B. multiple carriers
C. co-located resources
D. multiple separate zones
Why does ISE require its own certificate issued by a trusted CA?___
A. ISEs certificate allows guest devices to validate it as a trusted network device
B. It generates certificates for guest devices ba sed on its own certificate
C. It requests certificates for guest devices from the Ca server based on its own certificate.
D. ISE's certificate allows it to join the network security framework
which attack involves large numbers of ICMP packets with a spoofed source IP address?___
A. smurf attack
B. Teardrop attack
C. Nuke attack
D. SYN Flood attack
Which statement about interface and global access rules is true?___
A. Interface access rules are processed before global access rules.
B. Global access rules apply only to outbound traffic, but interface access rules can be applied in either direction
C. The implicit allow is proce ssed after both the global and interface access rules
D. If an interface access rule is applied, the global access rule is ignored
Which type of malicious software can create a back-door into a device or network?___
A. bot
B. worm
C. virus
D. Trojan
Which security term refers to the like lihood that a weakness will be exploited to cause damage to an asset?___
A. threat
B. risk
C. countermeasure
D. vulnerability
Which IPS detection method examines network traffic for preconfigured patterns?___
A. signature-based detection
B. honey-pot detection
C. anomaly-based detection
D. policy-based detection
What is an advantage of split tunneling ?___
A. It allows users with a VpN connection to a corporate network to access the internet with sending traffic across the cor porate network.
B. It allows users with a vpn connection to a corporate network to access the internet by using the vPN for security.
C. It protects traffic on the private network from users on the public network
D. It enables the VPN server to filter traffic more efficiently
Which IDS/IPS state misidentifies acceptable behavior as an attack ?___
A. false negative
B. true positive NEKA G
C. true negative
D. false positive
What is the maximum num ber of methods that a single method list can contain?___
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
Which command enables authentication at the oSPFv2 routing process level?___
A. ip ospf authentication message-digest
B. area 0 authentication message-digest
C. ip ospf message-digest-key 1 mds Cisco
D. area 0 authentication ipsec spi 500 md5 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF
Which type of firewall monitors a nd protects a specific system?___
A. firewall
B. application firewall
C. stateless firewall wvp
D. personal firewall
On an ASA, which maps are used to identify traffic?___
A. Route maps
B. Policy maps
C. Class maps
D. Service maps
Which type of social engineering attack targets top executives?___
A. whaling
B. vishin
C. spear phishing ng
D. baiting
What is the minimum Cisco lOS version that supports zone-based firewalls?___
A. 12.1T
B. 15.1
C. 15.0
D. 124
In which type of attack does an attacker overwrite an entry in the CAM table to divert traffic destined to a legitimate host?___
A. DHCP spoofing
B. ARP spoofing
C. CAM table overflow
D. MAC spoofing
Which two attack types can be prevented with the impleme ntation of a Cisco IPS solution?___
A. DDos
B. man-in-the-middle
C. worms
D. ARP spoofing
E. VLAN hopping
choose four___
A. DHCP snooping ——————————blocks DHCP messages
B. Dynamic ARP inspection——————verifies IP-to-MAC traffic on untrusted ports
C. IP sources guard ——————————provides layer 2 interface security with ports ACLs
D. Port security————————————mitigates MAC-address spoofing at the access interface
choose four___
A. Step1————————run the system setup wizard
B. Step2————————add an authentication realm
C. Step3————————configure identity management
D. Step4————————configure directory group
What are two advanced features of the Cisco AMp solution for endpoints ___
A. contemplation
B. foresight
C. sandboxing
D. reputation
E. reflection
Which two characteristics of RADIUS are true?___
A. It encrypts only the password between user and server.
B. It uses TCP ports 1812/1813
C. It uses UDP ports 1812/1813.
D. It uses UDP port 49
E. It uses TCP port 49
What are two challenges of using a network-based IPS? ___
A. It is unable to determine whether a detected attack was successful
B. It requires additional storage and proce ssor capacity on syslog servers
C. As the network expands, it requires you to add more sensors.
D. It is unable to detect attacks across the entire network
E. It must support multiple operating systems.
What are two default be haviors of the traffic on a zone-based firewall?___
A. Traffic within the self -zone uses an im plicit deny all.
B. All traffic between zones is implicitly blocked
C. Communication is allowed between interfadAss that are members of the same zone
D. Communication is blocked between interfaces that are members of the same zone
E. The CBAC rules that are configured on router interfaces apply to zone interfaces
Which two advantages does the on-premise model for MDM deployment have over the cloud-based model?___
A. The on-premise model is easier and faster to de ploy than the cloud-based model
B. The on-premise model is more scalable than the cloud-based model
C. The on-premise model is generally less expensive than the cloud-based model
D. The on-premise model generally has less latency than the cloud- based model.
E. The on-premise model provides more control of the MDM solution than the cloud
Which two actions can an end usts take to manage a lost or stolen device in Cisco ISE? ___
A. Activate Cisco ISE End point Protection Services to quarantine the device.
B. Add the mac address of the device to a list of blacklisted devices
C. Force the device to be locked with a PIN
D. Request revocation of the digital certificate of the device.
E. Reinstate a device that the user previously marked as lost or stolen
Which two problems can arise when a proxy firewall serves as the gateway between networks?___
A. It can prevent content caching
B. It can limit application support
C. It is unable to prevent direct connections to other networks
D. It can cause reduced throughput.
E. It is unable to provide antivirus protection
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two methods are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Use sCep
B. Install from SFTP server
C. Install from a file
D. Use Https
Which two are considered basic security principles?___
A. Accountability
B. Redundancy
C. High Availabilit
D. Integrity
E. Confidentiality
Which two roles of the Cisco WSA are true?___
B. firewall
C. antispam
D. web proxy
E. URL filter